User prompt
Make the pastel colors slightly darker
User prompt
Change the bubble colors to a pastel rainbow
User prompt
set background color to #fff1e7
User prompt
Make background a light pastel orange
User prompt
subtract 2x bubble hight in new bubble position inside checkTopRowAndInsertBubble
User prompt
in checkTopRowAndInsertBubble set the y to the min of all bubbles in the column - the hight of a bubble
User prompt
Set the y of new bubbles in checkTopRowAndInsertBubble to one bubble hight above the bubble below it
User prompt
Move checkTopRowAndInsertBubble into the do while loop in tick
User prompt
set gameover timer to 3 secs
User prompt
Move the checkThreeConnectedBubbles check outside the do while loop and after the checkTopRowAndInsertBubble() check
User prompt
call the checkThreeConnectedBubbles check after checkTopRowAndInsertBubble
User prompt
Move down the game board by 200px
User prompt
Change the game over timer to 1000
User prompt
inside the !self.checkThreeConnectedBubbles() if statement remove the return statement
User prompt
Remove the return statement inside the checkThreeConnectedBubbles check if
User prompt
Wait 2 secounds with calling game over, however only call game over once
User prompt
in the checkThreeConnectedBubbles check in tick don't call return
User prompt
don't call return in checkThreeConnectedBubbles
User prompt
Wait 2 seconds to call game over
User prompt
Only call game over if no bubbles are currently moving
User prompt
use checkThreeConnectedBubbles in tick to check if the game is game over. If it returns false call game over
User prompt
Pop destroys bubbles, we don't want to destroy bubbles in checkThreeConnectedBubbles
User prompt
Create a method in game, that checks if 3 connected bubbles of the same type exist on the game board
User prompt
Test if the grid has 3 connected bubbles, if not call gameover. This test method should not pop bubbles
User prompt
Test if the grid has 3 connected bubbles, if not call gameover
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@
self.arrayX = 0;
self.arrayY = 0;
self.type = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5);
var bubbleGraphics = self.createAsset('bubble', 'Bubble Graphics', .5, .5);
- var colors = [0xFFB3BA, 0xFFDFBA, 0xFFFFBA, 0xBAFFC9, 0xBAE1FF];
+ var colors = [0xFFA3AA, 0xFFCFBA, 0xFFEFBA, 0xBADFC9, 0xBAD1FF];
bubbleGraphics.tint = colors[self.type];
self.move = function () {
var targetY = self.arrayY * (self.height + 4) + self.height / 2;
if (self.y < targetY) {