User prompt
we counter a bug, when player wins for first time win streak goes up, but second time win streak does not go up can you fix it
User prompt
tamam oyuncunun win streak sayısına bağlı olarak ai'ın hamlelerine bir hata payı koyalım, oyuncunun win streak'i 0 iken hata payı %40 win streak 1 iken hata payı %30 win streak 2 iken hata payı %20 win streak 3 iken hata payı %10 win streak 4 iken hata payı %5 win streak 5 iken hata payı %0
User prompt
put win asset to screen when game starts
User prompt
can you bring win asset top of every layer right now so i can see its position
User prompt
can you move down win asset little bit
User prompt
add win asset to game as visual
User prompt
bring option asset to top layer
User prompt
put option asset middle of screen
User prompt
for test can you play like player needs to win
User prompt
we counter another bug , when player wins the game game area doesn't clear make sure u clear the game site except background asset
User prompt
so we counter a bug, ai win the game but game didn't end
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'split')' in or related to this line: 'var currentStreak = parseInt(winStreakText.text.split(': ')[1]);' Line Number: 141
User prompt
when ai wins end the game like usual but when player wins , clear the play site so player can keep playing
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'split')' in or related to this line: 'var currentStreak = parseInt(winStreakText.text.split(': ')[1]);' Line Number: 159
User prompt
when player wins reset the game so player can play with out reloading game
User prompt
and when player wins add +1 score to win streak text
User prompt
change its font to some vectorish thing
User prompt
move it to top of screent and make its color black
User prompt
bring text top of background
User prompt
add a win streak text " win streak : 0 " on top
User prompt
lets mute it again
User prompt
unmute it and make it 0.1
User prompt
lets mute the background music
User prompt
add background music using chill asset
User prompt
i can't here the sound it could be about website you sure you add it right ?
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -93,18 +93,16 @@
board[i][j] = null;
- // Simulate player moves to ensure player wins
- handlePlayerMove(boardOffsetX + cellSize / 2, boardOffsetY + cellSize / 2); // Center
- handlePlayerMove(boardOffsetX + cellSize * 1.5, boardOffsetY + cellSize / 2); // Top center
- handlePlayerMove(boardOffsetX + cellSize / 2, boardOffsetY + cellSize * 1.5); // Center left
- handlePlayerMove(boardOffsetX + cellSize * 1.5, boardOffsetY + cellSize * 1.5); // Center center
- handlePlayerMove(boardOffsetX + cellSize * 2.5, boardOffsetY + cellSize / 2); // Top right
- handlePlayerMove(boardOffsetX + cellSize / 2, boardOffsetY + cellSize * 2.5); // Bottom left
- handlePlayerMove(boardOffsetX + cellSize * 2.5, boardOffsetY + cellSize * 1.5); // Center right
- handlePlayerMove(boardOffsetX + cellSize * 1.5, boardOffsetY + cellSize * 2.5); // Bottom center
- handlePlayerMove(boardOffsetX + cellSize * 2.5, boardOffsetY + cellSize * 2.5); // Bottom right
+ // Add option asset to the middle of the screen
+ var optionAsset = LK.getAsset('option', {
+ anchorX: 0.5,
+ anchorY: 0.5,
+ x: 2048 / 2,
+ y: 2732 / 2
+ });
+ game.addChild(optionAsset);
// Add win streak text to the game after background
// Add win streak text to the game after background
simple beige rectengular button vector drawing black outline. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d.blank background . High contrast. No shadows.
simple beige background with black outline rectengular. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d.blank background . High contrast. No shadows.
simple beige rectangle button smooth corners, black outline " + 1 " text on middle of button vector drawing. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.