User prompt
PhotoTargetX = 200
User prompt
Remove any contradictory code regarding photo position
User prompt
Change photoTargetX and PhotoTargetY so photo end position is fully visible on screen
User prompt
PhotoTargetX = 50, photoTargetY = 2400
User prompt
Modify line 86, 87. Photo.x = 1800 photo.y = 2400
User prompt
Create screen margin to 100 pixels. Adjust photo stack end position to stay within margin.
User prompt
Implement suggestions above
User prompt
Move photo end position 50 pixels up and right
User prompt
Increase screen margin by 50 pixels
User prompt
Create 50 pixel margin around screen. Keep photo final position within margin
User prompt
Move photo end position up 40 pixels and right 40 pixels
User prompt
subtract 50 from the width and add 50 to the height for the target X and Y positions, respectively. This ensures that when the photos animate to their final positions, they do not touch the edges of the screen, maintaining a visible border or padding around them.
User prompt
Add screen margin padding so photos stay visible on screen
User prompt
Change end position of photos left bottom corner of screen
User prompt
Increase left padding by 40 pixels
User prompt
Each level player must get 10 photos. Photos move from starting position to left side of screen with left padding of 20 pixels. If photo is already in left screen position, move new photo above or below it.
User prompt
Ensure that all photos are visible on left side of screen
User prompt
Add 20 pixel padding to screen margin
User prompt
Rewrite photo code so that photos stack in a vertical line and remove any code that contradicts that
User prompt
Move photo stack 60 pixels right
User prompt
Modify photo stacking by 1. Maintain a variable that keeps track of the cumulative height of the photos already placed on the left side. This variable should be incremented by the height of each photo plus the margin after the photo is moved to its target position. 2. When calculating the target Y position for a new photo, use this cumulative height variable instead of multiplying the number of photos taken by the height of a single photo plus margin. This will ensure that each new photo is placed directly below the previous one without any overlap. 3. Reset the cumulative height variable to zero whenever the game is reset or restarted to ensure that the photo stacking starts from the top again for each new game session.
User prompt
adjust logic to include an X offset that increases with each photo taken, ensuring that each new photo is placed to the right of the previous one, thus preventing the overlap. However, since the instruction is not to fix the code, this explanation should suffice to understand why the photos are overlapping.
User prompt
When new photo is taken, stack on left side of the screen. New photos stack above previous photos in vertical line. Ensure photos do not overlap.
User prompt
When new photo is taken, stack new photo above any previous photos on left side of screen
User prompt
Stack photos vertically on left side of screen.
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -90,10 +90,10 @@
ghosts.splice(i, 1);
camera.isReadyToSnap = false;
- var photoTargetX = 0;
- var photoTargetY = 2732 - self.cumulativePhotoHeight - 100;
+ var photoTargetX = 50;
+ var photoTargetY = 2732 - self.cumulativePhotoHeight - 150;
var photoMoveInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
if (photo.x > photoTargetX) {
photo.x -= 5;
} else if (photo.y < photoTargetY) {
Frame of Camera viewfinder, inside viewfinder view, realistic camera, frame Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Creepy abandoned house, interior Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Subtle orb of green light, floating, realistic, glowing ghost orb Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Polaroid photo of ghost, Japanese ghost Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Floating ghost head Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Ghost camera game win screen. YOU WIN! Horror game asset Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Pointed finger, realistic hand, Tap!, game asset Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.