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in swipeAnim, separate the target setting and the asset movement
Code edit (6 edits merged)
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in swipeAnim, update the rotation of the asset toward the target
User prompt
in swipeAnim, alternate the targetX each time between these values: 1*game.width *0.25 2*game.width *0.25 3*game.width *0.25
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Code edit (9 edits merged)
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implement swipeAnim, bt adding the swipe asset and make it move infinetly from ball to the center of the screen
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implement animateScore with wdith and height grow and restore of scoreTxt
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animate scoreTxt when player scores
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Code edit (5 edits merged)
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add a little label "Score" above the scoreTxt
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in animateTimer make size bump
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in animateTimer make size increase then decrease each sec
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in handleTimer , when time is under 5, animate timerTxt width and height
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Please fix the bug: 'Timeout.tick error: timerInterval is not defined' in or related to this line: 'LK.clearInterval(timerInterval); // Stop the timer when it reaches 0' Line Number: 321
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -211,9 +211,9 @@
var currentShootBuckets = 0;
var maxSpeed = 100;
var ballPassedAboveHoop = false;
var ballPassedInsideHoop = false;
-var timerSeconds = 60; // Set the initial timer value in seconds
+var timerSeconds = 11; // 60; // Set the initial timer value in seconds
var ball = null;
var hoop = null;
var score = 0;
var startPosition = null;
@@ -221,13 +221,15 @@
// UI
var background = null;
var scoreTxt = null;
var timerTxt = null;
+var timerLabelTxt = null;
var minShootSpeed = 30;
var timerInterval = null;
-var timerOriginalWeigth = 94; // 1 number
+var timerOriginalWeigth = 94; // 1 char
var timerOriginalHeight = 174;
var isScoreAnimating = false;
+var scoreAnimationInterval = null;
var previousScore = 0;
var originalScoreWidth = 94;
var originalScoreHeight = 174;
/* ********************************************************************************* */
@@ -245,9 +247,9 @@
var endPosition = obj.event.getLocalPosition(game);
var speedX = Math.max(Math.min((endPosition.x - startPosition.x) * 0.1, maxSpeed), -maxSpeed);
var speedY = Math.max(Math.min((endPosition.y - startPosition.y) * 0.1, maxSpeed), -maxSpeed);
if (Math.abs(speedX) >= minShootSpeed || Math.abs(speedY) >= minShootSpeed) {
- console.log("============================= SHOOT ===========================");
+ //console.log("============================= SHOOT ===========================");
currentShootBuckets = 0;
ball.launch(speedX, speedY);
startPosition = null;
@@ -280,12 +282,12 @@
fill: "#006400",
weight: 1000,
dropShadow: true
- scoreTxt.anchor.set(0.5, -0.250);
+ scoreTxt.anchor.set(0.5, -0.150);;
// Timer UI
- var timerLabelTxt = new Text2('Time', {
+ timerLabelTxt = new Text2('Time', {
size: 50,
fill: "#FFFFFF",
weight: 1000,
dropShadow: true
@@ -299,12 +301,10 @@
weight: 1000,
dropShadow: true
timerTxt.tint = timerSeconds <= 5 ? 0xff0000 : 0x646464;
- timerTxt.anchor.set(1.15, -0.250);
+ timerTxt.anchor.set(1.10, -0.150);
- console.log("timerOriginalWeigth", timerOriginalWeigth);
- console.log("timerOriginalHeight", timerOriginalHeight);
// Update the timer every second
timerInterval = LK.setInterval(handleTimer, 1000); // Set the interval to update every 1000ms (1 second)
ball = game.addChild(new Ball());
@@ -324,11 +324,15 @@
timerSeconds -= 1; // Decrement the timer by one second
timerTxt.setText(timerSeconds.toString()); // Update the timer display with conditional color change
var animateTimer = null;
+ if (timerSeconds < 10) {
+ timerTxt.anchor.set(1.6, -0.150);
+ }
if (timerSeconds <= 5 && timerSeconds > 0) {
var maxTimerLabelSize = 200 + (5 - timerSeconds) * 20;
timerTxt.tint = 0xff0000;
+ timerLabelTxt.tint = 0xff0000;
// Animate timerTxt width and height
var growDirection = 1;
animateTimer = LK.setInterval(function () {
timerTxt.width += growDirection * 4;
@@ -341,8 +345,9 @@
timerTxt.tint = 0x646464;
if (timerSeconds <= 0) {
timerTxt.tint = 0x646464;
+ timerLabelTxt.tint = 0x646464;
timerTxt.width = timerOriginalWeigth;
timerTxt.height = timerOriginalHeight;
LK.clearInterval(timerInterval); // Stop the timer when it reaches 0
@@ -350,42 +355,42 @@
LK.showGameOver(); // Show game over screen
function handleTopTrigger() {
- console.log("Top trigger. speed", ball.speedY);
+ //console.log("Top trigger. speed", ball.speedY);
hoop.hoopTopTrigger.isHandling = true;
if (ball.speedY > 0) {
ballPassedAboveHoop = true;
function handleBottomTrigger() {
- console.log("Bottom trigger", ball.speedY.toFixed(2), ball.x.toFixed(2), hoop.hoopBorderLeft.x.toFixed(2), hoop.hoopBorderRight.x.toFixed(2));
+ //console.log("Bottom trigger", ball.speedY.toFixed(2), ball.x.toFixed(2), hoop.hoopBorderLeft.x.toFixed(2), hoop.hoopBorderRight.x.toFixed(2));
hoop.hoopBottomTrigger.isHandling = true;
var leftBorderX = hoop.x + hoop.hoopBorderLeft.x;
var rightBorderX = hoop.x + hoop.hoopBorderRight.x;
if (ballPassedAboveHoop && ball.x > leftBorderX && ball.x < rightBorderX) {
if (ball.speedY > 0) {
- console.log("--------------- SCORE!!! -----------------");
+ //console.log("--------------- SCORE!!! -----------------");
ballPassedInsideHoop = true;
} else if (ball.speedY < 0) {
- console.log("touch hoop from bottom");
+ //console.log("touch hoop from bottom");
ball.speedY *= -0.98;
ballPassedAboveHoop = false;
ballPassedInsideHoop = false;
function handleHoopBorder(border) {
- console.log("handleHoopBorder");
+ //console.log("handleHoopBorder");
border.isHandling = true;
// Check if the ball has hit the left or right border
if (ball.x <= border.x || ball.x >= border.x + border.width) {
ball.speedX *= -1; // Reverse the x direction
// Check if the ball has hit the top or bottom border
if (ball.y <= border.y || ball.y >= border.y + border.height) {
- //ball.speedY *= -1; // Reverse the y direction
+ //ball.speedY *= -1; // Reverse the y direction ???
function resetCollisionHandling() {
@@ -405,16 +410,15 @@
function handleScore() {
if (isHandlingScore) {
- console.log("handleScore...bounceMultiplier=", bounceMultiplier, "*", currentShootBuckets);
+ //console.log("handleScore...bounceMultiplier=", bounceMultiplier, "*", currentShootBuckets);
isHandlingScore = true;
- score += 10 * bounceMultiplier + 10 * bounceMultiplier * (currentShootBuckets - 1); // Add bounce counter to score
+ score += 10 * bounceMultiplier + 10 * bounceMultiplier * (currentShootBuckets - 1) * (currentShootBuckets - 1); // Add bounce counter to score
- popupBucket(currentShootBuckets > 1);
- //ball.reset();
+ popupBucket(currentShootBuckets - 1);
ballPassedAboveHoop = false; // Reset the condition after scoring
ballPassedInsideHoop = false;
// Create and add confetti effect to the game
var confetti = game.addChild(new Confetti());
@@ -439,9 +443,9 @@
originalScoreWidth = scoreTxt.width;
originalScoreHeight = scoreTxt.height;
var maxScoreSize = 300; // Maximum size to grow to
var minScoreSize = 100; // Minimum size to shrink to
- var scoreAnimationInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
+ scoreAnimationInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
scoreTxt.width += scoreSizeDirection * 5; // Adjust width by 5 pixels per frame
scoreTxt.height += scoreSizeDirection * 5; // Adjust height by 5 pixels per frame
// Reverse direction if the score text reaches max or min size
if (scoreTxt.width >= maxScoreSize || scoreTxt.height >= maxScoreSize || scoreTxt.width <= minScoreSize || scoreTxt.height <= minScoreSize) {
@@ -517,9 +521,9 @@
function popupBucket(isCombo) {
console.log("popupBucket", isCombo);
var popupSpeed = 60;
var popupMaxSize = isCombo ? 4096 : 2048;
- var assetName = isCombo ? 'superCombo' : 'bucket';
+ var assetName = isCombo > 1 ? 'megaCombo' : isCombo ? 'superCombo' : 'bucket';
var bucketAsset = LK.getAsset(assetName, {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
x: game.width / 2,
@@ -554,16 +558,16 @@
// Don't show while game is running
if (isGameRunning) {
+ // Start at the ball's position
var startX = ball.x;
var startY = ball.y - 400;
// Create and configure the swipe asset
var swipeAsset = LK.getAsset('swipe', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
x: startX,
- // Start at the ball's position
y: startY
// Animate the swipe asset moving towards the center of the screen
@@ -640,11 +644,9 @@
var distanceY = ball.y - hoop.y;
var distance = Math.sqrt(distanceX * distanceX + distanceY * distanceY);
//console.log("Distance between ball and hoop:", distance);
if (distance > 350) {
- // ~hoop heigth/2 + ball/heigth/2
isHandlingScore = false;
- //scoreTxt.setText(ball.speedY.toFixed(2));
\ No newline at end of file