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in ``` if (ball.y + ball.height / 2 > net.y - net.height) { ball.speedX = Math.sign(-ball.speedX) * Math.min(Math.abs(ball.speedX * 1.05), SPEED_LIMIT); ball.speedY = -Math.min(Math.abs(ball.speedY * 1.05), SPEED_LIMIT); } else { ball.speedX = Math.sign(ball.speedX) * Math.min(Math.abs(ball.speedX * 1.05), SPEED_LIMIT); ball.speedY = Math.min(Math.abs(ball.speedY * 1.05), SPEED_LIMIT); }``` replace ball.speedX * 1.05 by a var newSpeedX
User prompt
```` if (ball.y + ball.height / 2 > net.y - net.height) { ball.speedX = Math.sign(-ball.speedX * 1.05) * Math.min(Math.abs(-ball.speedX * 1.05), SPEED_LIMIT); ball.speedY = Math.sign(-Math.abs(ball.speedY) * 1.05) * Math.min(Math.abs(-Math.abs(ball.speedY) * 1.05), SPEED_LIMIT); ; } else { ball.speedX = Math.sign(ball.speedX * 1.05) * Math.min(Math.abs(ball.speedX * 1.05), SPEED_LIMIT); ball.speedY = Math.sign(Math.abs(ball.speedY) * 1.05) * Math.min(Math.abs(Math.abs(ball.speedY) * 1.05), SPEED_LIMIT); } ```` make this more ledgible without changing its behaviour
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SPEED_LIMIT is not applied, ball still move to fast on fast player move
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define a global speed limit and apply it to newSpeedX & newSpeedY
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newSpeedX & newSpeedY shoul be limited
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make scoreTxt1 darker
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give the net a bouncing ratio to prevent ball stuck on it
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ball.y should not be set directly when customBoxCircleIntersect, speed should be instead
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lastCollisionTime is a good idea but now when ball touches the net it jumps away wich is not natural
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'lastCollisionTime')' in or related to this line: 'if ( - self.lastCollisionTime > 100) {' Line Number: 239
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self.lastCollisionTime = 0; defined twice
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when hiting the top of the net , ball keeps indefinelty make micro bounce on it. fix that
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add a bit of randomness to ball reactions to avoir inite stuck
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ball can easily get stuck at the top of the net, and then it keeps vibrating indefinetly, fix that by adjusting reactions
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ball can easily get stuck at the top of the net, and then it keeps vibrating indefinetly, fix that to make it more natural
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in game.update, when customBoxCircleIntersect from the top, y reaction is not treated
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in customBoxCircleIntersect, just compare circleX+circle.width / 2 to left and circleX-circle.width / 2 to right, same with top...
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--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -122,8 +122,9 @@
* Game Code
+var SPEED_LIMIT = 10; // Define a global speed limit
function resetBall() {
ball.y = 1300; // Set the ball's initial vertical position to y = 1300
ball.speedX = 3;
@@ -247,13 +248,13 @@
var player = customIntersect(ball, player1.collisionBody) ? player1 : player2;
var collisionAngle = Math.atan2(ball.y - player.y, ball.x - player.x);
var speed = Math.sqrt(ball.speedX * ball.speedX + ball.speedY * ball.speedY);
var playerSpeed = Math.sqrt(player.speedX * player.speedX + player.speedY * player.speedY);
- var newSpeedX = Math.min(Math.max(speed * Math.cos(collisionAngle) + playerSpeed * Math.cos(collisionAngle), -20), 20);
- var newSpeedY = Math.min(Math.max(speed * Math.sin(collisionAngle) + playerSpeed * Math.sin(collisionAngle), -20), 20);
+ var newSpeedX = Math.min(speed * Math.cos(collisionAngle) + playerSpeed * Math.cos(collisionAngle), SPEED_LIMIT);
+ var newSpeedY = Math.min(speed * Math.sin(collisionAngle) + playerSpeed * Math.sin(collisionAngle), SPEED_LIMIT);
// Add a bit of randomness to the ball's speed to avoid infinite stuck
- ball.speedX = Math.min(Math.max(newSpeedX * 1.1 + (Math.random() - 0.5), -20), 20);
- ball.speedY = Math.min(Math.max(newSpeedY * 1.1 + (Math.random() - 0.5), -20), 20);
+ ball.speedX = newSpeedX * 1.1 + (Math.random() - 0.5);
+ ball.speedY = newSpeedY * 1.1 + (Math.random() - 0.5);
//ball.rotationSpeed += Math.sqrt(ball.speedX * ball.speedX + ball.speedY * ball.speedY) * 0.005; // Update rotation speed based on collision
ball.rotationSpeed = Math.sqrt(ball.speedX * ball.speedX + ball.speedY * ball.speedY) * 0.005; // Update rotation speed based on collision
white volley ball.
top view of a concave blue (0xADD8E6) plastic button. 4 small black directionnal chevrons engraved : right, left, top , bottom.. Photorealistic
Beach ball. photo
full view of a Beach white towel with colored infinte logo. placed on the sand. photo
Start button in the shape of a white beach volleyball with « START » written on it in black. Photo