User prompt
Противники преследуют ближайшую цель, а не только игрока
User prompt
Противник 3 преследует игрока
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Убрать game over, если хоть один из противников пересек радиус 950 от центра
User prompt
Развернуть противника 3 на -90 грудусов
User prompt
Развернуть противника 3 на 90 градусов
User prompt
Развернуть противника3 на 180 градусов
User prompt
Добавить объект противник3 в левую часть круга
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User prompt
Исправить ошибку, когда противник2 не преследует игрока
User prompt
Исправить ошибку, когда enemy2 не преследует игрока
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User prompt
Начальное движение у enemy2 по горизонтали
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Развернуть enemy2 на 90 градусов
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Развернуть enemy2 еще на 90 градусов
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Развернуть enemy2 на 180 градусов
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Развернуть enemy2 на -90 градусов
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Сделать начальное положение у enemy2 в правой стороне круга
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Добавить enemy2 в правую сторону circle
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Добавить преследование enemy2, как у enemy1
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Сделать Начальное положение enemy2 в правой стороне круга
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'ReferenceError: Can't find variable: enemy' in or related to this line: 'if (car === enemy) {' Line Number: 202
* Classes
// Assets will be automatically created based on usage in the code.
// Car class
var Car = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
// Attach a car asset
var carGraphics = self.attachAsset('car', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.previousTouchPosition = null;
self.speedX = 0;
self.speedY = 0;
// Move car based on its speed
self.move = function () {
if (self.slidingDuration > 0) {
self.x += self.speedX;
self.y += self.speedY;
if (self.slidingDuration === 0) {
self.speedX = Math.sin(self.rotation) * 7;
self.speedY = -Math.cos(self.rotation) * 7;
} else {
self.x += self.speedX;
self.y += self.speedY;
// Prevent the car from moving in the opposite direction when it hits the wall
self.checkBounds = function () {
if (self.x < 0) {
self.x += 200;
} else if (self.x > 2048) {
self.x -= 200;
if (self.y < 0) {
self.y += 200;
} else if (self.y > 2732) {
self.y -= 200;
self.slidingDuration = 0;
self.setDirection = function (direction) {
if (direction === 'left') {
self.rotation -= 0.07;
self.speedX += Math.sin(self.rotation) * 0.07;
self.speedY += -Math.cos(self.rotation) * 0.07;
self.slidingDuration = 20; // Set sliding duration to 0.5 second (30 frames)
} else if (direction === 'right') {
self.rotation += 0.07;
self.speedX += Math.sin(self.rotation) * 0.07;
self.speedY += -Math.cos(self.rotation) * 0.07;
self.slidingDuration = 20; // Set sliding duration to 0.5 second (30 frames)
// Limit the speed to prevent the car from sliding too much
if (self.slidingDuration > 0) {
self.speedX = Math.min(Math.max(self.speedX, -7), 7);
self.speedY = Math.min(Math.max(self.speedY, -7), 7);
} else {
self.speedX = Math.sin(self.rotation) * 7;
self.speedY = -Math.cos(self.rotation) * 7;
// Enemy class
var Enemy = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
// Attach an enemy asset
var enemyGraphics = self.attachAsset('enemy1', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.speedX = 0;
self.speedY = 0;
// Move enemy based on its speed
self.move = function () {
self.x += self.speedX;
self.y += self.speedY;
// Prevent the enemy from moving in the opposite direction when it hits the wall
self.checkBounds = function () {
if (self.x < 0) {
self.x += 200;
} else if (self.x > 2048) {
self.x -= 200;
if (self.y < 0) {
self.y += 200;
} else if (self.y > 2732) {
self.y -= 200;
self.followPlayer = function (player) {
// Calculate the direction vector from the enemy to the player
var dx = player.x - self.x;
var dy = player.y - self.y;
// Normalize the direction vector
var length = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
dx /= length;
dy /= length;
// Set the enemy's speed to move towards the player
// Add sliding behavior to the enemy car
self.speedX += dx * 0.05;
self.speedY += dy * 0.05;
if (self.slidingDuration > 0) {
if (self.slidingDuration === 0) {
// Calculate the direction vector from the enemy to the player
var dx = player.x - self.x;
var dy = player.y - self.y;
// Normalize the direction vector
var length = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
dx /= length;
dy /= length;
// Set the enemy's speed to always be 7
self.speedX = dx * 7;
self.speedY = dy * 7;
} else {
self.slidingDuration = 90; // Set sliding duration to 2 seconds (120 frames)
// Calculate the angle of the direction vector
var angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
// Rotate the enemy car to face the player and adjust by -90 degrees
self.rotation = angle - Math.PI / 2;
* Initialize Game
var game = new LK.Game({
backgroundColor: 0xFFFFFF // Init game with white background
* Game Code
// Global variables
var cars = [];
// Create a single car
var car = new Car();
car.x = 2048 / 2; // Center of the screen
car.y = 2280; // Bottom of the screen
car.speedX = 0;
car.speedY = -7;
game.addChildAt(car, game.children.length);
// Create an enemy car
var enemy1 = new Enemy();
enemy1.x = 2048 / 2; // Center of the screen
enemy1.y = 450; // Top of the screen
enemy1.speedX = 0;
enemy1.speedY = 7;
game.addChildAt(enemy1, game.children.length);
// Create a second enemy car
var enemy2 = new Enemy();
enemy2.x = 2048 / 2; // Center of the screen
enemy2.y = 450; // Top of the screen
enemy2.speedX = 0;
enemy2.speedY = 7;
game.addChildAt(enemy2, game.children.length);
// Create a background for the game
var background = LK.getAsset('background', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
x: 2048 / 2,
y: 2732 / 2
game.addChildAt(background, 0);
// Create a circle in the center of the screen
var centerCircle = LK.getAsset('Circle', {
anchorX: 0.5,
// Center anchor x-coordinate
anchorY: 0.5,
// Center anchor y-coordinate
x: 2048 / 2,
// Center of the screen
y: 2732 / 2 // Center of the screen
game.addChildAt(centerCircle, 1);
// Handle game logic on each tick
LK.on('tick', function () {
cars.forEach(function (car) {
if (car === enemy1) {
if (LK.ticks > 90) {
// Delay of 1.5 seconds (60 ticks per second)
car.followPlayer(cars[0]); // Assume the player car is the first car in the array
// Check for collisions with other cars
cars.forEach(function (otherCar) {
if (car !== otherCar && car.intersects(otherCar, 80, 80)) {
// On collision, move both cars 200 pixels back in the direction opposite to the point of intersection
var dx = car.x - otherCar.x;
var dy = car.y - otherCar.y;
var distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
var moveDistance = 60;
var moveStep = moveDistance / 10; // 60 frames for 1 second of smooth movement
var moveX = dx / distance * moveStep;
var moveY = dy / distance * moveStep;
var moveCounter = 0;
var moveInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
car.x += moveX;
car.y += moveY;
otherCar.x -= moveX;
otherCar.y -= moveY;
if (moveCounter >= 10) {
}, 1000 / 60); // 60 FPS
// Check if the car is outside the circle
var distanceFromCenter = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(car.x - 2048 / 2, 2) + Math.pow(car.y - 2732 / 2, 2));
if (distanceFromCenter > 970) {
// Add touch event listener to the game
var turnInterval;
var lastTouchPosition;
var isTouching = false; // Add a flag to check if the screen is being touched
var isOutside = false; // Add a flag to check if the mouse is outside the game
game.on('down', function (obj) {
// Get the position of the touch
var touchPosition = obj.event.getLocalPosition(game);
// Store the initial touch position
car.initialTouchPosition = touchPosition;
// Store the last touch position
lastTouchPosition = touchPosition;
isTouching = true; // Set the flag to true when the screen is being touched
isOutside = false; // Set the flag to false when the mouse enters the game
game.on('move', function (obj) {
// Get the position of the touch
var touchPosition = obj.event.getLocalPosition(game);
// Update the last touch position
lastTouchPosition = touchPosition;
// If there is a touch event and the last touch position is to the left of the initial touch position, turn the car to the left
if (!isOutside && isTouching && lastTouchPosition && car.initialTouchPosition) {
if (lastTouchPosition.x < car.initialTouchPosition.x) {
} else if (lastTouchPosition.x > car.initialTouchPosition.x) {
// Update the initial touch position
car.initialTouchPosition = lastTouchPosition;
} else if (isTouching && !isOutside) {
// If there is no touch event, the car moves straight
game.on('up', function (obj) {
// Reset the last touch position when the touch is released
lastTouchPosition = null;
isTouching = false; // Set the flag to false when the touch is released
isOutside = true; // Set the flag to true when the mouse leaves the game
Лава мультяшная вид сверху плоская. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Плоский лед, круглый, мультяшный. Вид сверху. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
мультяшный палец нажатие по экрану. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
шины на асфальте после торможения для игры. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.