User prompt
Play 'ls' sound when the player touches the lightswitch asset
User prompt
Play 'ts' sound when the player touches the lightswitch asset
User prompt
Play 'ts' sound when the player reach the toggleSwitch asset
User prompt
Play 'ts' sound when the catpaw touches the toggleSwitch asset
User prompt
play ts asset sound when the player touches toggleswitch asset
User prompt
play ts asset sound when the the player or the catpaw touches toggleswitch asset
User prompt
Ensure darkOverlay does not darken the ledLight asset by adjusting rendering order
User prompt
Ensure that darkoverlay asset Do not darken the ledlight asset
User prompt
Ensure that darkoverlay asset not effective to the ledlight asset
User prompt
Ensure that ledlight asset is only visible, when the darkOverlay asset is active
User prompt
Make LED light visible only when darkOverlay is active
User prompt
ledLight asset only visible when the darkOverlay asset is active
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'lightSwitch is undefined' in or related to this line: 'ledLight.x = lightSwitch.x; // Align LED light with the light switch' Line Number: 304
User prompt
place ledlight asset onto the lightswitch asset
User prompt
Add led light asset to the game
User prompt
when the cat and the paw are hidedm then hide boxlid too.
User prompt
You operate completely stupid! Finally fix the box lock to a real one!
User prompt
Swap Open and Close Texts
User prompt
Change the close and the open texts
User prompt
when the toggleswitch is not activated hide the boxlid from the map
User prompt
Move the lidbox bottom to the top of the box
User prompt
The boxlid is visible only when the toggleswitch is on state.
User prompt
The boxlid is visible only when the toggleswitch is on.
User prompt
move boxlid bottom to the top of the box
User prompt
Add boxlid to the map
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -284,11 +284,13 @@
// Add the light switch to the game
var lightSwitch = game.addChild(new LightSwitch());
// Add the LED light to the game
-var ledLight = game.addChild(new LEDLight());
+var ledLight = new LEDLight();
ledLight.x = lightSwitch.x; // Align LED light with the light switch
ledLight.y = lightSwitch.y; // Align LED light with the light switch
+game.setChildIndex(ledLight, game.children.length - 1); // Ensure LED light is rendered on top
// Add the ceiling light to the game, ensuring it is in front of the wallpaper
var wallpaper = game.addChild(new Wallpaper());
// Add the ceiling light to the game, ensuring it is in front of the wallpaper
ceilingLight = game.addChild(new CeilingLight());
@@ -340,9 +342,9 @@
darkOverlay.toggle(); // Toggle the dark overlay
lightSwitch.isTouched = false; // Reset the switch state
ceilingLight.updateSwaying(); // Update swaying effect for ceiling light
- ledLight.visible = true; // Ensure LED light is visible even when darkOverlay is active
+ ledLight.visible = darkOverlay.visible; // Ensure LED light is only visible when darkOverlay is active
// Move the cat down by 600 units
if (toggleSwitch.isTouched) {
if (!boxLid.visible) {
cat.y = 2732 / 2 + 790; // Ensure the cat's position is set correctly when visible
Tricolor cat face view. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
simple coffee table front view.
matte white rockerSwitch front view.
fehér fényű mennyezeti lámpa.
yellow stickyNote with "Let the cat sleep! Xoxo!" text and a red-stain.
thin, black, up and down arrow.