User prompt
Give case 6 the name „PaperIsUgly“
User prompt
Give case 4, case 5 and case 6 other names like stonephobic, scissorshater etc.
User prompt
Give every enemy type a fitting name. Instead to end the game after 10 points, tell the player, against which enemy he was playing and reset the game with a different enemy. When the player had won against all enemy types, give the player congratulations. If he lost against an enemy, end the game.
User prompt
Add a further enemy who choose everytime the object, which the player choice in the last round. Also add an enemy, who choose everytime the counter of the players choice of the last round. And add an enemy, who take the loosing choice against the players choice of the last turn.
User prompt
The background-image should cover the complete game board
User prompt
Create an awesome backround, which fits to the topic
User prompt
Now let the first one, who get 10 points, win the game.
User prompt
Now add three further enemy types. One choose only 1/5 times scissors 2/5 times stone and 2/5 times paper. The other two enemies do the same for scissors and stone.
User prompt
Now add three further enemy types. One choose only 1/5 times scissors. Another 1/5 times stone and another 1/5 times paper
User prompt
Make three bot enemies. Every partie its random which you get. Enemy number one choose 2 of 4 times stones, Enemy number two choose 2/4 times scissors and Enemy number 3 choose 2:4 times paper
User prompt
Make the buttons for the choices bigger
User prompt
Move the y-positions of the choice reveal objects a little bit to the top
User prompt
Fix Bug: 'ReferenceError: Can't find variable: graphic' in this line: 'self.enemyChoiceGraphic.y = enemyScoreTxt.y - enemyScoreTxt.height / 2 - graphic.height / 2;' Line Number: 96
User prompt
Fix Bug: 'ReferenceError: Can't find variable: graphic' in this line: 'self.playerChoiceGraphic.y = playerScoreTxt.y - playerScoreTxt.height / 2 - graphic.height / 2;' Line Number: 90
User prompt
Move the choice reveal graphics to the y-position of the affected win counter
User prompt
Move the x-position of the win counter for the player to the x-position of the enemy win counter
User prompt
Move the x-position of the playees win counter and its choice reveal to the x-position of the enemy win counter and its choice reveal
User prompt
Show the players choice next to the win counter of the player
User prompt
Move the x-position of the players win counter to the x-position of the enemy win counter
User prompt
Great. Now the same for the players choice next to the players win counter
User prompt
Instead of text for the enemy choice, i want a graphical object.
User prompt
Show the choice of the enemy next to the enemy win counter
User prompt
Reveal the choice of the enemy and the player as symbol left of their counters.
User prompt
remove the visible objects for tge enemy and the player.
User prompt
Move the counters to the mid of the game board
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ = 'Scissorshater';
choices = ['stone', 'scissors', 'scissors', 'paper', 'paper'];
case 6:
- = 'Paperphobic';
+ = 'PaperIsUgly';
choices = ['paper', 'scissors', 'scissors', 'stone', 'stone'];
case 7: = 'Copycat';