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make the text aligned from left instead of the center
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User prompt
move the notification 200 pixels higher
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User prompt
I still cant see the driver, ensure it's position is fixed to the left edge of the screen
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User prompt
the driver asset is part of theUI it should remain in the screen view at all times
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givethe driver x & y coordinates so I can edit it position
User prompt
create a new asset called Driver and place it the the bottom left side of the screen
User prompt
Fix Bug: 'ReferenceError: mainContainer is not defined' in this line: 'self.notificationText.y = self.y + mainContainer.y + 200;' Line Number: 63
User prompt
Fix Bug: 'ReferenceError: mainContainer is not defined' in this line: 'self.notificationText.x = self.x + mainContainer.x;' Line Number: 62
User prompt
the notifications still dont follow the car. I cant see them over the car :(
User prompt
Fix Bug: 'ReferenceError: mainContainer is not defined' in this line: 'self.notificationText.y = self.y + mainContainer.y + 200;' Line Number: 63
User prompt
Fix Bug: 'ReferenceError: mainContainer is not defined' in this line: 'self.notificationText.x = self.x + mainContainer.x;' Line Number: 62
User prompt
I still cant see the text for the notification. at the start of the game I see maybe a bit of it at the right side of the screen than cant see it anymore, somethign ir wrong with its position
User prompt
the notification text is not visible, move it to the very center of the car, it should appear at the same point as the car
User prompt
I still cant see the notification
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User prompt
I cant see the notifications, maybe you are displaying them too far away from the car, move them closer to the car's asset
User prompt
Fix Bug: 'ReferenceError: notificationText is not defined' in this line: 'notificationText.x = car.x + mainContainer.x;' Line Number: 195
User prompt
Fix Bug: 'ReferenceError: notificationText is not defined' in this line: 'notificationText.setText(notificationTexts[Math.floor(Math.random() * notificationTexts.length)]);' Line Number: 193
User prompt
Fix Bug: 'Uncaught ReferenceError: notificationTexts is not defined' in this line: 'self.notificationText = new Text2(notificationTexts[Math.floor(Math.random() * notificationTexts.length)], {' Line Number: 24
User prompt
the notifications still dont follow the car, they need to appear above the car and remain there as the car moves
User prompt
the notifications are currently remaining in the place they were generated, they need to follow the car
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -58,10 +58,10 @@
self.momentum.y *= 0.98;
nonTravelMomentum = self.momentum.x;
self.nonTravelMomentum = nonTravelMomentum;
- self.notificationText.x = self.x + self.parent.x;
- self.notificationText.y = self.y + self.parent.y + 200;
+ self.notificationText.x = self.x + mainContainer.x;
+ self.notificationText.y = self.y + mainContainer.y + 200;
self.changeDirection = function () {
self.direction = self.direction === 0 ? 1 : 0;
self.speed = self.ORIGINAL_SPEED;
DeLorean car, seen from behind Top-down, gta2, Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.isometric
cool looking driver holding a car wheel as if he's driving. 30 years old. vintage retro 1980 style. 3/4 view. pixelated. 8 bit. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.