User prompt
Make a back button at the bottom to revert back to the main menu
User prompt
Add text for the item description
User prompt
When an item is tapped make the space on the top right corner display a picture and a description right below of what the item does
User prompt
Make the items move up if scrolled up and the items move down if scrolled down
User prompt
Make the grid spred farther a bit more
User prompt
Organize the text too
User prompt
Make the items smaller so they could be more organized
User prompt
Make the shop in a grid organized and spaced out just right, give each item in the shop a unique name, if the item in the shop is a pack, add (PACK) right after the name
User prompt
Make the shop items spaced out and organized
User prompt
Make each item in the shop to be a big grid and make the grid scroll up and down when dragged
User prompt
Make the shop a grid
User prompt
When the shop button is pressed show different packs, skins, and more to the shop, make the shop scroll since the shop is gonna have a lot, also add how many points you have at the top
User prompt
Add a shop button same size as the play button and same text saying shop inside the shop button
User prompt
When the play button is pressed make the player, artifact, and platform visible. But when the play button is unpressed make the player, artifact, and platform invisible.
User prompt
Make the artifact, hero, and platform invisible when the play button is visible
User prompt
Hide the player when the play button is visible
User prompt
Make the text and button go 3x down
User prompt
Make the button and the text go close to the corner/middle of the screen
User prompt
Make the text 2x bigger
User prompt
Make the text 2x bigger
User prompt
Add text saying play inside the play button
User prompt
Delete the text
User prompt
Make the button black with a green border
User prompt
Make the play text inside the play button
User prompt
Make the play text in the center of the play button
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -210,8 +210,34 @@
} else if (deltaY < 0) {
// Scroll up
shopContainer.y = Math.max(shopContainer.y - 100, -shopContainer.height + game.height);
+ // Add a back button at the bottom of the shop
+ var backButton = self.attachAsset('playButton', {
+ anchorX: 0.5,
+ anchorY: 0.5,
+ color: 0x000000,
+ scaleX: 6,
+ scaleY: 4,
+ lineWidth: 10,
+ lineColor: 0x00FF00
+ });
+ backButton.x = game.width / 2;
+ backButton.y = game.height - 100;
+ backButton.on('down', function () {
+ // Hide the shop and show the main menu when the back button is pressed
+ self.destroy();
+ mainMenu.visible = true;
+ });
+ // Add 'Back' text to the back button
+ var backText = new Text2('Back', {
+ size: 200,
+ fill: "#ffffff"
+ });
+ backText.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5);
+ backText.x = backButton.x;
+ backText.y = backButton.y;
+ self.addChild(backText);
// ShopItem class
var ShopItem = Container.expand(function (itemName, isPack) {