User prompt
BlockSparkParticles should be affected by a tiny bit of gravity and also have a 0.5 alpha instead of 0.25
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User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'self.parent is null' in or related to this line: 'var sparkParticle = new BlockSparkParticle({' Line Number: 873
User prompt
when creating a new crackasset in the blockblank class, also create 2 * BlockSparkParticles
User prompt
create a new BlockSparkParticle class that contains a 10x10 shapeBox asset with 0.25 alpha. The particle travels in a random direction at a speed of 10 and fades out (via tween) over 350ms βͺπ‘ Consider importing and using the following plugins: @upit/tween.v1, @upit/tween.v1
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User prompt
before increasing the score in the block onLit function, create a blockLitParticle
User prompt
create a blockLitParticle comprised of a shapeBox asset with starting size of BLOCK_SIZE and alpha of 0.5. Linearly tween the size to 3 * BLOCK_SIZE and the alpha to 0 over 0.5s
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User prompt
when creating a lavaparticle, randomize its scale between 1 and 1.5
User prompt
randomize the LavaParticle scale between 1 and 1.5
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User prompt
give the LavaParticle glow a 0.5 alpha, and attach a smaller shapeBox with the same rotation and a black tint and 0.5 alpha as well
User prompt
Replace the LavaParticle glow with a shapeBox asset, retaining the relevant properties
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User prompt
add an empty, basic Container to the Lava class before creating the slices called the particleContainer
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User prompt
the glow should have a random rotation (from 0 to pi), and the initial random velocities should be increased by a factor of 10
User prompt
instead of the LavaParticle having a shapeEllipse, use a glow class instance, with a aforementioned properties
User prompt
every tick a lavaSlice has a 5% chance of creating a lava particle along it's length
User prompt
Create a LavaParticle class comprised of a glow instance with anchor of (0.5, 0.5), width and height of 15, 3 layers, tint of 0xFF4D00, and x and y range of 5. The particle should have a random x and y velocities ranging from -0.1 to 0.1 on the x and -1 to -0.2 on the y. Additionally the particle should be affected by gravity and it destroyed when it goes below the game height
User prompt
what is wrong with the line: `self.y = Math.max(0, Math.sin(game.ticks / 60 + self.index) * 10);`
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User prompt
remove the horizontal line shapebox
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--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -454,8 +454,30 @@
return self;
+var BlockLitParticle = ConfigContainer.expand(function (config) {
+ var self =, config);
+ var shapeBox = self.attachAsset('shapeBox', {
+ width: BLOCK_SIZE,
+ height: BLOCK_SIZE,
+ anchorX: 0.5,
+ anchorY: 0.5,
+ alpha: 0.5
+ });
+ tween(shapeBox, {
+ width: 3 * BLOCK_SIZE,
+ height: 3 * BLOCK_SIZE,
+ alpha: 0
+ }, {
+ duration: 500,
+ easing: tween.linear,
+ onFinish: function onFinish() {
+ self.callDestroy();
+ }
+ });
+ return self;
var Block = ConfigContainer.expand(function (config) {
var self =, config);
self.isRotating = false;
self.disabled = config.disabled;
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect