User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'forEach')' in or related to this line: 'coins.forEach(function (coin) {' Line Number: 179
User prompt
make Coins appear double when bonus 2 is active
Code edit (9 edits merged)
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User prompt
in applyBonus() change self.bonusIcon.visible = !self.bonusIcon.visible; into an alpha variation
User prompt
3 sec before active bonus end, make the bonus icon blink
User prompt
while a bonus is active, display its icon under the score
Code edit (1 edits merged)
Please save this source code
Code edit (1 edits merged)
Please save this source code
User prompt
update Bonus manager to activate a bonus 4 sec after a killer is activated
User prompt
organise BonusManager and KillerManager so that they never activate at the same time or too close times
Code edit (13 edits merged)
Please save this source code
User prompt
implement a BonusManager class ressembling KillerManager
Code edit (2 edits merged)
Please save this source code
User prompt
also Reset the last killer update time when level changes
User prompt
start counting killer delay only after game is started
User prompt
when saving score in LK multiply it by 100
Code edit (1 edits merged)
Please save this source code
Code edit (8 edits merged)
Please save this source code
User prompt
can you determine why some times in level 2 only 1 asset is used for the obstacle instead of 3 different ?
Code edit (3 edits merged)
Please save this source code
User prompt
update CoinAnimation to use the same asset as Coin for currentLevel
Code edit (1 edits merged)
Please save this source code
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'ReferenceError: level is not defined' in or related to this line: 'if (level === 1) {' Line Number: 446
User prompt
Make KillerManager.killerDelay 12000 for level 1; 10000 at level 2 and 8000 at level 3
Code edit (1 edits merged)
Please save this source code
* Classes
var Background = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var backgroundGraphics1 = self.attachAsset('background_1', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
visible: true
var backgroundGraphics2 = self.attachAsset('background_2', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
visible: false
var backgroundGraphics3 = self.attachAsset('background_3', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
visible: false
self.updateForLevel = function (level) {
backgroundGraphics1.visible = level === 1;
backgroundGraphics2.visible = level === 2;
backgroundGraphics3.visible = level === 3;
// Assets will be automatically created and loaded during gameplay
// Coin class
var Coin = Container.expand(function (index) {
var self =;
self.index = index;
var coinGraphics = self.attachAsset('coin1', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
var coinGraphics2 = self.attachAsset('coin2', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
visible: false
var coinGraphics3 = self.attachAsset('dollarsBundle', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
visible: false
var speed = 5;
var startY = roadTop + 50;
var endY = startY + roadHeight;
var leftStartX = 1024 - 100;
var leftEndX = 1024 - 650;
var rightStartX = 1024 + 100;
var rightEndX = 1024 + 650;
var startSize = 2;
var endSize = 140;
coinGraphics.width = startSize;
coinGraphics.height = startSize;
coinGraphics2.width = startSize;
coinGraphics2.height = startSize;
coinGraphics3.width = startSize;
coinGraphics3.height = startSize;
self.pathIndex = 0;
self.update = function () {
if (!isGameStarted) {
// Road should animate even if the game hasn't started
if (!isPlaying || isKilled) {
self.progress = Math.max(0, self.y - startY) / (endY - startY); // Update progress property
coinGraphics.width = startSize + (endSize - startSize) * self.progress;
coinGraphics.height = startSize + (endSize - startSize) * self.progress;
coinGraphics2.width = startSize + (endSize - startSize) * self.progress;
coinGraphics2.height = startSize + (endSize - startSize) * self.progress;
coinGraphics3.width = startSize + (endSize - startSize) * self.progress;
coinGraphics3.height = startSize + (endSize - startSize) * self.progress;
var newSpeed = currentSpeed; // + 10 * self.progress;
var tempSpeed = currentSpeed * 0.05 + currentSpeed * (self.progress * 3);
newSpeed = tempSpeed;
self.y += newSpeed;
// Move innerLineLeft x progressively to innerLeftLineEndX
if (self.pathIndex == 0 && self.x != leftEndX) {
self.x = leftStartX + (leftEndX - leftStartX) * self.progress;
if (self.pathIndex == 2 && self.x != rightEndX) {
self.x = rightStartX + (rightEndX - rightStartX) * self.progress;
if (self.y > endY + endSize / 2) {
// Check for collision with player
if (!player.isJumping && self.y > 2500 && self.y < 2732 && player.shadow.intersects(self)) {
// coinsCollected increment moved to increaseScore function
LK.effects.flashObject(player, 0x00ff00, 500); // Flash green for 0.5 seconds
// Increase speed every 3 coins collected
if (coinsCollected % nextCoinTypeThreshold === 0 && currentSpeed < maxSpeed) {
currentSpeed += 3; // Increase speed by 3
self.reset = function () {
self.y = startY;
self.progress = 0; // Initialize progress property
coinGraphics.width = startSize;
coinGraphics.height = startSize;
coinGraphics2.width = startSize;
coinGraphics2.height = startSize;
coinGraphics3.width = startSize;
coinGraphics3.height = startSize;
self.pathIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
if (self.pathIndex === 0) {
self.x = leftStartX;
} else if (self.pathIndex === 2) {
self.x = rightStartX;
} else {
self.x = 1024;
self.updateForLevel = function (level) {
coinGraphics.visible = level === 1;
coinGraphics2.visible = level === 2;
coinGraphics3.visible = level === 3;
// CoinAnimation class
var CoinAnimation = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var coinGraphics = self.attachAsset('coin1', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
visible: currentCoinType == 0
var coinGraphics2 = self.attachAsset('coin2', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
visible: currentCoinType == 1
// Initialize velocity and gravity
self.vx = (Math.random() < 0.5 ? -1 : 1) * 5; // Random horizontal velocity
self.vy = -15; // Initial vertical velocity
self.gravity = 0.5; // Gravity effect
self.update = function () {
self.vy += self.gravity; // Apply gravity to vertical velocity
self.x += self.vx; // Update horizontal position
self.y += self.vy; // Update vertical position
self.alpha -= 0.0035; // Fade out the coin
if (currentCoinType == 0) {
coinGraphics.alpha = 1;
coinGraphics2.alpha = 0;
} else if (currentCoinType == 1) {
coinGraphics.alpha = 0;
coinGraphics2.alpha = 1;
if (self.alpha <= 0) {
self.destroy(); // Remove the coin when it becomes invisible
// Decoration class
var Decoration = Container.expand(function (decoIndex) {
var self =;
self.index = decoIndex;
var assets = ['decoration_1_1', 'decoration_1_2', 'decoration_1_3', 'decoration_2_1', 'decoration_2_2', 'decoration_2_3', 'decoration_3_1', 'decoration_3_2', 'decoration_3_3'];
self.assets = (assetId) {
return self.attachAsset(assetId, {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
visible: false
self.ready = false;
var speed = 5;
var startY = roadTop + 50;
var endY = startY + roadHeight;
var xOffset = 1024;
var baseLeftStartX = 780;
var rand = Math.random();
self.leftStartX = baseLeftStartX; // - rand * xOffset;
self.leftEndX = self.leftStartX - xOffset * (1.5 + rand);
var baseRightStartX = 1280;
self.rightStartX = baseRightStartX; // + rand * xOffset / 2;
self.rightEndX = self.rightStartX + xOffset * (1.5 + rand);
self.assetWidthRatios = [100 / 300, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
self.endSizes = [600, 600, 600, 600, 600, 600, 600, 600, 600];
var startSize = 1;
self.assetIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + (currentLevel - 1) * 3;
mainGraphics = self.assets[self.assetIndex];
mainGraphics.width = startSize;
mainGraphics.height = startSize;
self.pathIndex = 0;
self.update = function () {
if (isKilled) {
var newTint = intensityHalf << 16 | intensityHalf << 8 | intensityHalf;
//mainGraphics.tint = newTint;
var tempSpeed = currentSpeed * 0.055 + currentSpeed * (self.progress * 3);
var newSpeed = currentSpeed; // + 10 * self.progress;
newSpeed = tempSpeed * 1; // TEMP DEBUG !!!
self.y += newSpeed;
self.progress = Math.max(0, self.y - startY) / (endY - startY); // Update progress property
// Move innerLineLeft x progressively to innerLeftLineEndX
if (self.index == 7) {
//log("Decoration " + self.index + " update - p=", self.progress, "x:", Math.round(self.x), "y:", Math.round(self.y));
if (self.pathIndex == 0 && self.x > self.leftEndX) {
self.x = self.leftStartX + (self.leftEndX - self.leftStartX) * self.progress * 3;
if (self.pathIndex == 1 && self.x < self.rightEndX) {
self.x = self.rightStartX + (self.rightEndX - self.rightStartX) * self.progress * 3;
if (self.y > endY + self.endSizes[self.assetIndex] / 2) {
//self.y = -startSize; // Move obstacle back to the top
//mainGraphics = self.assets[self.assetIndex];
mainGraphics.height = startSize + (self.endSizes[self.assetIndex] - startSize) * self.progress * 2;
mainGraphics.width = mainGraphics.height * self.assetWidthRatios[self.assetIndex];
if (self.index == 8 && mainGraphics.width > 200) {
//log("Decoration " + self.index + " update - assetIndex:", self.assetIndex, "width:", mainGraphics.width, "x:", Math.round(self.x), "y:", Math.round(self.y));
if (self.index == 7 && mainGraphics.width > 200) {
//log("Decoration " + self.index + " update - assetIndex:", self.assetIndex, "width:", mainGraphics.width, "x:", Math.round(self.x), "y:", Math.round(self.y));
if (!self.ready) {
//log("Decoration " + self.index + " ready =" + self.ready);
//log("Decoration " + self.index + " update width:", Math.round(mainGraphics.width), "x:", Math.round(self.x), "y:", Math.round(self.y));
self.reset = function () {
self.ready = false;
//log("Decoration reset" + self.index);
self.y = startY;
self.progress = 0; // Initialize progress property
rand = Math.random();
self.assetIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + (currentLevel - 1) * 3;
self.assets.forEach(function (asset, index) {
asset.visible = index === self.assetIndex;
mainGraphics = self.assets[self.assetIndex];
mainGraphics.height = startSize;
mainGraphics.width = mainGraphics.height * self.assetWidthRatios[self.assetIndex];
if (self.index == 1 && mainGraphics.width > 200) {
//log("=== Decoration " + self.index + " reset - assetIndex:", self.assetIndex, "width:", mainGraphics.width, "y:", self.y, " ===");
self.leftStartX = baseLeftStartX; // - rand * xOffset;
self.leftEndX = self.leftStartX - xOffset * (1 + rand);
self.rightStartX = baseRightStartX; // + rand * xOffset;
self.rightEndX = self.rightStartX + xOffset * (1 + rand);
if (self.index == 1) {
//log("=== Decoration " + self.index);
//log("Left StartX:", self.leftStartX, "Left EndX:", self.leftEndX);
//log("Right StartX:", self.rightStartX, "Right EndX:", self.rightEndX);
self.pathIndex = Math.floor(rand * 2);
if (self.pathIndex === 0) {
self.x = self.leftStartX;
} else {
self.x = self.rightStartX;
self.ready = true;
var Killer = Container.expand(function (index) {
var self =;
self.index = index;
var assets = ['killer1', 'killer2', 'killer3'];
self.assetIndex = index % assets.length;
var randomAsset = assets[self.assetIndex];
var killerGraphics = self.attachAsset(randomAsset, {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
var speed = 5;
var startY = roadTop - 20;
var endY = startY + roadHeight;
var leftStartX = 1024 - 100;
var leftEndX = 1024 - 650;
var rightStartX = 1024 + 100;
var rightEndX = 1024 + 650;
var startSize = 1;
var endSize = 800;
var assetHeightRatio = 500 / 400;
killerGraphics.width = startSize;
killerGraphics.height = startSize;
self.pathIndex = 0;
self.inactive = true;
self.inactiveStartTime =;
self.update = function () {
if (!isPlaying) {
if (self.inactive) {
if (!isKilled && player && self.y > 2500 && self.y < 2732 && player.shadow.intersects(self)) {
isKilled = true;
player.visible = false;
LK.setTimeout(function () {
}, 100); // Adjust the delay as needed
LK.setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000); // Play rip_1 sound 1 second after killed
LK.effects.flashScreen(0xff0000, 4000);
// Spawn MurderShape at player's last position
var murderShape = new MurderShape();
murderShape.x = player.x;
murderShape.y = playerBaseY;
game.addChildAt(murderShape, game.getChildIndex(road) + 1);
// Store the score in LK score before game over
LK.setTimeout(function () {
}, 5000);
self.progress = Math.max(0, self.y - startY) / (endY - startY);
killerGraphics.width = startSize + (endSize - startSize) * self.progress;
killerGraphics.height = assetHeightRatio * killerGraphics.width;
var tempSpeed = currentSpeed * 0.5 + currentSpeed * (self.progress * 3);
var newSpeed = currentSpeed * 3;
newSpeed = tempSpeed * 1;
self.y += newSpeed;
if (self.pathIndex == 0 && self.x != leftEndX) {
self.x = leftStartX + (leftEndX - leftStartX) * self.progress;
if (self.pathIndex == 2 && self.x != rightEndX) {
self.x = rightStartX + (rightEndX - rightStartX) * self.progress;
if (self.y > endY + endSize / 2) {
self.reset = function () {
self.y = startY;
self.progress = 0;
killerGraphics.width = startSize;
killerGraphics.height = startSize;
self.pathIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
if (self.pathIndex === 0) {
self.x = leftStartX;
} else if (self.pathIndex === 2) {
self.x = rightStartX;
} else {
self.x = 1024;
self.inactive = true;
self.inactiveStartTime =;
var KillerManager = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
self.killers = [];
self.currentKillerIndex = 0;
self.lastKillerUpdate = 0;
self.killerDelay = 10000; // Delay in milliseconds before updating killer
self.addKiller = function (killer) {
self.update = function () {
if (!isGameStarted) {
var currentTime =;
var currentDelay = currentTime - self.lastKillerUpdate;
if (currentDelay >= self.killerDelay) {
self.killers[self.currentKillerIndex].inactive = false;
if (self.currentKillerIndex === 0) {
} else if (self.currentKillerIndex === 1) {
} else if (self.currentKillerIndex === 2) {
self.currentKillerIndex = (self.currentKillerIndex + 1) % self.killers.length;
self.lastKillerUpdate = currentTime;
self.resetKillers = function () {
self.killers.forEach(function (killer) {
self.currentKillerIndex = 0;
self.lastKillerUpdate =;
var Landscape = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var landscapeGraphics = self.attachAsset('landscape_1', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.0
var landscapeGraphics2 = self.attachAsset('landscape_2', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.0,
visible: false
var landscapeGraphics3 = self.attachAsset('landscape_3', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.0,
visible: false
var gradientGraphics = self.attachAsset('gradient', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.0,
scaleY: -1,
y: 1024,
blendMode: 2,
alpha: 0.5,
tint: 0xFEFEFE,
height: 15
self.x = 2048 / 2; // Center horizontally
self.y = 0; // Position at the top
self.update = function () {
var newTint = intensityHalf << 16 | intensityHalf << 8 | intensityHalf;
landscapeGraphics.tint = newTint; // Apply reduced tint to the road based on the intensity
self.updateForLevel = function (level) {
landscapeGraphics.visible = level === 1;
landscapeGraphics2.visible = level === 2;
landscapeGraphics3.visible = level === 3;
var MurderShape = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var murderShapeGraphics = self.attachAsset('murderShape', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.update = function () {
// MurderShape does not need to update its position or behavior
self.fixPosition = function () {
if (self.x < 600) {
self.x += 150;
} else if (self.x > 1400) {
self.x -= 150;
// Obstacle class
var Obstacle = Container.expand(function (index) {
var self =; = true;
self.index = index;
var assets = [];
if (currentLevel === 1) {
assets = ['obstacle_1_1', 'obstacle_1_2', 'obstacle_1_3'];
} else if (currentLevel === 2) {
assets = ['obstacle_2_1', 'obstacle_2_2', 'obstacle_2_3'];
} else if (currentLevel === 3) {
assets = ['obstacle_3_1', 'obstacle_3_2', 'obstacle_3_3'];
self.assetIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * assets.length);
var randomAsset = assets[self.assetIndex];
var obstacleGraphics = self.attachAsset(randomAsset, {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
var speed = 5;
var startY = roadTop + 50;
var endY = startY + roadHeight;
var leftStartX = 1024 - 100;
var leftEndX = 1024 - 650;
var rightStartX = 1024 + 100;
var rightEndX = 1024 + 650;
var innerLeftLineStartX = -150;
var innerLeftLineEndX = -390;
var startSize, endSize;
if (self.assetIndex == 0) {
startSize = 3;
endSize = 350;
} else if (self.assetIndex == 1) {
startSize = 1;
endSize = 350;
} else if (self.assetIndex == 2) {
startSize = 2;
endSize = 350;
obstacleGraphics.width = startSize;
obstacleGraphics.height = startSize;
self.pathIndex = 0;
self.update = function () {
if (!isPlaying || isKilled) {
// coinsCollected increment moved to updateScore function
var currentTime =;
if (currentTime - lastObstacleHitTime > immunityDelay && player && !player.isJumping && self.y > 2500 && self.y < 2732 && player.shadow.intersects(self)) {
lastObstacleHitTime = currentTime; // Update the last hit time
// Make player flash red for 1 second
LK.effects.flashObject(player, 0xff0000, 1000);
// Add coin animation only if score is greater than 0
if (score > 0) {
var coinAnimation = new CoinAnimation();
coinAnimation.x = player.x;
coinAnimation.y = player.y;
// Reduce score by 1
//log("Obstacle y:", self.y);
// Reduce currentSpeed by a factor (e.g., 0.8)
//log("Old speed :", currentSpeed);
//currentSpeed = Math.max(10, Math.min(20, Math.round(currentSpeed * 0.8)));
//log("New speed :", currentSpeed);
self.progress = Math.max(0, self.y - startY) / (endY - startY); // Update progress property
obstacleGraphics.width = startSize + (endSize - startSize) * self.progress;
obstacleGraphics.height = startSize + (endSize - startSize) * self.progress;
var tempSpeed = currentSpeed * 0.05 + currentSpeed * (self.progress * 3);
var newSpeed = currentSpeed; // + 10 * self.progress;
newSpeed = tempSpeed * 1; // TEMP DEBUG !!!
self.y += newSpeed;
// Move innerLineLeft x progressively to innerLeftLineEndX
if (self.pathIndex == 0 && self.x != leftEndX) {
self.x = leftStartX + (leftEndX - leftStartX) * self.progress;
if (self.pathIndex == 2 && self.x != rightEndX) {
self.x = rightStartX + (rightEndX - rightStartX) * self.progress;
if (self.y > endY + endSize / 2) {
self.reset = function () {
obstacleManager.freePath(self.pathIndex); // Mark the path as unoccupied = false;
self.y = startY;
self.progress = 0; // Initialize progress property
obstacleGraphics.width = startSize;
obstacleGraphics.height = startSize;
self.setPath = function (newPathIndex) {
self.pathIndex = newPathIndex; //Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
if (self.pathIndex === 0) {
self.x = leftStartX;
} else if (self.pathIndex === 2) {
self.x = rightStartX;
} else {
self.x = 1024;
self.updateForLevel = function (level) {
log("Obstacle updateForLevel", level);
var assets = [];
if (level === 1) {
assets = ['obstacle_1_1', 'obstacle_1_2', 'obstacle_1_3'];
} else if (level === 2) {
assets = ['obstacle_2_1', 'obstacle_2_2', 'obstacle_2_3'];
} else if (level === 3) {
assets = ['obstacle_3_1', 'obstacle_3_2', 'obstacle_3_3'];
self.assetIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * assets.length);
var randomAsset = assets[self.assetIndex];
log("Obstacle asset =>", randomAsset);
obstacleGraphics = self.attachAsset(randomAsset, {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
var ObstacleManager = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
self.obstacles = [];
self.occupiedPaths = [false, false, false];
self.addObstacle = function (obstacle) {
self.resetObstacles = function () {
self.occupiedPaths = [false, false, false];
self.obstacles.forEach(function (obstacle) {
self.updateObstacles = function () {
self.obstacles.forEach(function (obstacle) {
if (! {
self.update = function () {
if (!isPlaying || isKilled) {
// Activate obstacles regularly in random path
var currentTime =;
log("ObstacleManager update...");
if (currentTime - lastObstacleSpawnTime > baseObstacleSpawnDelay * 0.75) {
log("Attempting to spawn obstacle. Current time:", currentTime, "Last spawn time:", lastObstacleSpawnTime);
var availablePaths = (occupied, index) {
return occupied ? null : index;
}).filter(function (index) {
return index !== null;
log("Available paths for obstacle activation:", availablePaths);
if (availablePaths.length > 0) {
var randomPathIndex = availablePaths[Math.floor(Math.random() * availablePaths.length)];
var inactiveObstacles = self.obstacles.filter(function (obstacle) {
return !;
log("Inactive obstacles available for activation:", inactiveObstacles.length);
if (inactiveObstacles.length > 0) {
var obstacleToActivate = inactiveObstacles[Math.floor(Math.random() * inactiveObstacles.length)];
log("Activating obstacle in path:", randomPathIndex);
log("Obstacle activated:", obstacleToActivate); = true;
self.setPathOccupied(randomPathIndex, true);
log("Path occupied status updated. Path:", randomPathIndex, "Occupied:", self.isPathOccupied(randomPathIndex));
lastObstacleSpawnTime = currentTime; // Update the last spawn time
self.isPathOccupied = function (pathIndex) {
return self.occupiedPaths[pathIndex];
self.setPathOccupied = function (pathIndex, occupied) {
self.occupiedPaths[pathIndex] = occupied;
self.freePath = function (pathIndex) {
self.setPathOccupied(pathIndex, false);
self.updateForLevel = function (level) {
self.obstacles.forEach(function (obstacle) {
// Player class
var Player = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
self.shadow = self.attachAsset('shadow', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.isJumping = false; // Initialize isJumping to false
self.shadow.alpha = 0.5; // Make the shadow semi-transparent
self.shadow.y = 270; // Offset the shadow slightly below the player
var playerGraphics1_1 = self.attachAsset('player_1_1', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
x: -5
var playerGraphics1_2 = self.attachAsset('player_1_2', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
x: 5
var playerGraphics2_1 = self.attachAsset('player_2_1', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
x: -5,
visible: false // Initially hide player2_1 asset
var playerGraphics2_2 = self.attachAsset('player_2_2', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
x: 5,
visible: false // Initially hide player2_2 asset
var playerGraphics3_1 = self.attachAsset('player_3_1', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
x: -5,
visible: false // Initially hide player3_1 asset
var playerGraphics3_2 = self.attachAsset('player_3_2', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
x: 5,
visible: false // Initially hide player3_2 asset
var frame = 0;
self.update = function () {
if (!self.isJumping) {
frame += Math.min(currentSpeed, 20); // Add a max limit to avoid optical effects
if (frame >= 100) {
frame = 0;
// Swap frames every 10 game ticks
if (currentLevel <= 1) {
var visible = playerGraphics1_1.visible;
playerGraphics1_1.visible = !visible;
playerGraphics1_2.visible = visible;
if (currentLevel === 2) {
var visible = playerGraphics2_1.visible;
playerGraphics2_1.visible = !visible;
playerGraphics2_2.visible = visible;
if (currentLevel === 3) {
var visible = playerGraphics3_1.visible;
playerGraphics3_1.visible = !visible;
playerGraphics3_2.visible = visible;
self.updateForLevel = function (level) {
playerGraphics1_1.visible = level === 1;
playerGraphics1_2.visible = level === 1;
playerGraphics2_1.visible = level === 2;
playerGraphics2_2.visible = level === 2;
playerGraphics3_1.visible = level === 3;
playerGraphics3_2.visible = level === 3;
self.jump = function () {
if (!self.isJumping) {
self.isJumping = true;
var initialY = self.y;
var initialShadowY = self.shadow.y;
var jumpHeight = 300;
var jumpDuration = 30;
var jumpStep = jumpHeight / jumpDuration;
var fallStep = jumpHeight / jumpDuration;
var jumpStartTime =;
var jumpInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
var elapsed = - jumpStartTime;
var progress = elapsed / (jumpDuration * 1000 / 60);
if (progress < 1) {
var easeProgress = Math.sin(progress * Math.PI / 2);
self.y = initialY - jumpHeight * easeProgress;
self.shadow.y = initialShadowY + jumpHeight * easeProgress; // Move shadow inversely
self.shadow.width = 240 * (1 - 0.5 * easeProgress); // Reduce shadow width
self.shadow.height = 100 * (1 - 0.5 * easeProgress); // Reduce shadow height
} else {
var fallStartTime =;
var fallInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
var elapsed = - fallStartTime;
var progress = elapsed / (jumpDuration * 1000 / 60);
if (progress < 1) {
var easeProgress = Math.sin(progress * Math.PI / 2);
self.y = initialY - jumpHeight + jumpHeight * easeProgress;
self.shadow.y = initialShadowY + jumpHeight - jumpHeight * easeProgress; // Move shadow inversely
self.shadow.width = 120 + 120 * easeProgress; // Reset shadow width
self.shadow.height = 50 + 50 * easeProgress; // Reset shadow height
} else {
self.y = initialY;
self.shadow.y = initialShadowY; // Reset shadow position
self.isJumping = false;
}, 1000 / 60);
}, 1000 / 60);
// Road class
var Road = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var baseY = 750;
var roadGraphics = self.attachAsset('triangle', {
tint: 0x555555,
// Initialize tint to white
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0,
width: 2048,
height: roadHeight,
y: baseY
var speed = 5;
var lineOffset = -150;
// Inner lines
var innerLineStartY = roadTop;
var innerLineEndY = roadTop + roadHeight + 200;
// Left
var innerLeftLineStartX = -50;
var innerLeftLineEndX = -412;
var innerLeftLineStartW = 3;
var innerLeftLineEndW = 80;
var innerLeftLineStartH = 3;
var innerLeftLineEndH = 500;
var innerLeftLineStartR = 0.22; //0.075;
var innerLeftLineEndR = 0.275;
// Right
var innerRightLineStartX = 50;
var innerRightLineEndX = 412;
var innerRightLineStartW = 3;
var innerRightLineEndW = 80;
var innerRightLineStartH = 3;
var innerRightLineEndH = 500;
var innerRightLineStartR = -0.22;
var innerRightLineEndR = -0.275;
// Lamp posts
// Left Lamp
var leftLampStartX = -130;
var leftLampEndX = -1600;
var leftLampStartY = roadTop;
var leftLampEndY = roadTop + roadHeight + 0; // Define leftLampEndY variable
var leftLampStartH = 2;
var leftLampEndH = 900;
var leftLampWRatio = 1 / 3;
// Right Lamp
var rightLampStartX = 130;
var rightLampEndX = 1600;
var rightLampStartY = roadTop;
var rightLampEndY = roadTop + roadHeight + 0; // Define leftLampEndY variable
var rightLampStartH = 2;
var rightLampEndH = 900;
var rightLampWRatio = 1 / 3;
var nbInnerLines = 6;
var leftLine = self.attachAsset('triangle', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0,
width: 100,
height: 1950,
rotation: 0.45
leftLine.x = lineOffset; // Position the left line on the left side of the road
leftLine.y = roadTop + 45; // Center the left line vertically
var rightLine = self.attachAsset('triangle', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0,
width: 100,
height: 1950,
rotation: -0.45
rightLine.x = -lineOffset; // Position the right line on the right side of the road
rightLine.y = roadTop + 45; // Center the right line vertically
self.innerLeftLines = [];
self.innerRightLines = [];
self.leftLampPosts = [];
self.rightLampPosts = [];
// Define arrays to store assets for each level
var leftLampPostAssets = ['lampPost_1',
// Level 1 asset
// Level 2 asset
'lampPost_3' // Level 3 asset
var rightLampPostAssets = ['lampPost_1',
// Level 1 asset
// Level 2 asset
'lampPost_3' // Level 3 asset
for (var i = 0; i < nbInnerLines; i++) {
var innerLineLeft = self.attachAsset('line', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
width: innerLeftLineStartW,
height: innerLeftLineStartH,
rotation: innerLeftLineStartR,
alpha: 1
innerLineLeft.x = innerLeftLineStartX;
innerLineLeft.y = innerLineStartY - 0.1 * i * roadHeight / nbInnerLines;
//log(i + " : " + innerLineStartY + " + " + i * roadHeight / nbInnerLines + " => " + innerLineLeft.y);
innerLineLeft.progress = 0; // Initialize progress property
var innerLineRight = self.attachAsset('line', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
width: innerRightLineStartW,
height: innerRightLineStartH,
rotation: innerRightLineStartR,
alpha: 1
innerLineRight.x = innerRightLineStartX;
innerLineRight.y = innerLineStartY - 0.1 * i * roadHeight / nbInnerLines;
innerLineRight.progress = 0; // Initialize progress property
if (i % 2 == 0) {
var leftLampPost = self.attachAsset(leftLampPostAssets[currentLevel - 1], {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
height: leftLampStartH,
width: leftLampStartH * leftLampWRatio
var leftLampShadow = self.attachAsset('shadow', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
width: leftLampPost.width * 0.8,
height: leftLampPost.height * 0.1,
y: leftLampPost.height * 0.5 + 10 // Offset shadow slightly below the lamp post
leftLampPost.x = leftLampStartX;
leftLampPost.y = leftLampStartY - (i - 1) * 40;
var rightLampPost = self.attachAsset(rightLampPostAssets[currentLevel - 1], {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
scaleX: -1,
height: rightLampStartH,
width: rightLampStartH * rightLampWRatio
var rightLampShadow = self.attachAsset('shadow', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
width: rightLampPost.width * 0.8,
height: rightLampPost.height * 0.1,
y: rightLampPost.height * 0.5 + 10 // Offset shadow slightly below the lamp post
rightLampPost.x = rightLampStartX;
rightLampPost.y = rightLampStartY - (i - 1) * 40;
self.update = function () {
if (isKilled) {
var newTint = intensityHalf << 16 | intensityHalf << 8 | intensityHalf;
//roadGraphics.tint = newTint; // Apply reduced tint to the road based on the intensity
leftLine.tint = newTint;
rightLine.tint = newTint;
// Add any update logic for the road if needed
for (var i = 0; i < self.innerLeftLines.length; i++) {
innerLineLeft = self.innerLeftLines[i];
innerLineLeft.tint = newTint;
if (innerLineLeft.y > innerLineEndY) {
self.resetInnerLine(innerLineLeft, true);
} else {
innerLineLeft.progress = Math.max(0, innerLineLeft.y - innerLineStartY) / (innerLineEndY - innerLineStartY); // Update progress property
var tempSpeed = currentSpeed * 0.05 + currentSpeed * (innerLineLeft.progress * 3);
var newSpeed = currentSpeed; // + 10 * self.progress;
newSpeed = tempSpeed * 1; // TEMP DEBUG !!!
innerLineLeft.y += newSpeed;
// Move innerLineLeft x progressively to innerLeftLineEndX
if (innerLineLeft.x != innerLeftLineEndX) {
innerLineLeft.x = innerLeftLineStartX + (innerLeftLineEndX - innerLeftLineStartX) * innerLineLeft.progress;
// Move innerLineLeft x progressively
if (innerLineLeft.rotation != innerLeftLineEndR) {
//innerLineLeft.rotation = innerLeftLineStartR + (innerLeftLineEndR - innerLeftLineStartR) * innerLineLeft.progress;
// Move innerLineLeft x progressively
if (innerLineLeft.width != innerLeftLineEndW) {
innerLineLeft.width = innerLeftLineStartW + (innerLeftLineEndW - innerLeftLineStartW) * innerLineLeft.progress;
// Move innerLineLeft x progressively
if (innerLineLeft.height != innerLeftLineEndH) {
innerLineLeft.height = innerLeftLineStartH + (innerLeftLineEndH - innerLeftLineStartH) * innerLineLeft.progress;
for (var i = 0; i < self.innerRightLines.length; i++) {
innerLineRight = self.innerRightLines[i];
innerLineRight.tint = newTint;
if (innerLineRight.y > innerLineEndY) {
self.resetInnerLine(innerLineRight, false);
} else {
innerLineRight.progress = Math.max(0, innerLineRight.y - innerLineStartY) / (innerLineEndY - innerLineStartY);
var tempSpeed = currentSpeed * 0.05 + currentSpeed * (innerLineRight.progress * 3);
var newSpeed = currentSpeed; // + 10 * self.progress;
newSpeed = tempSpeed * 1; // TEMP DEBUG !!!
innerLineRight.y += newSpeed;
// Move innerLineRight x progressively to innerRightLineEndX
if (innerLineRight.x != innerRightLineEndX) {
innerLineRight.x = innerRightLineStartX + (innerRightLineEndX - innerRightLineStartX) * innerLineRight.progress;
// Move innerLineRight x progressively
if (innerLineRight.rotation != innerRightLineEndR) {
//innerLineRight.rotation = innerRightLineStartR + (innerRightLineEndR - innerRightLineStartR) * innerLineRight.progress;
// Move innerLineRight x progressively
if (innerLineRight.width != innerRightLineEndW) {
innerLineRight.width = innerRightLineStartW + (innerRightLineEndW - innerRightLineStartW) * innerLineRight.progress;
// Move innerLineRight x progressively
if (innerLineRight.height != innerRightLineEndH) {
innerLineRight.height = innerRightLineStartH + (innerRightLineEndH - innerRightLineStartH) * innerLineRight.progress;
// Lamp posts
for (var i = 0; i < self.leftLampPosts.length; i++) {
var leftLampPost = self.leftLampPosts[i];
//leftLampPost.tint = newTint;
var tempProgress = Math.max(0, leftLampPost.y - leftLampStartY) / (leftLampEndY - leftLampStartY);
var tempSpeed = currentSpeed * 0.05 + currentSpeed * (tempProgress * 3);
leftLampPost.y += tempSpeed;
//leftLampPost.visible = currentLevel !== 1; // Make lampPost not visible when level is 1
if (leftLampPost.y > leftLampEndY) {
leftLampPost.y = leftLampStartY;
leftLampPost.x = leftLampStartX;
leftLampPost.height = leftLampStartH;
leftLampPost.progress = Math.max(0, leftLampPost.y - leftLampStartY) / (leftLampEndY - leftLampStartY); // Update progress property
leftLampPost.alpha = 0.75 + Math.min(0.25, leftLampPost.progress);
if (i == 0) {
if (leftLampPost.x != leftLampEndX) {
leftLampPost.x = leftLampStartX + (leftLampEndX - leftLampStartX) * Math.min(1, leftLampPost.progress * 1);
if (leftLampPost.height != leftLampEndH) {
leftLampPost.height = Math.min(1, leftLampPost.progress * 2) * leftLampEndH; // leftLampStartH + (leftLampEndH - leftLampStartH) * Math.min(1, leftLampPost.progress * 1);
leftLampPost.width = leftLampPost.height * leftLampWRatio;
for (var i = 0; i < self.rightLampPosts.length; i++) {
var rightLampPost = self.rightLampPosts[i];
var tempProgress = Math.max(0, rightLampPost.y - rightLampStartY) / (rightLampEndY - rightLampStartY);
var tempSpeed = currentSpeed * 0.05 + currentSpeed * (tempProgress * 3);
rightLampPost.y += tempSpeed;
//rightLampPost.visible = currentLevel !== 1; // Make right lampPost not visible when level is 1
if (rightLampPost.y > rightLampEndY) {
rightLampPost.y = rightLampStartY;
rightLampPost.x = rightLampStartX;
rightLampPost.height = rightLampStartH;
rightLampPost.progress = Math.max(0, rightLampPost.y - rightLampStartY) / (rightLampEndY - rightLampStartY);
rightLampPost.alpha = 0.75 + Math.min(0.25, rightLampPost.progress);
if (rightLampPost.x != rightLampEndX) {
rightLampPost.x = rightLampStartX + (rightLampEndX - rightLampStartX) * rightLampPost.progress;
if (rightLampPost.height != leftLampEndH) {
rightLampPost.height = rightLampStartH + (rightLampEndH - rightLampStartH) * Math.min(1, rightLampPost.progress * 2);
rightLampPost.width = rightLampPost.height * rightLampWRatio;
self.updateForLevel = function (level) {
// Iterate through left lamp posts
for (var i = 0; i < self.leftLampPosts.length; i++) {
var leftLampPost = self.leftLampPosts[i];
var newLeftLampPost = self.attachAsset(leftLampPostAssets[level - 1], {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
height: leftLampPost.height,
width: leftLampPost.width
newLeftLampPost.visible = leftLampPost.visible;
newLeftLampPost.x = leftLampPost.x;
newLeftLampPost.y = leftLampPost.y;
self.leftLampPosts[i] = newLeftLampPost;
for (var i = 0; i < self.rightLampPosts.length; i++) {
var rightLampPost = self.rightLampPosts[i];
rightLampPost.children.forEach(function (child) {
child.visible = false;
var newRightLampPost = self.attachAsset(rightLampPostAssets[level - 1], {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
scaleX: -1,
height: rightLampPost.height,
width: rightLampPost.width
newRightLampPost.visible = rightLampPost.visible;
newRightLampPost.x = rightLampPost.x;
newRightLampPost.y = rightLampPost.y;
self.rightLampPosts[i] = newRightLampPost;
self.resetInnerLine = function (innerLine, isLeft) {
if (isLeft) {
innerLine.x = innerLeftLineStartX;
innerLine.rotation = innerLeftLineStartR;
innerLine.width = innerLeftLineStartW;
innerLine.height = innerLeftLineStartH;
} else {
innerLine.x = innerRightLineStartX;
innerLine.rotation = innerRightLineStartR;
innerLine.width = innerRightLineStartW;
innerLine.height = innerRightLineStartH;
innerLine.y = innerLineStartY - 0.2 * roadHeight / nbInnerLines;
innerLine.progress = 0; // Reset progress property
var StartButton = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var buttonGraphics = self.attachAsset('startButton', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.interactive = true;
self.buttonMode = true;
self.on('down', function () {
LK.playMusic('bgMusic', {
loop: true
self.visible = false;
updateGoalForLevel(1); // Call updateGoalForLevel(1) when start button is pressed
LK.setTimeout(function () {
goalText.visible = false;
scoreTxt.visible = true;
isPlaying = true;
isGameStarted = true;
}, goalAnnounceDelay);
var Stripe = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
self.stripeGraphics = self.attachAsset('stripe_1', {
anchorX: 0,
anchorY: 1,
height: 1
self.stripeGraphics2 = self.attachAsset('stripe_2', {
anchorX: 0,
anchorY: 1,
height: 1,
visible: false
self.stripeGraphics3 = self.attachAsset('stripe_3', {
anchorX: 0,
anchorY: 1,
height: 1,
visible: false
self.progress = 0; // Initialize progress property
self.update = function () {
if (isKilled) {
self.progress = Math.max(0, self.y - roadTop) / roadHeight; // Update progress property
var newTint = intensityHalf << 16 | intensityHalf << 8 | intensityHalf;
self.stripeGraphics.tint = newTint;
self.stripeGraphics2.tint = newTint;
self.stripeGraphics3.tint = newTint;
var tempSpeed = currentSpeed * 0.05 + currentSpeed * (self.progress * 3);
self.y += tempSpeed;
self.stripeGraphics.height = 400 * self.progress; // Adjust height based on progress
self.stripeGraphics2.height = 400 * self.progress; // Adjust height based on progress
self.stripeGraphics3.height = 400 * self.progress; // Adjust height based on progress
if (self.y > roadTop + roadHeight) {
self.y = roadTop;
self.stripeGraphics.height = 0; // Reset height to initial value
self.stripeGraphics.tint = 0xFFFFFF; // Reset tint to initial value
self.stripeGraphics2.height = 0;
self.stripeGraphics2.tint = 0xFFFFFF;
self.stripeGraphics3.height = 0;
self.stripeGraphics3.tint = 0xFFFFFF;
self.updateForLevel = function (level) {
self.stripeGraphics.visible = level === 1;
self.stripeGraphics2.visible = level === 2;
self.stripeGraphics3.visible = level === 3;
* Initialize Game
var game = new LK.Game({
backgroundColor: 0x000000 // Init game with black background
* Game Code
function updateGoalForLevel(level) {
if (level === 1) {
} else if (level === 2) {
} else if (level === 3) {
goalText.setText('COLLECT\r\n$1 000 000+');
goalText.visible = true;
LK.setTimeout(function () {
goalText.visible = false;
}, goalAnnounceDelay);
var moneyLost = 0; // Initialize global moneyLost variable
var isDebug = false; // Define global isDebug variable
var occupiedPaths = [false, false, false]; // Initialize an array to track occupied paths
var baseObstacleSpawnDelay = 1500; // Define global baseObstacleSpawnDelay
var obstacleManager; // Define obstacleManager in the global scope
var killerManager = new KillerManager(); // Initialize killerManager in the global scope
var lastObstacleSpawnTime = 0; // Track the last time an obstacle was spawned
var levelConfigs = [{}, {
name: "Level 1",
backgroundTint: 0xeda716,
coinValue: 0.10,
baseSpeed: 10,
nextLevelScore: 10
}, {
name: "Level 2",
backgroundTint: 0x2faf1d,
coinValue: 1,
baseSpeed: 15,
nextLevelScore: 100
}, {
name: "Level 3",
backgroundTint: 0x6c6060,
coinValue: 100,
baseSpeed: 20,
nextLevelScore: Infinity // Endless Runner ;)
var stripes = [];
var nbDecorations = 10;
var decorations = [];
// Initialize arrays and variables
var currentLevel = 1;
var road = new Road();
var isPlaying = false;
var isGameStarted = false;
var isMouseDown = false; // Flag to track if the mouse/finger is down
var isMoveAboveThreshold = false; // Flag to track if a move above threshold has been detected
var isKilled = false;
var killerDelay = 10000; // Delay in milliseconds before updating killer
var lastKillerUpdate = 0; // Timestamp of the last killer update
var currentCoinType = 0;
var nextCoinTypeThreshold = 1000;
var isNight = false;
var roadHeight = 2000;
var roadTop = 1000; // ~= road.height/2 - baseY
var background;
var landscape;
var nbStripes = 33;
var baseNbCoins = 10;
var baseNbObstacles = 10;
var coins = [];
var obstacles = [];
var killers = [];
var road;
var score = 0;
var scoreTxt;
var goalText;
var goalAnnounceDelay = 3000;
var startX = 0;
var startY = 0;
var endX = 0;
var endY = 0;
var intensity = 0;
var intensityHalf = 0;
var leftLampPosts = [];
var rightLampPosts = [];
var leftDecorations = [];
var rightDecorationss = [];
var maxSpeed = 70; // Define a maximum speed limit
var currentSpeed = 15; //20; // Initialize currentSpeed
var coinsCollected = 0; // Initialize coins collected counter
var isIntersectingObstacle = false; // Flag to track if the player is currently intersecting an obstacle
var lastObstacleHitTime = 0; // Timestamp of the last obstacle hit
var immunityDelay = 500; // Immunity delay in milliseconds
var playerPositionIndex = 1; // Initialize player position index
var playerBaseY = 2732 - 300;
// Define the three fixed x positions for the player
var playerPositions = [2048 / 5, 2048 / 2, 4 * 2048 / 5];
// Create player
var player;
var debugMarker;
var debugText;
var debugTxt;
/****************************************************************************************** */
/************************************** GAME FUNCTIONS ************************************ */
/****************************************************************************************** */
function updateScore() {
var negative = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : false;
if (negative) {
if (score > 0) {
moneyLost += Math.min(levelConfigs[currentLevel].coinValue || 1, score);
score -= levelConfigs[currentLevel].coinValue || 1;
score = parseFloat(score.toFixed(1));
score = Math.max(0, score); // Ensure score doesn't go below 0
} else {
score += levelConfigs[currentLevel].coinValue || 1;
score = parseFloat(score.toFixed(1));
coinsCollected += 1; // Increment coins collected counter
if (score >= levelConfigs[currentLevel].nextLevelScore) {
changeLevel(currentLevel + 1);
// Format score
log("score=", score, " => ", (score * 100).toFixed(0) + "¢");
if (score < 1) {
scoreTxt.setText((score * 100).toFixed(0) + "¢");
} else if (score < 10) {
scoreTxt.setText("$" + score.toFixed(2));
} else {
scoreTxt.setText("$" + Math.floor(score));
// Function to change the level
function changeLevel(newLevel) {
log("changeLevel:", newLevel);
newLevel = Math.max(1, Math.min(levelConfigs.length, newLevel));
currentLevel = newLevel;
currentSpeed = levelConfigs[currentLevel].baseSpeed;
console.log("Level changed to:", currentLevel);
// Add a big white flash effect
LK.effects.flashScreen(0xFFFFFF, 1000); // Flash white for 1 second
// Change background tint using levelConfig
// Update stripe graphics visibility based on the level
stripes.forEach(function (stripe) {
// Update landscape based on the level
// Update player graphics based on the level
if (road) {
coins.forEach(function (coin) {
function easeInOutQuad(t) {
return t < 0.5 ? 2 * t * t : -1 + (4 - 2 * t) * t;
function playHit() {
var hitSounds = ['hit_1', 'hit_2', 'hit_3'];
var randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * hitSounds.length);
function updateBackgroundColor() {
var time = 1000 + new Date().getTime() * 0.0002;
intensity = Math.sin(time) * 127 + 128;
var baseColor = levelConfigs[currentLevel].backgroundTint;
var r = (baseColor >> 16 & 0xFF) + intensity;
var g = (baseColor >> 8 & 0xFF) + intensity;
var b = (baseColor & 0xFF) + intensity;
r = Math.min(255, Math.max(0, r));
g = Math.min(255, Math.max(0, g));
b = Math.min(255, Math.max(0, b));
var color = r << 16 | g << 8 | b;
background.tint = color;
isNight = intensity < 128;
intensityHalf = 128 + Math.floor(intensity * 0.5);
function log() {
if (isDebug) {
var _console;
(_console = console).log.apply(_console, arguments);
/****************************************************************************************** */
/************************************** INPUT HANDLERS ************************************ */
/****************************************************************************************** */
// Handle move events
game.down = function (x, y, obj) {
if (!isPlaying) {
startX = x;
startY = y;
isMouseDown = true; // Set flag to true when mouse/finger is down
game.move = function (x, y, obj) {
if (!isPlaying || !isMouseDown) {
var deltaX = x - startX;
var deltaY = y - startY;
var threshold = 10; // Define a threshold for movement
if ((Math.abs(deltaX) > threshold || Math.abs(deltaY) > threshold) && !isMoveAboveThreshold) {
isMoveAboveThreshold = true;
if (Math.abs(deltaX) > Math.abs(deltaY)) {
if (deltaX > 0) {
// Swipe right
if (playerPositionIndex < 2) {
} else {
// Swipe left
if (playerPositionIndex > 0) {
// Make the player move progressively to the next path
var targetX = playerPositions[playerPositionIndex];
var initialX = player.x;
var moveDuration = 20;
var moveStartTime =;
var moveInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
var elapsed = - moveStartTime;
var progress = elapsed / (moveDuration * 1000 / 60);
if (progress < 1) {
var easeProgress = easeInOutQuad(progress);
player.x = initialX + (targetX - initialX) * easeProgress;
} else {
player.x = targetX;
}, 1000 / 60);
} else {
if (deltaY < 0) {
// Swipe up
game.up = function (x, y, obj) {
isMouseDown = false; // Set flag to false when mouse/finger is up
isMoveAboveThreshold = false; // Reset flag when the move ends
if (isKilled) {
LK.setScore(score); // Store the score in LK score before game over
LK.setTimeout(function () {
}, 500);
if (!isPlaying) {
// Update game every tick
game.update = function () {
if (!isPlaying || isKilled) {
// Initialize game
function gameInitialize() {
// Initialize arrays and variables
// Attach the background asset to the game
background = game.addChild(new Background());
// Add a series of Stripe instances to cover the bottom half of the screen
for (var i = 0; i < nbStripes; i++) {
var stripe = new Stripe();
stripe.y = i === 0 ? roadTop : stripes[i - 1].y + stripes[i - 1].stripeGraphics.height; // Position stripe under the previous one using previous stripe y and height
stripe.progress = Math.max(0, stripe.y - roadTop) / roadHeight; // Calculate progress
stripe.stripeGraphics.height = 1 + 400 * stripe.progress; // Adjust height based on progress
//log("Stripe ", i, " y=", stripe.y, " h=", stripe.stripeGraphics.height, " p=", stripe.progress);
for (var i = 0; i < stripes.length; i++) {
// Create and attach decoration instances to the game
for (var i = 0; i < nbDecorations; i++) {
var newDecoration = new Decoration(i);
// Create and attach the road instance to the game
road = game.addChild(new Road());
road.x = 2048 / 2;
road.y = 0;
if (road) {
score = 0;
scoreTxt = new Text2('0¢', {
size: 150,
fill: "#ffffff",
dropShadow: true,
dropShadowColor: "#000000",
dropShadowBlur: 5,
dropShadowDistance: 5
scoreTxt.anchor.set(0.5, 0);
scoreTxt.visible = false;
goalText = new Text2('', {
size: 150,
fill: "#ffffff",
dropShadow: true,
dropShadowColor: "#111111",
dropShadowBlur: 10,
dropShadowDistance: 10,
align: 'center',
weight: 1000
goalText.anchor.set(0.5, 1);;
//goalText.x = 2048 / 2;
//goalText.y = 100;
//goalText.visible = true;;
coins = [];
for (var i = 0; i < baseNbCoins; i++) {
var newCoin = new Coin(i);
newCoin.y = roadTop - i * 50;
// Create a variable to store the current player position index
playerPositionIndex = 1;
// Create and attach obstacle instances to the game
obstacleManager = new ObstacleManager();
var numObstacles = Math.floor(Math.random() * baseNbObstacles) + 1; // Randomize number of obstacles (1 to baseNbObstacles)
for (var i = 0; i < numObstacles; i++) {
var newObstacle = new Obstacle(i);
// Create and attach the killer instance to the game
// killerManager is already initialized in the global scope
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
var newKiller = new Killer(i); // Pass index for each killer
// Create player
player = game.addChild(new Player());
player.frame = 0;
player.x = playerPositions[playerPositionIndex]; // Start at the center position
player.y = playerBaseY;
// Create and attach the landscape instance to the game
landscape = game.addChild(new Landscape());
var startButton = game.addChild(new StartButton());
startButton.x = 2048 / 2;
startButton.y = 2732 / 4;
//startButton.width = 100;
//startButton.height = 100;
// Attach a debugMarker asset to the game at position (1000, 0)
debugMarker = game.attachAsset('debugMarker', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
visible: isDebug
debugMarker.x = 1280;
debugMarker.y = roadTop;
debugTxt = new Text2('Debug Info', {
size: 50,
fill: "#ff0000"
debugTxt.anchor.set(1, 1); // Set anchor to the bottom right corner
debugTxt.visible = isDebug;
isPlaying = false;
// Add more obstacles and fix the bug making Killers sounds play before Start button is clicked
Directly overhead, plumb view of a beggar heading top (we see his back).. Zenith view, directly overhead, plumb view. NOT PERSPECTIVE! Fantasy theme. Pixel art
a traffic cone. video game sprite
face view of a big start button in the shape of a dollar bill. video game style
a tree. video game style
a black garbage bag. video game style
Dollar bill. Perspective. video game sprite
perspective of a simple snake rolled up on itself.. video game sprite
Ball of dry desert bushes. video game sprite
tractor. high definition video game sprite
street ad billboard with 1 or 2 posts with "Get rich!" on it. high definition video game sprite
a dog sleeping on a street. video game sprite
desert bush. video game sprite
profile view of an empty motorcycle helmet. black with a white vertical central band and another thiner orange band on the center. NOT PERSPECTIVE!. Pixel art high definition
simple red and white magnet. video game style
gold sign with a "X" and a "2". video game style
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect