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Here is the desired behaviour : Start : logo is out and enters to the center with elasticIn Tap : logo leaves with a rancom ...Out easing the, comes back with a random "...In" easing
Code edit (3 edits merged)
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Please fix the code, too laggy
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at the end of tween(logo, { x: -logo.width, y: -logo.height }, { duration: 2000, easing: randomEasing }); call the easing in code
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refoactor the code to reduce duplication
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ok, now instead of logo.x = -logo.width; logo.y = -logo.height; use a rancom corner
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add a text "Easing" in bottom center
Code edit (9 edits merged)
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text appears black, change it to white
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fill property has a problem; try something else to make text white
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add text to game instead of gui
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add a tint FFF to text
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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never mind, change bg color to pastel dark blue
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change 0x5D92B1 to paster green
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Please fix the bug: 'tween is not defined' in or related to this line: 'var easingFunctionsIn = [tween.linear, tween.easeIn, tween.elasticIn, tween.bounceIn];' Line Number: 30 ↪💡 Consider importing and using the following plugins: @upit/tween.v1
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now at each logo move update the text with the name of current easing
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: randomEasing is undefined' in or related to this line: 'easingText.setText(;' Line Number: 87
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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create an array equivalent to easingFunctionsIn but with easing functions names as a strings
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create an new array equivalent to easingFunctionsIn but with easing functions names as strings
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: easing is not a function' in or related to this line: 'easingText.setText(;' Line Number: 88
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: easing is not a function' in or related to this line: 'easingText.setText(;' Line Number: 88
* Plugins
var tween = LK.import("@upit/tween.v1");
* Classes
// Logo class
var Logo = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var logoGraphics = self.attachAsset('logo', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
* Initialize Game
//<Write entity 'classes' with empty functions for important behavior here>
var game = new LK.Game({
backgroundColor: 0x000000 //Init game with black background
* Game Code
var logoIn = false; // Track the state of the logo (in or out)
game.down = function (x, y, obj) {
var easingFunctionsIn = [tween.linear, tween.easeIn, tween.elasticIn, tween.bounceIn];
var easingFunctionsOut = [tween.linear, tween.easeOut, tween.elasticOut, tween.bounceOut];
var randomEasing;
if (!logoIn) {
// If logo is out, animate it in
logo.x = -logo.width;
logo.y = -logo.height;
randomEasing = easingFunctionsIn[Math.floor(Math.random() * easingFunctionsIn.length)];
tween(logo, {
x: 1024,
y: 1366
}, {
duration: 2000,
easing: randomEasing
logoIn = true;
} else {
// If logo is in, animate it out
randomEasing = easingFunctionsOut[Math.floor(Math.random() * easingFunctionsOut.length)];
tween(logo, {
x: -logo.width,
y: -logo.height
}, {
duration: 2000,
easing: randomEasing
logoIn = false;
game.update = function () {
if (!logoIn) {
// If logo is out, animate it in
//logo.x = -logo.width;
//logo.y = -logo.height;
var easingFunctionsIn = [tween.linear, tween.easeIn, tween.elasticIn, tween.bounceIn];
randomEasing = easingFunctionsIn[Math.floor(Math.random() * easingFunctionsIn.length)];
tween(logo, {
x: 1024,
y: 1366
}, {
duration: 2000,
easing: randomEasing
logoIn = true;
var logo = game.addChild(new Logo());
logo.x = -logo.width;
logo.y = -logo.height;
tween(logo, {
x: 1024,
y: 1366
}, {
duration: 2000,
easing: tween.elasticIn