User prompt
make blacklayer not fixed size but same as background
User prompt
make click intensity lose 0.0001 on tick
User prompt
make clickIntenity lose 0.001 on tick
User prompt
make click intensity lose less on tick
User prompt
make it so intensity grows slower based on current intensity
User prompt
move "tick" function away from candy.on down
User prompt
make clickIntensity reduce obertime
User prompt
make blackLayer start with alpha 1 and reduce alpha based on intensity
User prompt
change blackLayer opacity based on intensity of clicks
User prompt
make a black background layer 2 with alpha 0.5
User prompt
make income text 3 times bigger
User prompt
make candy 3 times bigger
User prompt
move basic upgrade button lower
User prompt
make background rotate less fast
User prompt
make background 2 times bigger
User prompt
add background with id background3. Make it rotate around screen center
User prompt
Make width and height of button to 900 x 300
User prompt
make buttonText x and y 0
User prompt
Add pivot 0.5 0.5 to buttonText
User prompt
make ButtonText size 100
User prompt
make buttonText anchor 0.5 0.5
User prompt
Set Anchor of all buttonGraphics to 0.5, 0.5
User prompt
refactor BasicUpgrade to BasicUpgradeButton, same as AutomationButton
User prompt
set width of button Graphics to 450 and height to 150
User prompt
make all buttons fixed size 450 x 150
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -162,9 +162,9 @@;
popUpNumber.setText('🍬' + clickPower);
LK.on('tick', function () {
- background.rotation += 0.01;
+ background.rotation += 0.005;
upgrade.on('down', function (obj) {
if (score >= 10) {
score -= 10;