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call initShadows at the end of gameInitialize
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inside initShadows, add all shadows to the game
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in initShadows, add 2 locals parasolShadow and chairShadow
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create 3 globals : ballShadow, player1Shadow, player2Shadow and a new function initShadows
Code edit (4 edits merged)
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add the parasol to the game (respect coding style)
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Code edit (5 edits merged)
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update the animation : they should get longer vertically when jumping and get smaller when landing
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think a lot on the way to do it properly, then animate the blobs (players) when they move (like jellys)
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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ball shadow should not rotate (always on the ground)
Code edit (7 edits merged)
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move ball update shadow in a dicated function in ball class
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update ball shadow to look like a real one
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add shadow in Player and ball class
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wait 2sec before gameOver
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add a global for finalScore = 15
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in updateScore, in Check for game over condition, add a big result text "VICTORY!" or "DEFEAT!" at y =700
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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Apply the rule : The game ends when one of the two players reach 15 (or more) points and also there is a two-point lead over the other.
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: setInterval is not a function' in or related to this line: 'var moveInterval = setInterval(function () {' Line Number: 239
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when reseting ball, also move players progressively to their initial X positions
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -108,16 +108,18 @@
var prevX = self.x; // Store previous x position
var prevY = self.y; // Store previous y position
if (self.jumping && !self.falling) {
self.y -= 20; // Increase jump speed
- self.scale.set(1, 1.2); // Stretch vertically when jumping
+ self.scale.set(1, 1.15); // Stretch vertically when jumping
if (self.y <= 1300) {
self.falling = true;
if (self.falling && self.y < PLAYER_INITIAL_Y) {
self.y += 20; // Increase fall speed for smoother jump
- self.scale.set(1.1, 0.9); // Compress vertically when falling
+ if (self.y > PLAYER_INITIAL_Y - 256) {
+ self.scale.set(1.1, 0.9); // Compress vertically when falling
+ }
if (self.y >= PLAYER_INITIAL_Y) {
self.jumping = false;
self.falling = false;
@@ -423,8 +425,15 @@
joystick.x = joystickBasePosition.x;
joystick.y = joystickBasePosition.y;
function gameInitialize() {
+ var parasol = LK.getAsset('parasol', {
+ anchorX: 0.5,
+ anchorY: 1,
+ x: 1024,
+ y: 1500
+ });
+ game.addChild(parasol);
background = LK.getAsset('background', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
x: 2048 / 2,
white volley ball.
top view of a concave blue (0xADD8E6) plastic button. 4 small black directionnal chevrons engraved : right, left, top , bottom.. Photorealistic
Beach ball. photo
full view of a Beach white towel with colored infinte logo. placed on the sand. photo
Start button in the shape of a white beach volleyball with « START » written on it in black. Photo