User prompt
remove the shield completely from the game
User prompt
After clearing 15 meteorite, one shield will fall and then the next meteorite will fall after another 15 meteorites are hit.
User prompt
Once the lives hit 0 game over and the score will never show negative value, the end is zero..
User prompt
The rate of fall of the meteorite should be 20% slower than the current falling rate
User prompt
MA The shield will fall once in 10 seconds.. 1. When the game starts then after every 10 seconds of time interval a shield will appear. 2. Shield will not be destroyed by the bullet
User prompt
when the game starts only meteorite will fall and all the remaining elements will fall as prompts entered earlier
User prompt
The shield will fall once in 30 second.
User prompt
Introduce a new element called shield which will fall once in every 30 score.
User prompt
Show the number of meteorites, iron meteorite, and stony-iron meteorite has been collected.
User prompt
when the meteorite, iron meteorite, and stony-iron meteorite start appearing in the game screen then the bullets won't take effect for 2 seconds. This is applicable for all the meteorite, , iron meteorite, and stony-iron meteorite appearing on the screen.
User prompt
The meteorite will not be damaged by the bullets until the meteorite crosses the top second layer of the x-axis
User prompt
The bullet fired by the spaceship can only destroy the meteorite which is shown on the screen, and if the bullet fired crosses the edge of the screen the bullet becomes ineffective and it won't cause the meteorite to destroy.
User prompt
update the score system if meteorite is destroyed then score is increased by 1 if iron meteorite is destroyed then the score is increased by 2 If the stone-iron meteorite is destroyed then the score is increased by 3
User prompt
Add points system: if meteorite is destroyed then score is increased by 1 if iron meteorite is destroyed then the score is increased by 5 If the stone-iron meteorite is destroyed then the score is increased by 7
User prompt
The iron meteorite will start appearing once the score reaches beyond 25 and the stony-iron meteorite will start appearing once the score crosses 50 points.
User prompt
The stony-iron meteorite will behave the same as the iron meteorite but to destroy the stony-iron it will take 3 bullet hits.
User prompt
The stony-iron meteorite will behave the same as the iron meteorite but to destroy the stony-iron it will take 3 bullet hits. The flow of destruction for stony-iron is first bullet hit - the stony-iron meteorite is converted to the iron meteorite, the second bullet hit -the converted iron-meteorite becomes meteorite for the third bullet hit - the stony-iron meteorite is destroyed
User prompt
The stony-iron meteorite will behave the same as the iron meteorite but to destroy the stony-iron it will take 3 bullet hits. The flow of destruction for stony-iron is first bullet hit - the stony-iron meteorite is converted to the iron meteorite, the second bullet hit - the stony-iron which is converted to iron meteorite will get converted to the meteorite, and for the third bullet hit - the stony-iron meteorite is destroyed
User prompt
The stony-iron meteorite will behave the same as the iron meteorite but to destroy the stony-iron it will take 3 bullet hits. The flow of destruction for stony-iron is first bullet hit - the stony-iron meteorite is converted to the iron meteorite, the second bullet hit - the stony-iron which is converted to iron meteorite will get converted to the meteorite, and for the third bullet hit - the stony-iron which is covered to iron meteorite and further converted to meteorite will get destroyed after the third bullet hit.
User prompt
The stony-iron meteorite will start to fall when the score hits 5
User prompt
Introduce a new item stony-iron meteorite whose functionality is same as the meteorite
User prompt
No two meteorites will overlap in the game
User prompt
The iron meteorite will start to fall when the score hits 25
User prompt
Introduce a new item iron meteorite whose functionality is same as the meteorite
User prompt
There should be a non-stop flow of the meteorite
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -252,8 +252,12 @@
livesTxt.setText('Lives: ' + lives);
if (lives <= 0) {
LK.effects.flashScreen(0xff0000, 1000);
+ if (score < 0) {
+ score = 0;
+ scoreTxt.setText(score);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
spaceship facing upwards. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
laser being fired upwards. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
meteorite. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Iron Meteorite which is slightly shining. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.