A little update after 6 weeks :
# The new features :
- Refreshed site => Cool ๐
- On game Comments => Cool ๐
- On site Announcements => Cool ๐
- Sketch images => Cool ๐
- Pause button in editor => Cool ๐
- Create game with a longer description => Cool ๐
- New modern editor with minimap & search! => Cool ๐
- New Plugin for easier animation => Cool ๐
- Editor scroll => Fixed ๐
# Missing features :
- Lack of categories in Discover => In progress (available : Trending/New/Top Games) (nice to have : per type, search, ...)
- Delete game => In Progress
- Make game non public => Not working ๐ฆ
# Nice to have features :
- More graphical engine features (lines, sprites, filters, svg, shaders, ...)
- More editing tools (paint, import, fade sound, ...)
- More gameplay features (ie: keyboard support, save state,...)
- Leaderboards ๐ (or at least be able to post score screenshot in comments)
- Rest of the famous TODO list ๐