User prompt
Correct this bug: 2. **Meteorite Overlap Check**: - The overlap check for new meteorites only considers the x-coordinate and width, but not the y-coordinate. This could lead to meteorites being placed too close to each other vertically.
User prompt
Correct this below bug: 1. **Bullet-Meteorite Interaction Bug**: - Bullets destroy meteorites even after crossing the top edge of the screen. This could lead to unexpected behavior where bullets that should be out of play still interact with meteorites.
User prompt
now fix the 3rd and 4th bug from the list
User prompt
from the list fix the first 2 bugs immediately
User prompt
1. Bullets are effective on meteorites that are crossing the white border 2. after destroying the meteorites the extra bullet that travels in the same path shows no effect on another meteorite appearing from the same path and won't get self-destructed.
User prompt
border is not visible
User prompt
add a border to the game whose color is white
User prompt
reduce the size of top left texts
User prompt
If the spaceship is fixed in one position and fires multiple bullets and stops then the meteorites that are falling from that y-axis are getting destroyed automatically. Correct this bug.
User prompt
Once the bullets fired crosses the top edge those bullets becomes ineffective and they won't destroy the meteorites, iron meteorites, and stony meteorites.
User prompt
Show texts of meteorites, iron meteorites, and stony-iron meteorites in the top left corner which are linked to meteorites, iron meteorites, and stony-iron meteorites respectively and it shows the amount of meteorites destroyed in the current game.
User prompt
remove the complete shield logic from the game
User prompt
set shield value as 5
User prompt
show the shields count to 5
User prompt
fix the bug of shields value
User prompt
reduce the speed of iron meteorite by 20% of it's current speed and the stony-iron meteorite speed by30% of it's current speed
User prompt
the value of the shield is not updating beyond 1 even if the shield touches the spaceship more than once
User prompt
if shield touches spaceship the shields value has to be shown as 1 for initial, and for the next shield that touches spaceship should increase the shields value to 2, and so on
User prompt
if shield touches spaceship the shields value has to be shown as 1 for initial, and for the next shield that touches spaceship should increase the shields value to 2, and so on
User prompt
for every shield interacting with spaceship add the value on shileds
User prompt
Whenever the shields interact with the spaceship, their value increases by 1 in incremental order. For example, if the current shield value is 0 and the shields interact with a spaceship, the value increases to 1. If the shields touch the spaceship again, the value increments by 1, resulting in a total shield value of 2. This process continues until the shield value reaches 5. Beyond this point, the shield value won’t increase unless the shields are used.
User prompt
increase the speed of the shield falling by 50% of its current speed. reduce the fall of meteorites by 20% of it's current speed.
User prompt
for every shield that is collected by the spaceship the total of that will be shown on the shields. MAX SHILED THAT CAN BE COLLECTED IS 5.
User prompt
reduce the fall of meteorites by 20% of it's current speed
User prompt
increase the speed of the shield falling by 50% of its current speed.
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -252,9 +252,9 @@
spaceshipPositionTime = 0;
for (var n = shields.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) {
- if (shields[n] && shields[n].intersects(spaceship)) {
+ if (shields[n] && shields[n].intersects(spaceship) && shields.length < 5) {
shields.splice(n, 1);
shieldsTxt.setText('Shields: ' + (shields.length + 1));
spaceship facing upwards. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
laser being fired upwards. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
meteorite. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Iron Meteorite which is slightly shining. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.