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dash should be spawned continuesly while jumping same as running dash.
User prompt
currently the dash is not following the ninja while jumping, you can do one thing spawn a dash behind the ninja and reduce the opacity over some miliseconds and destroy the dash after the opacity is 0 and the spawn the other dash. this process should not take much time it should be in very little time like may be microseconds while jumpin.
User prompt
Currently the dash is only showing one time when i am jumping inbetween the paths, it should show continuously.
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Show dash when switching the paths, and when jumping from the lower path to upper path, rotater the dash to 45 degree up, when ninja is in between and then again reset the roation to default running roation, and in the same way rotate the dash to 45 degree down when jumping from the upper path to lower path.
User prompt
Now also show the dash when jumping.
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Currently the jump between the paths is too smooth i want it fast and snapy
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For upper path, Get the ninja little bit up, so that it will be feel like running on the path not in air.
User prompt
Do the same for the upper path
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For lower path, Get the ninja little bit down, so that it will be feel like running on the path not in air.
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Ninja is currently not sticking with the surface of the path, adjust the y location of ninja so that it will be on the surface of the path.
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Now, i want to restrict the jump action of the ninja, jump only works when i am on the path, not inbetween.
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when i jump, instead of rotating 180 degree, it should flip the ninja vertically
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do not spawn dash until the previous dash is fully destroyed
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opacity should always less than 0.5
User prompt
Reduce the opacity of the dash assets to half.
User prompt
Currently the dash is spawning on the same location as the ninja pawn but i want it to be spawn behind of the ninja.
User prompt
increase the despawn time, so that the dash will be visible for some time.
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Ninja Pawn should alwasy on top in terms of Visibility Orders ( Currently the dash is spawning on the top of the Ninja, And i don't want that )
User prompt
currently the dash is spawning continuesly and also it is not despawning, you can do one thing spawn a dash behind the ninja and reduce the opacity over some miliseconds and destroy the dash after the opacity is 0 and the spawn the other dash. this process should not take much time it should be in very little time like may be microseconds.
User prompt
i want the dash effect when ninja is running straight. not when the ninja is switching the path.
User prompt
use dash like effect behind the character so that it feels like running.
User prompt
when i jumping to the upper path ninja should stick to the lower side of the upper path and it should also be roated 180 degrees.
User prompt
Jump Animation: Increase Speed: Significantly increase the speed of the jump animation to make it very quick and snappy. Horizontal Movement: Add a noticeable horizontal movement towards the target path during the jump, emphasizing the dash effect. You can adjust the magnitude of this movement based on the desired visual style. Easing: Consider using a different easing function (e.g., ease-out) to create a sharper acceleration at the beginning of the jump and a smoother deceleration towards the end.
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Event Listener: Single Click: Change the event listener to detect a single click or tap event instead of a held click. Jump Initiation: Trigger the jump function immediately upon detecting a single click/tap. Jump Function: Get Current Path: Accurately determine the ninja's current path (upper or lower). Calculate Jump Target: Limit Jump Height: Instead of directly jumping to the center of the opposite path, calculate a target y-coordinate just above or below the current path, ensuring the ninja stays within the boundaries of the screen. Consider factors like the ninja's sprite size and the path width. Jump Animation: Use a short, fast animation to create a "dash-like" jump effect. Optionally, add a slight horizontal movement during the jump to emphasize the dash. Update Path: Update the currentPath property immediately after the jump starts to prevent multiple jumps from being triggered before the first one is complete.
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -157,9 +157,9 @@
var _spawnDash2 = function spawnDash() {
var dash = new Dash();
dash.x = ninja.x - ninja.width / 2; // Spawn the dash behind the ninja
dash.y = ninja.y;
- dash.rotation = Math.PI / 4; // Rotate 45 degrees up
+ dash.rotation = -Math.PI / 4; // Rotate 45 degrees up
game.addChildAt(dash, 0);
if (ninja.dashActive) {
LK.setTimeout(_spawnDash2, 10);
@@ -174,9 +174,9 @@
var _spawnDash2 = function _spawnDash() {
var dash = new Dash();
dash.x = ninja.x - ninja.width / 2; // Spawn the dash behind the ninja
dash.y = ninja.y;
- dash.rotation = -Math.PI / 4; // Rotate 45 degrees down
+ dash.rotation = Math.PI / 4; // Rotate 45 degrees down
game.addChildAt(dash, 0);
if (ninja.dashActive) {
LK.setTimeout(_spawnDash2, 10);
Ninja Star. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
A minimalist icon depicting a ninja head silhouette in black. The silhouette should be simple and recognizable, with a headband or mask detail. The background should be transparent or a contrasting color (e.g., red or white).. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Coin. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Shield. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Transparent sheild bubble. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Create a series of curved, tapered lines that originate from the ninja's body and extend outward in the direction of movement. The lines should vary in length and thickness, with a sense of energy and dynamism.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect