User prompt
If a player clicks on the ceiling light 10 times in a row, the light will drop behind the table. At the same time, darkOverlay will turn on.
User prompt
If the player does not touch the ceilingLight for 2 seconds, the player's swaying gradually slows down and returns to its original vertical position within 7 seconds.
User prompt
If the player does not touch the ceilingLight for 2 seconds, the player's swaying gradually slows down and returns to its original vertical position within 4 seconds.
User prompt
CeilingLight rocks 20 degrees maximum to the left, 20 degrees maximum to the right
User prompt
CeilingLight rocks 45 degrees maximum to the left, 25 degrees maximum to the right
User prompt
If the player does not touch the ceilingLight for 2 seconds, its swaying will gradually slow down more and more and return to its original vertical position in 4 seconds.
User prompt
If the player does not touch the ceilingLight for 2 seconds, its swaying will gradually slow down.
User prompt
CeilingLight rocks 45 degrees maximum to the left, 45 degrees maximum to the right
User prompt
Move up the ceilingLight with 300 units
User prompt
Move up the ceilingLight with 100 units
User prompt
The center of ceilingLight rotation is not in the center of the image, but at the top of the image!
User prompt
If the player touches the ceilingLight, it will begin to sway weakly. If the player presses ceilingLight several times in a row, the swaying is increased to 1.5x speed.
User prompt
Lightswitch-off asset cannot be obscured by anything
User prompt
Place the lightswitch-off asset bottom on top of the lightswitch.
User prompt
Add lightswitch-off asset to the map
User prompt
Add to the map lightswitch-off asset
User prompt
Add to the maplightswitch-off asset
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: Graphics is not a constructor' in or related to this line: 'var overlayGraphics = new Graphics();' Line Number: 61
User prompt
When the player clicks the light switch, the entire map suddenly goes dark by 95% and stays that way until it is switched back on!
User prompt
When the player clicks the light switch, the map suddenly darkens by 95% and stays that way until it is switched back on!
User prompt
When the player clicks the light switch, the track suddenly darkens by 90% and stays that way until it is switched back on;
User prompt
When the player clicks the light switch, the track suddenly darkens by 90%.
User prompt
Move up the ceilingLight with 50 units
User prompt
Move up the ceilingLight with 50 units
User prompt
Move up the ceilingLight with 50 units
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -40,8 +40,36 @@
anchorY: 0.5
self.x = 2048 / 2; // Center the ceiling light horizontally
self.y = 2732 / 2 - 1150; // Move the ceiling light up by 50 units
+ // Initialize swaying properties
+ self.swaySpeed = 0.01;
+ self.swayDirection = 1;
+ self.swaying = false;
+ self.swayCount = 0;
+ // Method to start swaying
+ self.startSwaying = function () {
+ if (!self.swaying) {
+ self.swaying = true;
+ self.swayCount = 0;
+ }
+ };
+ // Method to update swaying
+ self.updateSwaying = function () {
+ if (self.swaying) {
+ self.rotation += self.swaySpeed * self.swayDirection;
+ self.swayCount++;
+ if (self.swayCount > 100) {
+ self.swayDirection *= -1;
+ self.swayCount = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // Event handler for when the ceiling light is touched
+ self.down = function (x, y, obj) {
+ self.startSwaying();
+ self.swaySpeed *= 1.5; // Increase swaying speed
+ };
// Define a class for the DarkOverlay
var DarkOverlay = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
@@ -65,17 +93,10 @@
var switchGraphics = self.attachAsset('lightswitch', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
- var switchOffGraphics = self.attachAsset('lightswitch-off', {
- anchorX: 0.5,
- anchorY: 0.5
- });
- switchOffGraphics.visible = false; // Initially hidden
self.x = 2048 / 2 + 800;
self.y = 2732 / 2 - 500; // Move the light switch up by 500 units
- switchOffGraphics.x = 0;
- switchOffGraphics.y = 0; // Position the lightswitch-off asset on top of the lightswitch
self.isTouched = false;
// Event handler for when the switch is touched
self.down = function (x, y, obj) {
self.isTouched = true;
@@ -150,9 +171,8 @@
// Add the wooden box to the game
var woodenBox = game.addChild(new WoodenBox());
var toggleSwitch = game.addChild(new ToggleSwitch());
var lightSwitch = game.addChild(new LightSwitch());
-game.setChildIndex(lightSwitch, game.children.length - 1); // Ensure lightSwitch is on top
var catPaw = game.addChild(new CatPaw());
// Add the dark overlay to the game
var darkOverlay = game.addChild(new DarkOverlay());
// Game update loop
@@ -161,8 +181,9 @@
if (lightSwitch.isTouched) {
darkOverlay.toggle(); // Toggle the dark overlay
lightSwitch.isTouched = false; // Reset the switch state
+ ceilingLight.updateSwaying(); // Update swaying effect for ceiling light
// Handle touch events on the game
game.down = function (x, y, obj) {
// Convert global coordinates to local game coordinates
Tricolor cat face view. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
simple coffee table front view.
matte white rockerSwitch front view.
fehér fényű mennyezeti lámpa.
yellow stickyNote with "Let the cat sleep! Xoxo!" text and a red-stain.
thin, black, up and down arrow.