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in Projections, for create variables for important values like scale, gravity, etc.. like it was done for speed and nbProjections. it's easier to tweak
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Ok, now randomize their size and rotation
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with a bit more power toward up
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Ok, now thatwe jave gravity, make initial move of heart more toward the up direction
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adapt Projections to add gravity to hearts movement
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Change behaviour of popHearts to avoid reseting hearts that have not finiched their animation
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in popHearts, add heart to the same container as its parent
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and the backgroundContainer, etc... to the game
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place projectionsManager in backgroundContainer and bigHeart in middleground
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create 3 global container for background, middleground and foreground
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in Projections, create a pool of hearts and use them in popHearts for performance
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add argument heartType to popHearts instead of Projections constructor
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remove new Projections(self.currentGraphic.heartType); from BigHearts use popHearts instead
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create a global variable 'projectionsManager' of Projection class. in Projection class create a function popHearts() that can be called to pop hearts
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move the game.addChild(projection); inside Projection class and generate 10 hearts in Projection class
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in Projections, create 10 hearts each time
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Projections class should generate lots of small hearts like conffettis that go in multiple directions
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add a new class Projections responsible of creating projections of hearts at each tap; it should take an index of the heart asset to use
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--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -157,9 +157,9 @@
var self =;
var nbProjections = 10;
var heartSpeed = 20;
var gravity = 0.5;
- var initialScale = 0.5;
+ var initialScale = 0.25;
var scaleVariation = 0.5;
var alphaDecay = 0.005;
self.heartPool = [];
// Initialize heart pool
a big lovely heart
a big stone heart
a big used copper heart
face view of a big bronze heart
face view of a big silver heart
Big shining gold heart verly slightly ornate. face view.
Big precious shiny porcelain heart slightly ornate. face view.
Large precious heart in mother-of-pearl, lightly ornate. Front view.
Large heart in precious ruby, very lightly decorated. Front view.
The most precious large heart in diamond, Front view.
clean pink enamel board witha very thin border