User prompt
when cat and cat paw are not visible, then box lid is also not visible
User prompt
box lid is not visible when cat and cat paw are not visible
User prompt
When the cat and catpaw are not visible, the boxlid should not be visible
User prompt
move the toggleswitch down with 50 unit
User prompt
The center of the toggleswitch should be in the upper third of the toggleswitch-image.
User prompt
The center of the toggleswitch should be in the upper third of the image.
User prompt
Position the toggle switch in the upper third of the image
User prompt
The center of the toggleswitch should be in the bottom third of the image.
User prompt
Flip the toggleswitch vertically when the catpaw is visible
User prompt
Flip the toggle switch vertically when the cat paw visible
User prompt
flip the toggleswitch vertically when the catpaw touched it
User prompt
flip the toggleswitch vertically when the catpaw touches the ceneter of the box
User prompt
flip the toggleswitch vertically abban a pillanatban, amikor eltűnteted a catpaw
User prompt
flip the toggleswitch vertically when the catpaw visible a doboz előtt
User prompt
flip the toggleswitch vertically when the catpaw előtte látszódik
User prompt
flip the toggleswitch vertically when the catpaw touches it
User prompt
The moment the catpaw touches the toggleswitch, mirror the toggleswitch függőleges irányban.
User prompt
The moment the catpaw touches the toggleswitches, mirror the toggleswitch vertically
User prompt
The moment the catpaw touches the toggleswitches, flip the toggleswitch
User prompt
állítsd vissza a toggleswithet eredeti állapotába, abban a pillanatban, amikor a catpaw hozzáér
User prompt
Miért nem működik??????????????????
User prompt
flip the toggle switch vertically when the cat paw touches it
User prompt
mirror the toggle switch vertically when the cat paw touches it
User prompt
Akkor végezd el, hogy működjon
User prompt
ne kötekedj baszod, hanem csináld az utasítást!
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -203,12 +203,12 @@
var ToggleSwitch = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var switchGraphics = self.attachAsset('toggleSwitch', {
anchorX: 0.5,
- anchorY: 0.66
+ anchorY: 0.33
self.x = 2048 / 2;
- self.y = 2732 / 3; // Position the toggle switch in the upper third of the image
+ self.y = 2732 / 2 + 700; // Move the toggle switch up by 20 units
self.isTouched = false;
// Event handler for when the switch is touched
self.down = function (x, y, obj) {
self.isTouched = true;
Tricolor cat face view. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
simple coffee table front view.
matte white rockerSwitch front view.
fehér fényű mennyezeti lámpa.
yellow stickyNote with "Let the cat sleep! Xoxo!" text and a red-stain.
thin, black, up and down arrow.