User prompt
fix it
User prompt
if hero or hero ground intersects with objdrone, destroy objdrone
User prompt
when hero or hero ground intersects with objdrone destroy objdrone
User prompt
when hero or hero ground intersects with objdrone, destroy obj drone, trigger explosion but also do #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #10, #11, #12
Code edit (2 edits merged)
Please save this source code
User prompt
make objdrone move much faster
User prompt
rather than teleporting it, make it move
User prompt
make his new relocation position anywhere between the middle of the screen all the way to the right portion of it
User prompt
objdrones behavior is to move a little bit erratically on screen at its current position and then relocate to a new position anywhere on the right portion of the screen every 2 seconds
User prompt
after objcatch fades out, spawn objdrone anywhere on the right portion of the screen
Code edit (2 edits merged)
Please save this source code
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Timeout.tick error: objDrone is not defined' in or related to this line: 'objDrone.alpha += 0.05;' Line Number: 1534
Code edit (1 edits merged)
Please save this source code
User prompt
if (randomEvent === 'Catch' fade in and out in the center of the playspace objdrone over 2 seconds
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'x')' in or related to this line: 'parallaxCity.cityGraphics2.x = parallaxCity.cityGraphics.x + parallaxCity.cityGraphics.width;' Line Number: 1735
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'x')' in or related to this line: 'parallaxCity.cityGraphics2.x = parallaxCity.cityGraphics.x + parallaxCity.cityGraphics.width;' Line Number: 1735
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'x')' in or related to this line: 'parallaxCity.cityGraphics2.x = parallaxCity.cityGraphics.x + parallaxCity.cityGraphics.width;' Line Number: 1735
User prompt
objcity02 is not moving and repeating itself like objcity
User prompt
center objcity02
User prompt
make sure objcity02 has the same background and parralax properties as objcity
User prompt
the background did not switch
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: cityGraphics.setTexture is not a function' in or related to this line: 'cityGraphics.setTexture(LK.getAsset(backgroundId, {}).texture);' Line Number: 847
User prompt
Switch background every 100 distance units
User prompt
Check the distance traveled at regular intervals (e.g., every game tick). When the distance reaches a multiple of 500, switch the background from `objcity` to `objcity2` or vice versa. Reset the distance counter after switching the background to ensure the next switch occurs after another 500 distance units.
User prompt
set objspikey custom collision alpha 0
* Classes
var BootText = Container.expand(function (text) {
var self =;
var bootText = self.addChild(new Text2(text, {
size: 150,
fill: "#FFFFFF",
fontWeight: 'bolder',
stroke: "#000000",
// Black outline
strokeThickness: 5 // Thickness of the outline
bootText.anchor.set(0.5, 0);
self.alpha = 0;
self.fadeIn = function () {
if (self.alpha < 1) {
self.alpha += 0.05;
self.fadeOut = function () {
if (self.alpha > 0) {
self.alpha -= 0.05;
} else {
var Enemy = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var enemyGraphics = self.attachAsset('enemy', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.speed = -3;
self._move_migrated = function () {};
var EnemyMiddleRight = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var enemyGraphics = self.attachAsset('enemy', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.x = game.width + 200;
self.y = game.height / 2;
self.alpha = 0;
self.fadeInInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
self.alpha += 0.05;
if (self.alpha >= 1) {
}, 16); // Approximately 60 FPS
self.animate = function () {
var targetX = game.width - 100;
// animationSpeed is now defined in the global scope
self.animationInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
if (self.x > targetX) {
self.x -= animationSpeed;
} else {
LK.setTimeout(function () {
}, 10000); // Reverse after 10 seconds
}, 16); // Approximately 60 FPS
self.reverseAnimation = function () {
var startX = game.width + 200;
self.animationInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
if (self.x < startX) {
self.x += animationSpeed;
} else {
self.fadeOutInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
self.alpha -= 0.05;
if (self.alpha <= 0) {
self.visible = false;
}, 16); // Approximately 60 FPS
}, 16); // Approximately 60 FPS
var Hero = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
self.createDashTrail = function () {
var trailCount = 10;
var flashDuration = 50; // Duration for each flash
for (var i = 0; i < trailCount; i++) {
LK.setTimeout(function () {
var trailParticle = new Particle();
trailParticle.x = self.x;
trailParticle.y = self.y;
var neonColors = [0x39ff14, 0xff073a, 0x00ffff, 0xffff00, 0xff00ff];
var randomColor = neonColors[Math.floor(Math.random() * neonColors.length)];
LK.effects.flashObject(trailParticle, randomColor, flashDuration);
}, i * 50);
var heroGraphics = self.attachAsset('hero', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.speed = 30;
// Initialize jetfuel in the center of hero
var jetfuel = self.attachAsset('jetfuel', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
jetfuel.x = -50;
jetfuel.y = 50;
self.addChildAt(jetfuel, 0);
// Set interval to flip jetfuel's visual on the x alignment every 0.5 seconds
self.jetfuelInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
jetfuel.scale.x *= -1;
}, 250);
self.on('destroy', function () {
self.dashSpeed = game.width / 2 / 30; // 1/2 of the screen over 0.5 seconds at 60FPS
self.dashBackSpeed = self.dashSpeed / 2; // Accelerated return at half of the dash speed
self.dashStartTime = 0; // Time when the dash started
self.gravity = 1;
self.isDashing = false;
self.initialX = 200;
self.animateToPosition = function () {
var targetY = Math.max(2732 / 2, 300);
var targetX = self.initialX;
var animationSpeed = 10;
if (!self.animationStarted) {
self.animationDelay = LK.setTimeout(function () {
self.animationStarted = true;
}, 3000);
self.animationStarted = false;
if (self.animationStarted) {
if (self.y < targetY) {
self.y += animationSpeed;
if (self.x < targetX) {
self.x += animationSpeed;
if (self.y >= targetY && self.x >= targetX) {
gameStarted = true; // Start the game once the hero reaches the initial position
self.dash = function () {
if (!self.isDashing && LK.ticks - self.holdStartTime >= 60 && self.x === self.initialX) {
self.isDashing = true;
self.dashStartTime = LK.ticks; // Save the start time of the dash
self.savedX = self.x; // Save the current x position
self.dashTargetX = self.x + game.width / 3 * 2; // Set the target X position for the dash, now twice as long
// Apply dash effect
self.isGravityFlipped = false;
self.flipGravity = function () {
if (!self.isDashing) {
self.isGravityFlipped = !self.isGravityFlipped;
self.gravity *= -1;
self._move_migrated = function () {
if (self.isHolding && LK.ticks - self.holdStartTime >= 60 && LK.ticks - self.dashStartTime > 6) {
if (self.isDashing) {
if (self.x < self.dashTargetX) {
self.x += self.dashSpeed;
// Check for collision with obstacles
for (var i = obstacles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (self.intersects(obstacles[i])) {
var explosion = new ParticleExplosion(obstacles[i].x, obstacles[i].y);
if (obstacles[i] instanceof ObjGO) {
var explosion = new ParticleExplosion(obstacles[i].x, obstacles[i].y);
var explosion = new ParticleExplosion(obstacles[i].x, obstacles[i].y);
LK.getSound('snd_powerup').play(); // Play snd_powerup sound
handleCollisionWithObj(); // Call handleCollisionWithObj when colliding with ObjGO
} else if (obstacles[i] instanceof ObjRALLY) {
var initialHeroGroundX = heroGround.x;
var initialHeroGroundY = heroGround.y;
LK.getSound('snd_powerup').play(); // Play snd_powerup sound
handleCollisionWithObj(); // Call handleCollisionWithObj when colliding with ObjRALLY
} else if (obstacles[i] instanceof ObjJUMP) {
LK.getSound('snd_powerup').play(); // Play snd_powerup sound
handleCollisionWithObj(); // Call handleCollisionWithObj when colliding with ObjJUMP
if (heroGround.idleSpeechBubble) {
heroGround.idleSpeechBubble.visible = false;
LK.setTimeout(function () {
if (heroGround.idleSpeechBubble) {
heroGround.idleSpeechBubble.visible = true;
}, 5000);
} else if (obstacles[i] instanceof ObjACCELERATE) {
var explosion = new ParticleExplosion(obstacles[i].x, obstacles[i].y);
LK.getSound('snd_powerup').play(); // Play snd_powerup sound
LK.getSound('snd_letsgo').play(); // Play snd_letsgo sound
destroyAllObjs(); // Destroy all instances of ObjGO, ObjRALLY, and ObjJUMP
// Temporarily increase distanceTraveled increment
var originalIncrement = 1 / 60;
var acceleratedIncrement = 1 / 15;
distanceTraveledIncrement = acceleratedIncrement;
// Temporarily increase parallax speed
var originalParallaxSpeed = parallax.speed;
parallax.speed *= 5;
// Add screen shake and flash effect
var shakeAmplitude = 10;
var shakeDuration = 100;
var originalX = game.x;
var originalY = game.y;
var shakeInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
game.x = originalX + (Math.random() - 0.5) * shakeAmplitude;
game.y = originalY + (Math.random() - 0.5) * shakeAmplitude;
}, shakeDuration);
LK.effects.flashScreen(0xffffff, 5000); // Flash screen for 5 seconds
// Instantiate objrush in the center of the playspace for 3 seconds with fade in and fade out effect
var objRush = LK.getAsset('objRush', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
objRush.x = game.width / 2;
objRush.y = game.height / 2;
objRush.alpha = 0; // Start with alpha 0 for fade in effect
// Fade in effect
var fadeInInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
objRush.alpha += 0.05;
if (objRush.alpha >= 1) {
// Start fade out effect after 3 seconds
LK.setTimeout(function () {
var fadeOutInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
objRush.alpha -= 0.05;
if (objRush.alpha <= 0) {
}, 50); // Approximately 20 FPS
}, 3000);
}, 50); // Approximately 20 FPS
LK.setTimeout(function () {
distanceTraveledIncrement = originalIncrement;
parallax.speed = originalParallaxSpeed;
game.x = originalX;
game.y = originalY;
}, 5000); // Reset to normal after 5 seconds
if (obstacles[i]) {
obstacles.splice(i, 1);
} else {
self.isDashing = false;
self.dashTargetX = null; // Clear the dash target position
// Remove dash effect
self.tint = 0xffffff;
// Gradually move back to the initial position after dashing
// Resume normal movement after reaching saved x position
if (!self.isDashing && self.dashTargetX === null && self.x !== self.savedX) {
var moveBack = self.savedX < self.x ? -self.dashBackSpeed : self.dashBackSpeed;
self.x += moveBack;
// Clamp the hero's x position to the savedX to prevent overshooting
if (Math.abs(self.x - self.savedX) < Math.abs(moveBack)) {
self.x = self.savedX;
// Stop vertical movement while holding down
if (!self.isHolding && !self.isDashing) {
self.y += self.speed * self.gravity;
var boundaryPadding = 300; // Adjust this value to set the top boundary padding
if (self.y < boundaryPadding) {
self.y = boundaryPadding;
if (self.y > game.height - 800) {
self.y = game.height - 800;
// Removed game over condition when hero leaves the screen horizontally
// Generate particle trail
if (LK.ticks % 5 == 0 && !self.isHolding) {
var particle = new Particle();
particle.x = self.x;
particle.y = self.y;
game.addChildAt(particle, 0);
particle.visible = true; // Ensure the particle is visible
self.isHolding = false;
self.holdStartTime = 0;
self.startFlashing = function () {
if (!self.flashInterval && !self.isDashing) {
self.flashInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
self.scale.set(self.scale.x === 1 ? 1.5 : 1);
self.tint = self.tint === 0x0000ff ? 0x00ffff : 0x0000ff; // Transition between blue and cyan
}, 100); // Pulse every 100ms
self.stopFlashing = function () {
if (self.flashInterval) {
self.flashInterval = null;
self.visible = true; // Ensure hero is visible after stopping flash
self.tint = 0x9a3986; // Reset color to default
self.scale.set(1); // Reset scale to default
self.onHold = function () {
if (!self.isHolding && !self.isDashing && !self.isDashing) {
self.isHolding = true;
self.holdStartTime = LK.ticks;
self.onRelease = function () {
if (self.isHolding && !self.isDashing) {
self.isHolding = false;
self.holdStartTime = 0;
var Hero_Ground = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var heroGroundGraphics = self.attachAsset('heroGround', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
var heroGroundGraphicsB = self.attachAsset('heroGroundB', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
heroGroundGraphicsB.visible = false;
// Set interval to switch between heroGround and heroGroundB every 0.5 seconds
self.heroGroundInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
heroGroundGraphics.visible = !heroGroundGraphics.visible;
heroGroundGraphicsB.visible = !heroGroundGraphicsB.visible;
}, 250);
self.on('destroy', function () {
if (self.interpolationInterval) {
self.speed = 20;
self.gravity = 1;
self.isJumping = false;
self.jumpSpeed = -20;
self.jumpVelocity = 0;
self.initialY = 200;
self._update_migrated = function () {
if (self.isJumping) {
self.y += self.jumpSpeed;
self.jumpSpeed += self.gravity;
if (self.y > game.floorLevel) {
self.y = game.floorLevel;
self.isJumping = false;
self.moveToCenterX = function () {
if (self.isMovingToCenter || self.isMovingToInitial) {
} // Prevent multiple calls
self.isMovingToCenter = true; // Set flag to indicate movement in progress
isHeroGroundMoving = true;
var targetX = game.width / 2 + 700;
var interpolationSpeed = 15; // Adjust this value to control the speed of interpolation
self.interpolationInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
if (Math.abs(self.x - targetX) < interpolationSpeed) {
self.x = targetX;
self.isMovingToCenter = false; // Reset flag when movement is complete
isHeroGroundMoving = false;
// Replace movingSpeechBubble with idleSpeechBubble
if (self.movingSpeechBubble) {
self.movingSpeechBubble = null;
self.idleSpeechBubble = LK.getAsset('idleSpeechBubble', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.idleSpeechBubble.x = self.width / 2 - 20;
self.idleSpeechBubble.y = -self.idleSpeechBubble.height / 2 - 125;
} else {
self.x += self.x < targetX ? interpolationSpeed : -interpolationSpeed;
}, 16); // Approximately 60 FPS
// Replace idleSpeechBubble with movingSpeechBubble
if (self.idleSpeechBubble) {
self.idleSpeechBubble = null;
// Ensure only one moving speech bubble is active at a time
if (game.activeMovingSpeechBubble) {
self.movingSpeechBubble = LK.getAsset('movingSpeechBubble', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.movingSpeechBubble.x = self.width / 2 + 10;
self.movingSpeechBubble.y = -self.movingSpeechBubble.height / 2 - 125;
game.activeMovingSpeechBubble = self.movingSpeechBubble;
self._move_migrated = function () {
if (self.isJumping) {
self.y += self.jumpVelocity;
self.jumpVelocity += self.gravity;
if (self.y >= self.initialY) {
self.y = self.initialY;
self.isJumping = false;
} else {
self.y += self.gravity;
if (self.y > game.height - self.height / 2) {
self.y = game.height - self.height / 2;
self.moveToInitialPosition = function () {
if (self.isMovingToInitial || self.isMovingToCenter) {
} // Prevent multiple calls
var targetX = heroGround.initialX;
if (Math.abs(self.x - targetX) < interpolationSpeed) {
return; // Already at the initial position, do nothing
self.isMovingToInitial = true; // Set flag to indicate movement in progress
isHeroGroundMoving = true;
var interpolationSpeed = 15; // Adjust this value to control the speed of interpolation
self.interpolationInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
if (Math.abs(self.x - targetX) < interpolationSpeed) {
self.x = targetX;
self.isMovingToInitial = false; // Reset flag when movement is complete
isHeroGroundMoving = false;
// Replace movingSpeechBubble with idleSpeechBubble
if (self.movingSpeechBubble) {
self.movingSpeechBubble = null;
self.idleSpeechBubble = LK.getAsset('idleSpeechBubble', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.idleSpeechBubble.x = self.width / 2 - 20;
self.idleSpeechBubble.y = -self.idleSpeechBubble.height / 2 - 125;
} else {
self.x += self.x < targetX ? interpolationSpeed : -interpolationSpeed;
}, 16); // Approximately 60 FPS
// Replace idleSpeechBubble with movingSpeechBubble
if (self.idleSpeechBubble) {
self.idleSpeechBubble = null;
// Ensure only one moving speech bubble is active at a time
if (game.activeMovingSpeechBubble) {
self.movingSpeechBubble = LK.getAsset('movingSpeechBubble', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.movingSpeechBubble.x = self.width / 2 + 10;
self.movingSpeechBubble.y = -self.movingSpeechBubble.height / 2 - 125;
game.activeMovingSpeechBubble = self.movingSpeechBubble;
var ObjACCELERATE = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var objACCELERATEGraphics = self.attachAsset('objAccelerate', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.speed = -4 - Math.random() * 3;
self._move_migrated = function () {
self.x += self.speed;
if (self.x < -self.width) {
self.x = game.width;
var minY = 400;
var maxY = game.height / 2 + 200;
self.y = minY + Math.random() * (maxY - minY);
// Add hover effect
self.y += Math.sin(LK.ticks / 10) * 2;
var ObjCar = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var objCarGraphics = self.attachAsset('objcar', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.speed = -15;
self.update = function () {
self.x += self.speed;
if (self.x < -self.width) {
isEventOngoing = false;
eventTxt.setText('Event: None');
randomEvent = "";
distanceTraveled += 100;
// Trigger acceleration effects
LK.getSound('snd_powerup').play(); // Play snd_powerup sound
LK.getSound('snd_nice').play(); // Play snd_nice sound
destroyAllObjs(); // Destroy all instances of ObjGO, ObjRALLY, and ObjJUMP
// Temporarily increase distanceTraveled increment
var originalIncrement = 1 / 60;
var acceleratedIncrement = 1 / 15;
distanceTraveledIncrement = acceleratedIncrement;
// Temporarily increase parallax speed
var originalParallaxSpeed = parallax.speed;
parallax.speed *= 5;
// Add screen shake and flash effect
var shakeAmplitude = 10;
var shakeDuration = 100;
var originalX = game.x;
var originalY = game.y;
var shakeInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
game.x = originalX + (Math.random() - 0.5) * shakeAmplitude;
game.y = originalY + (Math.random() - 0.5) * shakeAmplitude;
}, shakeDuration);
LK.effects.flashScreen(0xffffff, 5000); // Flash screen for 5 seconds
// Instantiate objrush in the center of the playspace for 3 seconds with fade in and fade out effect
var objRush = LK.getAsset('objRush', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
objRush.x = game.width / 2;
objRush.y = game.height / 2;
objRush.alpha = 0; // Start with alpha 0 for fade in effect
// Fade in effect
var fadeInInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
objRush.alpha += 0.05;
if (objRush.alpha >= 1) {
// Start fade out effect after 3 seconds
LK.setTimeout(function () {
var fadeOutInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
objRush.alpha -= 0.05;
if (objRush.alpha <= 0) {
}, 50); // Approximately 20 FPS
}, 3000);
}, 50); // Approximately 20 FPS
LK.setTimeout(function () {
distanceTraveledIncrement = originalIncrement;
parallax.speed = originalParallaxSpeed;
game.x = originalX;
game.y = originalY;
}, 5000); // Reset to normal after 5 seconds
if (!self.honkPlayed) {
self.honkPlayed = true;
LK.setTimeout(function () {
}, 500);
// Check for collision with hero or heroGround
if (self.intersects(hero) || self.intersects(heroGround)) {
LK.effects.flashScreen(0xff0000, 1000);
var ObjData = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var objDataGraphics = self.attachAsset('objData', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
// No speed property to ensure ObjData objects are static
self._move_migrated = function () {
self.y += Math.sin(LK.ticks / 10) * 2; // Add hover effect
var ObjEvents = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var objEventsGraphics = self.attachAsset('objEvents', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.speed = -4 - Math.random() * 3;
self._move_migrated = function () {
self.x += self.speed;
if (self.x < -self.width) {
self.x = game.width + self.width;
self.y = game.height - heroGround.height / 2 - 50;
if (eventTxt && eventTxt.text === 'Event: None') {
self.x = game.width + self.width;
self.y = game.height - heroGround.height / 2 - 50;
var ObjGO = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var objGOGraphics = self.attachAsset('objGO', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.speed = -4 - Math.random() * 3;
self.spawnTime = LK.ticks;
self._move_migrated = function () {
self.x += self.speed;
if (self.x < -self.width) {
self.x = game.width;
var minY = 400;
var maxY = game.height / 2 + 200;
self.y = minY + Math.random() * (maxY - minY);
// Add hover effect
self.y += Math.sin(LK.ticks / 10) * 2;
var ObjJUMP = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var objJUMPGraphics = self.attachAsset('objJUMP', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.speed = -4 - Math.random() * 3;
self._move_migrated = function () {
self.x += self.speed;
if (self.x < -self.width) {
self.x = game.width;
var heroYMin = Math.max(hero.y - hero.height / 2, 0);
var heroYMax = Math.min(hero.y + hero.height / 2, game.height);
self.y = heroYMin + Math.random() * (heroYMax - heroYMin);
// Add hover effect
self.y += Math.sin(LK.ticks / 10) * 2;
var ObjRALLY = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var objRALLYGraphics = self.attachAsset('objRALLY', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.speed = -5;
self._move_migrated = function () {
self.x += self.speed;
if (self.x < -self.width) {
self.x = game.width;
var heroYMin = Math.max(hero.y - hero.height / 2, 0);
var heroYMax = Math.min(hero.y + hero.height / 2, game.height);
self.y = heroYMin + Math.random() * (heroYMax - heroYMin);
// Add hover effect
self.y += Math.sin(LK.ticks / 10) * 2;
var ObjSPIKEY = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var objSPIKEYGraphics = self.attachAsset('objspikey', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.speed = -4 - Math.random() * 3;
self.spawnTime = LK.ticks;
self.collisionObject = self.addChild(new ObjSPIKEYCollision());
self.collisionObject.x = 0;
self.collisionObject.y = 0;
self._move_migrated = function () {
self.x += self.speed;
if (self.x < -self.width) {
self.x = game.width;
var minY = 400;
var maxY = game.height / 2 + 200;
self.y = minY + Math.random() * (maxY - minY);
// Add hover effect
self.y += Math.sin(LK.ticks / 10) * 2;
// Add rotation effect
self.rotation -= 0.05;
// Add scaling effect
var scaleFactor = 0.85 + Math.abs(Math.sin(LK.ticks / 60) * 0.25); // Scale between 0.85 and 1.10
if (self.collisionObject.intersects(hero)) {
LK.effects.flashScreen(0xff0000, 1000);
} else if (self.collisionObject.intersects(heroGround)) {
if (isHeroGroundMoving) {
var explosion = new ParticleExplosion(self.x, self.y);
} else {
LK.effects.flashScreen(0xff0000, 1000);
var ObjSPIKEYCollision = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var collisionGraphics = self.attachAsset('smallCircle', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
collisionGraphics.width = 50; // Adjust the width to further reduce collision size
collisionGraphics.height = 50; // Adjust the height to further reduce collision size
collisionGraphics.alpha = 0; // Set alpha to 0
var Obstacle = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var obstacleGraphics = self.attachAsset('obstacle', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.speed = -5;
self._move_migrated = function () {
self.x += self.speed;
if (self.x < -self.width) {
self.x = game.width;
var heroYMin = Math.max(hero.y - hero.height / 2, 0);
var heroYMax = Math.min(hero.y + hero.height / 2, game.height);
self.y = heroYMin + Math.random() * (heroYMax - heroYMin);
var Parallax = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var bgGraphics = self.attachAsset('background', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
bgGraphics.x = game.width / 2;
bgGraphics.y = game.height - bgGraphics.height / 2;
self.speed = -3;
self._move_migrated = function () {
bgGraphics.x += self.speed;
if (!self.bgGraphics2) {
self.bgGraphics2 = self.attachAsset('background', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.bgGraphics2.x = bgGraphics.x + bgGraphics.width;
self.bgGraphics2.y = game.height - self.bgGraphics2.height / 2;
self.addChildAt(self.bgGraphics2, 1); // Ensure bgGraphics2 is behind bgGraphics
self.bgGraphics2.x += self.speed;
if (bgGraphics.x <= -bgGraphics.width / 2) {
bgGraphics.x = self.bgGraphics2.x + bgGraphics.width;
if (self.bgGraphics2.x <= -self.bgGraphics2.width / 2) {
self.bgGraphics2.x = bgGraphics.x + bgGraphics.width;
// Call the function every 15 seconds;
var ParallaxCity = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var cityGraphics = self.attachAsset('objcity', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
cityGraphics.x = game.width / 2;
cityGraphics.y = game.height / 2;
self.speed = -3;
self._move_migrated = function () {
cityGraphics.x += self.speed;
if (!self.cityGraphics2) {
self.cityGraphics2 = self.attachAsset('objcity', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.cityGraphics2.x = cityGraphics.x + cityGraphics.width;
self.cityGraphics2.y = game.height / 2;
self.addChildAt(self.cityGraphics2, 1); // Ensure cityGraphics2 is behind cityGraphics
self.cityGraphics2.x += self.speed;
if (cityGraphics.x <= -cityGraphics.width / 2) {
cityGraphics.x = self.cityGraphics2.x + cityGraphics.width;
if (self.cityGraphics2.x <= -self.cityGraphics2.width / 2) {
self.cityGraphics2.x = cityGraphics.x + cityGraphics.width;
var Particle = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var particleGraphics = self.attachAsset('particle', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
var neonColors = [0x39ff14, 0xff073a, 0x00ffff, 0xffff00, 0xff00ff];
particleGraphics.tint = neonColors[Math.floor(Math.random() * neonColors.length)];
self.alpha = 1.0;
self.fadeOut = function () {
self.alpha -= 0.05;
if (self.alpha <= 0) {
if (self) {
var Particle2 = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var particleGraphics = self.attachAsset('particle2', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
var neonColors = [0x39ff14, 0xff073a, 0x00ffff, 0xffff00, 0xff00ff];
particleGraphics.tint = neonColors[Math.floor(Math.random() * neonColors.length)];
self.alpha = 1.0;
self.fadeOut = function () {
self.alpha -= 0.05;
if (self.alpha <= 0) {
if (self) {
var ParticleExplosion = Container.expand(function (x, y) {
var self =;
var particles = [];
var particleCount = 20;
var speedRange = 20; // Further increased speed range for more exaggerated movement
var neonColors = [0x39ff14, 0xff073a, 0x00ffff, 0xffff00, 0xff00ff];
for (var i = 0; i < particleCount; i++) {
var particle = new Particle2();
particle.x = x;
particle.y = y;
particle.vx = (Math.random() - 0.5) * speedRange;
particle.vy = (Math.random() - 0.5) * speedRange;
particle.rotationSpeed = (Math.random() - 0.5) * 0.2; // Further increased rotation speed for more exaggerated movement
particle.tint = neonColors[Math.floor(Math.random() * neonColors.length)];
self.update = function () {
for (var i = particles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
particles[i].x += particles[i].vx;
particles[i].y += particles[i].vy;
particles[i].rotation += particles[i].rotationSpeed; // Apply rotation
particles[i].alpha -= 0.02;
if (particles[i].alpha <= 0) {
if (particles[i]) {
particles.splice(i, 1);
if (particles.length === 0) {
* Initialize Game
var game = new LK.Game({
backgroundColor: 0x000000
* Game Code
var collectCounterTxt = new Text2('0' + "/10", {
size: 75,
fill: "#add8e6",
// Light blue color
stroke: "#000000",
strokeThickness: 2,
fontWeight: 'bolder'
collectCounterTxt.anchor.set(0.5, 0);
collectCounterTxt.x = game.width - 300;
collectCounterTxt.y = 100;
var collectTimerTxt = new Text2('20.0', {
size: 75,
fill: "#ffcccb",
// Pink color
stroke: "#000000",
strokeThickness: 2,
fontWeight: 'bolder' // Make the text bolder
collectTimerTxt.anchor.set(0.5, 0);
collectTimerTxt.x = game.width / 2;
collectTimerTxt.y = 100;
var collectTimer = 20.0;
var collectTimerInterval;
var randomEvent = "";
var objDataCounter = 0;
var objDataArray = [];
var isEventOngoing = false;
var generateObjEvents = function generateObjEvents() {
if (isEventOngoing || obstacles.some(function (obstacle) {
return obstacle instanceof ObjEvents;
})) {
LK.setTimeout(function () {
var objEvents = new ObjEvents();
objEvents.x = game.width + objEvents.width;
objEvents.y = game.height - heroGround.height / 2 - 50;
}, 500 + Math.random() * 2000);
var generateObjACCELERATE = function generateObjACCELERATE() {
if (obstacles.filter(function (obstacle) {
return obstacle instanceof ObjACCELERATE;
}).length >= 1) {
// Removed minimum delay of 60 ticks for ObjACCELERATE spawning
LK.setTimeout(function () {
objACCELERATE.x = game.width;
var minY = 300; // Top boundary
var maxY = game.height / 2; // Adjusted bottom boundary to avoid spawning near the bottom of the playspace
objACCELERATE.y = minY + Math.random() * (maxY - minY);
// Ensure objACCELERATE does not spawn too close to other objects
for (var i = 0; i < obstacles.length; i++) {
if (Math.abs(obstacles[i].x - objACCELERATE.x) < 600) {
objACCELERATE.x = obstacles[i].x + 600;
}, 500 + Math.random() * 2000);
var isHeroGroundAttached = false;
var isHeroGroundMoving = false;
var collisionCounter = 0; // Initialize the collision counter
var brother = function brother() {
if (isHeroGroundAttached || isHeroGroundMoving) {
isHeroGroundAttached = true;
heroGround.x = hero.x;
heroGround.y = hero.y + hero.height / 2 + heroGround.height / 2;
var originalX = heroGround.x;
var originalY = heroGround.y;
var attachInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
heroGround.x = hero.x;
heroGround.y = hero.y + hero.height / 2 + heroGround.height / 2 - 125;
}, 16); // Update position every frame (approximately 60 FPS)
LK.setTimeout(function () {
heroGround.x = hero.x;
heroGround.y = game.height - heroGround.height / 2 - 50;
isHeroGroundAttached = false;
}, 5000); // Detach after 5 seconds
// Function to handle collision and update the counter
function handleCollisionWithObj() {
collisionCounter += 1;
console.log("handleCollisionWithObj called, collisionCounter:", collisionCounter);
if (collisionCounter >= 1) {
isEventOngoing = true;
function generateObjData() {
LK.setTimeout(function () {
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
(function (index) {
LK.setTimeout(function () {
var objData = new ObjData();
var minX = 300;
var maxX = game.width - 300;
objData.x = minX + Math.random() * (maxX - minX); // Ensure ObjData objects are instantiated within the playspace with a 300-pixel boundary
var minY = 300;
var maxY = game.height - 300; // Ensure objData spawns within the vertical boundaries with a 300-pixel boundary
objData.y = minY + Math.random() * (maxY - minY);
objData.y = minY + Math.random() * (maxY - minY);
game.addChild(objData); // Ensure ObjData objects are instantiated on the correct layer
}, index * 300); // Spread instantiation over 3 seconds
}, 1000); // Delay instantiation by 1 second
// Function to destroy all instances of ObjGO, ObjRALLY, and ObjJUMP
function destroyAllObjs() {
for (var i = obstacles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (obstacles[i] instanceof ObjGO || obstacles[i] instanceof ObjRALLY || obstacles[i] instanceof ObjJUMP || obstacles[i] instanceof ObjACCELERATE) {
if (obstacles[i]) {
var explosion = new ParticleExplosion(obstacles[i].x, obstacles[i].y);
obstacles.splice(i, 1);
var generateObjJUMP = function generateObjJUMP() {
if (obstacles.filter(function (obstacle) {
return obstacle instanceof ObjJUMP;
}).length >= 2) {
// Add delay to avoid two ObjJUMP spawning on top of each other
// Removed minimum delay of 60 ticks for ObjGO spawning
LK.setTimeout(function () {
var objJUMP = new ObjJUMP();
objJUMP.x = game.width;
var minY = 300; // Top boundary
var maxY = game.height / 2; // Adjusted bottom boundary to avoid spawning near the bottom of the playspace
objJUMP.y = minY + Math.random() * (maxY - minY);
// Ensure objJUMP does not spawn too close to other objects
for (var i = 0; i < obstacles.length; i++) {
if (Math.abs(obstacles[i].x - objJUMP.x) < 600) {
objJUMP.x = obstacles[i].x + 600;
}, 500 + Math.random() * 2000);
function startBootSequence() {
var bootTexts = ['Work together to...', 'clear events and...', 'reach the furthest distance...', 'begin Guided Rush..!'];
var currentBootTextIndex = 0;
var bootTextY = game.height / 2 - 250;
var displayBootText = function displayBootText() {
var bootText = new BootText(bootTexts[currentBootTextIndex]);
bootText.x = game.width / 2 + 50;
bootText.y = bootTextY + currentBootTextIndex * 150;
var fadeInInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
if (bootText.alpha === 1) {
LK.setTimeout(function () {
LK.setTimeout(function () {
var help2 = LK.getAsset('obj_help2', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
help2.x = game.width / 2;
help2.y = game.height / 2 - 100;
var help = LK.getAsset('obj_help1', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
help.x = game.width / 2;
help.y = game.height / 2 + 100;
LK.setTimeout(function () {
}, 8000);
}, 3000);
}, 300);
}, 60);
bootText.on('destroy', function () {
if (currentBootTextIndex < bootTexts.length) {
LK.setTimeout(displayBootText, 1000);
} else {
// Instantiate help2 and help after boottext
var eventTxt = null;
activeMovingSpeechBubble = null, enemies = [], obstacles = [], parallax = null, score = 0, distanceTraveled = 0, distanceTraveledIncrement = 1 / 60, isGameOver = false, gameStarted = false;
var generateObstacle = function generateObstacle() {
if (obstacles.filter(function (obstacle) {
return obstacle instanceof Obstacle;
}).length >= 1) {
// Add delay to avoid two Obstacle spawning on top of each other
// Removed minimum delay of 60 ticks for ObjRALLY spawning
LK.setTimeout(function () {
var obstacle = new Obstacle();
obstacle.x = game.width;
var minY = 400; // Minimum Y position
var maxY = game.height / 2 + 200; // Maximum Y position
if (hero.x >= 0 && hero.x <= game.width) {
var heroYMin = Math.max(hero.y - hero.height / 2, minY); // Ensure obstacle spawns within the top boundary of the hero
var heroYMax = Math.min(hero.y + hero.height / 2, maxY); // Ensure obstacle spawns within the bottom boundary of the hero
var randomOffset = (Math.random() - 0.5) * hero.height * 2; // Augmented random offset within 2 times the hero's height
obstacle.y = hero.y + randomOffset;
// Ensure obstacle stays within the game boundaries
var obstacleHalfHeight = obstacle.height / 2;
obstacle.y = Math.max(obstacleHalfHeight, Math.min(game.height - obstacleHalfHeight, obstacle.y));
} else {
obstacle.y = minY + Math.random() * (maxY - minY); // Spawn obstacle anywhere within the boundaries if hero is off screen
}, 500 + Math.random() * 2000);
var generateObjGO = function generateObjGO() {
if (obstacles.filter(function (obstacle) {
return obstacle instanceof ObjGO;
}).length >= 1) {
// Add delay to avoid two ObjGO spawning on top of each other
// Removed minimum delay of 60 ticks for ObjJUMP spawning
LK.setTimeout(function () {
var objGO = new ObjGO();
objGO.x = game.width;
var minY = 300; // Top boundary
var maxY = game.height / 2; // Adjusted bottom boundary to avoid spawning near the bottom of the playspace
objGO.y = minY + Math.random() * (maxY - minY);
// Ensure objGO does not spawn too close to other objects
for (var i = 0; i < obstacles.length; i++) {
if (Math.abs(obstacles[i].x - objGO.x) < 600) {
objGO.x = obstacles[i].x + 600;
}, 500 + Math.random() * 2000);
var generateObjRALLY = function generateObjRALLY() {
if (obstacles.filter(function (obstacle) {
return obstacle instanceof ObjRALLY;
}).length >= 1) {
// Add delay to avoid two ObjRALLY spawning on top of each other
if (obstacles.length > 0) {
var lastObstacle = obstacles[obstacles.length - 1];
if (LK.ticks - lastObstacle.spawnTime < 60) {
LK.setTimeout(function () {
var objRALLY = new ObjRALLY();
objRALLY.x = game.width;
var minY = 300; // Top boundary
var maxY = game.height / 2; // Adjusted bottom boundary to avoid spawning near the bottom of the playspace
objRALLY.y = minY + Math.random() * (maxY - minY);
// Ensure objRALLY does not spawn too close to other objects
for (var i = 0; i < obstacles.length; i++) {
if (Math.abs(obstacles[i].x - objRALLY.x) < 600) {
objRALLY.x = obstacles[i].x + 600;
}, 500 + Math.random() * 2000);
var obstacleGenerationInterval;
function startObstacleGeneration() {
obstacleGenerationInterval = LK.setInterval(generateObstacle, 2000);
var objGOGenerationInterval = LK.setInterval(generateObjGO, 1500);
var objRALLYGenerationInterval = LK.setInterval(generateObjRALLY, 2000);
var objACCELERATEGenerationInterval = LK.setInterval(generateObjACCELERATE, 8000);
var objJUMPGenerationInterval = LK.setInterval(generateObjJUMP, 2000);
var objEventsGenerationInterval = LK.setInterval(generateObjEvents, 10000);
var objSPIKEYGenerationInterval = LK.setInterval(generateObjSPIKEY, 8000);
LK.on('gameOver', function () {
isEventOngoing = false;
parallax = game.addChild(new Parallax());
var originalParallaxSpeed = parallax.speed;
var parallaxSpeedIncrement = 0.05; // Speed increment per second
var parallaxSpeedUpdateInterval = 500; // Update interval in milliseconds
LK.setInterval(function () {
parallax.speed -= parallaxSpeedIncrement;
}, parallaxSpeedUpdateInterval);
var distanceTxt;
function initializeScoreDisplay() {
// Remove BootText from the screen
var bootTexts = game.children.filter(function (child) {
return child instanceof BootText;
for (var i = 0; i < bootTexts.length; i++) {
// Initialize score display
distanceTxt = new Text2('Distance: 0', {
size: 75,
fill: "#ffffff",
stroke: "#ffffff",
strokeThickness: 2,
fontWeight: 'bolder' // Make the text bolder
distanceTxt.anchor.set(0.5, 0);
distanceTxt.x = game.width / 2; // Center the distance text horizontally
// Add event text display in the upper right corner
eventTxt = new Text2('Event: None', {
size: 75,
fill: "#ffffff",
stroke: "#ffffff",
strokeThickness: 2,
fontWeight: 'bolder' // Make the text bolder
eventTxt.anchor.set(1, 0); // Anchor to the top right corner
eventTxt.x = game.width - 50; // Position it 50 pixels from the right edge
eventTxt.y = distanceTxt.y; // Align it with the distance text
hero = game.addChild(new Hero());
var heroGround = game.addChild(new Hero_Ground());
var objGroundTrail = LK.getAsset('objGroundTrail', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
heroGround.addChildAt(objGroundTrail, 0);
objGroundTrail.rotation = -Math.PI / 4; // Rotate 45 degrees to the left
objGroundTrail.x = heroGround.width / 2 - 200;
objGroundTrail.y = heroGround.height / 2 - 125;
// Add shake effect to objGroundTrail
var shakeAmplitude = 5; // Amplitude of the shake
var shakeDuration = 100; // Duration of each shake in milliseconds
var originalX = objGroundTrail.x;
var originalY = objGroundTrail.y;
var shakeInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
objGroundTrail.x = originalX + (Math.random() - 0.5) * shakeAmplitude;
objGroundTrail.y = originalY + (Math.random() - 0.5) * shakeAmplitude;
}, shakeDuration);
heroGround.idleSpeechBubble = LK.getAsset('idleSpeechBubble', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
heroGround.idleSpeechBubble.x = heroGround.width / 2 + 20;
heroGround.idleSpeechBubble.y = -heroGround.idleSpeechBubble.height / 2 - 125;
heroGround.initialX = hero.x + 175;
heroGround.x = -heroGround.width;
heroGround.y = game.height - heroGround.height / 2 - 50;
hero.x = -100;
hero.y = -100;
// Instantiate help2 and help when the game starts
var help2 = LK.getAsset('obj_help2', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
help2.x = game.width / 2 - 350;
help2.y = game.height / 2 + 700;
var help = LK.getAsset('obj_help1', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
help.x = game.width / 2 + 450;
help.y = game.height / 2 + 700;
LK.setTimeout(function () {
}, 5375);
LK.playMusic('SynthwaveMusic', {
loop: true
LK.setTimeout(function () {
}, 3000); // Start animation after 3 seconds
// Play snd_announcer sound 5 second after the game starts
LK.setTimeout(function () {
}, 5000);
LK.on('tick', function () {
if (!gameStarted) {
return; // Skip the rest of the game logic until the animation is complete
if (hero.visible) {
} else if (heroGround.visible) {
for (var i = 0; i < enemies.length; i++) {
for (var i = obstacles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (obstacles[i] && typeof obstacles[i]._move_migrated === 'function') {
if (obstacles[i] instanceof ObjCar) {
if (obstacles[i] instanceof ObjEvents && heroGround.intersects(obstacles[i])) {
console.log("heroGround intersected with ObjEvents at position:", {
x: obstacles[i].x,
y: obstacles[i].y
var explosion = new ParticleExplosion(obstacles[i].x, obstacles[i].y);
LK.getSound('snd_walkie').play(); // Play snd_walkie sound
obstacles.splice(i, 1);
// Ensure event text is displayed
var events = distanceTraveled <= 200 ? ['Avoid', 'Collect'] : ['Catch', 'Survive'];
randomEvent = events[Math.floor(Math.random() * events.length)];
//set the event text once an event type has been selected.
eventTxt.setText('Event: ' + randomEvent);
console.log("Random event selected:", randomEvent);
if (randomEvent === 'Collect') {
collectTimer = 20;
var checkObjDataActive = LK.setInterval(function () {
if (objDataArray.length > 0) {
collectTimerInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
collectTimer -= 0.1;
if (collectTimer <= 0) {
LK.effects.flashScreen(0xff0000, 1000);
}, 100);
}, 100);
// Add text that says "Collect the data before the time runs out!"
var objCollectSign = LK.getAsset('objcollectsign', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
objCollectSign.x = game.width / 2;
objCollectSign.y = game.height / 2; // Center the sign vertically
objCollectSign.alpha = 0; // Start with alpha 0 for fade in effect
// Fade in effect
var fadeInInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
objCollectSign.alpha += 0.05;
if (objCollectSign.alpha >= 1) {
// Start fade out effect after 2 seconds
LK.setTimeout(function () {
var fadeOutInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
objCollectSign.alpha -= 0.05;
if (objCollectSign.alpha <= 0) {
generateObjData(); // Start spawning objdata after fade out
}, 60);
}, 2000);
}, 60);
var checkObjDataActiveForCounter = LK.setInterval(function () {
if (objDataArray.length > 0) {
}, 100);
} else if (randomEvent === 'Avoid') {
// Instantiate objcarsign in the center of the playspace
var objCarSign = LK.getAsset('objcarsign', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
objCarSign.x = game.width / 2;
objCarSign.y = game.height / 2;
objCarSign.alpha = 0; // Start with alpha 0 for fade in effect
// Fade in effect
var fadeInInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
objCarSign.alpha += 0.05;
if (objCarSign.alpha >= 1) {
// Start fade out effect after 2 seconds
LK.setTimeout(function () {
var fadeOutInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
objCarSign.alpha -= 0.05;
if (objCarSign.alpha <= 0) {
// Randomly select a position for objheadlights
var positions = [{
x: game.width - 100,
y: 800
// Upper right
x: game.width - 100,
y: game.height - 400
} // Bottom right
var randomPosition = positions[Math.floor(Math.random() * positions.length)];
// Instantiate objheadlights at the selected position
var objHeadlights = LK.getAsset('objheadlights', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
objHeadlights.x = randomPosition.x;
objHeadlights.y = randomPosition.y;
objHeadlights.alpha = 0; // Start with alpha 0 for fade in effect
// Fade in effect
var fadeInInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
objHeadlights.alpha += 0.05;
if (objHeadlights.alpha >= 1) {
// Start fade out effect after 2 seconds
LK.setTimeout(function () {
var fadeOutInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
objHeadlights.alpha -= 0.05;
if (objHeadlights.alpha <= 0) {
// Instantiate objcar at the same position as objheadlights
var objCar = new ObjCar();
objCar.x = objHeadlights.x;
objCar.y = objHeadlights.y;
}, 60); // Approximately 16.67 FPS
}, 2000);
}, 60); // Approximately 16.67 FPS
}, 60); // Approximately 16.67 FPS
}, 2000);
}, 60); // Approximately 16.67 FPS
} else if (randomEvent === 'Catch') {
// Behavior for the Catch event
// Add your Catch event logic here
} else if (randomEvent === 'Survive') {
// Behavior for the Survive event
// Add your Survive event logic here
//here add the other event settings
for (var j = objDataArray.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
if (objDataArray[j] && typeof objDataArray[j]._move_migrated === 'function') {
if (hero.intersects(objDataArray[j]) || heroGround.intersects(objDataArray[j])) {
objDataCounter += 1;
console.log("ObjData collected, objDataCounter:", objDataCounter);
collectCounterTxt.setText(objDataCounter.toString() + "/10");
LK.getSound('snd_dataacquire').play(); // Play snd_dataacquire sound
objDataArray.splice(j, 1);
if (objDataCounter >= 10) {
console.log("Collect event completed");
isEventOngoing = false;
objDataCounter = 0;
collectCounterTxt.setText(objDataCounter.toString() + "/10");
eventTxt.setText('Event: None');
randomEvent = "";
distanceTraveled += 100; // Add 100 to the distance
// Trigger acceleration effects
LK.getSound('snd_powerup').play(); // Play snd_powerup sound
LK.getSound('snd_nice').play(); // Play snd_nice sound
destroyAllObjs(); // Destroy all instances of ObjGO, ObjRALLY, and ObjJUMP
// Temporarily increase distanceTraveled increment
var originalIncrement = 1 / 60;
var acceleratedIncrement = 1 / 15;
distanceTraveledIncrement = acceleratedIncrement;
// Temporarily increase parallax speed
var originalParallaxSpeed = parallax.speed;
parallax.speed *= 5;
// Add screen shake and flash effect
var shakeAmplitude = 10;
var shakeDuration = 100;
var originalX = game.x;
var originalY = game.y;
var shakeInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
game.x = originalX + (Math.random() - 0.5) * shakeAmplitude;
game.y = originalY + (Math.random() - 0.5) * shakeAmplitude;
}, shakeDuration);
LK.effects.flashScreen(0xffffff, 5000); // Flash screen for 5 seconds
// Instantiate objrush in the center of the playspace for 3 seconds with fade in and fade out effect
var objRush = LK.getAsset('objRush', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
objRush.x = game.width / 2;
objRush.y = game.height / 2;
objRush.alpha = 0; // Start with alpha 0 for fade in effect
// Fade in effect
var fadeInInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
objRush.alpha += 0.05;
if (objRush.alpha >= 1) {
// Start fade out effect after 3 seconds
LK.setTimeout(function () {
var fadeOutInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
objRush.alpha -= 0.05;
if (objRush.alpha <= 0) {
}, 50); // Approximately 20 FPS
}, 3000);
}, 50); // Approximately 20 FPS
LK.setTimeout(function () {
distanceTraveledIncrement = originalIncrement;
parallax.speed = originalParallaxSpeed;
game.x = originalX;
game.y = originalY;
}, 5000); // Reset to normal after 5 seconds
var particles = game.children.filter(function (child) {
return child instanceof Particle;
for (var i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) {
if (particles[i] instanceof ParticleExplosion) {
} else {
if (!isGameOver) {
distanceTraveled += distanceTraveledIncrement;
distanceTxt.setText('Distance: ' + Math.floor(distanceTraveled).toString());
if (isGameOver) {
LK.effects.flashScreen(0xff0000, 1000);
game.on('down', function (x, y, obj) {
if (hero.visible) {
game.on('up', function (x, y, obj) {
Hero_Ground.prototype.moveToInitialPosition = function () {
if (this.isMovingToInitial) {
} // Prevent multiple calls
this.isMovingToInitial = true; // Set flag to indicate movement in progress
// Set initial position outside the play space
this.x = -this.width;
this.y = game.height - this.height / 2 - 100;
var targetX = hero.x + 175;
var interpolationSpeed = hero.speed; // Match hero's speed
this.interpolationInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
if (Math.abs(this.x - targetX) < interpolationSpeed) {
this.x = targetX;
this.isMovingToInitial = false; // Reset flag when movement is complete
// Replace movingSpeechBubble with idleSpeechBubble
if (this.movingSpeechBubble) {
this.movingSpeechBubble = null;
this.idleSpeechBubble = LK.getAsset('idleSpeechBubble', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
this.idleSpeechBubble.x = this.width / 2 - 20;
this.idleSpeechBubble.y = -this.idleSpeechBubble.height / 2 - 125;
} else {
this.x += this.x < targetX ? interpolationSpeed : -interpolationSpeed;
}.bind(this), 16); // Approximately 60 FPS
// Replace idleSpeechBubble with movingSpeechBubble
if (this.idleSpeechBubble) {
this.idleSpeechBubble = null;
// Ensure only one moving speech bubble is active at a time
if (game.activeMovingSpeechBubble) {
this.movingSpeechBubble = LK.getAsset('movingSpeechBubble', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
this.movingSpeechBubble.x = this.width / 2 + 10;
this.movingSpeechBubble.y = -this.movingSpeechBubble.height / 2 - 125;
game.activeMovingSpeechBubble = this.movingSpeechBubble;
var animationSpeed = 2; // Define animationSpeed in the global scope
var enemyMiddleRight;
var enemySpawnedCount = 0;
function selectAndAnimateEnemy() {
if (eventTxt && eventTxt.text && eventTxt.text.includes('Survive')) {
if (enemySpawnedCount === 0) {
enemyMiddleRight = new EnemyMiddleRight();
var enemies = [enemyMiddleRight];
var selectedEnemies = [enemies[enemySpawnedCount % enemies.length]];
selectedEnemies.forEach(function (enemy) {
enemySpawnedCount += selectedEnemies.length;
LK.setTimeout(function () {
selectedEnemies.forEach(function (enemy) {
if (enemySpawnedCount >= enemies.length) {
enemySpawnedCount = 0; // Reset the count to restart the sequence
}, 15000); // Destroy the enemies after 15 seconds
LK.setInterval(selectAndAnimateEnemy, 15000);
var parallaxCity = game.addChildAt(new ParallaxCity(), 0);
var generateObjSPIKEY = function generateObjSPIKEY() {
if (obstacles.filter(function (obstacle) {
return obstacle instanceof ObjSPIKEY;
}).length >= 1) {
LK.setTimeout(function () {
var objSPIKEY = new ObjSPIKEY();
objSPIKEY.x = game.width;
var spawnChance = Math.random();
if (spawnChance < 0.75) {
// 75% chance to spawn on the y and x Axis of hero, but outside the playspace
objSPIKEY.x = game.width + objSPIKEY.width;
objSPIKEY.y = hero.y;
} else {
// 25% chance to spawn on hero ground, but outside the playspace
objSPIKEY.x = game.width + objSPIKEY.width;
objSPIKEY.y = heroGround.y;
// Ensure objSPIKEY does not spawn too close to other objects
for (var i = 0; i < obstacles.length; i++) {
if (Math.abs(obstacles[i].x - objSPIKEY.x) < 600) {
objSPIKEY.x = obstacles[i].x + 600;
if (Math.abs(obstacles[i].y - objSPIKEY.y) < 600) {
objSPIKEY.y = Math.random() < 0.5 ? obstacles[i].y - 600 : obstacles[i].y + 600;
}, 500 + Math.random() * 2000);
2d cyberpunk particle of a dash ability. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
blue jetfuel. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
pixel art speech bubble that says "?" neon color. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
pixel art speech bubble that says "Go" neon color. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
pixel art speech bubble that says "Ok" neon color.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
pixel art of a bubble a wing inside in neon color.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
pixel art bubble with 2 fast foward arrows neon color. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Gray Cyber neon lit logo of the word Rush. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
side profile of a flying car in the art style of a 16 bit neon cyberpunk game. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
retro cyberpunk datadisk in neon colors. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
retro cyberpunk pole flag in neon colors with the words 'events' on it.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
retro sign that says "Hold to Dash" in neon colors. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
retro sign that says "Tap to Move" in neon colors.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
retro sign that says "catch" with an flying drone symbol in neon colors.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
retro flying drone in neon colors.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
retro sign that says "Survive" with an face symbol in neon colors... Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
neon colored cyberpunk round electricity. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect