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Fix Bug: 'ReferenceError: currentDelta is not defined' in or related to this line: 'console.log(self.stockValue1 + '->' + self.stockValue2, ' Y1: ' + Math.floor(self.y1) + ' < Y: ' + Math.floor(self.y) + ' < Y2: ' + Math.floor(self.y2), ' / targetY: ' + Math.floor(targetY) + ' -> deltaY: ' + Math.floor(deltaY) + ' Axis: +' + Math.floor(currentDelta));' Line Number: 31
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Fix Bug: 'ReferenceError: segment is not defined' in or related to this line: 'if (moveSegmentsVertically && segment.isFinished) {' Line Number: 19
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add a new independent and fixed horizontal Marker axis at y = game.height *0.25
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Fix Bug: 'ReferenceError: targetYDollard is not defined' in or related to this line: 'console.log('currentDelta :' + currentDelta + ' / targetY ' + targetY + ' | target $ ' + targetYDollard + ' -> ' + deltaY);' Line Number: 30
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Fix Bug: 'ReferenceError: fixedHAxisY is not defined' in or related to this line: 'console.log('Ok stop Up movement. Stock value:', Math.floor(stockValuesHistory[graphIndex]), 'Axis Y:', Math.floor(self.y), 'Normal Y:', fixedHAxisY);' Line Number: 51
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Fix Bug: 'Timeout.tick error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'width')' in or related to this line: 'console.log("drawNextSegment " + graphIndex + '-' + (graphIndex + 1) + ' w=' + lastSegment.width);' Line Number: 215
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make the horizontal axis movement fluid, you should implement a smooth interpolation or easing function that gradually adjusts the axis position over time.
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when creating a new segment, set the properties - stockValue1 : the stock value of the start of the segment - stockValue2 : the stock value of the end of the segment - x1 : the x value of the start of the segment - y1 : the y value of the start of the segment - x2 : the x value of the end of the segment - y2 : the y value of the end of the segment
User prompt
set those values in drawSegment function
User prompt
in GraphSegment add properties : - stockValue1 : the stock value of the start of the segment - stockValue2 : the stock value of the end of the segment - x1 : the x value of the start of the segment - y1 : the y value of the start of the segment - x2 : the x value of the end of the segment - y2 : the y value of the end of the segment
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remove the yValue of the GraphSegment
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* Classes
var GraphSegment = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
self.yValue = 0; // Track the Y value of the segment
self.updateSlide = function () {
if (moveSegments) {
self.x -= slideAmount;
if (moveSegmentsVertically) {
self.y += verticalSlideAmount * 0.01;
var segmentGraphics = self.attachAsset('segment', {
anchorY: 0.5
// Function to slide the segment to the left
// Axis class to represent the graph axes
var Axis = Container.expand(function (isVertical) {
var self =;
self.isVertical = isVertical; // Property to determine if the axis is vertical
self.yValue = 0; // Track the Y value of the axis for vertical movement
self.updateSlide = function () {
var stockDelta = Math.max(0, stockValuesHistory[graphIndex] - 100);
var fixedHAxisY = game.height * 0.75 + stockDelta * dollarToYPixelRatio;
if (!self.isVertical && moveSegmentsVertically) {
var upperLimit = game.height * 0.25;
var lowerLimit = game.height * 0.75;
self.y += verticalSlideAmount;
// Check if the axis has reached the desired position
if (self.y > fixedHAxisY) {
self.y = fixedHAxisY;
//moveSegmentsVertically = false;
if (self.y < game.height * 0.75) {
self.y = game.height * 0.75;
moveSegmentsVertically = false;
console.log('Current stock value:', Math.floor(stockValuesHistory[graphIndex]), 'Axis Y:', Math.floor(self.y), 'Normal Y:', fixedHAxisY);
if (!self.isVertical) {
// Log current stock value and self.y only for horizontal axis
//console.log('Current stock value:', Math.floor(stockValuesHistory[graphIndex]), 'Axis Y:', Math.floor(self.y), 'Normal Y:', fixedHAxisY);
self.drawAxis = function () {
var axisGraphics = self.addChild(LK.getAsset('axis', {
height: 4 // Thin line for the axis
// ValueIndicator class to represent the current value of the stock on the graph
// Player class to represent the player's portfolio
var Player = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
self.balance = 100; // Start with $100
self.stocks = {}; // Object to hold stocks and quantities
self.buyStock = function (stock, quantity) {
var cost = stock.getPrice() * quantity;
if (self.balance >= cost) {
self.balance -= cost;
if (!self.stocks[stock]) {
self.stocks[stock] = 0;
self.stocks[stock] += quantity;
self.sellStock = function (stock, quantity) {
if (self.stocks[stock] && self.stocks[stock] >= quantity) {
self.balance += stock.getPrice() * quantity;
self.stocks[stock] -= quantity;
if (self.stocks[stock] === 0) {
delete self.stocks[stock];
self.getBalance = function () {
return self.balance;
self.getPortfolio = function () {
return self.stocks;
* Initialize Game
var game = new LK.Game({
// No need to set backgroundColor since we are adding a background asset
* Game Code
function setDebugValues() {
stockValuesHistory = [];
var series = [50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 125, 100, 75, 50];
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
stockValuesHistory = stockValuesHistory.concat(series);
var slideAmount = 5.0;
var slideAmountVertical = 0.10; // Reduced speed for smoother vertical movement
var moveSegmentsVertically = false;
var verticalSlideThreshold = 500; // Define a global threshold for vertical sliding
// Create and add background asset
var running = false;
var moveSegments = false;
var drawingInProgress = false;
var background = game.addChild(LK.getAsset('background', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
background.x = 1024; // Center x position
background.y = 2732 - background.height / 2; // Center y position
// Initialize game elements
var player = new Player();
var stocks = [];
// Initialize stock values history with the first value of $10
var stockValuesHistory = [50];
// Define graphIndex and initialize to 0
var graphIndex = 0;
// Declare a global array to store graph segments
var graphSegments = [];
// Generate random deltas and add to previous value for stockValuesHistory
var previousValue = stockValuesHistory[stockValuesHistory.length - 1];
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
var delta = Math.floor((Math.random() - 0.5) * 100); // Generate a delta between -50 and 50
var newValue = Math.max(0, previousValue + (previousValue == 0 ? Math.abs(delta) : delta));
previousValue = newValue;
// Create and draw horizontal axis
var horizontalAxis = game.addChild(new Axis(false)); // false indicates this is a horizontal axis
horizontalAxis.yValue = game.height * 0.75; // Initialize yValue for vertical movement
horizontalAxis.y = horizontalAxis.yValue;
horizontalAxis.width = game.width;
horizontalAxis.height = 6;
horizontalAxis.x = 0; // Move axis to the left side of the screen
// Create and draw vertical axis
var verticalAxis = game.addChild(new Axis(true)); // true indicates this is a vertical axis
verticalAxis.rotation = Math.PI / 2; // Rotate to make it vertical
verticalAxis.x = 20; // Move axis to the left side of the screen
verticalAxis.width = game.height;
verticalAxis.y = 0;
var graphPoints = [];
var graphWidth = game.width;
var segmentWidth = graphWidth / 6; //; / stockValuesHistory.length;
var x, y;
// Compute the coordinates for the graph based on stockValuesHistory
var dollarToYPixelRatio = game.height * 0.5 / 100;
for (var i = 0; i < stockValuesHistory.length; i++) {
x = Math.min(segmentWidth * i, game.width * 0.75);
y = game.height * 0.5 - (stockValuesHistory[i] - 50) * (game.height * 0.5 / 100); // Calculate Y based on new mapping
x: x,
y: y
var segmentDrawInterval = null;
var stockDisplay = []; // Array to hold stock display elements
var balanceText = new Text2('Balance: $' + player.getBalance(), {
size: 50,
fill: "#ffffff"
// Create a text display for the verticalSlideAmount labeled VSA
var verticalSlideAmount = 0;
var vsaText = new Text2('VSA: ' + verticalSlideAmount.toFixed(0), {
size: 50,
fill: "#ffffff"
vsaText.anchor.set(0, 0);
var stockValueText = new Text2('Stock Value: $' + stockValuesHistory[stockValuesHistory.length - 1].toFixed(2), {
size: 50,
fill: "#ffffff"
stockValueText.anchor.set(1, 0);
function updateStockValueText() {
stockValueText.setText('Stock Value: $' + stockValuesHistory[graphIndex].toFixed(0));
balanceText.anchor.set(0.5, 0);;
// Update the player's balance display
function updateBalanceDisplay() {
balanceText.setText('Balance: $' + player.getBalance().toFixed(2));
// Function to handle buying stocks
function buyStock(stock) {
player.buyStock(stock, 1); // Buy 1 stock for simplicity
// Function to handle selling stocks
function sellStock(stock) {
player.sellStock(stock, 1); // Sell 1 stock for simplicity
function drawNextSegment() {
console.log("drawNextSegment " + graphIndex + ' isDrawing = ' + drawingInProgress);
var hasFinished = graphIndex >= graphPoints.length - 1;
if (hasFinished) {
running = false;
if (!drawingInProgress) {
var pointA = graphPoints[graphIndex];
var lastSegment = graphSegments.length > 0 ? graphSegments[graphSegments.length - 1] : null;
var lastSegmentEndX = lastSegment ? lastSegment.x + Math.cos(lastSegment.rotation) * lastSegment.width : 0;
var lastSegmentEndY = lastSegment ? lastSegment.y + Math.sin(lastSegment.rotation) * lastSegment.width : 0;
pointA.x = lastSegment ? lastSegmentEndX : 0;
pointA.y = graphPoints[graphIndex].y;
var pointB = graphPoints[graphIndex + 1];
var currentYDelta = Math.abs(horizontalAxis.y - game.height * 0.75);
var upperLimit = game.height * 0.25 - currentYDelta;
var lowerLimit = game.height * 0.75 - currentYDelta;
if (pointB.y < upperLimit) {
verticalSlideAmount = upperLimit - pointB.y;
moveSegmentsVertically = true;
console.log("Sliding up to adjust graph! by " + verticalSlideAmount);
} else if (pointB.y > lowerLimit && stockValuesHistory[graphIndex + 1] !== 0) {
verticalSlideAmount = lowerLimit - pointB.y;
moveSegmentsVertically = true;
console.log("Sliding down to adjust graph! by " + verticalSlideAmount);
var delay = 0.5; // Reduce delay to speed up the drawing of segments
drawingInProgress = true;
drawSegment(game, graphIndex, pointA.x, pointA.y, pointB.x, pointB.y, delay);
function drawSegment(gameRef, index, x1, y1, x2, y2, delay) {
var segment = gameRef.addChild(new GraphSegment());
segment.yValue = y1; // Set the yValue to the starting Y of the segment
// Adjust segment's y position if vertical movement is enabled
if (moveSegmentsVertically) {
segment.y += moveSegmentsVertically && y1 < verticalSlideThreshold ? slideAmountVertical : 0;
// Add the new segment to the global graphSegments array
console.log('new segment index=' + index + '/' + (graphSegments.length - 1) + "=" + stockValuesHistory[index] + "$", Math.floor(x1), Math.floor(y1), Math.floor(x2), Math.floor(y2));
segment.x = x1;
segment.y = y1;
segment.width = 1;
segment.height = 20;
var deltaX = x2 - x1;
var deltaY = y2 - y1;
if (deltaX === 0 && deltaY === 0) {
console.error('Invalid deltaX and deltaY for rotation calculation.');
var distance = Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY);
segment.rotation = Math.atan2(deltaY, deltaX);
/*console.log('segment.rotation ' + (graphSegments.length - 1), {
deltaY: deltaY,
deltaX: deltaX
}, segment.rotation);*/
var startTime =;
var endTime = startTime + delay * 1000;
var updateWidth = function updateWidth() {
if (!running) {
var currentTime =;
var timeElapsed = currentTime - startTime;
var newWidth = Math.min(timeElapsed / (delay * 1000) * distance, distance);
segment.width = newWidth;
if (currentTime < endTime) {
LK.setTimeout(updateWidth, 16);
} else {
if (!moveSegments && segment.x + segment.width / 2 >= game.width * 0.5) {
moveSegments = true;
console.log("Past center !");
drawingInProgress = false;
function startGame() {
// Initialize and start the game logic here
running = true;
// Set up a tick event to call drawNextSegment every second
segmentDrawInterval = LK.setInterval(drawNextSegment, 500);
// Main game loop
LK.on('tick', function () {
if (!running) {
// Update slide for each graph segment and the horizontal axis
graphSegments.forEach(function (segment) {
horizontalAxis.updateSlide(); // Slide the horizontal axis vertically
// Update the vertical slide amount text periodically
vsaText.setText('VSA: ' + verticalSlideAmount.toFixed(0) + " " + moveSegmentsVertically);
// Check for game over conditions (e.g., player runs out of money)
if (player.getBalance() <= 0) {
LK.effects.flashScreen(0xff0000, 1000);
LK.setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
A Technical dark background. Nothing just a gradiant of colors from black to dark blue. Theme : stock market. background
A modern clean empty rectangular button without borders. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
without shadow
a basic empty ui popup with a black background. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.