User prompt
Add a global score variable and display the score in the top-right of the screen
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: foreground is undefined' in or related to this line: 'var countdownText = foreground.addChild(new BorderedText(Math.ceil(countdown / GAME_TICKS).toString(), {' Line Number: 542
User prompt
Add a BorderedText to the top center of the screen which will show the remaining time. In the on tick event, update the text to show the remaining seconds (rounded up) of the countdown
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Please fix the bug: 'Timeout.tick error: leaderAsset is undefined' in or related to this line: 'var borderedShape = self.attachAsset('shapeRectangle', {' Line Number: 139
User prompt
Add a borderedShape of shapeRect to the Leader class after the leaderAsset has been created. It should have a black fill and white border
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The update function first increases the y position (from 0, to the height of the leaderAsset) over LEADER_SPAWN_TIME duration, then decrements the countdownTime until it reaches zero, then decreases the y position (until 0) over LEADER_SPAWN_TIME, then returns true.
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Similarly to the particleList, iterate over the leaderList in the tick event
User prompt
Add to the Leader class a countdownTime variable (initially set to LEADER_DURATION) and an empty update function.
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Code edit (1 edits merged)
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Please fix the bug: 'Timeout.tick error: leaderClass is not defined' in or related to this line: 'leaderList.push(spawnPoint.addChild(new LeaderClass({' Line Number: 126
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When spawning a leader, add it to the leaderList
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Add a leaderHat asset to the top of the leaderTroll2 class
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Rename the leaderHat asset to leaderTrollHat
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To each LeaderTroll
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when the spawnTimer expires, call the global table's spawn function after a random timeout of 0 to LEADER_SPAWN_VAR
* Classes
* config {
* x : Number || 0,
* y : Number || 0,
* rotation : Number || 0,
* }
var ConfigContainer = Container.expand(function (config) {
var self =;
config = config || {};
self.x = config.x || 0;
self.y = config.y || 0;
self.rotation = config.rotation || 0;
return self;
var Textbox = ConfigContainer.expand(function (message, config) {
var self =, config);
config = config || {};
var background = self.addChild(new BorderedShape({
width: config.width,
height: config.height,
weight: 10,
anchorY: 1
var textboxTail = self.attachAsset('textboxTail', {
y: 1,
x: 20,
tint: 0xbbbabe
var logo = self.addChild(new BorderedSymbol('logo', {
x: -20,
y: 20,
anchorX: 0,
anchorY: 1,
height: config.height + 40
var typedText = self.addChild(new TypedText(message, {
x: logo.width,
y: -config.height / 2,
anchorY: 0.5,
delay: 50
return self;
var Table = ConfigContainer.expand(function (config) {
var self =, config);
config = config || {};
var currentY = 0;
var spawnPoints = [];
var indices = [];
for (var i = 0; i < TABLE_SLICES; i++) {
var tableSliceId = 'tableSlice' + (i + 1);
var tableSlice = self.attachAsset(tableSliceId, {
x: 0,
y: currentY,
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0
var scaleRatio = config.width / tableSlice.width;
tableSlice.width = config.width;
tableSlice.height *= scaleRatio;
currentY += tableSlice.height;
var holeCount = TABLE_HOLES[i];
var offset = TABLE_HOLE_GAP * (holeCount - 1) / 2;
for (var j = 0; j < holeCount; j++) {
spawnPoints.push(self.addChild(new ConfigContainer({
x: -offset + TABLE_HOLE_GAP * j,
y: currentY
self.spawn = spawn;
function spawn() {
if (leaders.length > 0) {
var leaderIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * leaders.length);
var pointIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * indices.length);
var LeaderClass = leaders.splice(leaderIndex, 1)[0];
var spawnPoint = spawnPoints[indices.splice(pointIndex, 1)[0]];
spawnPoint.addChild(new LeaderClass({}));
return self;
var Leader = ConfigContainer.expand(function (config) {
var self =, config);
config = config || {};
// Leader-specific properties and methods can be added here
return self;
var LeaderTroll6 = Leader.expand(function (config) {
var self =, config);
config = config || {};
// LeaderTroll6-specific properties and methods can be added here
return self;
var LeaderTroll5 = Leader.expand(function (config) {
var self =, config);
config = config || {};
// LeaderTroll5-specific properties and methods can be added here
return self;
var LeaderTroll4 = Leader.expand(function (config) {
var self =, config);
config = config || {};
// LeaderTroll4-specific properties and methods can be added here
return self;
var LeaderTroll3 = Leader.expand(function (config) {
var self =, config);
config = config || {};
// LeaderTroll3-specific properties and methods can be added here
return self;
var LeaderTroll2 = Leader.expand(function (config) {
var self =, config);
config = config || {};
// LeaderTroll2-specific properties and methods can be added here
return self;
var LeaderTroll1 = Leader.expand(function (config) {
var self =, config);
config = config || {};
// LeaderTroll1-specific properties and methods can be added here
return self;
var LeaderGreat1 = Leader.expand(function (config) {
var self =, config);
config = config || {};
// LeaderGreat1-specific properties and methods can be added here
return self;
var ImpactParticle = ConfigContainer.expand(function (config) {
var self =, config);
var elapsedTicks = 0;
var selectedAsset = 'hammerParticle' + (1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * PARTICLE_HAMMER_ASSETS));
var particle = self.attachAsset(selectedAsset, {
rotation: PARTICLE_HAMMER_ROTATION * (Math.random() - 0.5),
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.update = update;
function update() {
if (elapsedTicks <= PARTICLE_HAMMER_STAGE_2) {
var scale = 1 + (PARTICLE_HAMMER_SCALE_MAX - 1) * elapsedTicks / PARTICLE_HAMMER_STAGE_2;
particle.scale.set(scale, scale);
} else if (elapsedTicks > PARTICLE_HAMMER_STAGE_2 && elapsedTicks <= PARTICLE_HAMMER_STAGE_2 + PARTICLE_HAMMER_STAGE_3) {
var progress = 1 - (elapsedTicks - PARTICLE_HAMMER_STAGE_2) / PARTICLE_HAMMER_STAGE_3;
var scale = PARTICLE_HAMMER_SCALE_MAX * progress;
particle.alpha = progress;
} else {
return true;
return self;
var HammerParticle = ConfigContainer.expand(function (config) {
var self =, config);
config = config || {};
var xFlip = config.xFlip || 1;
var stage = 1;
var elapsedTicks = 0;
var hammer = self.attachAsset('hammer', {
anchorX: 0.75,
anchorY: 0.75,
scale: {
x: xFlip,
y: 1
hammer.x = -xFlip * hammer.width * 0.6;
self.update = update;
function update() {
if (stage === 1) {
if (elapsedTicks <= PARTICLE_HAMMER_STAGE_1) {
} else {
elapsedTicks = 0;
particleList.push(midground.addChild(new ImpactParticle({
x: self.x,
y: self.y
} else if (stage === 2) {
if (elapsedTicks <= PARTICLE_HAMMER_STAGE_2) {
var alpha = 1 - elapsedTicks / PARTICLE_HAMMER_STAGE_2;
hammer.alpha = alpha;
} else {
return true;
return self;
* config {
* x : Number || 0, // See: ConfigContainer
* y : Number || 0, // See: ConfigContainer
* rotation : Number || 0, // See: ConfigContainer
* anchorX : Number || 0,
* anchorY : Number || 1,
* size : Number || TEXT_DEFAULT_SIZE,
* weight : Number || TEXT_DEFAULT_WEIGHT,
* font : String || TEXT_DEFAULT_FONT,
* fill : String || TEXT_DEFAULT_FILL,
* border : String || TEXT_DEFAULT_BORDER,
* }
var BorderedText = ConfigContainer.expand(function (text, config) {
var self =, config);
config = config || {};
var anchorX = config.anchorX !== undefined ? config.anchorX : 0;
var anchorY = config.anchorY !== undefined ? config.anchorY : 1;
var size = config.size !== undefined ? config.size : TEXT_DEFAULT_SIZE;
var weight = config.weight !== undefined ? config.weight : TEXT_DEFAULT_WEIGHT;
var font = config.font !== undefined ? config.font : TEXT_DEFAULT_FONT;
var textFill = config.fill !== undefined ? config.fill : TEXT_DEFAULT_FILL;
var borderFill = config.border !== undefined ? config.border : TEXT_DEFAULT_BORDER;
var textAssets = [];
var mainAsset;
self.setText = setText;
self.setFill = setFill;
function setText(newText) {
for (var i = 0; i < textAssets.length; i++) {
function setFill(newFill) {
textFill = newFill;
mainAsset.fill = newFill;
function buildTextAssets(newText) {
for (var i = 0; i < TEXT_OFFSETS.length; i++) {
var main = i === TEXT_OFFSETS.length - 1;
var fill = main ? textFill : borderFill;
var textAsset = textAssets[i];
if (textAsset) {
textAsset = self.addChild(new Text2(newText, {
fill: fill,
font: font,
size: size
textAsset.anchor = {
x: anchorX,
y: anchorY
}; // NOTE: Cannot be set in config
textAsset.x = TEXT_OFFSETS[i][0] * weight; // NOTE: Cannot be set in config
textAsset.y = TEXT_OFFSETS[i][1] * weight; // NOTE: Cannot be set in config
textAssets[i] = textAsset;
mainAsset = textAssets[TEXT_OFFSETS.length - 1];
return self;
var TypedText = BorderedText.expand(function (text, config) {
var self =, text, config);
var baseSetText = self.setText;
config = config || {};
var counter = 0;
var delay = config.delay;
var interval;
self.setText = setText;
self.completed = false;
function setText(newText) {
if (interval) {
self.completed = false;
text = newText;
counter = 0;
interval = LK.setInterval(updateText, delay);
function updateText() {
var subText = text.substr(0, ++counter).replace(/#/g, '');
if (counter === text.length) {
self.completed = true;
return self;
* var config = {
* x : Number || 0, // See: ConfigContainer
* y : Number || 0, // See: ConfigContainer
* rotation : Number || 0, // See: ConfigContainer
* anchorX : Number || .5,
* anchorY : Number || .5,
* scale : Number || undefined,
* scaleX : Number || scale,
* scaleY : Number || scale,
* weight : Number || TEXT_DEFAULT_WEIGHT,
* width : Number || undefined, // Auto-calculated if left undefined and height is set
* height : Number || undefined, // Auto-calculated if left undefined and width is set
* tint : String || 0xFFFFFF, // Not tinted by default
* border : String || TEXT_DEFAULT_BORDER,
* }
var BorderedSymbol = ConfigContainer.expand(function (symbol, config) {
var self =, config);
config = config || {};
var width = config.width !== undefined ? config.width : undefined;
var height = config.height !== undefined ? config.height : undefined;
var scale = config.scale !== undefined ? config.scale : undefined;
var scaleX = config.scaleX !== undefined ? config.scaleX : scale;
var scaleY = config.scaleY !== undefined ? config.scaleX : scale;
var weight = config.weight !== undefined ? config.weight : TEXT_DEFAULT_WEIGHT;
var anchorX = config.anchorX !== undefined ? config.anchorX : .5;
var anchorY = config.anchorY !== undefined ? config.anchorY : .5;
var symbolTint = config.tint !== undefined ? config.tint : 0xFFFFFF;
var borderTint = config.border !== undefined ? config.border : TEXT_DEFAULT_BORDER;
var mainSymbol;
var symbolAssets = [];
self.setSymbol = buildSymbolAssets;
self.setTint = setTint;
function setTint(newTint) {
// NOTE: Tinting is currently broken (cannot use string)
// mainSymbol.tint = newTint;
// symbolConfig.tint = newTint
function buildSymbolAssets(newSymbol) {
for (var i = 0; i < TEXT_OFFSETS.length; i++) {
var main = i === TEXT_OFFSETS.length - 1;
var symbolAsset = symbolAssets[i];
if (symbolAsset) {
symbolAsset = self.attachAsset(newSymbol, {
// tint: main ? symbolTint : borderTint,
tint: main ? 0xFFFFFF : 0x000000,
// NOTE: Tinting is currently broken (cannot use string)
x: TEXT_OFFSETS[i][0] * weight,
y: TEXT_OFFSETS[i][1] * weight,
anchorX: anchorX,
anchorY: anchorY
if (width !== undefined && height === undefined) {
height = symbolAsset.height * (width / symbolAsset.width);
} else if (height !== undefined && width === undefined) {
width = symbolAsset.width * (height / symbolAsset.height);
symbolAsset.width = width;
symbolAsset.height = height;
if (scaleX !== undefined && scaleY !== undefined) {
symbolAsset.scale.set(scaleX, scaleY);
symbolAssets[i] = symbolAsset;
mainSymbol = symbolAssets[TEXT_OFFSETS.length - 1];
return self;
* config {
* x : Number || 0, // See: ConfigContainer
* y : Number || 0, // See: ConfigContainer
* rotation : Number || 0, // See: ConfigContainer
* anchorX : Number || 0,
* anchorY : Number || 0,
* width : Number || 100,
* height : Number || 100,
* weight : Number || TEXT_DEFAULT_WEIGHT,
* shape : String || 'square',
* fill : String || TEXT_DEFAULT_FILL,
* border : String || TEXT_DEFAULT_BORDER,
* }
var BorderedShape = ConfigContainer.expand(function (config) {
var self =, config);
config = config || {};
var anchorX = config.anchorX !== undefined ? config.anchorX : 0;
var anchorY = config.anchorY !== undefined ? config.anchorY : 0;
var width = config.width !== undefined ? config.width : 100;
var height = config.height !== undefined ? config.height : 100;
var weight = config.weight !== undefined ? config.weight : TEXT_DEFAULT_WEIGHT;
var shape = config.shape !== undefined ? config.shape : 'shapeRectangle';
var frontTint = 0xFFFFFF; //hexToHex(config.fill !== undefined ? config.fill : TEXT_DEFAULT_FILL);
var borderTint = 0x000000; //hexToHex(config.border !== undefined ? config.border : TEXT_DEFAULT_BORDER);
var background = self.attachAsset(shape, {
x: weight * 2 * (anchorX - 0.5),
y: weight * 2 * (anchorY - 0.5),
tint: borderTint,
width: width + 2 * weight,
height: height + 2 * weight,
anchorX: anchorX,
anchorY: anchorY
var foreground = self.attachAsset(shape, {
tint: frontTint,
width: width,
height: height,
anchorX: anchorX,
anchorY: anchorY
return self;
* Initialize Game
// Assets will be automatically initialized based on usage in the code.
var game = new LK.Game({
backgroundColor: 0xD3D3D3 // Init game with light grey background
* Game Code
// Global constants & settings
// Math constants / pre-calculations
var MATH_2_PI = Math.PI * 2;
var MATH_HALF_PI = Math.PI / 2;
var MATH_QUARTER_PI = Math.PI / 4;
var MATH_HALF_ROOT_3 = Math.sqrt(3) / 2; // Required by: TEXT_OFFSETS, BorderedText, BorderedSymbol, BorderedShape, SymbolText
var MATH_APPROX_ZERO = 0.0000001;
// Text settings
var TEXT_OFFSETS = [[0, 1], [MATH_HALF_ROOT_3, 0.5], [MATH_HALF_ROOT_3, -0.5], [0, -1], [-MATH_HALF_ROOT_3, -0.5], [-MATH_HALF_ROOT_3, 0.5], [0, 0]]; // Required by: BorderedText, BorderedSymbol, BorderedShape, SymbolText
var TEXT_DEFAULT_WEIGHT = 6; // Required by: BorderedText, BorderedSymbol, BorderedShape, SymbolText
var TEXT_DEFAULT_BORDER = '#000000'; // Required by: BorderedText, BorderedSymbol, BorderedShape, SymbolText
var TEXT_DEFAULT_FILL = '#FFFFFF'; // Required by: BorderedText, SymbolText
var TEXT_DEFAULT_FONT = 'Arial'; // Required by: BorderedText, SymbolText
var TEXT_DEFAULT_SIZE = 50; // Required by: BorderedText, SymbolText
var TEXT_DEFAULT_MARGIN = 10; // Required by: SymbolText
// Game constants
var GAME_TICKS = 60;
var GAME_WIDTH = 2048;
var GAME_HEIGHT = 2732;
// Particle settings
var PARTICLE_HAMMER_STAGE_1 = Math.round(0.075 * GAME_TICKS);
var PARTICLE_HAMMER_STAGE_2 = Math.round(0.075 * GAME_TICKS);
var PARTICLE_HAMMER_STAGE_3 = Math.round(0.4 * GAME_TICKS);
// Leader settings
// Other constants
var TABLE_HOLES = [1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 0];
var TABLE_HOLE_GAP = 778;
// Global variables
var countdown = COUNTDOWN_GAME;
var spawnTime = LEADER_SPAWN_MIN;
var spawnTimer = spawnTime;
var leaders = [LeaderGreat1, LeaderTroll1, LeaderTroll2, LeaderTroll3, LeaderTroll4, LeaderTroll5, LeaderTroll6];
var leaderList = [];
var particleList = [];
var background = game.addChild(new Container());
var midground = game.addChild(new Container());
var foreground = game.addChild(new Container());
var table = background.addChild(new Table({
x: GAME_WIDTH / 2,
y: GAME_HEIGHT / 2 - 500,
width: 2500
// Game events
game.on('down', function (obj) {
var event = obj.event;
var pos = event.getLocalPosition(game);
particleList.push(foreground.addChild(new HammerParticle({
xFlip: pos.x < GAME_WIDTH / 2 ? 1 : -1,
x: pos.x,
y: pos.y
LK.on('tick', function () {
if (--countdown <= 0) {
for (var i = particleList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (particleList[i].update()) {
particleList.splice(i, 1);
// Global functions
function handleSpawnTimer() {
if (spawnTimer <= 0) {
spawnTimer += spawnTime;
spawnTime = spawnTime * LEADER_SPAWN_FACTOR;
LK.setTimeout(function () {
}, Math.random() * LEADER_SPAWN_VAR);
function hexToHex(input) {
if (typeof input === 'string') {
return parseInt(input.replace(/^#/, ''), 16);
} else if (typeof input === 'number') {
return '#' + input.toString(16).padStart(6, '0');
return input;
logo for a company called "blue lizard entertainment" using a damaged font and frozen elements.
Pixel art of the bam symbol. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
pixel art of bam comic symbol.
pixel art of pow comic symbol.
pixel art of plastic squeaky hammer.
pixel art of a large, round, red start button.