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put the vertical axe on the left
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draw the axes
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updateStockValueText should be call in drawNextSegment
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updateStockValueText should display current Value that is stockValuesHistory[graphIndex]
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add a text on top right that displays the current stock value. Create a dedicated updateStockValueText function and ensure variables scopes are correct
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in "new segment" console log don't display decimals
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apply the same logic of lastSegmentEndX to the lastSegmentEndY in order to avoid vertical gaps between segments
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4. **Vertical Sliding Mechanism:** : Prevents the graph from raising out of the screen by applying a vertical slide - Similar to the horizontal sliding mechanism already in place for moving the graph segments leftward, you would implement a vertical sliding mechanism. - This vertical slide would be activated via a global varibale moveSegmentsVertically when the Y values of the segments exceed a predefined global threshold. - The direction of the slide (up or down) would depend on whether the stock price is increasing or decreasing. - This mecanism comes in addition to the horizontal slide mecanism and is is independant from it - the threshold is a global variable - All segments (the graph) move the same way. So the slideAmountVertical should be global like slideAmount
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4. **Vertical Sliding Mechanism:** : Prevents the graph from raising out of the screen by applying a vertical slide - Similar to the horizontal sliding mechanism already in place for moving the graph segments leftward, you would implement a vertical sliding mechanism. - This vertical slide would be activated via a global varibale moveSegmentsVertically when the Y values of the segments exceed a predefined global threshold. - The direction of the slide (up or down) would depend on whether the stock price is increasing or decreasing. - This mecanism comes in addition to the horizontal slide mecanism and is is independant from it - the threshold is a global variable - All segments (the graph) move the same way
User prompt
4. **Vertical Sliding Mechanism:** - Similar to the horizontal sliding mechanism already in place for moving the graph segments leftward, you would implement a vertical sliding mechanism. - This vertical slide would be activated via a global varibale moveSegmentsVertically when the Y values of the segments exceed a predefined global threshold. - The direction of the slide (up or down) would depend on whether the stock price is increasing or decreasing. - This mecanism comes in addition to the horizontal slide mecanism and is is independant from it - the threshold is a global variable - All segments (the graph) move the same way
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4. **Vertical Sliding Mechanism:** - Similar to the horizontal sliding mechanism already in place for moving the graph segments leftward, you would implement a vertical sliding mechanism. - This vertical slide would be activated when the Y values of the segments exceed a predefined global threshold. - The direction of the slide (up or down) would depend on whether the stock price is increasing or decreasing. - This mecanism comes in addition to the horizontal slide mecanism and is is independant from it
User prompt
4. **Vertical Sliding Mechanism:** - Similar to the horizontal sliding mechanism already in place for moving the graph segments leftward, you would implement a vertical sliding mechanism. - This vertical slide would be activated when the Y values of the segments exceed a predefined threshold. - The direction of the slide (up or down) would depend on whether the stock price is increasing or decreasing.
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3. **Monitoring Y Values of Segments:** - As the graph is drawn and updated, you would keep track of the Y values of each graph segment. - This tracking would allow you to determine when the stock price reaches certain thresholds that may trigger buying or selling actions.
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2. **Clamping Values:** - After applying the delta to the previous stock value, you would check if the new value falls below 0. - If it does, you would clamp the value to 0 to prevent negative stock prices.
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1. **Random Deltas for Stock Values:** - Instead of assigning random values directly to the stockValuesHistory array, you would generate random deltas (changes in value). - These deltas would be added to the previous value in the stockValuesHistory to create a more realistic fluctuation in stock prices.
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Stop the game after the last graphPoint is reached
Code edit (7 edits merged)
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--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -64,9 +64,9 @@
var slideAmount = 5.0;
var slideAmountVertical = 5.0;
var moveSegmentsVertically = false;
-var verticalSlideThreshold = 500; // Define a global threshold for vertical sliding
+var verticalSlideThreshold = 200; // Define a global threshold for vertical sliding
// Create and add background asset
var running = false;
var moveSegments = false;
var drawingInProgress = false;
@@ -102,24 +102,8 @@
x: x,
y: y
-function addNewStockValues() {
- if (moveSegments) {
- var newStockValue = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1;
- stockValuesHistory.push(newStockValue);
- var totalSlideDistance = graphSegments.length > 0 ? graphSegments[0].startX - graphSegments[0].x : 0;
- var newGraphPoint = {
- x: graphPoints[graphPoints.length - 1].x + segmentWidth - totalSlideDistance,
- y: game.height / 2 - newStockValue * 10
- };
- graphPoints.push(newGraphPoint);
- // Determine if vertical sliding should be activated
- var lastYValue = graphPoints[graphPoints.length - 2].y;
- moveSegmentsVertically = newGraphPoint.y < lastYValue - verticalSlideThreshold || newGraphPoint.y > lastYValue + verticalSlideThreshold;
- }
- LK.setTimeout(addNewStockValues, 1000); // Continue adding new values every second
var segmentDrawInterval = null;
var stockDisplay = []; // Array to hold stock display elements
var balanceText = new Text2('Balance: $' + player.getBalance(), {
size: 50,
@@ -154,8 +138,12 @@
var lastSegment = graphSegments.length > 0 ? graphSegments[graphSegments.length - 1] : null;
var lastSegmentEndX = lastSegment ? lastSegment.x + Math.cos(lastSegment.rotation) * lastSegment.width : 0;
pointA.x = lastSegment ? lastSegmentEndX : 0;
var pointB = graphPoints[graphIndex + 1];
+ if (!moveSegmentsVertically && pointB.y < verticalSlideThreshold) {
+ moveSegmentsVertically = true;
+ console.log("Past Upper limit !");
+ }
var delay = 1; // Reduce delay if segments are moving
drawingInProgress = true;
drawSegment(game, graphIndex, pointA.x, pointA.y, pointB.x, pointB.y, delay);
@@ -209,10 +197,8 @@
// Initialize and start the game logic here
running = true;
// Set up a tick event to call drawNextSegment every second
segmentDrawInterval = LK.setInterval(drawNextSegment, 100);
- // Add ValueIndicator to the game and update its position
- //LK.setTimeout(addNewStockValues, 1000);
// Main game loop
LK.on('tick', function () {
if (!running) {
A Technical dark background. Nothing just a gradiant of colors from black to dark blue. Theme : stock market. background
A modern clean empty rectangular button without borders. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
without shadow
a basic empty ui popup with a black background. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.