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staggered grid, should have more higher hp block than lowe ones
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remove offset for staggered grid
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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Code edit (6 edits merged)
Please save this source code
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also update the actual cost of sniper to 500
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on reset also deletet ulocked tiers for ball typer
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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when splash ball hits a brick, bricks that also take damage shoudl blink
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only rename scatter name on button to Multi
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Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught TypeError: storage.balls.forEach is not a function' in or related to this line: 'storage.balls.forEach(function (ballData) {' Line Number: 1021 ↪💡 Consider importing and using the following plugins: @upit/storage.v1
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balls are not being loaded
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Balls quantity should be stored per ball type. So better create 4 ball storeages, one for each type.
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on reset reset the balls too
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disregard the balls positions in storage, only the type and the quantity. then they can spawn anywhere in the screen ↪💡 Consider importing and using the following plugins: @upit/storage.v1
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store the ball and the ball type in storage. so store them as individual things, not all together
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Also make sure to store the type of ball not only the quanitty
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Make sure to correclty store the ball type
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for storing balls, just stor the quantity of those that have been bought, when the game retarst they can spawn from any position in the screen
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storage balls is still failing...can you try a different approach?
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Why are the balls not saved in storage
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add a splash animation to the spash ball ↪💡 Consider importing and using the following plugins: @upit/tween.v1
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close powerups display when a brick is clicked
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How can I do for ballicons not to inherit the color of the button their are int
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ballicon shouldnot be a child of the button
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -103,12 +103,43 @@
fill: 0x000000
self.healthText.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5);
+ // Helper function to convert hex color to RGB
+ function hexToRGB(hex) {
+ return {
+ r: hex >> 16 & 0xff,
+ g: hex >> 8 & 0xff,
+ b: hex & 0xff
+ };
+ }
+ // Helper function to convert RGB back to hex
+ function rgbToHex(r, g, b) {
+ return (Math.floor(r) << 16) + (Math.floor(g) << 8) + Math.floor(b);
+ }
+ // Update brick tint based on health
self.updateTint = function () {
- var healthPercent = / self.maxHealth;
- var colorIndex = Math.min(Math.floor((1 - healthPercent) * LEVEL_COLORS.length), LEVEL_COLORS.length - 1);
- brickGraphics.tint = LEVEL_COLORS[colorIndex];
+ var baseColors = LEVEL_COLORS;
+ var colorCount = baseColors.length;
+ if ( <= colorCount) {
+ // For HP <= number of colors, use the direct mapping
+ brickGraphics.tint = baseColors[ - 1];
+ } else {
+ // For higher HP, generate a tone variation
+ var baseIndex = ( - 1) % colorCount; // Cycle through base colors
+ var baseColor = hexToRGB(baseColors[baseIndex]);
+ var factor = Math.floor(( - 1) / colorCount); // How many cycles past base colors
+ // Adjust brightness (darken progressively with higher HP)
+ var darkenFactor = Math.max(0, 1 - factor * 0.1); // Reduce by 10% per cycle, clamp at 0
+ var r = baseColor.r * darkenFactor;
+ var g = baseColor.g * darkenFactor;
+ var b = baseColor.b * darkenFactor;
+ // Ensure values stay within valid range (0-255)
+ r = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, r));
+ g = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, g));
+ b = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, b));
+ brickGraphics.tint = rgbToHex(r, g, b);
+ }
self.hit = function () {
var damage = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 1;