Code edit (1 edits merged)
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User prompt
the boy can collect items and they follow him on his head
User prompt
remove sound cus it id bugged
User prompt
add cooldown to sound to only start playing after 921ms after playing the sound passed
User prompt
sounds are overlapping and rappidly playing always FIX THE BUG
User prompt
and stop sound when he stops moving, the play again when he is moving
User prompt
sound is played when he isnt moving
User prompt
slow the sound down and only play it when he is moving
User prompt
Add cooldown mechanism for soundsto prevent rapid re-triggering.
User prompt
the footsteps sound is for the boy when he is walking
User prompt
prevent trees from cluttering up,
User prompt
increase distance to 500 pixels
User prompt
trees should have a distance of min. 100 pixels to another
User prompt
remove grassy texture asset
User prompt
more trees
User prompt
sword desription should come up when walking over the word
User prompt
reduce to 1.5 second, also add description to the sword
User prompt
decrease cooldown a lil bit
User prompt
give a cooldown to messages
User prompt
i meant prevent same messages from being shown at the same time not that it is one time see only
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -254,9 +254,9 @@
onFinish: function onFinish() {;
LK.setTimeout(function () {
narrativeCooldown = false;
- }, 2000); // Cooldown period of 2 seconds
+ }, 1500); // Cooldown period of 1.5 seconds
/** Assets