User prompt
Move down the cat with 200 units
User prompt
Move down the cat with 30 units
User prompt
Move down the cat with 20 units
User prompt
The box and table must not cover the switch.
User prompt
Move down the switch with 300 units
User prompt
Do it
User prompt
Put the box forward
User prompt
The table should never cover the box.
User prompt
Move down the box with 200 units
User prompt
Move down the table with 2000 units
User prompt
Move up the table with 300 units
User prompt
Move down the table with 800 units
User prompt
Add a table to the game
User prompt
Move the wallpaper up by 30 units
User prompt
Move up the wallpaper with 300 unit
User prompt
Add a wallpaper asset to the game
User prompt
Add a wooden box
User prompt
Add a wooden box with a black interior
User prompt
Add a cat paw
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: rockerSwitch.containsPoint is not a function' in or related to this line: 'if (rockerSwitch.containsPoint(localPos)) {' Line Number: 64
Initial prompt
Don't touch useless cat box
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -87,10 +87,14 @@
var catPaw = game.addChild(new CatPaw());
var rockerSwitch = game.addChild(new RockerSwitch());
// Add the table to the game
var table = game.addChild(new Table());
+// Add the rocker switch to the game
+var rockerSwitch = game.addChild(new RockerSwitch());
// Add the wooden box to the game
var woodenBox = game.addChild(new WoodenBox());
+// Add the rocker switch to the game
+var rockerSwitch = game.addChild(new RockerSwitch());
// Game update loop
game.update = function () {
// Check if the rocker switch is touched
if (rockerSwitch.isTouched) {
Tricolor cat face view. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
simple coffee table front view.
matte white rockerSwitch front view.
fehér fényű mennyezeti lámpa.
yellow stickyNote with "Let the cat sleep! Xoxo!" text and a red-stain.
thin, black, up and down arrow.