Code edit (11 edits merged)
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Code edit (1 edits merged)
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User prompt
add background music to the background that loops infinitely
User prompt
add background music to the background that loops infinitely
User prompt
play background music on game start and loop it
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: LK.getSound(...).playing is not a function' in or related to this line: 'if (!LK.getSound('Background').playing()) {' Line Number: 218
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: LK.getSound(...).isPlaying is not a function' in or related to this line: 'if (!LK.getSound('Background').isPlaying()) {' Line Number: 218
User prompt
play background music on game start on tick check if background is playing, if stopped, then play
User prompt
play background music on game start and loop it infinitely
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: backgroundMusic.isPlaying is not a function' in or related to this line: 'if (!backgroundMusic.isPlaying()) {' Line Number: 221
User prompt
play background music on game start. restart it after it ends
User prompt
play background music on game start, and loop it infinitely
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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User prompt
play background music on game start on tick check if background is playing, if not, then play
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -167,9 +167,9 @@
dropShadowDistance: 6
scoreText.anchor.set(0, 0);;
-var notificationTexts = ['Longing for her warm embrace', 'My love intensifies with each curve', 'Time slips away like smoke', 'Her voice echoes in my mind', 'Desperation sharpens every turn', 'Curves lead to her embrace', 'My passion grows with every turn', 'Time slips, but love persists', 'Desperation sharpens my every move', 'Reunion, the ultimate driving force', 'Is she waiting for me?', 'Where could she be?', 'Can I reach her in time?', 'Will she smile when I arrive?', 'Does she know I am coming?', 'Her embrace is my reward', 'Does she still remember me?', 'Will I see love in her eyes?', 'Does she feel my urgency?', 'Will our love grow stronger?', 'Her voice my guiding star', 'Do I still hold her heart?', 'Can I reach her in time?', 'Does she still believe in us?', 'Will our love conquer all?', 'How fast can I go?', 'Can I push my limits?', 'Will speed get me there?', 'Is haste my driving force?', 'Can I outpace the clock?', 'Is this a race against time?', 'Will acceleration save us?', 'Am I in the fast lane?', 'Can I set a new record?', 'Do I thrive on speed?', 'Will I leave time behind?', 'Am I the fastest driver?', 'Can I reach her swiftly?', 'Loves urgency fuels my speed', 'Does every mile bring me closer?', 'Is this road endless or eternal?', 'The stars witness my journey', 'The road hums her name', 'Each second feels like a lifetime', 'The wind whispers her presence', 'Every turn tests my resolve', 'Her love fuels my engine', 'Can love overcome distance?', 'Is she watching the horizon?', 'Does she dream of our reunion?', 'Will my speed impress her?', 'Is my heart racing for her or the thrill?', 'Will the dawn find us together?', 'Can love conquer the road?', 'Each mile is a heartbeat closer', 'Her smile lights the path ahead', 'The road curves, but my heart races straight', 'Am I chasing her or myself?', 'Does she feel my approach?', 'The moon guides me to her', 'The horizon holds her promise', 'Will she hear my engine’s roar?', 'Can I bridge the gap of time?', 'Is this love or obsession?', 'The journey defines our love', 'The asphalt hums beneath my wheels', 'Each streetlight a pulse in my chest', 'The city fades into a blur', 'Her scent lingers in my memory', 'My headlights pierce the darkness', 'The road stretches like a heartbeat', 'Adrenaline sings through my veins', 'Her laughter fuels my resolve', 'Every corner tests my courage', 'The skyline hides her shadow', 'Is she the prize at the finish line?', 'Each second taunts my longing', 'Will the stars align for us tonight?', 'The road speaks in riddles', 'Do I drive toward hope or despair?', 'Her image dances in my mirrors', 'The engine growls with determination', 'Each mile erodes the distance between us', 'The clock ticks louder with every shift', 'Will she see my headlights on the horizon?', 'The wind carries her name to me', 'My tires trace a path to her heart', 'Does she wait at the end of this journey?', 'The silence between gears is deafening', 'The road consumes my thoughts', 'Her love is the compass guiding me', 'Every red light feels like eternity', 'Will my speed match my yearning?', 'The engine’s roar echoes my desperation', 'Every sign points me closer to her', 'Is this race for love or redemption?', 'The open road promises nothing', 'Her eyes pull me through the haze', 'The horizon burns with her absence', 'Every shadow hides a memory of her', 'The pavement crackles under the pressure', 'Each gear shift is a pledge to reach her', 'The night swallows my doubt', 'The finish line blurs with her silhouette', 'Can I tame the chaos within me?', 'The distance mocks my devotion', 'Every street whispers her goodbye', 'The road winds like her gentle touch', 'My resolve tightens with every twist', 'The night’s chill cannot cool my fire', 'Every glance in the mirror spurs me forward', 'Her heartbeat syncs with the rhythm of my drive', 'The horizon promises a fleeting embrace', 'Will I find her waiting under the moonlight?', 'The speedometer measures my longing', 'Each turn carves her name into my soul', 'Will the dawn bring us together or apart?', 'Her absence shapes the road ahead', 'The journey defines the depth of my love', 'Each shadow hides a sliver of hope', 'Her voice lingers in the hum of my tires', 'Every straightaway feels endless without her'];
+var notificationTexts = ['Longing for her warm embrace', 'My love intensifies with each curve', 'Time slips away like smoke', 'Her voice echoes in my mind', 'Desperation sharpens every turn', 'Curves lead to her embrace', 'My passion grows with every turn', 'Time slips, but love persists', 'Desperation sharpens my every move', 'Reunion, the ultimate driving force', 'Is she waiting for me?', 'Where could she be?', 'Can I reach her in time?', 'Will she smile when I arrive?', 'Does she know I am coming?', 'Her embrace is my reward', 'Does she still remember me?', 'Will I see love in her eyes?', 'Does she feel my urgency?', 'Will our love grow stronger?', 'Her voice my guiding star', 'Do I still hold her heart?', 'Can I reach her in time?', 'Does she still believe in us?', 'Will our love conquer all?', 'How fast can I go?', 'Can I push my limits?', 'Will speed get me there?', 'Is haste my driving force?', 'Can I outpace the clock?', 'Is this a race against time?', 'Will acceleration save us?', 'Am I in the fast lane?', 'Can I set a new record?', 'Do I thrive on speed?', 'Will I leave time behind?', 'Am I the fastest driver?', 'Can I reach her swiftly?', 'Loves urgency fuels my speed', 'Every mile brings me closer?', 'Is this road endless or eternal?', 'The stars witness my journey', 'The road hums her name', 'The wind whispers her presence', 'Every turn tests my resolve', 'Her love fuels my engine', 'Can love overcome distance?', 'Is she watching the horizon?', 'Does she dream of our reunion?', 'Will my speed impress her?', 'Will the dawn find us together?', 'Can love conquer the road?', 'Each mile is a heartbeat closer', 'Am I chasing her or myself?', 'Does she feel my approach?', 'The moon guides me to her', 'The horizon holds her promise', 'Will she hear my engine roar?', 'Can I bridge the gap of time?', 'Is this love or obsession?', 'The journey defines our love', 'The asphalt hums beneath my wheels', 'The city fades into a blur', 'Her scent lingers in my memory', 'My headlights pierce the darkness', 'The road stretches like a heartbeat', 'Adrenaline sings through my veins', 'Her laughter fuels my resolve', 'Every corner tests my courage', 'The skyline hides her shadow', 'Is she the prize at the finish line?', 'Each second taunts my longing', 'Will the stars align for us tonight?', 'The road speaks in riddles', 'Do I drive toward hope or despair?', 'Her image dances in my mirrors', 'The engine growls with determination', 'The clock ticks louder with every shift', 'The wind carries her name to me', 'My tires trace a path to her heart', 'The road consumes my thoughts', 'Her love is the compass guiding me', 'Every red light feels like eternity', 'Will my speed match my yearning?', 'Every sign points me closer to her', 'Is this race for love or redemption?', 'The open road promises nothing', 'Her eyes pull me through the haze', 'The horizon burns with her absence', 'Every shadow hides a memory of her', 'The night swallows my doubt', 'Can I tame the chaos within me?', 'The distance mocks my devotion', 'Every street whispers her goodbye', 'The road winds like her gentle touch', 'My resolve tightens with every twist', 'The night’s chill cannot cool my fire', 'Every glance in the mirror spurs me forward', 'The speedometer measures my longing', 'Each turn carves her name into my soul', 'Her absence shapes the road ahead', 'Every second burns', 'Her cry echoes', 'The clock is screaming', 'I cant slow down', 'Her scent fades fast', 'The road bites back', 'Time cuts like a blade', 'She’s slipping away', 'The wind howls her name', 'My grip tightens', 'The tires scream urgency', 'Her face is fading', 'The night won’t wait', 'I’m running out of time', 'The engine roars her name', 'My heart is racing her', 'Every curve fights me', 'I can’t fail her', 'The darkness taunts me', 'Her voice is my lifeline', 'The horizon won’t come closer', 'Every second is agony', 'She needs me now', 'Fate’s breathing down my neck', 'Each turn steals time', 'Her warmth is slipping', 'I won’t let her go', 'The road fights back', 'I can’t be too late', 'Her heartbeat’s fading', 'The stars blur with speed', 'No brakes, just love', 'I’m chasing her shadow', 'Every light burns hope', 'This ride is life or death', 'Her embrace is slipping away', 'The night won’t forgive me', 'I’m on borrowed time', 'The road’s a battlefield'];
var usedNotificationTexts = [];
function getRandomNotificationText() {
if (notificationTexts.length === 0) {
notificationTexts = usedNotificationTexts.splice(0, usedNotificationTexts.length);
DeLorean car, seen from behind Top-down, gta2, Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.isometric
cool looking driver holding a car wheel as if he's driving. 30 years old. vintage retro 1980 style. 3/4 view. pixelated. 8 bit. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.