User prompt
Update the score rewarding code such that you get exponential more points for removing more bubbles at once
User prompt
There is no score change event remove that code
User prompt
In checkTopRowAndInsertBubble subtract the board.y rather than -300
User prompt
Move down game board by 250px
User prompt
Make sure score label updates when score changes. Also make the font impact
User prompt
Add a score label to the game in the top center of the screen, make it black with a white dropshadow
User prompt
update the game such that initially there are only three different bubble types, but as you get more points more bubble types should be used
User prompt
Update bubble class to also accept an int variable which is used to select the random type of the bubble
User prompt
Update the Bubble class to accept a variable that indicates which types the bubble can have
User prompt
Update the color array to have 7 colors in total, make them fit well with the background but still have high contrast
User prompt
replace Infinity with 0 in checkTopRowAndInsertBubble
User prompt
replace the Infinity in checkTopRowAndInsertBubble with -1000
User prompt
make sure new bubbles in checkTopRowAndInsertBubble cannot be less than - 300
User prompt
Subtract 300 from new bubble y in checkTopRowAndInsertBubble
User prompt
in checkTopRowAndInsertBubble set the y of new bubble to min of y of all bubbles in the row minus one bubble height
User prompt
in bubble you are using self.height update that to xhight
User prompt
everywhere with and hight on bubbles are used, replace with xWidth and xHeight
User prompt
In bubble update the code that calls self.height to self.xHeight
User prompt
Update everywhere bubble.width and bubble.height gets called with bubble.xWidth and bubble.xHeight
User prompt
Add a xWidth and xHight value to bubble and set both to 210
User prompt
Make the colors more saturated, and make sure it includes the entire rainbow
User prompt
Change the ball colors to colors that match better with the background
User prompt
change the colors of the balls to a rainbow where #e63545 is one of the colors
User prompt
Change the bubble colors to a pastel rainbow, but make the colors more saturated
User prompt
Make the pastel colors slightly darker & saturated
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -59,10 +59,10 @@
if (sameTypeBubbles.length >= 3) {
for (var i = 0; i < sameTypeBubbles.length; i++) {
- LK.score += 10;
+ LK.score += Math.pow(2, sameTypeBubbles.length);
self.getNeighbors = function (bubble) {
var neighbors = [];