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var newSpeedX = ball.speedX * 1.05 + Math.random() * 0.05; var newSpeedY = ball.speedY * 1.05 + Math.random() * 0.05; // Check if the ball is intersecting the net from the top if (ball.y + ball.height / 2 > net.y - net.height) { // Top collision: Reverse the horizontal direction and limit the speed ball.speedX = Math.sign(ball.speedX) * Math.min(Math.abs(newSpeedX), SPEED_LIMIT); // Top collision: Reverse the vertical direction and limit the speed ball.speedY = -Math.min(Math.abs(newSpeedY), SPEED_LIMIT); } else { // Side collision: Reverse the horizontal direction and limit the speed ball.speedX = Math.sign(-ball.speedX) * Math.min(Math.abs(newSpeedX), SPEED_LIMIT); // Side collision: Maintain the vertical direction and limit the speed ball.speedY = Math.min(Math.abs(newSpeedY), SPEED_LIMIT); } there are still ball.speedX/Y, replace them by newSpeedX/Y
User prompt
simplify var newSpeedX = ball.speedX * 1.05 + Math.random() * 0.05; var newSpeedY = ball.speedY * 1.05 + Math.random() * 0.05; // Check if the ball is intersecting the net from the top if (ball.y + ball.height / 2 > net.y - net.height) { // Top collision: Reverse the horizontal direction and limit the speed ball.speedX = Math.sign(ball.speedX) * Math.min(Math.abs(newSpeedX), SPEED_LIMIT); // Top collision: Reverse the vertical direction and limit the speed ball.speedY = -Math.min(Math.abs(newSpeedY), SPEED_LIMIT); } else { // Side collision: Maintain the horizontal direction and limit the speed ball.speedX = Math.sign(-ball.speedX) * Math.min(Math.abs(newSpeedX), SPEED_LIMIT); // Side collision: Maintain the vertical direction and limit the speed ball.speedY = Math.min(Math.abs(newSpeedY), SPEED_LIMIT); } to use only newSpeeds
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add comment to ``` // Check if the ball is intersecting the net from the top if (ball.y + ball.height / 2 > net.y - net.height) { // Reverse the horizontal direction and limit the speed ball.speedX = Math.sign(-ball.speedX) * Math.min(Math.abs(newSpeedX), SPEED_LIMIT); // Reverse the vertical direction and limit the speed ball.speedY = -Math.min(Math.abs(newSpeedY), SPEED_LIMIT); } else { // Maintain the horizontal direction and limit the speed ball.speedX = Math.sign(ball.speedX) * Math.min(Math.abs(newSpeedX), SPEED_LIMIT); // Maintain the vertical direction and limit the speed ball.speedY = Math.min(Math.abs(newSpeedY), SPEED_LIMIT); } ``` so that we know witch case is top and whiwh is side
User prompt
add comments to ``` if (ball.y + ball.height / 2 > net.y - net.height) { ball.speedX = Math.sign(-ball.speedX) * Math.min(Math.abs(newSpeedX), SPEED_LIMIT); ball.speedY = -Math.min(Math.abs(newSpeedY), SPEED_LIMIT); } else { ball.speedX = Math.sign(ball.speedX) * Math.min(Math.abs(newSpeedX), SPEED_LIMIT); ball.speedY = Math.min(Math.abs(newSpeedY), SPEED_LIMIT); }```
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same for ball.speedY * 1.05
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in ``` if (ball.y + ball.height / 2 > net.y - net.height) { ball.speedX = Math.sign(-ball.speedX) * Math.min(Math.abs(ball.speedX * 1.05), SPEED_LIMIT); ball.speedY = -Math.min(Math.abs(ball.speedY * 1.05), SPEED_LIMIT); } else { ball.speedX = Math.sign(ball.speedX) * Math.min(Math.abs(ball.speedX * 1.05), SPEED_LIMIT); ball.speedY = Math.min(Math.abs(ball.speedY * 1.05), SPEED_LIMIT); }``` replace ball.speedX * 1.05 by a var newSpeedX
User prompt
```` if (ball.y + ball.height / 2 > net.y - net.height) { ball.speedX = Math.sign(-ball.speedX * 1.05) * Math.min(Math.abs(-ball.speedX * 1.05), SPEED_LIMIT); ball.speedY = Math.sign(-Math.abs(ball.speedY) * 1.05) * Math.min(Math.abs(-Math.abs(ball.speedY) * 1.05), SPEED_LIMIT); ; } else { ball.speedX = Math.sign(ball.speedX * 1.05) * Math.min(Math.abs(ball.speedX * 1.05), SPEED_LIMIT); ball.speedY = Math.sign(Math.abs(ball.speedY) * 1.05) * Math.min(Math.abs(Math.abs(ball.speedY) * 1.05), SPEED_LIMIT); } ```` make this more ledgible without changing its behaviour
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SPEED_LIMIT is not applied, ball still move to fast on fast player move
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define a global speed limit and apply it to newSpeedX & newSpeedY
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newSpeedX & newSpeedY shoul be limited
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make scoreTxt1 darker
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give the net a bouncing ratio to prevent ball stuck on it
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ball.y should not be set directly when customBoxCircleIntersect, speed should be instead
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lastCollisionTime is a good idea but now when ball touches the net it jumps away wich is not natural
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'lastCollisionTime')' in or related to this line: 'if ( - self.lastCollisionTime > 100) {' Line Number: 239
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self.lastCollisionTime = 0; defined twice
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when hiting the top of the net , ball keeps indefinelty make micro bounce on it. fix that
Code edit (3 edits merged)
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* Classes
// Initialize rotation speed
//<Assets used in the game will automatically appear here>
// Ball class
var Ball = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var ballGraphics = self.attachAsset('ball', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.rotationSpeed = 0;
var half = self.width / 2;
self.speedX = 3;
self.speedY = 3;
self.accelerationY = 0.5; // Gravity
self.friction = 0.99; // Friction to slow down the ball over time
self.lastCollisionTime = 0; // Pour éviter les collisions multiples
self.update = function (net, player1, player2) {
if (!ballCanMove) {
// Apply gravity
self.speedY += self.accelerationY;
// Apply friction
self.speedX *= self.friction;
self.speedY *= self.friction;
// Update ball position
self.x += self.speedX;
self.y += self.speedY;
self.rotation += self.rotationSpeed * (self.speedX > 0 ? 1 : -1); // Update ball rotation based on direction
self.rotationSpeed *= 0.98; // Gradually decrease rotation speed
// self.rotation += self.rotationSpeed * (self.speedX > 0 ? 1 : -1); // Update ball rotation based on direction
// self.rotationSpeed *= 0.98; // Gradually decrease rotation speed
// Check for out of bounds
if (self.y + half > 2000) {
self.y = 2000 - half;
self.speedY = -Math.abs(self.speedY) * 0.8; // Make the ball bounce up with reduced speed
if (self.x < 1024) {
score2 += 1; // Increase score for player 2
} else {
score1 += 1; // Increase score for player 1
resetBall(); // Reset the ball after scoring
} else if (self.y - half < 0) {
self.y = half;
self.speedY = Math.abs(self.speedY) * 0.8; // Make the ball bounce down with reduced speed
// Check for x screen limits
if (self.x - half < 0) {
self.x = half;
self.speedX = Math.abs(self.speedX); // Make the ball bounce to the right
} else if (self.x + half > 2048) {
self.x = 2048 - half;
self.speedX = -Math.abs(self.speedX); // Make the ball bounce to the left
// Collision detection logic moved to game update
// Net class
var Net = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var netGraphics = self.attachAsset('net', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 1,
alpha: isDebug ? 1 : 0
// Player class
var Player = Container.expand(function (index) {
var self =;
var playerGraphics = self.attachAsset('player', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 1,
alpha: 0.98,
scaleX: index === 2 ? -1 : 1,
tint: index === 1 ? 0xADD8E6 : 0xFF6347 // Light blue for player 1, Tomato red for player 2
self.index = index;
self.speedX = 0; // Initialize horizontal speed
var collidSize = 220;
self.collisionBody = LK.getAsset('collisionBody', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
alpha: isDebug ? 0.6 : 0,
width: collidSize,
height: collidSize,
y: -200
self.update = function () {
var prevX = self.x; // Store previous x position
var prevY = self.y; // Store previous y position
if (self.jumping) {
self.y -= 20; // Increase jump speed
if (self.y <= 1300) {
self.jumping = false;
} else if (self.y < 2000) {
self.y += 20; // Increase fall speed for smoother jump
if (self.y < 0) {
self.y = 0; // Prevent player1 from moving above the window
if (self.index === 2 && self.x > 1024 && self.x < 1024 + self.width / 2) {
self.x = 1024 + self.width / 2; // Prevent player2 from moving past the net
self.speedX = self.x - prevX; // Calculate horizontal speed based on movement
self.speedY = self.y - prevY; // Calculate vertical speed based on movement
* Initialize Game
var game = new LK.Game({
backgroundColor: 0x87CEEB // Sky blue background
* Game Code
function resetBall() {
ball.y = 1300; // Set the ball's initial vertical position to y = 1300
ball.speedX = 3;
ball.speedY = 3; // Reset speed
ball.accelerationY = 0.5; // Reset gravity
ball.friction = 0.99; // Reset friction
ballCanMove = false; // Reset ball movement flag
ball.rotation = 0; // Reset rotation angle
function customBoxCircleIntersect(box, circle) {
var circleX = circle.x;
var circleY = circle.y;
if (circle.parent) {
circleX += circle.parent.x;
circleY += circle.parent.y;
var boxX = box.x;
var boxY = box.y;
var halfBoxWidth = box.width / 2;
var halfCircleWidth = circle.width / 2;
var netBuffer = 2; // Adjust netBuffer to control how far the ball bounces from the net
// Calculate the coordinates of the box edges with buffer
var left = boxX - halfBoxWidth;
var right = boxX + halfBoxWidth;
var top = boxY - box.height;
var bottom = boxY;
// Check if the circle intersects with the box (considering entire ball)
return circleX + halfCircleWidth > left && circleX - halfCircleWidth < right && circleY + halfCircleWidth > top + netBuffer && circleY - halfCircleWidth < bottom;
function customIntersect(circle1, circle2) {
//console.log("customIntersect ", circle1, circle2.parent);
var circle2X = circle2.x;
var circle2Y = circle2.y;
if (circle2.parent) {
circle2X += circle2.parent.x;
circle2Y += circle2.parent.y;
var dx = circle1.x - circle2X;
var dy = circle1.y - circle2Y;
var distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
var radiusSum = circle1.width / 2 + circle2.width / 2;
//console.log("customIntersect ", distance.toFixed(0), radiusSum);
return distance < radiusSum;
var ballCanMove = false;
var background = LK.getAsset('background', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
x: 2048 / 2,
y: 2732 / 2
var isDebug = true;
var player2Debug = true;
var PLAYER1_INITIAL_X = 512;
var PLAYER1_INITIAL_Y = 2000;
var PLAYER2_INITIAL_X = 1536;
var PLAYER2_INITIAL_Y = 2000;
var player1 = new Player(1);
var player2 = new Player(2);
player1.x = PLAYER1_INITIAL_X;
player1.y = PLAYER1_INITIAL_Y;
player2.x = PLAYER2_INITIAL_X;
player2.y = PLAYER2_INITIAL_Y;
var net = new Net();
net.x = 2048 / 2;
net.y = 2000;
var net = new Net();
net.x = 2048 / 2;
net.y = 2000;
var ball = new Ball();
ball.y = 1300; // Set the ball's initial vertical position to y = 1300
ball.rotationSpeed = 0;
var score1 = 0;
var score2 = 0;
var scoreTxt1 = new Text2('0', {
size: 100,
fill: "#ffffff"
scoreTxt1.anchor.set(0.5, 0);
var scoreTxt2 = new Text2('0', {
size: 100,
fill: "#ffffff"
scoreTxt2.anchor.set(0.5, 0);
game.update = function () {
if (!ballCanMove && (customIntersect(ball, player1.collisionBody) || customIntersect(ball, player2.collisionBody))) {
///|| player2.collisionBody && customIntersect(ball, player2.collisionBody) || customIntersect(ball, player1) || customIntersect(ball, player2))) {
ballCanMove = true;
//console.log("Player collision detected 1");
// Check for collision with the net
if (customBoxCircleIntersect(net, ball)) {
// Reverse ball's horizontal direction and apply some energy loss
ball.speedX = -ball.speedX * 0.8 + (Math.random() - 0.5);
// Handle y reaction when intersecting from the top
if (ball.y + ball.height / 2 > net.y - net.height) {
ball.y = net.y - net.height - ball.height / 2;
ball.speedY = -Math.abs(ball.speedY) * 0.8; // Make the ball bounce up with reduced speed
// Check for collisions with players
if (customIntersect(ball, player1.collisionBody) || customIntersect(ball, player2.collisionBody)) {
//console.log("Player collision detected 2");
var player = customIntersect(ball, player1.collisionBody) ? player1 : player2;
var collisionAngle = Math.atan2(ball.y - player.y, ball.x - player.x);
var speed = Math.sqrt(ball.speedX * ball.speedX + ball.speedY * ball.speedY);
var playerSpeed = Math.sqrt(player.speedX * player.speedX + player.speedY * player.speedY);
var newSpeedX = speed * Math.cos(collisionAngle) + playerSpeed * Math.cos(collisionAngle);
var newSpeedY = speed * Math.sin(collisionAngle) + playerSpeed * Math.sin(collisionAngle);
// Add a bit of randomness to the ball's speed to avoid infinite stuck
ball.speedX = newSpeedX * 0.8 + (Math.random() - 0.5);
ball.speedY = newSpeedY * 0.8 + (Math.random() - 0.5);
//ball.rotationSpeed += Math.sqrt(ball.speedX * ball.speedX + ball.speedY * ball.speedY) * 0.005; // Update rotation speed based on collision
ball.rotationSpeed = Math.sqrt(ball.speedX * ball.speedX + ball.speedY * ball.speedY) * 0.005; // Update rotation speed based on collision
game.down = function (x, y, obj) {
if (x <= 1024 - player1.width / 2 && x >= player1.width / 2) {
player1.speedX = x - player1.x; // Update speedX based on movement
player1.x = x;
if (player1.y >= PLAYER1_INITIAL_Y) {
player1.jumping = true;
if (player2Debug && x >= 1024 + player2.width / 2 && x <= 2048 - player2.width / 2 && x >= player2.width / 2) {
player2.speedX = x - player2.x; // Update speedX based on movement
player2.x = x;
if (player2Debug && player2.y >= PLAYER2_INITIAL_Y) {
player2.jumping = true;
game.move = function (x, y, obj) {
if (x + player1.width / 2 + net.width / 2 <= 1024 && x - player1.width / 2 >= 0) {
player1.speedX = x - player1.x; // Update speedX based on movement
player1.x = x;
if (player2Debug && x - player2.width / 2 >= 1024 && x + player2.width / 2 <= 2048) {
player2.speedX = x - player2.x; // Update speedX based on movement
player2.x = x;
if (player2Debug && x < 1024 - player2.width / 2) {
player2.x = 1024 + net.width / 2 + player2.width / 2; // Prevent player2 from moving past the net
if (player1.y < 0) {
player1.y = 0; // Prevent player1 from moving above the window
white volley ball.
top view of a concave blue (0xADD8E6) plastic button. 4 small black directionnal chevrons engraved : right, left, top , bottom.. Photorealistic
Beach ball. photo
full view of a Beach white towel with colored infinte logo. placed on the sand. photo
Start button in the shape of a white beach volleyball with « START » written on it in black. Photo