User prompt
Do it
User prompt
Do it
User prompt
do it
User prompt
Abban a pillanatban, ahogy a catpaw hozzáért a toggleswitch-hez kapcsold azt close állapotba
User prompt
Miután elrejtetted a catpaw húzd vissza a macska fejét az eredeti állapotba, a doboz mögé
User prompt
A macska nem látszódhat addig amíg a boxlid nem látszódik
User prompt
If the player switches the toggle switch without pause, show only the lidbox without cat and catpaw.
User prompt
Each time you click on the toggleswitch, just show the catpaw for half a second.
User prompt
Each time you click on the toggleswitch, just point the catpaw for one second.
User prompt
Ensure cat paw is hidden when IT touching toggleswitch
User prompt
User prompt
User prompt
The moment the catpaw touches the toggleswitches, hide the catpaw.
User prompt
place the cat down with 50 units
User prompt
move the cat down with 50 units
User prompt
move the cat down with 50 units
User prompt
Double the speed of the cat moving upwards on the first click of the toggle switch
User prompt
speed up the cat moving to double
User prompt
On the first click of the toggleswitch, the cat should move from the center of the box up to 600 units at medium speed.
User prompt
At the first click, the cat should move from the center of the box up with 600 units at medium speed
User prompt
At the first click, the cat should move from the center of the box up to 600 units at medium speed
User prompt
At the first click, the cat should move from the center of the box up to 500 units
User prompt
At the first click, the cat should move from the center of the box up to 600 units slowly
User prompt
At the first click, the cat should move from the center of the box up to 600 units slowly
User prompt
At the first click, the appearance of the cat should be delayed after 1 second
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -39,8 +39,9 @@
if (Math.abs(catPaw.x - targetX) < 5 && Math.abs(catPaw.y - targetY) < 5) {
LK.clearInterval(stretchInterval); // Stop the interval when the paw reaches the toggle switch
catPaw.visible = false; // Hide the cat paw
toggleSwitch.isTouched = true; // Set toggle switch as touched
+ switchGraphics.scale.y *= -1; // Mirror the toggle switch vertically to close it
}, 16); // Approximately 60 FPS
var catGraphics = self.attachAsset('cat', {
Tricolor cat face view. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
simple coffee table front view.
matte white rockerSwitch front view.
fehér fényű mennyezeti lámpa.
yellow stickyNote with "Let the cat sleep! Xoxo!" text and a red-stain.
thin, black, up and down arrow.