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add a collisionBody to the players on the ball as a public property
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Limite la vitesse de la balle
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réduit la vitesse de la balle
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Rends le joueur 2 un peu plus rouge
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Les couleurs des joueurs sont trop prononcées. Elles doivent être plus légères.
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Ajoute une légère teinte bleue pour le joueur 1 et rouge pour le joueur 2
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utilise scale x au lieu de flip x
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Pour le joueur 2, on retourne l'image horizontalement.
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Passe un index dans la classe Player pour différencier le joueur 1 du joueur 2.
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La physique de la balle, c'est du n'importe quoi. Corrige cela.
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Au début, la balle ne doit pas bouger jusqu'à ce qu'un joueur la touche.
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add an image background
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Actuellement la balle ne se coince pas, par contre elle ne peut pas passer au dessus du filet.
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Actuellement, la balle se coince dans le filet. Corrigez cela.
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Ré-imaginez quelque chose de plus simple et de plus efficace, car la balle traverse toujours le filet actuellement.
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ne pas utiliser intersect pour le filet mais utiliser la position du filet
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La balle ne doit bouger que si le mouvement est possible.
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in Ball class, instead of using `self.width / 2` add a property half
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Toujours pensez à prendre en compte la largeur de l'objet pour vérifier les limites.
* Classes
//<Assets used in the game will automatically appear here>
// Ball class
var Ball = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var ballGraphics = self.attachAsset('ball', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.speedX = 5;
self.speedY = 5;
self.update = function () {
self.x += self.speedX;
self.y += self.speedY;
self.speedY += 0.5; // Gravity effect
if (self.x <= 0) {
self.x = 0;
self.speedX *= -1;
} else if (self.x >= 2048 - self.width / 2) {
self.x = 2048 - self.width / 2;
self.speedX *= -1;
if (self.y + self.height / 2 >= 2000) {
self.speedY *= -0.8; // Bounce effect
self.y = 2000 - self.height / 2; // Reset position to ground level considering ball's height
if (self.y <= 0) {
self.speedY *= -1;
if (self.x + self.width / 2 > net.x - net.width / 2 && self.x - self.width / 2 < net.x + net.width / 2) {
if (self.y + self.speedY > net.y - net.height / 2) {
self.speedY *= -1; // Bounce effect when hitting the top of the net
self.y = net.y - net.height / 2 - self.height / 2; // Adjust position to be above the net
} else if (self.intersects(net)) {
if (self.y < net.y - net.height / 2) {
self.speedY *= -1; // Bounce effect when hitting the top of the net
self.y = net.y - net.height / 2 - self.height / 2; // Adjust position to be above the net
} else {
self.speedX *= -1; // Reflect horizontally when hitting the side of the net
self.x += self.speedX; // Move ball out of the net to prevent merging
if (self.intersects(player1) || self.intersects(player2)) {
self.speedX *= -1; // Reflect horizontally when hitting the nose
// Net class
var Net = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var netGraphics = self.attachAsset('net', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 1
// Player class
var Player = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var playerGraphics = self.attachAsset('player', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 1
self.update = function () {
// Player update logic
if (self.jumping) {
self.y -= 20; // Increase jump speed
if (self.y <= 1600) {
// Adjust jump height as needed
self.jumping = false;
} else if (self.y < 2000) {
self.y += 20; // Increase fall speed for smoother jump
if (self.y < 0) {
self.y = 0; // Prevent player1 from moving above the window
if (self.x > 1024 && self.x < 1024 + self.width / 2) {
self.x = 1024 + self.width / 2; // Prevent player2 from moving past the net
* Initialize Game
var game = new LK.Game({
backgroundColor: 0x87CEEB // Sky blue background
* Game Code
var player2Debug = true;
var player1 = game.addChild(new Player());
player1.x = 100;
player1.y = 2000;
var player2 = game.addChild(new Player());
player2.x = 1948;
player2.y = 2000;
var net = game.addChild(new Net());
net.x = 2048 / 2;
net.y = 2000;
var ball = game.addChild(new Ball());
var startingPlayer = Math.random() < 0.5 ? player1 : player2;
ball.x = startingPlayer.x;
ball.y = 300; // Set the ball's initial vertical position to y = 300
var score1 = 0;
var score2 = 0;
var scoreTxt1 = new Text2('0', {
size: 100,
fill: "#ffffff"
scoreTxt1.anchor.set(0.5, 0);
var scoreTxt2 = new Text2('0', {
size: 100,
fill: "#ffffff"
scoreTxt2.anchor.set(0.5, 0);
game.update = function () {
ball.update(net, player1, player2);
if (ball.x <= 0) {
} else if (ball.x >= 2732) {
if (ball.intersects(player1) || ball.intersects(player2)) {
ball.speedY = -10; // Bounce upward
ball.speedX = (ball.x - (ball.intersects(player1) ? player1.x : player2.x)) * 0.1; // Reflect based on collision point
function resetBall() {
var startingPlayer = Math.random() < 0.5 ? player1 : player2;
ball.x = startingPlayer.x;
ball.y = 300; // Set the ball's initial vertical position to y = 300
ball.speedX = 5;
ball.speedY = -10; // Initial upward speed
game.down = function (x, y, obj) {
if (x <= 1024 - player1.width / 2 && x >= player1.width / 2) {
player1.x = x;
if (y < player1.y) {
player1.jumping = true;
if (player1.y < 0) {
player1.y = 0; // Prevent player1 from moving above the window
if (player2Debug && player2.y < 0) {
player2.y = 0; // Prevent player2 from moving above the window
if (player2Debug && player2.y < 0) {
player2.y = 0; // Prevent player2 from moving above the window
if (player2Debug && x >= 1024 + player2.width / 2 && x <= 2048 - player2.width / 2 && x >= player2.width / 2) {
player2.x = x;
if (y < player2.y) {
player2.jumping = true;
game.move = function (x, y, obj) {
if (x + player1.width / 2 <= 1024 && x - player1.width / 2 >= 0) {
player1.x = x;
if (player2Debug && x - player2.width / 2 >= 1024 && x + player2.width / 2 <= 2048) {
player2.x = x;
if (player2Debug && x < 1024 + player2.width / 2) {
player2.x = 1024 + player2.width / 2; // Prevent player2 from moving past the net
if (player1.y < 0) {
player1.y = 0; // Prevent player1 from moving above the window
game.up = function (x, y, obj) {
// No action needed on up event
white volley ball.
top view of a concave blue (0xADD8E6) plastic button. 4 small black directionnal chevrons engraved : right, left, top , bottom.. Photorealistic
Beach ball. photo
full view of a Beach white towel with colored infinte logo. placed on the sand. photo
Start button in the shape of a white beach volleyball with « START » written on it in black. Photo