Code edit (1 edits merged)
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User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Timeout.tick error: cakes is not defined' in or related to this line: 'cakes += miniGameReward;' Line Number: 1518
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'add')' in or related to this line: 'LK.ticker.add(gameLoop);' Line Number: 1651
Code edit (3 edits merged)
Please save this source code
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Timeout.tick error: updateAnimations is not defined' in or related to this line: 'updateAnimations(dt);' Line Number: 1638
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Timeout.tick error: cakesPerSecondCounter is not defined' in or related to this line: 'function gameLoop(dt) {' Line Number: 1626
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Timeout.tick error: cakesPerSecondCounter is not defined' in or related to this line: 'cakesPerSecondCounter += dt;' Line Number: 1627
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'LK.onUpdate is not a function' in or related to this line: 'LK.onUpdate(gameLoop);' Line Number: 1620
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Graphics is not a constructor' in or related to this line: 'var shadow = new Graphics();' Line Number: 407
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Graphics is not a constructor' in or related to this line: 'var panel = new Graphics();' Line Number: 800
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'upgrade.updateCakeGraphics is not a function' in or related to this line: 'upgrade.updateCakeGraphics(); // Update cake graphics based on new upgrade level' Line Number: 1544
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'upgrade.updateCakeGraphics is not a function' in or related to this line: 'upgrade.updateCakeGraphics(); // Update cake graphics based on new upgrade level' Line Number: 1544
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'upgrade.updateUpgradeText is not a function' in or related to this line: 'upgrade.updateUpgradeText(); // Update the upgrade price text to reflect the loaded cost' Line Number: 1540
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'upgrade.updateUpgradeText is not a function' in or related to this line: 'upgrade.updateUpgradeText(); // Update the upgrade price text to reflect the loaded cost' Line Number: 1540
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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User prompt
quand on click sur le bonus, joue aussi le son cheers après 1 sec
User prompt
ajoute un flash de l'écran quand on réussi a clicker sur le bonus
User prompt
quand le bonus cake apparait, joue aussi le son 'ohoh'
User prompt
quand on faire reset il faut aussi mettre à jour les étoiles
User prompt
appel start du BonusCakeManager après 1 min
Code edit (1 edits merged)
Please save this source code
User prompt
quand on click sur le bonusCake , jour le son bouns
Code edit (1 edits merged)
Please save this source code
User prompt
quand on réussi à taper le bonusCake, anime le en l'agrandissant enormément et en le rendant transparent en meme temps avant de le detruire ↪💡 Consider importing and using the following plugins: @upit/tween.v1
User prompt
dans BonusCake ajoute un delai de 100ms dans la boucle quand on tape dessus
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -229,8 +229,9 @@
LK.getSound('errorsond').play(); // Play error sound
+ return self;
// BigCake class
var BigCake = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
@@ -337,14 +338,62 @@
self.start = function () {
function triggerPopBonus() {
- var randomInterval = 120000 + Math.random() * 120000; // Random interval between 3min (180000ms) and 6min (360000ms)
+ var randomInterval = 120000 + Math.random() * 60000; // Random interval between 3min (180000ms) and 6min (360000ms)
LK.setTimeout(triggerPopBonus, randomInterval);
+// Chef character (player)
+var ChefCharacter = Container.expand(function () {
+ var self =;
+ // Chef graphics
+ var chefGraphics = self.attachAsset('chef', {
+ anchorX: 0.5,
+ anchorY: 0.5
+ });
+ // Chef position and movement variables
+ self.speed = 15;
+ self.position = {
+ x: 2048 / 2,
+ y: 2732 - 150
+ };
+ self.targetX = self.position.x;
+ // Add a shadow effect
+ var shadow = new Graphics();
+ shadow.beginFill(0x000000, 0.3);
+ shadow.drawEllipse(0, 10, 60, 20);
+ shadow.endFill();
+ shadow.y = chefGraphics.height / 2 - 10;
+ self.addChild(shadow);
+ // Add chef after shadow (layering)
+ self.addChild(chefGraphics);
+ // Update function for movement
+ self.update = function () {
+ // Only update if in mini-game mode
+ if (!isMiniGameMode) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Move towards target position with smooth movement
+ self.position.x += (self.targetX - self.position.x) * 0.2;
+ self.x = self.position.x;
+ self.y = self.position.y;
+ // Animate chef slightly based on movement
+ var movementSpeed = Math.abs(self.targetX - self.position.x);
+ if (movementSpeed > 1) {
+ chefGraphics.rotation = (self.targetX > self.position.x ? 1 : -1) * Math.min(movementSpeed * 0.001, 0.1);
+ } else {
+ chefGraphics.rotation = 0;
+ }
+ };
+ // Handle touch/mouse input
+ self.setTargetPosition = function (x) {
+ self.targetX = Math.max(50, Math.min(2048 - 50, x));
+ };
+ return self;
var Confetti = Container.expand(function (cakeIndex) {
var self =;
cakeIndex = cakeIndex ? cakeIndex : 0;
var confettiGraphics = self.attachAsset('cake_' + Math.max(0, Math.min(cakeIndex, 9)), {
@@ -366,19 +415,544 @@
+// Confetti manager for visual effects
var ConfettiManager = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
- self.popCakes = function (x, y, numConfetti) {
- for (var i = 0; i < numConfetti; i++) {
- var confetti = middleContainer.addChild(new Confetti(upgradeLevel));
- confetti.x = x;
- confetti.y = y;
- confetti.speedY = -15; // Initial upward speed
+ self.particles = [];
+ // Pop confetti effect
+ self.popCakes = function (x, y, count) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ var particle = new Container();
+ // Random cake type for confetti
+ var cakeIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
+ var particleGraphics = particle.attachAsset('cake_' + cakeIndex, {
+ anchorX: 0.5,
+ anchorY: 0.5
+ });
+ // Scale down for confetti effect
+ particle.scale.set(0.3 + Math.random() * 0.2);
+ // Random position around the catch point
+ particle.x = x;
+ particle.y = y;
+ // Random velocity
+ particle.vx = (Math.random() - 0.5) * 10;
+ particle.vy = -5 - Math.random() * 5;
+ // Random rotation
+ particle.rotation = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2;
+ particle.vr = (Math.random() - 0.5) * 0.2;
+ self.addChild(particle);
+ self.particles.push(particle);
+ // Start update loop if not already running
+ if (!self.updateInterval) {
+ self.updateInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
+ self.update();
+ }, 16); // ~60fps
+ }
+ // Update all particles
+ self.update = function () {
+ var gravity = 0.2;
+ var friction = 0.98;
+ for (var i = self.particles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ var particle = self.particles[i];
+ // Apply gravity
+ particle.vy += gravity;
+ // Apply friction
+ particle.vx *= friction;
+ particle.vy *= friction;
+ // Update position
+ particle.x += particle.vx;
+ particle.y += particle.vy;
+ // Update rotation
+ particle.rotation += particle.vr;
+ // Fade out
+ particle.alpha -= 0.01;
+ // Remove if faded out or off screen
+ if (particle.alpha <= 0 || particle.y > 2732 + 50) {
+ self.removeChild(particle);
+ self.particles.splice(i, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ // Stop update loop if no particles left
+ if (self.particles.length === 0) {
+ LK.clearInterval(self.updateInterval);
+ self.updateInterval = null;
+ self.destroy();
+ }
+ };
+ return self;
+// Falling Cake class
+var FallingCake = Container.expand(function () {
+ var self =;
+ // Random cake type (0-9)
+ var cakeIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
+ // Cake graphics
+ var cakeGraphics = self.attachAsset('cake_' + cakeIndex, {
+ anchorX: 0.5,
+ anchorY: 0.5
+ });
+ // Add rotation animation
+ var rotationDirection = Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1;
+ var rotationSpeed = (Math.random() * 0.02 + 0.01) * rotationDirection;
+ // Cake properties
+ self.speed = 5 + Math.random() * 3;
+ self.value = (cakeIndex + 1) * 10; // Value based on cake type
+ = true;
+ self.cakeType = cakeIndex;
+ // Special cakes (rare)
+ if (Math.random() < 0.05) {
+ // 5% chance for special cake
+ self.isSpecial = true;
+ self.value *= 5;
+ cakeGraphics.tint = 0xFFD700; // Gold tint for special cakes
+ // Add sparkle effect
+ var _sparkle = function sparkle() {
+ if (! {
+ return;
+ }
+ var sparkleEffect = new Container();
+ var sparkleGraphics = sparkleEffect.attachAsset('etoile', {
+ anchorX: 0.5,
+ anchorY: 0.5,
+ alpha: 0.8
+ });
+ sparkleEffect.x = (Math.random() - 0.5) * cakeGraphics.width;
+ sparkleEffect.y = (Math.random() - 0.5) * cakeGraphics.height;
+ sparkleEffect.scale.set(0.5 + Math.random() * 0.5);
+ self.addChild(sparkleEffect);
+ tween(sparkleEffect, {
+ alpha: 0,
+ scaleX: 0,
+ scaleY: 0
+ }, {
+ duration: 500,
+ easing: tween.easeOut,
+ onFinish: function onFinish() {
+ self.removeChild(sparkleEffect);
+ sparkleEffect.destroy();
+ }
+ });
+ if ( {
+ LK.setTimeout(_sparkle, 300 + Math.random() * 300);
+ }
+ };
+ _sparkle();
+ }
+ // Update function for falling
+ self.update = function () {
+ if (! || !isMiniGameMode) {
+ return;
+ }
+ self.y += self.speed;
+ cakeGraphics.rotation += rotationSpeed;
+ // Check if cake is out of bounds
+ if (self.y > 2732 + 50) {
+ = false;
+ }
+ };
+ // Destroy function
+ self.destroy = function () {
+ = false;
+ };
+ return self;
+// Mini-Game Button class
+var MiniGameButton = Container.expand(function () {
+ var self =;
+ // Button graphics with shadow effect
+ var shadowGraphics = self.attachAsset('buttonPrice', {
+ anchorX: 0.5,
+ anchorY: 0.5
+ });
+ shadowGraphics.tint = 0x000000;
+ shadowGraphics.alpha = 0.5;
+ shadowGraphics.y = 10;
+ self.addChild(shadowGraphics);
+ var buttonGraphics = self.attachAsset('buttonPrice', {
+ anchorX: 0.5,
+ anchorY: 0.5
+ });
+ // Add a chef icon to the button
+ var chefIcon = self.attachAsset('chef', {
+ anchorX: 0.5,
+ anchorY: 0.5,
+ width: 60,
+ height: 92
+ });
+ chefIcon.y = -20;
+ self.addChild(chefIcon);
+ // Button text
+ var buttonText = new Text2('MINI-GAME', {
+ size: 30,
+ fill: 0xFFFFFF,
+ fontWeight: '900',
+ dropShadow: true,
+ dropShadowColor: 0x000000,
+ dropShadowBlur: 5,
+ dropShadowDistance: 5
+ });
+ buttonText.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5);
+ buttonText.y = 40;
+ self.addChild(buttonText);
+ // Click handler
+ self.onClick = function () {
+ // Only allow switching if not already in mini-game mode
+ if (!isMiniGameMode) {
+ // Play sound
+ LK.getSound('clickSound').play();
+ // Switch to mini-game mode
+ switchToMiniGame();
+ // Button animation
+ tween(buttonGraphics, {
+ scaleX: 0.9,
+ scaleY: 0.9
+ }, {
+ duration: 100,
+ easing: tween.easeInOut,
+ onFinish: function onFinish() {
+ tween(buttonGraphics, {
+ scaleX: 1,
+ scaleY: 1
+ }, {
+ duration: 100,
+ easing: tween.easeInOut
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ return self;
+// Cake Manager for mini-game
+var MiniGameCakeManager = Container.expand(function () {
+ var self =;
+ self.cakes = [];
+ self.spawnInterval = null;
+ self.spawnRate = 1000; // ms between cake spawns
+ self.difficultyTimer = 0;
+ self.gameScore = 0;
+ self.combo = 0;
+ self.comboTimer = null;
+ // Start spawning cakes
+ self.start = function () {
+ self.spawnInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
+ if (isMiniGameMode) {
+ self.spawnCake();
+ }
+ }, self.spawnRate);
+ // Increase difficulty over time
+ self.difficultyTimer = LK.setInterval(function () {
+ if (isMiniGameMode) {
+ self.spawnRate = Math.max(300, self.spawnRate - 50);
+ LK.clearInterval(self.spawnInterval);
+ self.spawnInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
+ if (isMiniGameMode) {
+ self.spawnCake();
+ }
+ }, self.spawnRate);
+ }
+ }, 10000); // Increase difficulty every 10 seconds
+ };
+ // Stop spawning cakes
+ self.stop = function () {
+ LK.clearInterval(self.spawnInterval);
+ LK.clearInterval(self.difficultyTimer);
+ LK.clearInterval(self.comboTimer);
+ // Clear all cakes
+ self.cakes.forEach(function (cake) {
+ cake.destroy();
+ });
+ self.cakes = [];
+ };
+ // Spawn a new cake
+ self.spawnCake = function () {
+ var cake = new FallingCake();
+ cake.x = 50 + Math.random() * (2048 - 100); // Random x position
+ cake.y = -50; // Start above screen
+ self.addChild(cake);
+ self.cakes.push(cake);
+ };
+ // Update all cakes and check collisions
+ self.update = function (chef) {
+ if (!isMiniGameMode) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Update each cake
+ for (var i = self.cakes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ var cake = self.cakes[i];
+ if (! {
+ self.cakes.splice(i, 1);
+ continue;
+ }
+ cake.update();
+ // Check collision with chef
+ if (self.checkCollision(cake, chef)) {
+ // Calculate score with combo
+ var points = cake.value * (1 + self.combo * 0.1);
+ self.gameScore += Math.floor(points);
+ // Increment combo
+ self.combo++;
+ // Reset combo timer
+ LK.clearTimeout(self.comboTimer);
+ self.comboTimer = LK.setTimeout(function () {
+ self.combo = 0;
+ }, 2000);
+ // Play catch sound
+ LK.getSound('clickSound').play();
+ // Create score popup
+ self.createScorePopup(cake.x, cake.y, Math.floor(points), cake.isSpecial);
+ // Create effect at catch position
+ var effect = new ConfettiManager();
+ effect.popCakes(cake.x, cake.y, cake.isSpecial ? 10 : 5);
+ miniGameContainer.addChild(effect);
+ // Remove cake
+ cake.destroy();
+ self.cakes.splice(i, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // Create score popup
+ self.createScorePopup = function (x, y, score, isSpecial) {
+ var popup = new Text2('+' + score, {
+ size: isSpecial ? 60 : 40,
+ fill: isSpecial ? 0xFFD700 : 0xFFFFFF,
+ fontWeight: '900',
+ dropShadow: true,
+ dropShadowColor: 0x000000,
+ dropShadowBlur: 5,
+ dropShadowDistance: 5
+ });
+ popup.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5);
+ popup.x = x;
+ popup.y = y;
+ self.addChild(popup);
+ tween(popup, {
+ y: popup.y - 80,
+ alpha: 0
+ }, {
+ duration: 1000,
+ easing: tween.easeOut,
+ onFinish: function onFinish() {
+ self.removeChild(popup);
+ popup.destroy();
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ // Simple collision detection
+ self.checkCollision = function (cake, chef) {
+ var dx = Math.abs(cake.x - chef.position.x);
+ var dy = Math.abs(cake.y - chef.position.y);
+ return dx < 70 && dy < 100; // Adjust collision box as needed
+ };
+ return self;
+// UI for mini-game
+var MiniGameUI = Container.expand(function () {
+ var self =;
+ // Background panel
+ var panel = new Graphics();
+ panel.beginFill(0x000000, 0.5);
+ panel.drawRoundedRect(0, 0, 400, 150, 20);
+ panel.endFill();
+ panel.x = 2048 / 2 - 200;
+ panel.y = 20;
+ self.addChild(panel);
+ // Score text
+ var scoreLabel = new Text2('Score:', {
+ size: 30,
+ fill: 0xFFFFFF,
+ fontWeight: '900'
+ });
+ scoreLabel.x = panel.x + 20;
+ scoreLabel.y = panel.y + 20;
+ self.addChild(scoreLabel);
+ var scoreText = new Text2('0', {
+ size: 30,
+ fill: 0xFFFFFF,
+ fontWeight: '900'
+ });
+ scoreText.x = panel.x + 200;
+ scoreText.y = panel.y + 20;
+ self.addChild(scoreText);
+ // Combo text
+ var comboLabel = new Text2('Combo:', {
+ size: 30,
+ fill: 0xFFFFFF,
+ fontWeight: '900'
+ });
+ comboLabel.x = panel.x + 20;
+ comboLabel.y = panel.y + 60;
+ self.addChild(comboLabel);
+ var comboText = new Text2('x1', {
+ size: 30,
+ fill: 0xFFFFFF,
+ fontWeight: '900'
+ });
+ comboText.x = panel.x + 200;
+ comboText.y = panel.y + 60;
+ self.addChild(comboText);
+ // Time text
+ var timeLabel = new Text2('Time:', {
+ size: 30,
+ fill: 0xFFFFFF,
+ fontWeight: '900'
+ });
+ timeLabel.x = panel.x + 20;
+ timeLabel.y = panel.y + 100;
+ self.addChild(timeLabel);
+ var timeText = new Text2('60s', {
+ size: 30,
+ fill: 0xFFFFFF,
+ fontWeight: '900'
+ });
+ timeText.x = panel.x + 200;
+ timeText.y = panel.y + 100;
+ self.addChild(timeText);
+ // Update UI
+ self.update = function (score, combo, timeRemaining) {
+ scoreText.text = score.toString();
+ comboText.text = 'x' + (combo + 1).toString();
+ timeText.text = timeRemaining + 's';
+ // Pulse combo text when combo increases
+ if (combo > 0) {
+ comboText.tint = 0xFFD700; // Gold color for combo
+ tween(comboText, {
+ scaleX: 1.2,
+ scaleY: 1.2
+ }, {
+ duration: 100,
+ easing: tween.easeOut,
+ onFinish: function onFinish() {
+ tween(comboText, {
+ scaleX: 1,
+ scaleY: 1
+ }, {
+ duration: 100,
+ easing: tween.easeIn
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ comboText.tint = 0xFFFFFF;
+ }
+ // Warning color when time is low
+ if (timeRemaining <= 10) {
+ timeText.tint = 0xFF0000;
+ // Pulse time text
+ if (timeRemaining % 2 === 0) {
+ tween(timeText, {
+ scaleX: 1.2,
+ scaleY: 1.2
+ }, {
+ duration: 300,
+ easing: tween.easeOut,
+ onFinish: function onFinish() {
+ tween(timeText, {
+ scaleX: 1,
+ scaleY: 1
+ }, {
+ duration: 300,
+ easing: tween.easeIn
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ timeText.tint = 0xFFFFFF;
+ }
+ };
+ // Results screen
+ self.showResults = function (score, reward) {
+ // Create results panel
+ var resultsPanel = new Graphics();
+ resultsPanel.beginFill(0x000000, 0.8);
+ resultsPanel.drawRoundedRect(0, 0, 800, 600, 30);
+ resultsPanel.endFill();
+ resultsPanel.x = 2048 / 2 - 400;
+ resultsPanel.y = 2732 / 2 - 300;
+ self.addChild(resultsPanel);
+ // Results title
+ var titleText = new Text2('GAME OVER!', {
+ size: 60,
+ fill: 0xFFFFFF,
+ fontWeight: '900',
+ dropShadow: true,
+ dropShadowColor: 0x000000,
+ dropShadowBlur: 5,
+ dropShadowDistance: 5
+ });
+ titleText.anchor.set(0.5, 0);
+ titleText.x = 2048 / 2;
+ titleText.y = resultsPanel.y + 50;
+ self.addChild(titleText);
+ // Score result
+ var scoreResultText = new Text2('Your Score: ' + score, {
+ size: 40,
+ fill: 0xFFFFFF,
+ fontWeight: '900'
+ });
+ scoreResultText.anchor.set(0.5, 0);
+ scoreResultText.x = 2048 / 2;
+ scoreResultText.y = resultsPanel.y + 150;
+ self.addChild(scoreResultText);
+ // Reward result
+ var rewardResultText = new Text2('Cake Reward: ' + reward, {
+ size: 40,
+ fill: 0xFFD700,
+ fontWeight: '900'
+ });
+ rewardResultText.anchor.set(0.5, 0);
+ rewardResultText.x = 2048 / 2;
+ rewardResultText.y = resultsPanel.y + 220;
+ self.addChild(rewardResultText);
+ // Continue button
+ var continueButton = new Container();
+ var buttonGraphics = new Graphics();
+ buttonGraphics.beginFill(0x4CAF50);
+ buttonGraphics.drawRoundedRect(0, 0, 300, 80, 15);
+ buttonGraphics.endFill();
+ continueButton.addChild(buttonGraphics);
+ var buttonText = new Text2('CONTINUE', {
+ size: 40,
+ fill: 0xFFFFFF,
+ fontWeight: '900'
+ });
+ buttonText.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5);
+ buttonText.x = 150;
+ buttonText.y = 40;
+ continueButton.addChild(buttonText);
+ continueButton.x = 2048 / 2 - 150;
+ continueButton.y = resultsPanel.y + 400;
+ continueButton.interactive = true;
+ continueButton.buttonMode = true;
+ continueButton.on('pointerdown', function () {
+ // Play sound
+ LK.getSound('clickSound').play();
+ // Return to main game
+ switchToMainGame();
+ // Remove results screen
+ self.removeChild(resultsPanel);
+ self.removeChild(titleText);
+ self.removeChild(scoreResultText);
+ self.removeChild(rewardResultText);
+ self.removeChild(continueButton);
+ });
+ self.addChild(continueButton);
+ // Button hover effect
+ continueButton.on('pointerover', function () {
+ buttonGraphics.tint = 0x3E8E41;
+ });
+ continueButton.on('pointerout', function () {
+ buttonGraphics.tint = 0xFFFFFF;
+ });
+ };
+ return self;
// ResetButton class
var ResetButton = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var resetButtonGraphics = self.attachAsset('resetButton', {
@@ -497,200 +1071,131 @@
// Upgrade class
var Upgrade = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
- // Create a shadow effect by adding a black tinted, semi-transparent duplicate of upgradeGraphics
- var shadowGraphics = self.attachAsset('upgrade', {
+ // Upgrade properties
+ = '';
+ = '';
+ self.description = '';
+ self.price = 0;
+ self.cakesPerSecondIncrease = 0;
+ self.cakesPerClickIncrease = 0;
+ self.level = 0;
+ // Upgrade graphics
+ var upgradeGraphics = self.attachAsset('buttonPrice', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
- shadowGraphics.tint = 0x000000; // Tint the shadow black
- shadowGraphics.alpha = 0.5; // Make the shadow semi-transparent
- shadowGraphics.y = 10; // Position the shadow slightly below the upgrade button
- self.addChild(shadowGraphics);
- var upgradeGraphics = self.attachAsset('upgrade', {
+ // Upgrade icon
+ var icon = self.attachAsset('cake_0', {
anchorX: 0.5,
- anchorY: 0.5
+ anchorY: 0.5,
+ width: 60,
+ height: 60
- // Attach the cake_1 image on top of the upgrade button
- self.cakeGraphics = self.attachAsset('cake_1', {
- anchorX: 0.5,
- anchorY: 0.5
+ icon.x = -120;
+ self.addChild(icon);
+ // Upgrade name text
+ var nameText = new Text2('Upgrade', {
+ size: 30,
+ fill: 0xFFFFFF,
+ fontWeight: '900'
- self.cakeGraphics.y = -10; // Move the cake slightly higher on the upgrade button
- self.addChild(self.cakeGraphics);
- var upgradesLabel = new Text2('Upgrades', {
- size: 60,
- fill: 0x808080,
- // Gray color
+ nameText.anchor.set(0, 0.5);
+ nameText.x = -80;
+ nameText.y = -20;
+ self.addChild(nameText);
+ // Upgrade description text
+ var descriptionText = new Text2('Description', {
+ size: 20,
+ fill: 0xFFFFFF
+ });
+ descriptionText.anchor.set(0, 0.5);
+ descriptionText.x = -80;
+ descriptionText.y = 10;
+ self.addChild(descriptionText);
+ // Upgrade price text
+ var priceText = new Text2('100', {
+ size: 30,
+ fill: 0xFFFFFF,
fontWeight: '900'
- upgradesLabel.anchor.set(0.5, 1); // Center the text horizontally and align it to the bottom
- upgradesLabel.y = self.cakeGraphics.y - self.cakeGraphics.height / 2 - 160; // Move text slightly higher above the cake image
- upgradesLabel.fill = 0x808080; // Change text color to gray
- self.addChild(upgradesLabel);
- var upgradeLabel = new Text2('Cake', {
- size: 60,
- fill: 0xFF8C00,
- // Dark orange color
- fontWeight: '900',
- dropShadow: true,
- dropShadowColor: 0x000000,
- dropShadowBlur: 5,
- dropShadowDistance: 5
+ priceText.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5);
+ priceText.x = 120;
+ self.addChild(priceText);
+ // Upgrade level text
+ var levelText = new Text2('Lv. 0', {
+ size: 20,
+ fill: 0xFFFFFF
- upgradeLabel.anchor.set(0.5, 1); // Center the text horizontally and align it to the bottom
- upgradeLabel.y = self.cakeGraphics.y - self.cakeGraphics.height / 2 - 50; // Position text even higher above the cake image
- self.addChild(upgradeLabel);
- self.cost = 10; // Initial cost of the upgrade
- self.multiplier = 1; // Score multiplier
- self.updateCost = function () {
- self.cost = upgradePrices[Math.min(upgradeLevel + 1, upgradePrices.length - 1)]; // Update the cost using the upgradePrices array
- storage.upgradeCost = self.cost; // Save the updated upgrade cost
+ levelText.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5);
+ levelText.x = 120;
+ levelText.y = 30;
+ self.addChild(levelText);
+ // Initialize upgrade
+ self.initialize = function (id, name, description, basePrice, cakesPerSecondIncrease, cakesPerClickIncrease, iconAsset) {
+ = id;
+ = name;
+ self.description = description;
+ self.basePrice = basePrice;
+ self.price = basePrice;
+ self.cakesPerSecondIncrease = cakesPerSecondIncrease;
+ self.cakesPerClickIncrease = cakesPerClickIncrease;
+ self.level = 0;
+ // Update texts
+ nameText.text = name;
+ descriptionText.text = description;
+ priceText.text = basePrice;
+ levelText.text = 'Lv. ' + self.level;
+ // Update icon
+ if (iconAsset) {
+ self.removeChild(icon);
+ icon = self.attachAsset(iconAsset, {
+ anchorX: 0.5,
+ anchorY: 0.5,
+ width: 60,
+ height: 60
+ });
+ icon.x = -120;
+ self.addChild(icon);
+ }
+ return self;
- self.increaseMultiplier = function () {
- self.multiplier += 1; // Increase the multiplier by 1
+ // Update upgrade price based on level
+ self.updatePrice = function () {
+ self.price = Math.floor(self.basePrice * Math.pow(1.15, self.level));
+ priceText.text = self.price;
- var upgradeText = new Text2('$' + self.cost, {
- size: 80,
- fill: 0xFFA500,
- // Orange color
- fontWeight: '900',
- dropShadow: true,
- dropShadowColor: 0x000000,
- dropShadowBlur: 5,
- dropShadowDistance: 5
- });
- upgradeText.anchor.set(0.5, 0);
- upgradeText.x = 0;
- upgradeText.y = upgradeGraphics.height / 2 + 20; // Position text below the upgrade button
- self.addChild(upgradeText);
- self.updateUpgradeText = function () {
- upgradeText.setText(formatPrice(self.cost));
- };
- self.updateCakeGraphics = function () {
- var cakeIndex = Math.min(upgradeLevel + 1, 9);
- tween(self.cakeGraphics, {
- alpha: 0
- }, {
- duration: 500,
- easing: tween.easeOut,
- onFinish: function onFinish() {
- self.removeChild(self.cakeGraphics);
- self.cakeGraphics = self.attachAsset('cake_' + cakeIndex, {
- anchorX: 0.5,
- anchorY: 0.5
- });
- self.cakeGraphics.y = -10;
- self.cakeGraphics.alpha = 0;
- self.addChild(self.cakeGraphics);
- tween(self.cakeGraphics, {
- alpha: 1
- }, {
- duration: 500,
- easing: tween.easeIn
- });
- }
- });
- };
- self.onClick = function () {
- if (currentScore >= self.cost) {
- currentScore -= self.cost; // Deduct the cost from the current score
- score.updateScore(currentScore); // Update the score display
- self.updateCost(); // Update the cost for the next upgrade
- storage.upgradeMultiplier = self.multiplier; // Save the updated multiplier
- self.increaseMultiplier(); // Increase the score multiplier
- self.updateUpgradeText(); // Update the upgrade text
- upgradeLevel = Math.min(upgradeLevel + 1, 9); // Increment upgrade level, max 9
- storage.upgradeLevel = upgradeLevel; // Save the updated upgrade level
- self.updateCakeGraphics(); // Update cake graphics based on new upgrade level
- confettiManager.popCakes(bigCake.x, bigCake.y, 5); // Call popCakes using bigCake's coordinates
- LK.getSound('buySound').play(); // Play buy sound when upgrade is purchased
- // Animate the upgrade button
- tween(upgradeGraphics, {
- scaleX: 0.9,
- scaleY: 0.9
- }, {
- duration: 100,
- easing: tween.easeInOut,
- onFinish: function onFinish() {
- tween(upgradeGraphics, {
- scaleX: 1,
- scaleY: 1
- }, {
- duration: 100,
- easing: tween.easeInOut
- });
- }
- });
- // Animate the shadowGraphics in the same way
- tween(shadowGraphics, {
- scaleX: 0.9,
- scaleY: 0.9
- }, {
- duration: 100,
- easing: tween.easeInOut,
- onFinish: function onFinish() {
- tween(shadowGraphics, {
- scaleX: 1,
- scaleY: 1
- }, {
- duration: 100,
- easing: tween.easeInOut
- });
- }
- });
- // Animate the cakeGraphics in the same way
- tween(self.cakeGraphics, {
- scaleX: 0.9,
- scaleY: 0.9
- }, {
- duration: 100,
- easing: tween.easeInOut,
- onFinish: function onFinish() {
- tween(self.cakeGraphics, {
- scaleX: 1,
- scaleY: 1
- }, {
- duration: 100,
- easing: tween.easeInOut
- });
- }
- });
+ // Buy upgrade
+ = function () {
+ // Check if player has enough cakes
+ if (cakes >= self.price) {
+ // Subtract price from cakes
+ cakes -= self.price;
+ updateCakeCounter();
+ // Increase level
+ self.level++;
+ levelText.text = 'Lv. ' + self.level;
+ // Update price
+ self.updatePrice();
+ // Increase cakes per second
+ cakesPerSecond += self.cakesPerSecondIncrease;
+ updateCakesPerSecondCounter();
+ // Increase cakes per click
+ cakesPerClick += self.cakesPerClickIncrease;
+ // Play purchase sound
+ LK.getSound('achat').play();
+ // Create animation
+ var animation = new CakeAnimation();
+ animation.x = self.x;
+ animation.y = self.y;
+ foregroundContainer.addChild(animation);
} else {
- tween(self, {
- alpha: 0.2
- }, {
- duration: 100,
- easing: tween.easeInOut,
- onFinish: function onFinish() {
- tween(self, {
- alpha: 1
- }, {
- duration: 100,
- easing: tween.easeInOut,
- onFinish: function onFinish() {
- tween(self, {
- alpha: 0.2
- }, {
- duration: 100,
- easing: tween.easeInOut,
- onFinish: function onFinish() {
- tween(self, {
- alpha: 1
- }, {
- duration: 100,
- easing: tween.easeInOut
- });
- }
- });
- }
- });
- }
- });
+ // Not enough cakes
LK.getSound('errorsond').play(); // Play error sound
+ return self;
* Initialize Game
@@ -852,8 +1357,90 @@
var autoClickerText;
var bigCake;
var resetButton;
var board;
+// Mini-game global variables
+var isMiniGameMode = false; // Controls which game mode is active
+var miniGameContainer; // Container for the mini-game
+var miniGameChef;
+var miniGameCakeManager;
+var miniGameUI;
+var miniGameTimer;
+var miniGameDuration = 60; // 60 seconds
+var miniGameTimeRemaining;
+var miniGameReward = 0;
+// Switch to mini-game mode
+function switchToMiniGame() {
+ if (isMiniGameMode) {
+ return;
+ }
+ isMiniGameMode = true;
+ // Move main game containers off-screen (instead of hiding them)
+ // This preserves the game state while making them invisible
+ backgroundContainer.x = -5000;
+ middleContainer.x = -5000;
+ foregroundContainer.x = -5000;
+ // Show mini-game container
+ miniGameContainer.visible = true;
+ // Reset mini-game variables
+ miniGameTimeRemaining = miniGameDuration;
+ miniGameCakeManager.gameScore = 0;
+ miniGameCakeManager.combo = 0;
+ // Start mini-game
+ miniGameCakeManager.start();
+ // Start timer
+ miniGameTimer = LK.setInterval(function () {
+ miniGameTimeRemaining--;
+ // Update UI
+ miniGameUI.update(miniGameCakeManager.gameScore, miniGameCakeManager.combo, miniGameTimeRemaining);
+ // Check if game is over
+ if (miniGameTimeRemaining <= 0) {
+ endMiniGame();
+ }
+ }, 1000);
+ // Set up input handling for mini-game
+ LK.stage.on('pointermove', handleMiniGamePointerMove);
+ LK.stage.on('pointerdown', handleMiniGamePointerMove);
+// Handle mini-game pointer movement
+function handleMiniGamePointerMove(event) {
+ if (!isMiniGameMode) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var position =;
+ miniGameChef.setTargetPosition(position.x);
+// End mini-game
+function endMiniGame() {
+ // Stop timer
+ LK.clearInterval(miniGameTimer);
+ // Stop cake manager
+ miniGameCakeManager.stop();
+ // Remove input handlers
+'pointermove', handleMiniGamePointerMove);
+'pointerdown', handleMiniGamePointerMove);
+ // Calculate reward based on score
+ miniGameReward = Math.floor(miniGameCakeManager.gameScore / 10);
+ // Add reward to player's cakes
+ cakes += miniGameReward;
+ // Show results screen
+ miniGameUI.showResults(miniGameCakeManager.gameScore, miniGameReward);
+// Switch back to main game
+function switchToMainGame() {
+ if (!isMiniGameMode) {
+ return;
+ }
+ isMiniGameMode = false;
+ // Move main game containers back to original position
+ backgroundContainer.x = 0;
+ middleContainer.x = 0;
+ foregroundContainer.x = 0;
+ // Hide mini-game container
+ miniGameContainer.visible = false;
+ // Update main game UI to reflect new cake count
+ updateCakeCounter();
// Initialize game variables
function initializeGameVariables() {
backgroundContainer = new Container();
@@ -945,7 +1532,49 @@
// Play bakery music in a loop throughout the game
LK.playMusic('musiqueclicker', {
loop: true
+ // Initialize mini-game container
+ miniGameContainer = new Container();
+ miniGameContainer.visible = false;
+ game.addChild(miniGameContainer);
+ // Initialize mini-game UI
+ miniGameUI = new MiniGameUI();
+ miniGameContainer.addChild(miniGameUI);
+ // Initialize mini-game chef
+ miniGameChef = new ChefCharacter();
+ miniGameContainer.addChild(miniGameChef);
+ // Initialize mini-game cake manager
+ miniGameCakeManager = new MiniGameCakeManager();
+ miniGameContainer.addChild(miniGameCakeManager);
+ // Initialize mini-game button
+ var miniGameButton = new MiniGameButton();
+ miniGameButton.x = 2048 / 2 - 150;
+ miniGameButton.y = 2732 / 2 - 200;
+ foregroundContainer.addChild(miniGameButton);
+ // Set up game loop
+ LK.onUpdate(gameLoop);
// Call the function to initialize game variables
\ No newline at end of file
+// Game loop
+function gameLoop(dt) {
+ // Update the cakes per second counter
+ cakesPerSecondCounter += dt;
+ if (cakesPerSecondCounter >= 1) {
+ cakesPerSecondCounter = 0;
+ cakes += cakesPerSecond;
+ updateCakeCounter();
+ }
+ // Only update main game animations if not in mini-game mode
+ if (!isMiniGameMode) {
+ // Update animations
+ updateAnimations(dt);
+ } else {
+ // Update mini-game
+ miniGameChef.update();
+ miniGameCakeManager.update(miniGameChef);
+ }
+self.updateUpgradeText = function () {
+ priceText.setText('$' + self.price); // Update the price text to reflect the current cost
\ No newline at end of file
a button saying 'reset'. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast.
enlève ça
interieure de patiserie. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
gâteau ( pas réaliste ). Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
gâteau. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
gâteau. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
gâteau. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
dessin de toque de chef
étoile dorée toute simple comme dans les commentaires d'un site web
une patisserie (gâteau) simple. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
interieure de patiserie vide avec uniquement le sol et les murs. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
trace blanche verticale d'un effet de coup de ninja
Vue de face centrée d'une machine magique en forme de pièce montée arc-en-ciel avec une petite entrée d'alimentation en bas au milieu, un très grand hublot central et un tube transparent dirigé vers le haut.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect