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the Shortest distance to road calculation does not seem to yield the expected result. if the car is driving on the center of the road the expectation is that the result should be zero
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in tick, use calculateDistanceToPoint to calculate the shortest distance to any road segment
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in the game class, add a method that can calculate the distance between a point (the car) and a given line segment (segments)
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for the secound point in distanceToLineSegment use the rotation of the road and height of road to calculate that point
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In tick use the distanceToLineSegment method to calculate the shortest distance to any segment
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In tick use the distanceToLineSegment method to calculate distance to the segment at index 0
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in game, add a method that can calculate the distance between the car and a given line segment based on line (segment) to point (car) math
User prompt
the road segment distance calculation does not seem to work
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In tick, calculate how close the car is to the center line of any road segment
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make the first road segment created 3000px long
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make the first road segment created 3000px long
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in tick calculate if the car center is currently inside or outside any of the road segments
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when destroying a road segment also call self.addRoadSegment
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only delete road segments that are twice the height of the screen outside the screen
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delete initialSegment
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delete initialSegment
Code edit (8 edits merged)
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use self.toLocal for segmentGlobalPosition calc
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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in tick, calculate if road segments are outside the screen at the bottom
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use segmentWidth for road width
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -135,8 +135,9 @@
mainContainer.y += offsetY;
for (var i = roadSegments.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var segmentGlobalPosition = self.toLocal(roadSegments[i].position, roadSegments[i].parent);
if (segmentGlobalPosition.y - roadSegments[i].height > 2732) {
+ console.log("destry", segmentGlobalPosition.y - roadSegments[i].height > 2732);
roadSegments.splice(i, 1);