User prompt
Loop the road loading from top to down
User prompt
Add road asset the map
User prompt
Change the direction of rotating
User prompt
Ensure that car movement only when the player clicks. If the player dont click the the car is stop movement
User prompt
Ensure that car movement only when the player clicks.
User prompt
Syncronise the car spin and the angle rotation to clockwise drift around the tree
User prompt
When the car spin around the tree then also rotate the car angle.
User prompt
Drifting is based on cars back
User prompt
Steeringwheel rotation based on players rotating control
User prompt
The cars rotation based on steeringwheel rotation by player
User prompt
Add a steerinwheel asset to the right bottom of the map to player can control cars rotation
User prompt
Do not spinnig the car when not reach a tree
User prompt
The car should perform a slow back and forth movement when not spinning
User prompt
Slow rotation to the half
User prompt
Slow rotation to the half
User prompt
Rotate cars back when the car is drifting but not not the front
User prompt
Based the car drifting on the steerinwheels rotation left or right
User prompt
If the player rotate the steerinwheel asset to the right, then rotate the car right
User prompt
If the player rotate the steerinwheel asset to the left, then rotate the car left
User prompt
If the player rotate the steerinwheel asset to the right, then rotate the car right
User prompt
If the player rotate the steerinwheel asset to the right, then rotate slowly the car right
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'ReferenceError: steeringWheel is not defined' in or related to this line: 'self.angle += steeringWheel.rotation * 0.01;' Line Number: 24
User prompt
Add a steering wheel asset to your game as a touchpad input. The player can control and rotate the car by rotating it.
User prompt
Slow down the player speed to half
User prompt
The car should always rotate so that the line of the car rotates towards the center of the image
* Classes
//<Assets used in the game will automatically appear here>
//<Write imports for supported plugins here>
// Car class to represent the BMW car
var Car = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var carGraphics = self.attachAsset('car', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.speed = 2.5;
self.angle = 0;
// Update function to move the car in a circular path
self.update = function () {
var dx = 1024 - self.x;
var dy = 1366 - self.y;
self.angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
self.x += self.speed * Math.cos(self.angle);
self.y += self.speed * Math.sin(self.angle);
// Tree class to represent the pine tree
var Tree = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var treeGraphics = self.attachAsset('tree', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.lightsOn = false;
self.speed = 2;
// Function to turn on the lights
self.turnOnLights = function () {
if (!self.lightsOn) {
self.lightsOn = true;
LK.effects.flashObject(self, 0xffff00, 1000); // Flash the tree with yellow light
self.update = function () {
self.y += self.speed;
if (self.y > 2732) {
self.y = -50 / 4; // Decrease the distance between two trees to half the current distance
self.lightsOn = false;
* Initialize Game
var game = new LK.Game({
backgroundColor: 0x000000 //Init game with black background
* Game Code
// Initialize game elements
var car = game.addChild(new Car());
var tree = game.addChild(new Tree());
// Position the tree at the center of the screen
tree.x = 1024;
tree.y = 1366;
// Position the car at the center bottom of the screen
car.x = 1024;
car.y = 2732 - car.height / 2;
// Update function for the game
game.update = function () {
// Check if the car has completed a full circle around the tree
if (Math.abs(car.angle - 2 * Math.PI) < 0.1) {
// Event listeners for touch controls
game.down = function (x, y, obj) {
// Increase car speed when the screen is touched
car.speed = 10;
game.up = function (x, y, obj) {
// Reset car speed when the touch is released
car.speed = 5;