\n\n\n\nCSS: body {\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: center;\n height: 100vh;\n margin: 0;\n font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;\n background: url('background-image.jpg') no-repeat center center fixed;\n background-size: cover;\n}\n\n#game-container {\n text-align: center;\n padding: 20px;\n background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);\n border-radius: 10px;\n box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);\n}\n\nbutton {\n font-size: 1.8em;\n padding: 15px 30px;\n margin: 20px;\n cursor: pointer;\n background-color: #4CAF50;\n color: #fff;\n border: none;\n border-radius: 5px;\n transition: background-color 0.3s ease;\n}\n\nbutton:hover {\n background-color: #45a049;\n}\n\n#upgrades {\n margin-top: 20px;\n color: #333;\n}\n\nul {\n list-style-type: none;\n padding: 0;\n}\n\nli {\n margin: 10px;\n padding: 10px;\n background-color: #ecf0f1;\n border-radius: 5px;\n cursor: pointer;\n transition: background-color 0.3s ease;\n}\n\nli:hover {\n background-color: #bdc3c7;\n}\n\nJavaScript: let cookies = 0;\nlet clickMultiplier = 1;\nlet upgrades = [\n { name: 'Sprinkle Spritzer', cost: 10, multiplier: 2, level: 0 },\n { name: 'Choco-Mixer', cost: 50, multiplier: 5, level: 0 },\n { name: 'Caramelizer', cost: 100, multiplier: 10, level: 0 },\n { name: 'Jelly Jamboree', cost: 200, multiplier: 20, level: 0 },\n { name: 'Muffin Master', cost: 500, multiplier: 50, level: 0 },\n { name: 'Cookie Treehouse', cost: 1000, multiplier: 100, level: 0 },\n { name: 'Quantum Doughinator', cost: 2000, multiplier: 200, level: 0 },\n { name: 'Galactic Ovenlord', cost: 5000, multiplier: 500, level: 0 }\n];\n\nfunction increaseScore() {\n cookies += clickMultiplier;\n document.getElementById('score').innerText = 'Cookies: ' + cookies;\n playClickSound();\n}\n\nfunction endGame() {\n playGameOverSound();\n alert('Game Over! You baked ' + cookies + ' cookies!');\n resetGame();\n}\n\nfunction resetGame() {\n cookies = 0;\n clickMultiplier = 1;\n document.getElementById('score').innerText = 'Cookies: ' + cookies;\n setupUpgrades();\n}\n\nfunction setupUpgrades() {\n const upgradeList = document.getElementById('upgradeList');\n upgradeList.innerHTML = '';\n\n upgrades.forEach((upgrade, index) => {\n const upgradeButton = document.createElement('li');\n upgradeButton.textContent = `${upgrade.name} (Level ${upgrade.level}) - Cost: ${upgrade.cost} Cookies | Multiplier: ${upgrade.multiplier}x`;\n upgradeButton.addEventListener('click', () => purchaseUpgrade(index));\n upgradeList.appendChild(upgradeButton);\n });\n}\n\nfunction purchaseUpgrade(index) {\n const upgrade = upgrades[index];\n\n if (cookies >= upgrade.cost) {\n cookies -= upgrade.cost;\n upgrade.level++;\n clickMultiplier += upgrade.multiplier;\n document.getElementById('score').innerText = 'Cookies: ' + cookies;\n playUpgradeSound();\n setupUpgrades();\n }\n}\n\nfunction playClickSound() {\n const clickSound = document.getElementById('clickSound');\n clickSound.currentTime = 0;\n clickSound.play();\n}\n\nfunction playUpgradeSound() {\n const upgradeSound = document.getElementById('upgradeSound');\n upgradeSound.currentTime = 0;\n upgradeSound.play();\n}\n\nfunction playGameOverSound() {\n const gameOverSound = document.getElementById('gameOverSound');\n gameOverSound.currentTime = 0;\n gameOverSound.play();\n}\n\n// Display upgrades on page load\nsetupUpgrades();","generatedCode":"
===================================================================\n--- original.js\n+++ change.js\n@@ -1,72 +1,98 @@\n-/****\n+/**** \n * Classes\n ****/\n-var Cookie = Container.expand(function () {\n-  var self = Container.call(this);\n-  var cookieGraphic = self.attachAsset('cookie', {\n-    anchorX: 0.5,\n-    anchorY: 0.5\n-  });\n-  self.interactive = true;\n-  self.buttonMode = true;\n-  self.on('down', function () {\n-    game.incrementScore();\n-  });\n+var Upgrade = Container.expand(function (name, cost, multiplier) {\n+\tvar self = Container.call(this);\n+\tself.name = name;\n+\tself.cost = cost;\n+\tself.multiplier = multiplier;\n+\tself.level = 0;\n+\tself.upgradeGraphic = self.attachAsset('factory', {\n+\t\t// Using 'factory' asset as placeholder\n+\t\tanchorX: 0.5,\n+\t\tanchorY: 0.5\n+\t});\n+\tself.interactive = true;\n+\tself.buttonMode = true;\n+\tself.on('down', function () {\n+\t\tif (game.score >= self.cost) {\n+\t\t\tgame.score -= self.cost;\n+\t\t\tself.level++;\n+\t\t\tgame.cookie.setMultiplier(game.cookie.clickMultiplier + self.multiplier);\n+\t\t\tgame.scoreText.setText(game.score.toString());\n+\t\t\tLK.effects.playSound('upgradeSound');\n+\t\t\t// Update the upgrade display\n+\t\t\tself.upgradeGraphic.setText(self.name + ' (Level ' + self.level + ') - Cost: ' + self.cost + ' Cookies | Multiplier: ' + self.multiplier + 'x');\n+\t\t}\n+\t});\n });\n+var ClickableCookie = Container.expand(function () {\n+\tvar self = Container.call(this);\n+\tvar cookieGraphic = self.attachAsset('cookie', {\n+\t\tanchorX: 0.5,\n+\t\tanchorY: 0.5\n+\t});\n+\tself.interactive = true;\n+\tself.buttonMode = true;\n+\tself.clickMultiplier = 1;\n+\tself.on('down', function () {\n+\t\tgame.incrementScore(self.clickMultiplier);\n+\t\tLK.effects.playSound('clickSound');\n+\t});\n+\tself.setMultiplier = function (multiplier) {\n+\t\tself.clickMultiplier = multiplier;\n+\t};\n+});\n var Factory = Container.expand(function () {\n-  var self = Container.call(this);\n-  var factoryGraphic = self.attachAsset('factory', {\n-    anchorX: 0.5,\n-    anchorY: 0.5\n-  });\n-  self.x = 2048 / 2;\n-  self.y = 2732 - 300;\n-  game.addChild(self);\n-  self.produceCookies = function () {\n-    game.incrementScore(1);\n-  };\n+\tvar self = Container.call(this);\n+\tvar factoryGraphic = self.attachAsset('factory', {\n+\t\tanchorX: 0.5,\n+\t\tanchorY: 0.5\n+\t});\n+\tself.x = 2048 / 2;\n+\tself.y = 2732 - 300;\n+\tgame.addChild(self);\n+\tself.produceCookies = function () {\n+\t\tgame.incrementScore(1);\n+\t};\n });\n \n-/****\n+/**** \n * Initialize Game\n ****/\n var game = new LK.Game({\n-  backgroundColor: 0x000000 // Init game with black background\n+\tbackgroundColor: 0x000000 // Init game with black background\n });\n \n-/****\n+/**** \n * Game Code\n ****/\n game.score = 0;\n-game.cookie = game.addChild(new Cookie());\n+game.cookie = game.addChild(new ClickableCookie());\n game.cookie.x = 2048 / 2;\n game.cookie.y = 2732 / 2;\n-game.factory = new Factory();\n game.scoreText = new Text2('0', {\n-  size: 150,\n-  fill: "#ffffff",\n-  anchorX: 0.5,\n-  anchorY: 0\n+\tsize: 150,\n+\tfill: "#ffffff",\n+\tanchorX: 0.5,\n+\tanchorY: 0\n });\n LK.gui.top.addChild(game.scoreText);\n game.incrementScore = function (amount) {\n-  amount = amount || 1;\n-  game.score += amount;\n-  game.scoreText.setText(game.score.toString());\n+\tamount = amount || 1;\n+\tgame.score += amount;\n+\tgame.scoreText.setText(game.score.toString());\n };\n-game.factoryProductionInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {\n-  game.factory.produceCookies();\n-}, 1000);\n LK.on('tick', function () {\n-  // Game logic that needs to be run every frame\n+\t// Game logic that needs to be run every frame\n });\n // Event listeners for touch events\n game.on('down', function (obj) {\n-  // Handle touch down events\n+\t// Handle touch down events\n });\n game.on('up', function (obj) {\n-  // Handle touch up events\n+\t// Handle touch up events\n });\n game.on('move', function (obj) {\n-  // Handle touch move events\n+\t// Handle touch move events\n });\n\\ No newline at end of file\n
"} Upit | Learn about creating the game biscuit clicker with gen AI