Code edit (18 edits merged)
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Code edit (4 edits merged)
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User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'units')' in or related to this line: 'var allUnits = player1.units.concat(player2.units);' Line Number: 2806
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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* Classes
var ActionItemIcon = Container.expand(function (action, x, y) {
var self =;
self.action = action;
self.asset = self.attachAsset(action.icon, {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
x: x,
y: y,
width: 200,
height: 200
self.asset.on('down', function () {
if (self.action && typeof self.action.handler === 'function') {
currentSelection.selectedAction = self.action.code;
if (self.action.noTarget) {
LK.setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
} else {
currentUserActionState = UserActionState.SET_ORDER_TARGET;
//console.log('Wait target for action ' +;
if (!targetMoveCursor) {
targetMoveCursor = game.addChild(new TargetMoveCursor());
} else {
currentSelection.selectedAction = null;
self.label = new Text2(, {
size: 30,
fill: '#000000',
font: "'GillSans-Bold',Impact,'Arial Black',Tahoma"
self.label.x = self.asset.x - / 2 * 13;
self.label.y = self.asset.y + 120;
return self;
var ActionRepository = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
self.actions = {
'harvest': {
'code': 'harvest',
'name': 'Harvest',
'icon': 'harvestIcon',
'handler': harvestActionLogic
'move': {
'code': 'move',
'name': 'Move',
'icon': 'moveIcon',
'handler': moveActionLogic
'return': {
'code': 'return',
'noTarget': true,
'name': 'Retreat',
'icon': 'returnIcon',
'handler': retreatActionLogic
'attack': {
'code': 'attack',
'name': 'Attack',
'icon': 'attackIcon',
'handler': attackActionLogic
self.getActionInfo = function (actionType) {
return self.actions[actionType];
return self;
var BuildableItemIcon = Container.expand(function (type, x, y, sourceFactory) {
var self =;
self.type = type;
self.progressDisplay = null;
self.sourceFactory = sourceFactory;
self.asset = self.attachAsset(type, {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
x: x,
y: y,
width: 200,
height: 200
self.asset.on('down', function () {
if (!self.asset.interactive) {
//console.log("BuildableItemIcon : Not interactive. ignore");
} else {
//console.log("BuildableItemIcon : Is interactive. continue");
if (currentBuildingForPlacement) {
currentUserActionState = UserActionState.PLACING_BUILDINGS;
//console.log("BuildableItemIcon : User is placing ", currentBuildingForPlacement);
} else {
//console.log("BuildableItemIcon : No current building for placement. ignore");
if (!self.progressDisplay) {
//console.log("BuildableItemIcon : No progress display => create one");
self.progressDisplay = new BuildingProgressDisplay(self);
} else {
//console.log("BuildableItemIcon : Progress display already exists");
enqueueBuildable(self.type, self.sourceFactory, player1, self.progressDisplay);
game.children.forEach(function (child) {
if (child instanceof BuildableItemIcon) {
child.alpha = 0.75;
var buildableInfo = buildableRepository.getBuildableInfo(type);
if (buildableInfo) {
self.label = new Text2(, {
size: 30,
fill: '#000000',
font: "'GillSans-Bold',Impact,'Arial Black',Tahoma"
self.label.x = self.asset.x - ( ? / 2 * 13 : 0);
self.label.y = self.asset.y + 120;
self.setLabelToPlace = function () {
self.label.x = self.asset.x - 38; // Recalculate x position for new text
self.restoreLabel = function () {
self.label.x = self.asset.x - / 2 * 13; // Recalculate x position for new text
// Restore progress display from global queue
return self;
// BuildableRepository class to store reference information about all buildables
var BuildableRepository = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
self.buildables = {
'constructionYard': {
'name': 'Construction Yard',
'cost': 300,
'energy': 0,
'health': 100,
'constructionTime': 10,
'className': 'ConstructionYard',
'buildable': ['windTrap', 'spiceRefinery', 'lightFactory', 'heavyFactory']
'windTrap': {
'name': 'Wind Trap',
'cost': 300,
'energy': 100,
'health': 50,
'constructionTime': 5,
'className': 'WindTrap',
'buildable': []
'spiceRefinery': {
'name': 'Spice Refinery',
'cost': 600,
'energy': -50,
'health': 75,
'constructionTime': 15,
'className': 'SpiceRefinery',
'buildable': []
'lightFactory': {
'name': 'Light Factory',
'cost': 400,
'energy': -30,
'health': 60,
'constructionTime': 15,
'className': 'LightFactory',
'buildable': ['unitQuad'],
'requires': 'spiceRefinery'
'heavyFactory': {
'name': 'Heavy Factory',
'cost': 600,
'energy': -50,
'health': 80,
'constructionTime': 20,
'className': 'HeavyFactory',
'buildable': ['unitLightTank', 'unitHeavyTank', 'unitHarvester'],
'requires': 'lightFactory'
'unitQuad': {
'name': 'Quad',
'cost': 200,
'energy': 0,
'constructionTime': 5,
'className': 'UnitQuad',
'buildable': []
'unitLightTank': {
'name': 'Light Tank',
'cost': 400,
'energy': 0,
'constructionTime': 8,
'className': 'UnitLightTank',
'buildable': []
'unitHeavyTank': {
'name': 'Heavy Tank',
'cost': 600,
'energy': 0,
'constructionTime': 15,
'className': 'UnitHeavyTank',
'buildable': []
'unitHarvester': {
'name': 'Harvester',
'cost': 500,
'energy': 0,
'constructionTime': 12,
'className': 'UnitHarvester',
'buildable': []
// Add more buildables as needed
self.getBuildableInfo = function (type) {
return self.buildables[type];
return self;
// Base Building class
var Building = Container.expand(function (x, y, type, name, playerId, cellW, cellH, buildable) {
var self =;
self.cellX = x;
self.cellY = y;
self.cellW = cellW || 1; // Default to 1x1 if not specified
self.cellH = cellH || 1; // Default to 1x1 if not specified
self.x = x * tileSize;
self.y = y * tileSize;
self.type = type;
self.isBuilding = true;
self.playerId = playerId; = getNextId(); = name;
var buildableInfo = buildableRepository.getBuildableInfo(type); =;
self.buildable = buildable || []; // New property to store what the building can build
self.asset = self.attachAsset(type, {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.asset.x = self.x;
self.asset.y = self.y;
self.buildingQueue = [];
self.lastAttackTime = 0;
self.lastHitTime = 0;
self.lastAttaker = null;
self.defenders = [];
self.damage = function (attacker) {
//console.log("Building " + + " hit! " + attacker.attackDamage);
self.lastAttaker = attacker; -= attacker.attackDamage;
self.lastHitTime =;
self.asset.tint = 0xff0000;
LK.setTimeout(function () {
self.asset.tint = 0xFFFFFF;
}, 500);
if ( <= 0) {
//console.log("Building " + + " destroyed");
self.assetEffect = self.attachAsset('buildingExplosion', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
x: self.x + self.cellW / 2 * tileSize,
y: self.y + self.cellH / 2 * tileSize,
width: 20,
height: 20
var growExplosion = function growExplosion(size) {
if (size < 300) {
self.assetEffect.width = size;
self.assetEffect.height = size;
LK.setTimeout(function () {
growExplosion(size + 3);
}, 10);
} else {
// Remove building from gameMap cells and game
for (var w = 0; w < self.cellW; w++) {
for (var h = 0; h < self.cellH; h++) {
if (gameMap.cells[self.cellX + w] && gameMap.cells[self.cellX + w][self.cellY + h]) {
gameMap.cells[self.cellX + w][self.cellY + h].building = null;
//console.log("update selection destroyed ", currentSelection, self, currentSelection == self);
if (currentSelection && currentSelection == self) {
currentSelection = null;
// Remove building from player's list of buildings
if (self.playerId === player1.playerId) {
player1.buildings = player1.buildings.filter(function (building) {
return building !== self;
} else if (self.playerId === player2.playerId) {
player2.buildings = player2.buildings.filter(function (building) {
return building !== self;
LK.setTimeout(function () {
if ( > 0 && - self.lastHitTime > aiUnderAttackDelayMs) {
// Not under attack anymore
self.lastAttaker = null;
self.defenders = [];
}, aiUnderAttackDelayMs * 1.1);
self.clean = function () {
self.buildingQueue = [];
self.lastAttackTime = 0;
self.lastHitTime = 0;
self.lastAttaker = null;
self.defenders = [];
return self;
var WindTrap = Building.expand(function (x, y, playerId) {
var self =, x, y, 'windTrap', 'Wind Trap', playerId, 2, 2);
// Additional properties and methods for WindTrap can be added here
return self;
var SpiceRefinery = Building.expand(function (x, y, playerId) {
var self =, x, y, 'spiceRefinery', 'Spice Refinery', playerId, 3, 2);
// Additional properties and methods for SpiceRefinery can be added here
return self;
// LightFactory class to represent the Light Factory building
var LightFactory = Building.expand(function (x, y, playerId) {
var self =, x, y, 'lightFactory', 'Light Factory', playerId, 2, 2, buildableRepository.getBuildableInfo('lightFactory').buildable);
// Additional properties and methods for LightFactory can be added here
return self;
// HeavyFactory class to represent the Heavy Factory building
var HeavyFactory = Building.expand(function (x, y, playerId) {
var self =, x, y, 'heavyFactory', 'Heavy Factory', playerId, 3, 2, buildableRepository.getBuildableInfo('heavyFactory').buildable);
// Additional properties and methods for HeavyFactory can be added here
return self;
var ConstructionYard = Building.expand(function (x, y, playerId) {
var self =, x, y, 'constructionYard', 'Construction Yard', playerId, 2, 2, buildableRepository.getBuildableInfo('constructionYard').buildable);
// Additional properties and methods for ConstructionYard can be added here
return self;
var BuildingProgressDisplay = Container.expand(function (parentIcon) {
var self =;
self.blinkRed = function () {
self.progressAsset.tint = 0xFF0000; // Set progress display color to red
self.progressAsset.alpha = 0.5; // Make it fully visible
self.visible = true; // Ensure it's visible
self.blinkInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
self.progressAsset.alpha = self.progressAsset.alpha > 0 ? 0 : 0.5;
}, 250); // Blink effect
LK.setTimeout(function () {
if (self.blinkInterval) {
self.progressAsset.alpha = 0.5;
self.progressAsset.tint = 0x00FF00;
}, 1500); // Blink effect
self.parentIcon = parentIcon;
self.progressAsset = self.attachAsset('buildingProgress', {
anchorX: 0,
anchorY: .5,
alpha: 0.5,
width: 0,
tint: 0x00FF00,
x: parentIcon.asset.x - parentIcon.asset.width / 2,
y: parentIcon.asset.y
self.setProgress = function (progress) {
self.progressAsset.width = parentIcon.asset.width * progress;
self.hide = function () {
self.progressAsset.width = 0;
self.visible = false;
}; = function () {
self.visible = true;
return self;
var CancelActionButton = Container.expand(function (x, y) {
var self =;
self.asset = self.attachAsset('cancelAction', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
x: x,
y: y
// Add a label 'Cancel' below the cancel action button
self.label = new Text2('Cancel', {
size: 30,
fill: '#000000',
font: "'GillSans-Bold',Impact,'Arial Black',Tahoma"
self.label.x = self.asset.x - 40;
self.label.y = self.asset.y + 120;
self.asset.on('down', function () {
// Cancel current building
if (!currentBuildingForPlacement) {
// Browse the currentSelection.buildingQueue
if (currentSelection && currentSelection.buildingQueue.length > 0) {
// Check for non null buildable and stop it's constructionTimer
for (var i = 0; i < currentSelection.buildingQueue.length; i++) {
if (currentSelection.buildingQueue[i] && currentSelection.buildingQueue[i].constructionTimer) {
//console.log("Stop constructionTimer on ", currentSelection.buildingQueue[i]);
var initialCost = buildableRepository.getBuildableInfo(currentSelection.buildingQueue[i].type).cost;
var initialTime = buildableRepository.getBuildableInfo(currentSelection.buildingQueue[i].type).constructionTime;
//console.log("constructionProgress = ", currentSelection.buildingQueue[i].constructionProgress);
player1.spice += initialCost * currentSelection.buildingQueue[i].constructionProgress * initialTime / 100;
currentSelection.buildingQueue[i].constructionTimer = null;
game.children.forEach(function (child) {
if (child instanceof BuildableItemIcon) {
child.asset.interactive = true;
child.alpha = 1.0;
self.visible = false; // Hide the CancelActionButton
// Cancel current placement
if (currentBuildingForPlacement) {
player1.spice += buildableRepository.getBuildableInfo(currentBuildingForPlacement.type).cost;
currentBuildingForPlacement = null;
currentUserActionState = UserActionState.NAVIGATING;
self.visible = false; // Hide the CancelActionButton
// Cancel Order
if (currentUserActionState === UserActionState.SET_ORDER_TARGET) {
currentUserActionState = UserActionState.NAVIGATING;
self.visible = false; // Hide the CancelActionButton
// Restore labels on all BuildableItemIcon instances
game.children.forEach(function (child) {
if (child instanceof BuildableItemIcon) {
//console.log('Cancel action button pressed and building placement cancelled.');
return self;
// Command Panel class
var CommandPanel = Container.expand(function () {
var self =; = self.attachAsset('boardBackground', {
width: game.width,
height: game.height * 0.22,
color: 0x333333
// Set the center box position to the center of the screen
self.x = game.width / 2 - / 2;
self.y = game.height - self.height + game.height * 0.01;
var IconBorder = Container.expand(function (x, y) {
var self =;
self.asset = self.attachAsset('iconBorder', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
x: x,
y: y
return self;
// Initialize game elements
// Map class to represent the grid-based map system
var Map = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
// Method to clear spice from a specified cell
self.clearCellSpice = function (x, y) {
if (self.cells[x] && self.cells[x][y]) {
self.cells[x][y].spice = false;
if (self.cells[x][y].spiceAsset) {
self.cells[x][y].spiceAsset = null;
// Update spiceSpots array
spiceSpots = spiceSpots.filter(function (spot) {
return spot.x !== x || spot.y !== y;
self.cells = [];
self.init = function (width, height) {
for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
self.cells[x] = [];
for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) {
// Initialize each cell with default terrain, height, resources
self.cells[x][y] = {
height: 0,
resources: null,
terrain: null,
asset: null,
building: null,
spiceAsset: null
self.initTerrain = function (width, height) {
for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) {
// Initialize each cell with default terrain, height, resources
self.cells[x][y].terrain = globalTerrain[x][y] === 1 ? 'rock' : 'sand';
self.cells[x][y].asset = globalTerrain[x][y] === 1 ? new Rock(x, y) : new Sand(x, y);
self.currentViewCenter = {
x: 15,
y: 20
// Create a Text2 object to display the currentViewCenter coordinates
self.viewCenterText = new Text2('', {
size: 50,
fill: '#ffffff',
align: 'center'
// Position the text at the top center of the screen;
self.render = function () {
// Move tiles instead of the view
for (var x = viewPort.wCellX; x < viewPort.wCellX + viewPort.cellW; x++) {
for (var y = viewPort.wCellY; y < viewPort.wCellY + viewPort.cellH; y++) {
if (x >= 0 && x < self.cells.length && y >= 0 && y < self.cells[x].length) {
var cell = self.cells[x][y];
var asset = cell.asset;
var screenCoord = worldCellToScreenCoord(x, y);
var screenX = screenCoord.x;
var screenY = screenCoord.y;
asset.x = screenX;
asset.y = screenY;
if (!asset.parent) {
// Render spice terrain
if (cell.spice) {
var spiceAsset = cell.spiceAsset;
spiceAsset.x = screenX;
spiceAsset.y = screenY;
if (!spiceAsset.parent) {
// Render buildings
var building = cell.building;
if (building) {
if (building.playerId === player2.playerId) {
building.asset.visible = !cell.fog;
building.asset.x = screenX - (building.cellW - 2) / 2 * tileSize;
building.asset.y = screenY - (building.cellH - 2) / 2 * tileSize;
if (building.assetEffect) {
if (cell.fog) {
var fogAsset = cell.fogAsset;
fogAsset.x = screenX - 1;
fogAsset.y = screenY - 1;
if (!fogAsset.parent) {
self.getNavigationMesh = function () {
// Create and return the navigation mesh for pathfinding
self.findPath = function (start, end, range, ignoreSpecificBuilding) {
range = range || 0;
if (range == 13) {
//console.log("findPath ", start, end, range);
// A* pathfinding algorithm implementation
// Avoid buildings by checking if the cell is occupied
var openSet = [];
var closedSet = [];
var path = [];
var startNode = {
x: start.x,
y: start.y,
f: 0,
g: 0,
h: 0,
parent: null
var endNode = {
x: end.x,
y: end.y,
f: 0,
g: 0,
h: 0,
parent: null
while (openSet.length > 0) {
var lowestIndex = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < openSet.length; i++) {
if (openSet[i].f < openSet[lowestIndex].f) {
lowestIndex = i;
var currentNode = openSet[lowestIndex];
var dx = currentNode.x - endNode.x;
var dy = currentNode.y - endNode.y;
if (Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) <= range) {
if (range == 13) {
//console.log("findPath Ok Within range :", currentNode.x, currentNode.y + " / dist=" + Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy));
var curr = currentNode;
while (curr.parent) {
var prev = curr.parent;
if (prev) {
// Calculate relative move
var moveX = curr.x - prev.x;
var moveY = curr.y - prev.y;
//console.log("Pushing : " + moveX, ',', moveY);
cellX: moveX,
cellY: moveY
curr = curr.parent;
if (range == 13) {
//console.log("Return path 1", path);
return path;
openSet.splice(lowestIndex, 1);
var neighbors = getNeighbors(currentNode);
for (i = 0; i < neighbors.length; i++) {
var neighbor = neighbors[i];
if (closedSet.findIndex(function (node) {
return node.x === neighbor.x && node.y === neighbor.y;
}) !== -1 || self.cells[neighbor.x][neighbor.y].building && !ignoreSpecificBuilding || self.cells[neighbor.x][neighbor.y].unit) {
var gScore = currentNode.g + 1; // 1 is the distance from a node to a neighbor
var gScoreIsBest = false;
if (openSet.findIndex(function (node) {
return node.x === neighbor.x && node.y === neighbor.y;
}) === -1) {
gScoreIsBest = true;
neighbor.h = heuristic(neighbor, endNode);
} else if (gScore < neighbor.g) {
gScoreIsBest = true;
if (gScoreIsBest) {
neighbor.parent = currentNode;
neighbor.g = gScore;
neighbor.f = neighbor.g + neighbor.h;
// If the openSet is empty but we haven't reached the destination, return the path to the closest node
if (openSet.length === 0) {
var closestNode = closedSet.reduce(function (prev, curr) {
var prevDistance = heuristic(prev, endNode);
var currDistance = heuristic(curr, endNode);
return prevDistance < currDistance ? prev : curr;
var dx = closestNode.x - endNode.x;
var dy = closestNode.y - endNode.y;
if (Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) <= range) {
var curr = closestNode;
while (curr.parent) {
var prev = curr.parent;
if (prev) {
var moveX = curr.x - prev.x;
var moveY = curr.y - prev.y;
cellX: moveX,
cellY: moveY
curr = curr.parent;
//console.log("Return best effort path", path);
return path;
function heuristic(node, endNode) {
// Use Manhattan distance as heuristic
return Math.abs(node.x - endNode.x) + Math.abs(node.y - endNode.y);
function getNeighbors(node) {
// Get all valid neighbors (up, down, left, right)
var neighbors = [];
var directions = [{
x: -1,
y: 0
}, {
x: 1,
y: 0
}, {
x: 0,
y: -1
}, {
x: 0,
y: 1
}, {
x: -1,
y: -1
}, {
x: -1,
y: 1
}, {
x: 1,
y: -1
}, {
x: 1,
y: 1
directions.forEach(function (dir) {
var newX = node.x + dir.x;
var newY = node.y + dir.y;
if (newX >= 0 && newX < self.cells.length && newY >= 0 && newY < self.cells[0].length) {
x: newX,
y: newY
return neighbors;
self.lastInputPosition = null;
self.handleDrag = function (input) {
viewPort.wCellX = Math.max(0, Math.min(mapXSize - viewPort.cellW, viewPort.wCellX + input.x));
viewPort.wCellY = Math.max(0, Math.min(mapYSize - viewPort.cellH, viewPort.wCellY + input.y));
viewPort.wX = viewPort.wCellX * tileSize;
viewPort.wY = viewPort.wCellY * tileSize;
// Update the Text2 object with the new coordinates
//self.viewCenterText.setText(viewPort.wCellX + ',' + viewPort.wCellY);
self.checkCollisions = function () {
// Handle collisions between units and obstacles
self.serialize = function () {
// Serialize map data to a file
self.load = function (data) {
// Load map data from a file
var Player = Container.expand(function (playerId, tint) {
var self =;
self.playerId = playerId;
self.resources = 0;
self.tint = tint;
self.spice = 2000; // Initial player spice = 0;
// Initialize player-specific properties here
self.buildings = []; // Array to store all the player's buildings
self.units = []; // Array to store all the player's units
self.isCurrentlyBuilding = false;
self.isCurrentlyBuildingUnit = false;
// ...
self.addUnit = function (unit) {
// Add the unit to the player's units array
// Update any unit-related properties or behaviors
// ...
self.addBuilding = function (building) {
// Add the building to the player's buildings array
// Update the energy production based on the new building
// If the building can produce or store resources, update those as well
// ... (additional resource management code can be added here)
self.updateEnergy = function () {
var counter = 0;
// Iterate through all buildings owned by the player
self.buildings.forEach(function (building) {
// Sum the energy provided by the building
var buildingInfo = buildableRepository.getBuildableInfo(building.type);
//console.log("Count energy of " +;
var buildingInfo = buildableRepository.getBuildableInfo(building.type);
counter = Math.min(Math.max(counter +, 0), 100);
}); = counter;
//console.log("Player " + self.playerId + " energy updated: " +;
return self;
var Rock = Container.expand(function (x, y) {
var self =;
self.asset = LK.getAsset('rock', {
x: x * 100,
y: y * 100
}); // Pre-create the asset for this cell
return self.asset;
var Sand = Container.expand(function (x, y) {
var self =;
self.asset = LK.getAsset('sand', {
x: x * 100,
y: y * 100
}); // Pre-create the asset for this cell
return self.asset;
var SelectionMarker = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
self.selectionCross = self.attachAsset('selectionCross', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
alpha: 1
self.selectionCircle = self.attachAsset('selectionCircle', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
alpha: 0
self.alpha = 0.5;
self.visible = false;
// Initially, we display the selectionCross
self.currentElement = null;
self.setOnElement = function (element) {
//console.log('SelectionMarker setOnElement:', element);
self.currentElement = element;
if (!element || <= 0) {
self.visible = false;
var elementDeltaX = 0;
var elementDeltaY = 0;
if (element.isBuilding) {
elementDeltaX = element.cellW / 2 * tileSize;
elementDeltaY = element.cellH / 2 * tileSize;
self.selectionCross.alpha = 1;
self.selectionCircle.alpha = 0;
if (element.isUnit) {
elementDeltaX = tileSize / 2;
elementDeltaY = tileSize / 2;
self.selectionCross.alpha = 0;
self.selectionCircle.alpha = 0.9;
var eltCoord = worldCellToScreenCell(element.cellX, element.cellY);
self.x = eltCoord.cellX * tileSize + elementDeltaX;
self.y = eltCoord.cellY * tileSize + elementDeltaY;
//console.log("setOnElement => " + element.x + ',' + element.y, ' => ' + self.x + ',' + self.y);
if (self.y > mapHeight) {
self.visible = false;
} else {
self.visible = true;
self.hide = function () {
//console.log('SelectionMarker hidden');
self.visible = false;
return self;
var TargetMoveCursor = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
self.asset = self.attachAsset('targetMoveCursor', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.updatePosition = function (position) {
self.x = position.x;
self.y = position.y;
game.on('move', function (obj) {
if (currentUserActionState != UserActionState.SET_ORDER_TARGET) {
//console.log("moving cursor");
var pos = obj.event.getLocalPosition(game);
if (pos.y > game.height * 0.80) {
self.visible = false;
} else {
self.visible = true;
return self;
var Unit = Container.expand(function (cellX, cellY, playerId, type) {
var self =;
self.playerId = playerId;
self.type = type;
self.isUnit = true; = getNextId();
var unitInfo = unitRepository.getUnitInfo(type); =; =; // Range for attacking
self.isDestroyed = false;
self.isDestroying = false;
self.sightRange = unitInfo.sightRange;
self.attackRange = unitInfo.attackRange; // Range for attacking
self.attackDamage = unitInfo.attackDamage;
self.attackSpeed = unitInfo.attackSpeed; // Speed of attack (time between attacks)
self.attackMode = 0; // 0 = not attacking, 1 = attacking, 2 = moving to target
self.lastAttackTime = 0;
self.lastHitTime = 0;
self.lastAttaker = null;
self.isArmy = false;
self.defenders = [];
self.actions = unitInfo.actions;
self.asset = self.attachAsset(type, {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
tint: getPlayerTint(playerId)
self.speed = 200; // Set the unit speed
self.cellX = cellX;
self.cellY = cellY;
var screenCoord = worldCellToScreenCoord(cellX, cellY);
self.x = screenCoord.x;
self.y = screenCoord.y;
self.cellW = 1;
self.cellH = 1;
//console.log("clear onArrivedCallback 0");
self.onArrivedCallback = null;
//console.log("New unit " + + ' at ', self.x, ',', self.y, ' [' + self.cellX + ',' + self.cellY + ']');
self.asset.on('down', function () {
if (currentUserActionState === UserActionState.NAVIGATING || currentUserActionState === UserActionState.GIVING_ORDERS) {
//console.log("Unit selected");
currentSelection = self;
// Update map to fix unselectable units
gameMap.cells[self.cellX][self.cellY].unit = self;
currentUserActionState = UserActionState.GIVING_ORDERS;
} else {
//console.log("Not Navigating don't select unit...", currentUserActionState);
self.moveAlongPath = function (path, callback) {
if (self.isArmy) {
//console.log("Army " + self.type + " #" + + " moveAlongPath", path, callback);
self.path = path;
self.pathIndex = 0;
self.isMoving = true;
self.onArrivedCallback = callback;
self.updateMovement = function (delta) {
if (!self.isMoving || self.isDestroying) {
//console.log("Not isMoving", self.isMoving, self.isDestroying);
if (self.y > mapHeight) {
self.visible = false;
} else {
self.visible = true;
if (!self.path || self.pathIndex >= self.path.length) {
//console.log("updateMovement will stop ", self.path, self.pathIndex, self.onArrivedCallback);
self.isMoving = false;
if (self.onArrivedCallback) {
//console.log("updateMovement call onArrivedCallback 1");
//console.log("clear onArrivedCallback 1");
self.onArrivedCallback = null;
var targetPathStep = self.path[self.pathIndex];
var targetCell = {
cellX: self.cellX + targetPathStep.cellX,
cellY: self.cellY + targetPathStep.cellY
var targetCoords = worldCellToScreenCoord(targetCell.cellX, targetCell.cellY);
var dx = targetCoords.x + tileSize / 2 - self.x;
var dy = targetCoords.y + tileSize / 2 - self.y;
var distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
var step = self.speed * delta;
if (distance < step) {
//console.log("updateMovement reached step");
self.x = targetCoords.x + tileSize / 2;
self.y = targetCoords.y + tileSize / 2;
if (self.y > mapHeight) {
self.visible = false;
} else {
self.visible = true;
// Update map
gameMap.cells[self.cellX][self.cellY].unit = null;
self.cellX = targetCell.cellX;
self.cellY = targetCell.cellY; // Update map
gameMap.cells[self.cellX][self.cellY].unit = self;
if (self.playerId == player1.playerId) {
if (self.pathIndex >= self.path.length) {
self.isMoving = false;
if (self.onArrivedCallback) {
//console.log("updateMovement call onArrivedCallback 2", self.onArrivedCallback);
self.onArrivedCallback = null;
} else {
//console.log("No onArrivedCallback", self, self.onArrivedCallback);
} else {
//console.log("Not self.pathIndex >= self.path.length", self.pathIndex >= self.path.length, self.pathIndex, self.path.length);
} else {
var angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
self.asset.rotation = angle - Math.PI / 2;
self.x += Math.cos(angle) * step;
self.y += Math.sin(angle) * step;
if (self.y > mapHeight) {
self.visible = false;
} else {
self.visible = true;
if (selectionMarker.currentElement == self) {
self.handleDrag = function () {
// OK
var newCoord = worldCellToScreenCoord(self.cellX, self.cellY);
self.x = newCoord.x + tileSize / 2;
self.y = newCoord.y + tileSize / 2;
self.guard = function () {
//console.log("Guard area");
var enemies = [];
var allTargets = this.playerId === player1.playerId ? player2.buildings.concat(player2.units) : player1.buildings.concat(player1.units);
allTargets.forEach(function (target) {
if ( > 0) {
var distance = calculateDistance(self, target);
if (distance <= self.sightRange) {
if (enemies.length > 0) {
//console.log(enemies.length + " enemies spotted.");
self.startAttack(enemies[0]); // Start attacking the first enemy spotted
self.attackTarget = null; // Target unit to attack
self.startAttack = function (target) {
self.attackTarget = target;
self.attackMode = 1;
self.lastAttackTime = 0;
self.update = function () {
if (self.attackMode && self.attackTarget && > 0 && !self.attackTarget.destroyed) {
// Wait for attack speed before firing again
if ( - self.lastAttackTime < self.attackSpeed * 1000) {
self.lastAttackTime =;
// Check if target is in range
var distanceToTarget = calculateDistance(self, self.attackTarget);
if (distanceToTarget <= self.attackRange) {
//console.log(self.playerId + " - " + self.type + " : Target at range => fire");
// Rotate towards the target
var angleToTarget = calculateAngle(self, self.attackTarget);
self.asset.rotation = angleToTarget;
// Fire at the target;
} else {
//console.log(self.playerId + " - " + self.type + " : Target too far => move to target");
self.attackMode = 2;
// Move towards the target if it's out of range
var path = gameMap.findPath({
x: self.cellX,
y: self.cellY
}, {
x: self.attackTarget.cellX,
y: self.attackTarget.cellY
}, self.attackRange);
//console.log("Path to target:", path);
self.moveAlongPath(path, function () {
//console.log("Reached to target !");
self.attackMode = 1;
} else if (!self.isMoving) {
}; = function () {
// Code to perform firing action
//console.log("Firing at target!", self.attackTarget);
if (self.attackTarget && > 0) {
// Reduce target's health
if (!self.attackTarget || <= 0) {
self.attackMode = 0;
self.attackTarget = null;
self.damage = function (attacker) {
//console.log("Unit " + + " hit! ", attacker);
self.asset.tint = 0xff0000;
self.lastAttaker = attacker;
self.lastHitTime =;
LK.setTimeout(function () {
self.asset.tint = getPlayerTint(self.playerId);
}, 300); -= attacker.attackDamage;
if ( <= 0 && !self.isDestroying) {
self.isDestroying = true;
//console.log("Unit " + + " destroyed");
self.assetEffect = self.attachAsset('buildingExplosion', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
x: self.x,
y: self.y,
width: 10,
height: 10
var growExplosion = function growExplosion(size) {
if (size < 150) {
self.assetEffect.width = size;
self.assetEffect.height = size;
LK.setTimeout(function () {
growExplosion(size + 3);
}, 5);
} else {
// Remove building from gameMap cells and game
//console.log("unit destruction...");
gameMap.cells[self.cellX][self.cellY].unit = null;
if (self.assetEffect) {
// Remove the unit from the player's units array
var playerUnits = self.playerId === player1.playerId ? player1.units : player2.units;
var unitIndex = playerUnits.indexOf(self);
if (unitIndex !== -1) {
playerUnits.splice(unitIndex, 1);
self.isDestroyed = true;
if (currentUserActionState === UserActionState.SET_ORDER_TARGET && currentSelection == self) {
currentSelection = null;
currentUserActionState = UserActionState.NAVIGATING;
if (cancelActionBtn) {
cancelActionBtn.visible = false;
LK.setTimeout(function () {
if ( > 0 && - self.lastHitTime > aiUnderAttackDelayMs) {
// Not under attack anymore
self.lastAttaker = null;
self.defenders = [];
}, aiUnderAttackDelayMs * 1.1);
self.stopAttack = function () {
self.attackMode = false;
self.attackTarget = null;
self.stopOtherActions = function () {
//console.log("Unit stopOtherActions :");
self.attackMode = false; // Stop attacking
self.clean = function () {
self.lastAttackTime = 0;
self.lastHitTime = 0;
self.lastAttaker = null;
self.defenders = [];
return self;
var UnitQuad = Unit.expand(function (x, y, playerId) {
var self =, x, y, playerId, 'unitQuad');
// Additional properties and methods for UnitQuad can be added here
return self;
var UnitLightTank = Unit.expand(function (x, y, playerId) {
var self =, x, y, playerId, 'unitLightTank');
// Additional properties and methods for UnitLightTank can be added here
return self;
var UnitHeavyTank = Unit.expand(function (x, y, playerId) {
var self =, x, y, playerId, 'unitHeavyTank');
// Additional properties and methods for UnitHeavyTank can be added here
return self;
var UnitHarvester = Unit.expand(function (x, y, playerId) {
var self =, x, y, playerId, 'unitHarvester');
self.harvestedSpiceCapacity = 600;
self.harvestedSpiceOnTripCounter = 0;
self.harvestedSpiceOnCellCounter = 0;
self.harvestingMode = 0; // 0 : Idle / 1 : harvesting / 2 : returning / 3 : unload
self.harvestSpeed = 0.3; // Adjust this value to control the speed of harvesting
self.unloadSpeed = 0.4; // Adjust this value to control the speed of harvesting
self.setHarvesting = function () {
//console.log("Ok at site setHarvesting...");
self.harvestingMode = 1;
self.startHarvesting = function (alternate) {
self.harvestingMode = 0;
var deltaX = 0;
var deltaY = 0;
if (alternate) {
//console.log("search alternate spot...");
deltaX = -1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
deltaY = -1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
var closestSpiceSpot = findClosestSpiceSpot(self.cellX + deltaX, self.cellY + deltaY);
if (closestSpiceSpot) {
//console.log("closestSpiceSpot :", closestSpiceSpot);
var path = gameMap.findPath({
x: self.cellX,
y: self.cellY
}, {
x: closestSpiceSpot.x,
y: closestSpiceSpot.y
if (!path || path.length == 0) {
console.warn(self.playerId + " - No path to spot! ", " pos:", self.cellX, ",", self.cellY, " Found:", closestSpiceSpot, ". Retry later");
console.warn("Destination contains :", gameMap.cells[closestSpiceSpot.x][closestSpiceSpot.y]);
LK.setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
self.moveAlongPath(path); //self.setHarvesting
//console.log("Ok at site setHarvesting...");
self.harvestingMode = 1;
} else {
console.warn("No spice found! retry later");
// Try again later
LK.setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
self.startUnloading = function () {
self.harvestingMode = 3;
//console.log("Unloading spice...");
self.update = function () {
if (self.harvestingMode == 1 && self.harvestedSpiceOnCellCounter < 200) {
if (!gameMap.cells[self.cellX][self.cellY].spice) {
if (!self.isMoving) {
//console.log("No spice here ");
self.harvestedSpiceOnTripCounter += self.harvestSpeed;
self.harvestedSpiceOnCellCounter += self.harvestSpeed;
if (self.harvestedSpiceOnCellCounter >= 200) {
self.asset.tint = getPlayerTint(self.playerId);
gameMap.clearCellSpice(self.cellX, self.cellY);
self.harvestedSpiceOnCellCounter = 0;
if (self.harvestedSpiceOnTripCounter >= self.harvestedSpiceCapacity) {
self.harvestingMode = 2; // Returning
} else {
} else {
// Make the unit blink in orange more smoothly
var blinkPhase = Math.sin( * 0.01) * 0.5 + 0.5;
self.asset.tint = blinkPhase < 0.5 ? 0xFFA500 : getPlayerTint(self.playerId);
self.asset.rotation += 45 / 400 * (Math.PI / 180);
if (self.harvestingMode == 2) {
// Returning
var closestRefinery = findClosestRefinery(self);
if (closestRefinery) {
var path = gameMap.findPath({
x: self.cellX,
y: self.cellY
}, {
x: closestRefinery.cellX,
y: closestRefinery.cellY
}, 0, closestRefinery);
if (path.length > 0) {
//console.log("Returning to Refiniery...");
self.moveAlongPath(path, self.startUnloading);
} else {
console.warn("No path to Refinery !");
// Wait for the refinery to be ready
self.harvestingMode = 0; // Idle
LK.setTimeout(function () {
self.harvestingMode = 2;
}, 2000);
if (self.harvestingMode == 3) {
// Unloading
self.harvestedSpiceOnTripCounter -= self.unloadSpeed;
// Add the unloaded spice to the player's spice counter
if (self.playerId === player1.playerId) {
player1.spice += self.unloadSpeed;
} else if (self.playerId === player2.playerId) {
player2.spice += self.unloadSpeed;
// Make the unit blink in green to indicate unloading
var blinkPhase = Math.sin( * 0.01) * 0.5 + 0.5;
self.asset.tint = blinkPhase < 0.5 ? 0x00FFA5 : getPlayerTint(self.playerId);
if (self.harvestedSpiceOnTripCounter <= 0) {
//console.log("Unloading finished...");
self.asset.tint = getPlayerTint(self.playerId);
self.harvestedSpiceOnTripCounter = 0;
self.harvestingMode = 0; // Reset harvesting mode
self.startHarvesting(); // Start a new harvesting cycle
self.stopOtherActions = function () {
//console.log("UnitHarvester stopOtherActions :");
self.harvestingMode = 0; // Reset harvesting mode
self.asset.tint = getPlayerTint(self.playerId);
// Additional properties and methods for UnitHarvester can be added here
return self;
var UnitRepository = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
self.units = {
'unitHarvester': {
'name': 'Spice Harvester',
'cost': 400,
'energy': 0,
'constructionTime': 5,
'className': 'UnitHarvester',
'actions': ['harvest', 'move', 'return'],
'health': 50,
'sightRange': 4,
'attackRange': 0,
'attackSpeed': 0,
'attackDamage': 0
'unitQuad': {
'name': 'Quad',
'cost': 300,
'energy': 0,
'constructionTime': 3,
'className': 'UnitQuad',
'actions': ['move', 'attack', 'return'],
'health': 10,
'sightRange': 4,
'attackRange': 2,
'attackSpeed': 2,
'attackDamage': 1
'unitLightTank': {
'name': 'Light Tank',
'cost': 400,
'energy': 0,
'constructionTime': 2,
// 10
'className': 'UnitLightTank',
'actions': ['move', 'attack', 'return'],
'health': 20,
'sightRange': 6,
'attackRange': 4,
'attackSpeed': 3,
'attackDamage': 3
'unitHeavyTank': {
'name': 'Heavy Tank',
'cost': 800,
'energy': 0,
'constructionTime': 15,
'className': 'UnitHeavyTank',
'actions': ['move', 'attack', 'return'],
'health': 60,
'sightRange': 8,
'attackRange': 6,
'attackSpeed': 5,
'attackDamage': 6
// Add more units as needed
self.getUnitInfo = function (type) {
return self.units[type];
return self;
* Initialize Game
// Event listeners
// Instantiate and initialize the Map
var game = new LK.Game({
backgroundColor: 0x000000 // Init game with black background
* Game Code
// Global function to calculate the angle between two points
function calculateAngle(element1, element2) {
var dx = element2.cellX - element1.cellX;
var dy = element2.cellY - element1.cellY;
if (dx === 0 && dy === 0) {
return 0; // Default angle or another appropriate value
return Math.atan2(dy, dx) - Math.PI / 2;
// Global function to calculate the distance between two points
function calculateDistance(element1, element2) {
var dx = element1.cellX - element2.cellX;
var dy = element1.cellY - element2.cellY;
return Math.floor(Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy));
// Global function to find the closest refinery to a given unit
function findClosestRefinery(unit) {
var closestRefinery = null;
var minDistance = Number.MAX_VALUE;
var playerBuildings = unit.playerId === player1.playerId ? player1.buildings : player2.buildings;
//console.log("Player has " + playerBuildings.length + " buildings");
playerBuildings.forEach(function (building) {
if (building instanceof SpiceRefinery && !gameMap.cells[building.cellX][building.cellY].unit) {
//console.log("Found Refinery at " + building.cellX + "," + building.cellY);
var dx = unit.cellX - building.cellX;
var dy = unit.cellY - building.cellY;
var distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
if (distance < minDistance) {
closestRefinery = building;
minDistance = distance;
//console.log("OK result ", closestRefinery);
return closestRefinery ? {
cellX: closestRefinery.cellX,
cellY: closestRefinery.cellY
} : null;
function findClosestConstructionYard(unit) {
var closestBuilding = null;
var minDistance = Number.MAX_VALUE;
var playerBuildings = unit.playerId === player1.playerId ? player1.buildings : player2.buildings;
//console.log("Player has " + playerBuildings.length + " buildings");
playerBuildings.forEach(function (building) {
if (building instanceof ConstructionYard) {
//console.log("Found ConstructionYard at " + building.cellX + "," + building.cellY);
var dx = unit.cellX - building.cellX;
var dy = unit.cellY - building.cellY;
var distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
if (distance < minDistance) {
closestBuilding = building;
minDistance = distance;
//console.log("OK result ", closestBuilding);
return closestBuilding ? {
cellX: closestBuilding.cellX,
cellY: closestBuilding.cellY
} : null;
// Function to find an emplacement for a building based on its size and a starting cell
function findEmplacementForBuilding(building, cellX, cellY) {
// Check if the building size is defined
if (!building.cellW || !building.cellH) {
console.error("Building size is not defined.");
return null;
// Define the search area around the given cellX, cellY
var searchRadius = 10; // Search within 5 cells around the given cell
for (var dx = -searchRadius; dx <= searchRadius; dx++) {
for (var dy = -searchRadius; dy <= searchRadius; dy++) {
var candidateX = cellX + dx;
var candidateY = cellY + dy;
// Check if the candidate area is within the map bounds
if (candidateX >= 0 && candidateX + building.cellW <= mapXSize && candidateY >= 0 && candidateY + building.cellH <= mapYSize) {
var fits = true;
// Check if the entire building area is on rocks and not occupied
for (var w = 0; w < building.cellW; w++) {
for (var h = 0; h < building.cellH; h++) {
var targetCell = gameMap.cells[candidateX + w][candidateY + h];
if (targetCell.terrain !== 'rock' || targetCell.building) {
fits = false;
if (!fits) {
// If the area fits, return the top-left corner cell of the area
if (fits) {
return {
cellX: candidateX,
cellY: candidateY
// If no suitable area is found, return null
return null;
function findFactoryForUnit(unitType, player) {
// Determine the required factory type based on the unit type
var requiredFactoryType;
switch (unitType) {
case 'unitQuad':
requiredFactoryType = 'lightFactory';
case 'unitLightTank':
case 'unitHeavyTank':
case 'unitHarvester':
requiredFactoryType = 'heavyFactory';
console.error('Unknown unit type for factory requirement:', unitType);
return null;
// Find the first factory of the required type that belongs to the player
var suitableFactory = player.buildings.find(function (building) {
return building.type === requiredFactoryType;
return suitableFactory || null; // Return the factory or null if not found
function spawnUnit(unitType, x, y, playerId) {
var unitInfo = unitRepository.getUnitInfo(unitType);
var unit;
switch (unitInfo.className) {
case 'UnitHarvester':
unit = new UnitHarvester(x, y, playerId);
// Find the first available place around the refinery
var path = findAvailablePositionAroundBuilding(x, y);
if (path.length > 0) {
unit.moveAlongPath(path, function () {
case 'UnitQuad':
unit = new UnitQuad(x, y, playerId);
var path = findAvailablePositionAroundBuilding(x, y);
if (path.length > 0) {
unit.moveAlongPath(path, function () {});
case 'UnitLightTank':
unit = new UnitLightTank(x, y, playerId);
var path = findAvailablePositionAroundBuilding(x, y);
if (path.length > 0) {
unit.moveAlongPath(path, function () {});
case 'UnitHeavyTank':
unit = new UnitHeavyTank(x, y, playerId);
var path = findAvailablePositionAroundBuilding(x, y);
if (path.length > 0) {
unit.moveAlongPath(path, function () {});
// Add additional cases for other unit classes as needed
throw new Error('Unknown unit class: ' + unitInfo.className);
gameMap.cells[x][y].unit = unit;
if (playerId === player1.playerId) {
} else if (playerId === player2.playerId) {
if (aiCurrentlyBuildingForArmy) {
unit.isArmy = true;
return unit;
function findAvailablePositionAroundBuilding(buildingX, buildingY) {
var directions = [{
x: -1,
y: 0
}, {
x: 1,
y: 0
}, {
x: 0,
y: -1
}, {
x: 0,
y: 1
}, {
x: -1,
y: -1
}, {
x: 1,
y: 1
}, {
x: -1,
y: 1
}, {
x: 1,
y: -1
for (var i = 0; i < directions.length; i++) {
var checkX = buildingX + directions[i].x;
var checkY = buildingY + directions[i].y;
if (gameMap.cells[checkX] && gameMap.cells[checkX][checkY] && !gameMap.cells[checkX][checkY].unit && !gameMap.cells[checkX][checkY].building) {
return [{
cellX: directions[i].x,
cellY: directions[i].y
}]; // Return relative move to the first available cell
return []; // No available position found
function findAvailableCellAtRange(targetX, targetY, range) {
//console.log("findAvailableCellAtRange", targetX, targetY, range);
range = range || 1;
for (var dx = -range; dx <= range; dx++) {
for (var dy = -range; dy <= range; dy++) {
var checkX = targetX + dx;
var checkY = targetY + dy;
if (gameMap.cells[checkX] && gameMap.cells[checkX][checkY] && !gameMap.cells[checkX][checkY].unit && !gameMap.cells[checkX][checkY].building && (dx !== 0 || dy !== 0)) {
//console.log("Found available cell at", checkX, checkY);
return {
cellX: checkX,
cellY: checkY
}; // Return the absolute cell
//console.log("No available position found");
return []; // No available position found
function _typeof(o) {
"@babel/helpers - typeof";
return _typeof = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (o) {
return typeof o;
} : function (o) {
return o && "function" == typeof Symbol && o.constructor === Symbol && o !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof o;
}, _typeof(o);
function moveActionLogic(targetUnit, destinationX, destinationY, isAttack) {
//console.log("MoveActionLogic...", destinationX, ',', destinationY, ", isAttack=", isAttack);
if (targetUnit && targetUnit.isUnit) {
var path = gameMap.findPath({
x: targetUnit.cellX,
y: targetUnit.cellY
}, {
x: destinationX,
y: destinationY
}, isAttack ? targetUnit.attackRange : 0);
function attackActionLogic(theUnit, targetCellX, targetCellY) {
//console.log("AttackActionLogic...", targetCellX, ',', targetCellY);
var target = gameMap.cells[targetCellX][targetCellY].unit || gameMap.cells[targetCellX][targetCellY].building;
if (theUnit && theUnit.isUnit && target) {
var attackPosition = findAvailableCellAtRange(targetCellX, targetCellY, theUnit.attackRange);
var path = gameMap.findPath({
x: theUnit.cellX,
y: theUnit.cellY
}, {
x: attackPosition.cellX,
y: attackPosition.cellY
theUnit.moveAlongPath(path, function () {
function harvestActionLogic(targetUnit, destinationX, destinationY) {
//console.log("HarvestActionLogic...", targetUnit, ' pos=', destinationX, ',', destinationY);
if (targetUnit && targetUnit.isUnit && targetUnit.type === "unitHarvester") {
var path = [];
if (destinationX && destinationY) {
path = gameMap.findPath({
x: targetUnit.cellX,
y: targetUnit.cellY
}, {
x: destinationX,
y: destinationY
if (path && path.length > 0) {
//console.log("Valid harvesting, path:", path);
targetUnit.moveAlongPath(path, targetUnit.startHarvesting);
} else {
//console.log("No path, direct harvesting ");
function retreatActionLogic(targetUnit) {
//console.log("Retreat Action Logic...");
if (targetUnit && targetUnit.isUnit) {
var baseBuilding = findClosestConstructionYard(targetUnit);
if (!baseBuilding) {
if (targetUnit.player1Id === player1.playerId) {
baseBuilding = {
cellX: rockIlot1Center.x,
cellY: rockIlot1Center.y
} else {
baseBuilding = {
cellX: rockIlot2Center.x,
cellY: rockIlot2Center.y
//console.log("Building = ", baseBuilding);
var freePosition = findAvailablePositionAroundBuilding(baseBuilding.cellX, baseBuilding.cellY);
//console.log("freePosition = ", freePosition);
if (freePosition && freePosition.length === 1) {
baseBuilding.cellX += freePosition[0].cellX;
baseBuilding.cellY += freePosition[0].cellY;
var path = gameMap.findPath({
x: targetUnit.cellX,
y: targetUnit.cellY
}, {
x: baseBuilding.cellX,
y: baseBuilding.cellY
}, 0, true);
//console.log("Retreat path:", path);
function highlightBorder(borderX) {
var iconBorders = game.children.filter(function (child) {
return child instanceof IconBorder;
for (var i = 0; i < iconBorders.length; i++) {
var iconAsset = iconBorders[i].asset;
iconAsset.tint = iconAsset.x === borderX ? 0xffAAAA : 0xFFFFFF;
function getEnergyColor(energy) {
if (energy < 25) {
return '#ff1100'; // Red color for low energy
} else if (energy < 75) {
return '#d26600'; // Orange color for medium energy
} else {
return '#037d50'; // Original green color for high energy
function checkBuildingPlacement(newBuilding, cellX, cellY) {
if (newBuilding && 'cellW' in newBuilding) {
for (var w = 0; w < newBuilding.cellW; w++) {
for (var h = 0; h < newBuilding.cellH; h++) {
if (!gameMap.cells[cellX + w] || !gameMap.cells[cellX + w][cellY + h] || gameMap.cells[cellX + w][cellY + h].terrain !== 'rock' || gameMap.cells[cellX + w][cellY + h].building) {
return false;
return true;
function enqueueBuildable(buildableType, buildableSourceFactory, currentPlayer, progressDisplay) {
//console.log(currentPlayer.playerId + " - enqueueBuildable...", buildableType, buildableSourceFactory);
if (currentPlayer.playerId === player1.playerId && (!currentSelection || !currentSelection.buildable.includes(buildableType))) {
//console.log(currentPlayer.playerId + " - Cannot build this item here.");
var buildableInfo = buildableRepository.getBuildableInfo(buildableType);
if (buildableInfo && currentPlayer.spice < buildableInfo.cost) {
//console.log(currentPlayer.playerId + " - Not enough resources to build.");
if (currentPlayer.playerId === player1.playerId) {
if (currentPlayer.playerId === player1.playerId) {
var constructionTime = buildableInfo.constructionTime;
var buildable;
switch (buildableInfo.className) {
case 'ConstructionYard':
buildable = new ConstructionYard(0, 0, currentPlayer.playerId);
case 'WindTrap':
buildable = new WindTrap(0, 0, currentPlayer.playerId);
case 'SpiceRefinery':
buildable = new SpiceRefinery(0, 0, currentPlayer.playerId);
case 'LightFactory':
buildable = new LightFactory(0, 0, currentPlayer.playerId);
case 'HeavyFactory':
buildable = new HeavyFactory(0, 0, currentPlayer.playerId);
case 'UnitQuad':
buildable = new UnitQuad(0, 0, currentPlayer.playerId);
case 'UnitLightTank':
buildable = new UnitLightTank(0, 0, currentPlayer.playerId);
case 'UnitHeavyTank':
buildable = new UnitHeavyTank(0, 0, currentPlayer.playerId);
case 'UnitHarvester':
buildable = new UnitHarvester(0, 0, currentPlayer.playerId);
// Add cases for other buildings as needed
if (!buildable) {
console.error(currentPlayer.playerId + " - Building object is not defined.");
buildable.constructionProgress = 0;
buildable.constructionTimer = LK.setInterval(function () {
buildable.constructionProgress += 0.1;
var progressFraction = buildable.constructionProgress / constructionTime;
if (currentPlayer.playerId === player1.playerId) {
// Deduct spice progressively based on construction progress
var costPerTick = buildableInfo.cost * 0.1 / constructionTime;
currentPlayer.spice -= costPerTick;
if (currentPlayer.playerId === player1.playerId) {
// When construction is complete...
if (buildable.constructionProgress >= constructionTime) {
//console.log(currentPlayer.playerId + " - " + buildableType + " construction completed.");
buildable.constructionTimer = null;
if (currentPlayer.playerId === player1.playerId) {
if (buildable.isBuilding) {
currentPlayer.isCurrentlyBuilding = false;
//console.log(currentPlayer.playerId + " - Building Ready for placement ", buildable);
if (progressDisplay.parentIcon && typeof progressDisplay.parentIcon.setLabelToPlace === 'function') {
progressDisplay.parentIcon.setLabelToPlace(); // Change label text to 'Place'
currentBuildingForPlacement = buildable;
//console.log("REMOVING PROGRESS DISPLAY ON ", buildable.progressDisplay.parent);
//buildable.progressDisplay.parent.progressDisplay = null;
} else {
if (buildable.isBuilding) {
currentPlayer.isCurrentlyBuilding = false;
if (buildable.isUnit) {
//console.log(currentPlayer.playerId + " - Unit Ready to spawn ", buildable);
currentPlayer.isCurrentlyBuildingUnit = false;
var spawnCell = {
cellX: 0,
cellY: 0
if (buildableSourceFactory) {
//console.log(currentPlayer.playerId + " - Found source factory ", buildableSourceFactory);
spawnCell.cellX = buildableSourceFactory.cellX;
spawnCell.cellY = buildableSourceFactory.cellY;
} else {
//console.log(currentPlayer.playerId + " - No source factory found ", buildableSourceFactory);
spawnUnit(buildable.type, spawnCell.cellX, spawnCell.cellY, currentPlayer.playerId);
if (currentPlayer.playerId === player1.playerId) {
game.children.forEach(function (child) {
if (child instanceof BuildableItemIcon) {
child.asset.interactive = true;
child.alpha = 1.0;
}, 100);
if (currentPlayer.playerId === player1.playerId) {
buildable.progressDisplay = progressDisplay;
game.children.forEach(function (child) {
if (child instanceof BuildableItemIcon) {
child.asset.interactive = false;
// Instantiate and display the CancelActionButton on the command panel for buildings
if (buildable.isBuilding) {
cancelActionBtn = new CancelActionButton(commandPanel.x + commandPanel.width - 200, commandPanel.y + 200);
var applyCellOccupation = function applyCellOccupation(cellX, cellY) {
var building = gameMap.cells[cellX][cellY].building;
if (building) {
for (var w = 0; w < building.cellW; w++) {
for (var h = 0; h < building.cellH; h++) {
if (cellX + w < gameMap.cells.length && cellY + h < gameMap.cells[0].length) {
//console.log("applyCellOccupation", cellX, cellY, " to ", cellX + w, cellY + h);
gameMap.cells[cellX + w][cellY + h].building = building;
var getPlayerTint = function getPlayerTint(id) {
//console.log("getPlayerTint", id);
return player1.playerId === id ? player1.tint : player2.tint;
var getNextId = function getNextId() {
return nextId++;
var orderEntitiesPerDistance = function orderEntitiesPerDistance(position, entityList) {
var orderedEntityList = [];
// Calculer la distance de chaque unité par rapport à la position donnée
entityList.forEach(function (entity) {
var distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(position.cellX - entity.cellX, 2) + Math.pow(position.cellY - entity.cellY, 2));
// Ajouter l'unité à la liste
entity: entity,
distance: distance
//console.log("entity",, " ", entity.type, " Pos:", entity.cellX, entity.cellY, " distance", distance);
// Trier les unités en fonction de leurs distances
orderedEntityList.sort(function (a, b) {
return a.distance - b.distance;
//console.log("orderedEntityList", orderedEntityList);
return orderedEntityList;
/* ******************************************** GLOBAL GAME VARIABLES ******************************************** */
/* ******************************************** GLOBAL GAME VARIABLES ******************************************** */
/* ******************************************** GLOBAL GAME VARIABLES ******************************************** */
var gameIsRunning = false;
var gameState = 0; // 0 - Start, 1 - Game running, 2 - Game over
var mapXSize = 20 * 2;
var mapYSize = 21 * 2;
var tileSize = 100;
var mapHeight = game.height * 0.80;
var viewSize = Math.ceil(Math.max(game.width, game.height) / 2 / 100);
var viewPort = {
wX: 0,
wY: 0,
wCellX: 0,
wCellY: 0,
cellW: Math.floor(game.width / tileSize) + 1,
// ~20
cellH: Math.floor(mapHeight / tileSize) + 1 // ~21
var nextId = 1;
// Init view port
viewPort.wCellX = Math.max(0, Math.min(mapXSize - viewPort.cellW, viewPort.wCellX));
viewPort.wCellY = Math.max(0, Math.min(mapYSize - viewPort.cellH, viewPort.wCellY));
viewPort.wX = viewPort.wCellX * tileSize;
viewPort.wY = viewPort.wCellY * tileSize;
var dragSpeed = 0.15;
var gameMap = new Map();
var buildableRepository = new BuildableRepository();
var unitRepository = new UnitRepository();
var actionRepository = new ActionRepository();
// Define user action states
var UserActionState = {
NAVIGATING: 'navigating',
BUILDING: 'building',
PLACING_BUILDINGS: 'placing_buildings',
GIVING_ORDERS: 'giving_orders',
SET_ORDER_TARGET: 'set_order_target'
// Current state of user action
var currentUserActionState = UserActionState.NAVIGATING;
var globalTerrain = null;
var player1 = null;
var player2 = null;
var spiceSpots = [];
var fogOfWar = [];
// Global variable to keep track of the previous energy level
var previousEnergyLevel = 0;
var currentSelection = null;
var currentBuildingForPlacement = null;
var selectionMarker = null;
var tickCounter = 0;
var fps = 0;
// Gui
var commandPanel = null;
var player1SpiceText = null;
var player1EnergyText = null;
var energyOffsetSufix = '% ';
var currentSelectionText = null;
var fpsText = null;
var targetMoveCursor = null;
var cancelActionBtn = null;
var rockIlot1Center = {
x: 0,
y: 0
var rockIlot2Center = {
x: 0,
y: 0
/* ***************************************************************************************************** */
/* ********************************************* AI FUNCTIONS ****************************************** */
/* ***************************************************************************************************** */
var AI_LEVEL = {
actingDelay: 2000,
thinkingDelay: 2000
actingDelay: 300,
thinkingDelay: 600
actingDelay: 100,
thinkingDelay: 200
var aiCurrentLevel = AI_LEVEL.EASY;
var aiBaseUnitList = {
'unitHarvester': 1,
'unitQuad': 3,
'unitLightTank': 2,
'unitHeavyTank': 4
var aiBaseBuildingList = {
'windTrap': 3,
'spiceRefinery': 1,
'lightFactory': 1,
'heavyFactory': 1
var aiCurrentUnitConstruction = null;
var aiCurrentBuildingConstruction = null;
var aiNeededBuildingList = null;
var aiNeededDefenseUnitsList = null;
var aiBuildingsUnderAttackList = null;
var aiUnitsUnderAttackList = null;
var aiCurrentArmyUnits = [];
var aiCurrentlyBuildingForArmy = false;
var aiArmyIsReady = false;
var aiNeededAttackUnitsList = null;
var aiLastAttackWaveTime = 0;
var aiNextAttackWaveSize = 0;
var aiCurrentAttackWave = 1;
var aiNextAttackWaveDelayMs = 1000 * 60; // TODO : handle in AiLevel
var aiUnderAttackDelayMs = aiCurrentLevel.thinkingDelay * 10;
// Think of what AI must do
function aiThinking() {
if (LK.ticks % aiCurrentLevel.thinkingDelay !== 0) {
// Check buildings requirements
aiNeededBuildingList = checkBuildingRequirements();
// Check units requirements
aiNeededDefenseUnitsList = checkDefenseUnitsRequirements();
// Check buildings defense needs
aiBuildingsUnderAttackList = checkBuildingUnderAttack();
// Check units defense needs
aiUnitsUnderAttackList = checkUnitsUnderAttack();
// Check attack opportunities
aiNeededAttackUnitsList = checkAttckWaveUnitNeeds();
function checkBuildingRequirements() {
//console.log("player2 buildings:", player2.buildings);
// 1) Count currently owned buildings
var aiCurrentBuildingList = {
'windTrap': 0,
'spiceRefinery': 0,
'lightFactory': 0,
'heavyFactory': 0
player2.buildings.forEach(function (building) {
aiCurrentBuildingList[building.type] = (aiCurrentBuildingList[building.type] || 0) + 1;
//console.log("aiCurrentBuildingList:", aiCurrentBuildingList);
// 2) Check if all requirements are met
var tempNeededBuildingList = {};
// Compare aiBaseBuildingList and aiCurrentBuildingList
for (var building in aiBaseBuildingList) {
if (aiBaseBuildingList[building] > aiCurrentBuildingList[building]) {
tempNeededBuildingList[building] = aiBaseBuildingList[building] - aiCurrentBuildingList[building];
return tempNeededBuildingList;
function checkBuildingUnderAttack() {
// Check delay since lastHitTime of all AI buildings
var tempUnderAttackBuildingArray = [];
player2.buildings.forEach(function (building) {
if ( - building.lastHitTime < aiUnderAttackDelayMs) {
// Building is under attack
return tempUnderAttackBuildingArray;
function checkUnitsUnderAttack() {
// Check delay since lastHitTime of all AI units except army
var tempUnderAttackUnitsArray = [];
player2.units.forEach(function (unit) {
if (!unit.isArmy && - unit.lastHitTime < aiUnderAttackDelayMs) {
// Unit is under attack
return tempUnderAttackUnitsArray;
function checkAttckWaveUnitNeeds() {
//console.log("checkAttckWaveUnitNeeds...Wave ", aiCurrentAttackWave);
var tempNeededUnitList = {};
var aiBaseUnitListPerWave = getUnitNeedsPerWave(aiCurrentAttackWave);
//console.log("Wave requires :", aiBaseUnitListPerWave);
// aiThinking : evaluate army needs => list needed units
// Browse aiCurrentArmyUnits and compare with aiBaseUnitListPerWave
var tempNbQuads = 0;
var tempNbLightTanks = 0;
var tempNbHeavyTanks = 0;
//console.log("check current ", aiCurrentArmyUnits.length, " army units:", aiCurrentArmyUnits);
for (var i = 0; i < aiCurrentArmyUnits.length; i++) {
//console.log("check army unit:", aiCurrentArmyUnits[i]);
if (!aiCurrentArmyUnits[i] || aiCurrentArmyUnits[i].health <= 0) {
//console.log("Take ", aiCurrentArmyUnits[i].type, "#", aiCurrentArmyUnits[i].id ," H=",aiCurrentArmyUnits[i].health);
switch (aiCurrentArmyUnits[i].type) {
case "unitQuad":
case "unitLightTank":
case "unitHeavyTank":
console.error("unknown army unit type:", aiCurrentArmyUnits[i].type);
//console.log("=> We have:", tempNbQuads, tempNbLightTanks, tempNbHeavyTanks, " units");
for (var j = 0; j < Object.keys(aiBaseUnitListPerWave).length; j++) {
var tempUnitType = Object.keys(aiBaseUnitListPerWave)[j];
if (!aiBaseUnitListPerWave[tempUnitType]) {
switch (tempUnitType) {
case "unitQuad":
if (tempNbQuads < aiBaseUnitListPerWave[tempUnitType]) {
tempNeededUnitList[tempUnitType] = aiBaseUnitListPerWave[tempUnitType] - tempNbQuads;
case "unitLightTank":
if (tempNbLightTanks < aiBaseUnitListPerWave[tempUnitType]) {
tempNeededUnitList[tempUnitType] = aiBaseUnitListPerWave[tempUnitType] - tempNbLightTanks;
case "unitHeavyTank":
if (tempNbHeavyTanks < aiBaseUnitListPerWave[tempUnitType]) {
tempNeededUnitList[tempUnitType] = aiBaseUnitListPerWave[tempUnitType] - tempNbHeavyTanks;
console.error("unknown base unit type:", tempUnitType);
//console.log("=> We need:", tempNeededUnitList);
return tempNeededUnitList;
function getUnitNeedsPerWave(waveIndex) {
//console.log("getUnitNeedsPerWave...", waveIndex);
Wave 1 : 1 Quad
Wave 2 : 2 Quad
Wave 3 : 2 Quad + 1 LightTank
Wave 4 : 2 Quad + 2 LightTank
Wave 5 : 2 Quad + 2 LightTank + 1 HeavyTank
Wave 6+ : 2 Quad + 2 LightTank + 2 HeavyTank
var tempNbQuads = Math.min(2, waveIndex);
var tempNbLightTanks = Math.min(2, Math.max(0, waveIndex - 2));
var tempNbHeavyTanks = Math.min(2, Math.max(0, waveIndex - 4));
return {
'unitQuad': tempNbQuads,
'unitLightTank': tempNbLightTanks,
'unitHeavyTank': tempNbHeavyTanks
function checkDefenseUnitsRequirements() {
//console.log("player2 units:", player2.units);
// 1) Count currently owned units
var aiCurrentUnitList = {
'unitHarvester': 0,
'unitQuad': 0,
'unitLightTank': 0,
'unitHeavyTank': 0
player2.units.forEach(function (unit) {
aiCurrentUnitList[unit.type] = (aiCurrentUnitList[unit.type] || 0) + 1;
//console.log("aiCurrentUnitList:", aiCurrentUnitList);
// 2) Check if all requirements are met
var tempNeededUnitList = {};
// Compare aiBaseUnitList and aiCurrentUnitList
for (var unit in aiBaseUnitList) {
if (aiBaseUnitList[unit] > aiCurrentUnitList[unit]) {
tempNeededUnitList[unit] = aiBaseUnitList[unit] - aiCurrentUnitList[unit];
return tempNeededUnitList;
// Do what AI thought about
function aiActing() {
if (LK.ticks % aiCurrentLevel.actingDelay !== 0) {
// 1) Meet buildings requirements
//console.log("aiNeededBuildingList:", aiNeededBuildingList);
if (Object.keys(aiNeededBuildingList).length > 0 && !player2.isCurrentlyBuilding) {
// 2) Meet units requirements
//console.log("aiNeededUnitsList:", aiNeededDefenseUnitsList);
if (Object.keys(aiNeededDefenseUnitsList).length > 0 && !player2.isCurrentlyBuildingUnit) {
var tempUnitToBuild = Object.keys(aiNeededDefenseUnitsList)[0];
var tempSourceFactory = findFactoryForUnit(tempUnitToBuild, player2);
if (tempSourceFactory) {
aiHandleUnitConstruction(tempUnitToBuild, tempSourceFactory);
} else {
console.warn("2 - No factory found for unit " + tempUnitToBuild);
// 3) Meet building defense needs
//console.log("aiBuildingsUnderAttackList:", aiBuildingsUnderAttackList);
if (aiBuildingsUnderAttackList.length > 0) {
aiBuildingsUnderAttackList.forEach(function (building) {
// 4) Meet unit defense needs
//console.log("aiUnitsUnderAttackList:", aiUnitsUnderAttackList);
if (aiUnitsUnderAttackList.length > 0) {
aiUnitsUnderAttackList.forEach(function (unit) {
// 5) Meet attack wave needs
if (Object.keys(aiNeededAttackUnitsList).length > 0) {
aiArmyIsReady = false;
//console.log("Army not ready:", aiNeededAttackUnitsList);
// Take 1st needed unit
var tempUnitToBuild = Object.keys(aiNeededAttackUnitsList)[0];
var tempSourceFactory = findFactoryForUnit(tempUnitToBuild, player2);
if (tempSourceFactory) {
aiHandleUnitConstruction(tempUnitToBuild, tempSourceFactory, true);
} else {
//console.warn("5 - No factory found for unit " + tempUnitToBuild);
} else {
//console.log("Clean Army...", aiCurrentArmyUnits);
var tempCleanArmy = aiCurrentArmyUnits.filter(function (unit) {
// keep only units alive
return !unit.isDestroyed;
aiCurrentArmyUnits = tempCleanArmy;
if (aiCurrentArmyUnits.length >= aiCurrentAttackWave) {
// ATTENTION !!! Arbitray rue : Nb units == Wave index
//console.log("Army is ready:", aiCurrentArmyUnits);
aiArmyIsReady = true;
// 6) Launch attack wave
if (aiArmyIsReady && - aiLastAttackWaveTime > aiNextAttackWaveDelayMs) {
aiLastAttackWaveTime =;
//console.warn("6 - ATTACK !!! Wave "+aiCurrentAttackWave + " at ", (new Date()).toLocaleTimeString());
aiNextAttackWaveDelayMs = Math.min(3 * 60 * 1000, aiCurrentAttackWave * 60 * 1000);
// Find a building to attack
var firstAttaker = null;
for (var i = 0; i < aiCurrentArmyUnits.length; i++) {
if (!aiCurrentArmyUnits[i] || aiCurrentArmyUnits[i].health <= 0) {
firstAttaker = aiCurrentArmyUnits[i];
var nextBuildingTarget = aiFindClosestBuildingToAttack(firstAttaker);
if (nextBuildingTarget) {
} else {
console.warn("6 - No building found to attack");
function aiHandleBuildingConstruction(buildingToBuild) {
//console.log("aiHandleBuildingConstruction...", buildingToBuild);
if (player2.isCurrentlyBuilding) {
//console.log("Already building building...");
player2.isCurrentlyBuilding = true;
enqueueBuildable(buildingToBuild, null, player2);
function aiPlaceBuilding(buildable) {
//console.log("aiPlaceBuilding...", buildable);
if (!buildable || !buildable.isBuilding) {
var baseBuilding = findClosestConstructionYard(buildable);
if (!baseBuilding) {
//console.warn(buildable.playerId + " - No Construction Yard to place building " + buildable.type + " around");
var freePosition = findEmplacementForBuilding(buildable, baseBuilding.cellX, baseBuilding.cellY);
if (!freePosition) {
//console.warn(buildable.playerId + " - No free space to place building " + buildable.type);
var placeX = freePosition.cellX;
var placeY = freePosition.cellY;
handleBuildingPlacement(buildable, placeX, placeY);
function aiHandleBuildingUnderAttack(buildingToDefend) {
//console.log("aiHandleBuildingUnderAttack...", buildingToDefend);
// Check if already have defenders
if (buildingToDefend.defenders.length > 1) {
//console.log("already have defenders...", buildingToDefend.defenders);
// List all units per distance to building [] = { unit: unit, distance: distance }
var potentialDefenders = orderEntitiesPerDistance(buildingToDefend, player2.units);
// Browse potentialDefenders and add as defenders the ones that can attack & are idle
potentialDefenders.forEach(function (defenderEntry) {
var defender = defenderEntry.entity;
//console.log("potential defender ",, " attackDamage:", defender.attackDamage, " / moving:", defender.isMoving, " / attackMode:", defender.attackMode);
if (buildingToDefend.defenders.length < 2 && defender.attackDamage && !defender.isMoving && defender.attackMode == 0) {
if (buildingToDefend.defenders.length > 0) {
//console.log(buildingToDefend.defenders.length + " defenders found");
// Start attacking the first enemy spotted
buildingToDefend.defenders.forEach(function (defender) {
//console.log("defender ",, " ", defender.type, " Will attack:", buildingToDefend.lastAttaker);
} else {
//console.log("No defenders found");
//console.warn("potentialDefenders:", potentialDefenders);
function aiHandleUnitUnderAttack(unitToDefend) {
//console.log("aiHandleUnitUnderAttack...", unitToDefend);
// Check if already have defenders
if (unitToDefend.defenders.length > 1) {
//console.log("unit already have defenders...", unitToDefend.defenders);
// List all units per distance to building [] = { unit: unit, distance: distance }
var potentialDefenders = orderEntitiesPerDistance(unitToDefend, player2.units);
// Browse potentialDefenders and add as defenders the ones that can attack & are idle
potentialDefenders.forEach(function (defenderEntry) {
var defender = defenderEntry.entity;
//console.log("potential defender ",, " attackDamage:", defender.attackDamage, " / moving:", defender.isMoving, " / attackMode:", defender.attackMode);
if (unitToDefend.defenders.length < 2 && defender.attackDamage && !defender.isMoving && defender.attackMode == 0) {
if (unitToDefend.defenders.length > 0) {
//console.log(unitToDefend.defenders.length + " defenders found");
// Start attacking the first enemy spotted
unitToDefend.defenders.forEach(function (defender) {
//console.log("defender ",, " ", defender.type, " Will attack:", unitToDefend.lastAttaker);
} else {
//console.log("No defenders found");
function aiHandleUnitConstruction(unitToBuild, sourceFactory, forArmy) {
//console.log("aiHandleUnitConstruction...", unitToBuild, sourceFactory, forArmy);
if (player2.isCurrentlyBuildingUnit) {
//console.log("Already building unit...");
player2.isCurrentlyBuildingUnit = true;
aiCurrentlyBuildingForArmy = !!forArmy; // Flag to add the unit to the army
enqueueBuildable(unitToBuild, sourceFactory, player2);
function aiFindClosestBuildingToAttack(firstAttaker) {
// Browse player1.buildings
var potientialTargetBuildings = orderEntitiesPerDistance(firstAttaker, player1.buildings);
if (potientialTargetBuildings && potientialTargetBuildings.length > 0) {
return potientialTargetBuildings[0].entity;
return null;
function aiStartAttack(target) {
var nbUnits = aiCurrentArmyUnits.length;
//console.log("aiStartAttack... nbUnits=", nbUnits, " target=", target);
// Send all army around the target
for (var i = 0; i < nbUnits; i++) {
// Find a place for each unit by adding a delta depending on index
var deltaX = -1 + i % 3;
var deltaY = Math.floor(i / 3);
moveActionLogic(aiCurrentArmyUnits[i], target.cellX + deltaX, target.cellY + deltaY, true);
/* ***************************************************************************************************** */
/* ********************************************* INIT FUNCTIONS ****************************************** */
/* ***************************************************************************************************** */
// Prepare the map
function prepareMap() {
globalTerrain = new Array(mapXSize).fill(0).map(function () {
return new Array(mapYSize).fill(0);
gameMap = new Map();
gameMap.init(mapXSize, mapYSize); // Initialize with a 20x20 grid
// Define a fixed rock ilot near the center left of the map
// Randomize starting positions for rockIlot1Center and rockIlot2Center
var startingPositions = [{
x: 8,
y: 10
// Top left
x: 30,
y: 10
// Top right
x: 8,
y: 30
// Bottom left
x: 30,
y: 30
} // Bottom right
var randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * startingPositions.length);
rockIlot1Center = startingPositions[randomIndex];
// Remove selected position and choose next for rockIlot2Center
startingPositions.splice(randomIndex, 1);
rockIlot2Center = startingPositions[Math.floor(Math.random() * startingPositions.length)];
//console.log("rockIlot1Center : ", rockIlot1Center);
var rockIlot1Radius = 4;
for (var x = rockIlot1Center.x - rockIlot1Radius; x <= rockIlot1Center.x + rockIlot1Radius; x++) {
for (var y = rockIlot1Center.y - rockIlot1Radius; y <= rockIlot1Center.y + rockIlot1Radius; y++) {
if (x >= 0 && x < mapXSize && y >= 0 && y < mapYSize) {
globalTerrain[x][y] = 1;
var initialConstructionYard = new ConstructionYard(rockIlot1Center.x, rockIlot1Center.y, 1);
gameMap.cells[rockIlot1Center.x][rockIlot1Center.y].building = initialConstructionYard;
applyCellOccupation(rockIlot1Center.x, rockIlot1Center.y);
// 3 quads for player 1
var p1Quad1 = new UnitQuad(rockIlot1Center.x - 2, rockIlot1Center.y + 1, 1);
gameMap.cells[rockIlot1Center.x - 2][rockIlot1Center.y + 1].unit = p1Quad1;
var p1Quad2 = new UnitQuad(rockIlot1Center.x + 3, rockIlot1Center.y + 1, 1);
gameMap.cells[rockIlot1Center.x + 3][rockIlot1Center.y + 1].unit = p1Quad2;
var p1Quad3 = new UnitQuad(rockIlot1Center.x + 0, rockIlot1Center.y + 3, 1);
gameMap.cells[rockIlot1Center.x][rockIlot1Center.y + 3].unit = p1Quad3;
// Player 2 base
// Define a fixed rock ilot near the center right of the map
var rockIlot2Radius = 4;
for (var x = rockIlot2Center.x - rockIlot2Radius; x <= rockIlot2Center.x + rockIlot2Radius; x++) {
for (var y = rockIlot2Center.y - rockIlot2Radius; y <= rockIlot2Center.y + rockIlot2Radius; y++) {
if (x >= 0 && x < mapXSize && y >= 0 && y < mapYSize) {
globalTerrain[x][y] = 1;
//console.log("rockIlot2Center at " + rockIlot2Center.x + ',' + rockIlot2Center.y);
var initialConstructionYard2 = new ConstructionYard(rockIlot2Center.x, rockIlot2Center.y, 2);
gameMap.cells[rockIlot2Center.x][rockIlot2Center.y].building = initialConstructionYard2;
applyCellOccupation(rockIlot2Center.x, rockIlot2Center.y);
var windTrap1 = new WindTrap(rockIlot2Center.x + 3, rockIlot2Center.y, 2);
gameMap.cells[rockIlot2Center.x + 3][rockIlot2Center.y].building = windTrap1;
applyCellOccupation(rockIlot2Center.x + 3, rockIlot2Center.y);
var windTrap2 = new WindTrap(rockIlot2Center.x - 3, rockIlot2Center.y, 2);
gameMap.cells[rockIlot2Center.x - 3][rockIlot2Center.y].building = windTrap2;
applyCellOccupation(rockIlot2Center.x - 3, rockIlot2Center.y);
var refinery1 = new SpiceRefinery(rockIlot2Center.x - 3, rockIlot2Center.y + 3, 2);
gameMap.cells[rockIlot2Center.x - 3][rockIlot2Center.y + 3].building = refinery1;
applyCellOccupation(rockIlot2Center.x - 3, rockIlot2Center.y + 3);
var heavyFactory1 = new HeavyFactory(rockIlot2Center.x + 2, rockIlot2Center.y + 3, 2);
gameMap.cells[rockIlot2Center.x + 2][rockIlot2Center.y + 3].building = heavyFactory1;
applyCellOccupation(rockIlot2Center.x + 2, rockIlot2Center.y + 3);
var lightFactory1 = new LightFactory(rockIlot2Center.x, rockIlot2Center.y - 3, 2);
gameMap.cells[rockIlot2Center.x][rockIlot2Center.y - 3].building = lightFactory1;
applyCellOccupation(rockIlot2Center.x, rockIlot2Center.y - 3);
var quad1 = new UnitQuad(rockIlot2Center.x, rockIlot2Center.y - 6, 2);
gameMap.cells[rockIlot2Center.x][rockIlot2Center.y - 6].unit = quad1;
var quad2 = new UnitQuad(rockIlot2Center.x, rockIlot2Center.y + 6, 2);
gameMap.cells[rockIlot2Center.x][rockIlot2Center.y + 6].unit = quad2;
var heavyTank1 = new UnitHeavyTank(rockIlot2Center.x - 5, rockIlot2Center.y - 5, 2);
gameMap.cells[rockIlot2Center.x - 5][rockIlot2Center.y - 5].unit = heavyTank1;
var heavyTank2 = new UnitHeavyTank(rockIlot2Center.x + 5, rockIlot2Center.y - 5, 2);
gameMap.cells[rockIlot2Center.x + 5][rockIlot2Center.y - 5].unit = heavyTank2;
var heavyTank3 = new UnitHeavyTank(rockIlot2Center.x + 5, rockIlot2Center.y + 5, 2);
gameMap.cells[rockIlot2Center.x + 5][rockIlot2Center.y + 5].unit = heavyTank3;
var heavyTank4 = new UnitHeavyTank(rockIlot2Center.x - 5, rockIlot2Center.y + 5, 2);
gameMap.cells[rockIlot2Center.x - 5][rockIlot2Center.y + 5].unit = heavyTank4;
var lightTank5 = new UnitLightTank(rockIlot2Center.x - 1, rockIlot2Center.y - 1, 2);
gameMap.cells[rockIlot2Center.x - 1][rockIlot2Center.y - 1].unit = lightTank5;
var lightTank6 = new UnitLightTank(rockIlot2Center.x + 2, rockIlot2Center.y + 2, 2);
gameMap.cells[rockIlot2Center.x + 2][rockIlot2Center.y + 2].unit = lightTank6;
var harvester1 = new UnitHarvester(rockIlot2Center.x - 3, rockIlot2Center.y + 5, 2);
gameMap.cells[rockIlot2Center.x - 3][rockIlot2Center.y + 5].unit = harvester1;
gameMap.initTerrain(mapXSize, mapYSize); // Initialize with a 20x20 grid
//console.log('ConstructionYard1 cell :', gameMap.cells[rockIlot1Center.x][rockIlot1Center.y]);
selectionMarker = new SelectionMarker();
// Add the map to the game
function initSpiceSpots() {
var quarterWidth = Math.floor(mapXSize / 2);
var quarterHeight = Math.floor(mapYSize / 2);
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
var startX = i % 2 * quarterWidth;
var startY = Math.floor(i / 2) * quarterHeight;
var ilotCenterX = startX + Math.floor(Math.random() * quarterWidth);
var ilotCenterY = startY + Math.floor(Math.random() * quarterHeight);
var ilotRadius = 4 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
for (var x = ilotCenterX - ilotRadius; x <= ilotCenterX + ilotRadius; x++) {
for (var y = ilotCenterY - ilotRadius; y <= ilotCenterY + ilotRadius; y++) {
if (x >= 0 && x < mapXSize && y >= 0 && y < mapYSize && globalTerrain[x][y] === 0) {
globalTerrain[x][y] = 2; // Mark as spice
x: x,
y: y
gameMap.cells[x][y].spice = true;
gameMap.cells[x][y].spiceAsset = LK.getAsset('terrainSpice', {
x: x * 100,
y: y * 100
function initFogOfWar() {
for (var x = 0; x < mapXSize; x++) {
for (var y = 0; y < mapYSize; y++) {
x: x,
y: y
gameMap.cells[x][y].fog = true;
gameMap.cells[x][y].fogAsset = LK.getAsset('fogOfWar', {
x: x * 100,
y: y * 100,
tint: 0x222222
function updateFogOfWar() {
player1.units.concat(player1.buildings).forEach(function (element) {
for (var dx = -5; dx <= 5; dx++) {
for (var dy = -5; dy <= 5; dy++) {
var x = element.cellX + dx;
var y = element.cellY + dy;
if (x >= 0 && x < mapXSize && y >= 0 && y < mapYSize) {
gameMap.cells[x][y].fog = false;
//#region Event listeners
var dragStart = null;
var dragDelta = 0;
function handleDragStart(obj) {
//console.log("Drag start...");
dragStart = obj.event.getLocalPosition(game);
function handleDragMove(obj) {
var currentPos = obj.event.getLocalPosition(game);
var input = {
x: currentPos.x,
y: currentPos.y
//updateMouseCoords(input.x, input.y);
if (currentUserActionState === UserActionState.PLACING_BUILDINGS) {
var cellCoord = screenCoordToWorldCell(input.x, input.y);
var cellX = cellCoord.wCellX;
var cellY = cellCoord.wCellY;
//console.log("Trying cell ", cellX + ',' + cellY);
var isValidPlacement = checkBuildingPlacement(currentBuildingForPlacement, cellX, cellY);
if (currentBuildingForPlacement && currentBuildingForPlacement.asset) {
currentBuildingForPlacement.asset.tint = isValidPlacement ? 0x00FF00 : 0xFF0000;
currentBuildingForPlacement.visible = input.y + currentBuildingForPlacement.cellH * tileSize < mapHeight;
currentBuildingForPlacement.x = (cellX + currentBuildingForPlacement.cellW / 2 - viewPort.wCellX) * tileSize;
currentBuildingForPlacement.y = (cellY + currentBuildingForPlacement.cellH / 2 - viewPort.wCellY) * tileSize;
} else if (dragStart) {
var deltaX = currentPos.x - dragStart.x;
var deltaY = currentPos.y - dragStart.y;
var inputPosition = {
x: Math.round(-deltaX / tileSize),
y: Math.round(-deltaY / tileSize)
var allUnits = player1.units.concat(player2.units);
allUnits.forEach(function (unit) {
//unit.visible = false;
dragDelta = Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY);
if (currentSelection && > 0) {
function handleDragEnd(obj) {
var currentPos = obj.event.getLocalPosition(game);
var input = {
x: currentPos.x,
y: currentPos.y
//console.log("Clicked at " + input.x + ',' + input.y);
if (input.y > game.height * 0.80) {
//console.log("Clicked on board at " + input.x + ',' + input.y);
dragStart = null;
dragDelta = 0;
if (currentUserActionState === UserActionState.PLACING_BUILDINGS) {
var cellCoord = screenCoordToWorldCell(input.x, input.y);
var cellX = cellCoord.wCellX;
var cellY = cellCoord.wCellY;
var isValidPlacement = checkBuildingPlacement(currentBuildingForPlacement, cellX, cellY);
if (!isValidPlacement) {
//console.log("Placing building ", currentBuildingForPlacement, " at " + cellX + ',' + cellY);
handleBuildingPlacement(currentBuildingForPlacement, cellX, cellY);
currentUserActionState = UserActionState.NAVIGATING;
dragStart = null;
dragDelta = 0;
} else if (currentUserActionState === UserActionState.SET_ORDER_TARGET) {
if (currentSelection && currentSelection.isUnit) {
var cellCoord = screenCoordToWorldCell(input.x, input.y); //convertCoordsToCell(input.x, input.y);
currentSelection.destinationTarget = {
x: cellCoord.wCellX,
y: cellCoord.wCellY
// Call the action handler with the target position
if (currentSelection.actions && currentSelection.selectedAction) {
//console.log(currentSelection.selectedAction + ' received ');
var actionInfo = actionRepository.getActionInfo(currentSelection.selectedAction);
if (actionInfo && actionInfo.handler) {
//console.log('Call action handler : ', actionInfo);
actionInfo.handler(currentSelection, cellCoord.wCellX, cellCoord.wCellY);
if (targetMoveCursor) {
//console.log('hiding move cursor ...');
targetMoveCursor.visible = false;
if (cancelActionBtn) {
cancelActionBtn.visible = false;
currentUserActionState = UserActionState.NAVIGATING;
dragStart = null;
dragDelta = 0;
} else {
// Normal click
var clickCell = screenCoordToWorldCell(input.x, input.y);
var cellX = clickCell.wCellX;
var cellY = clickCell.wCellY;
//console.log("Click at cell " + cellX + ',' + cellY);
var allUnits = player1.units.concat(player2.units);
allUnits.forEach(function (unit) {
unit.visible = true;
var deltaToSelection = 99;
if (currentSelection && currentSelection.isUnit) {
var selCell = getCellForUnit(currentSelection);
deltaToSelection = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.abs(selCell.cellX - cellX), 2) + Math.pow(Math.abs(selCell.cellY - cellY), 2));
if (cellX >= 0 && cellX < gameMap.cells.length && cellY >= 0 && cellY < gameMap.cells[cellX].length) {
var cell = gameMap.cells[cellX][cellY];
if (!cell.building && !cell.unit && deltaToSelection > 1) {
if (dragDelta < tileSize * 0.25) {
if (currentSelection && currentSelection.isUnit && currentSelection.cellX == cellX && currentSelection.cellY == cellY) {
//console.log("Already selected unit at " + cellX + ',' + cellY);
} else {
currentSelection = null;
//console.log("Nothing selected at " + cellX + ',' + cellY, " deltaToSelection=" + deltaToSelection, " dragDelta=", dragDelta);
} else if (cell.building && !cell.fog) {
//console.log("Selected building at " + cellX + ',' + cellY, " cell:", cell, " units:", player1.units);
if (!cell.unit) {
currentSelection = cell.building;
} else if (cell.unit) {
//console.log("Selected cell with unit at " + cellX + ',' + cellY);
//console.log("unit at " + cell.unit.x + ',' + cell.unit.y);
dragStart = null;
dragDelta = 0;
game.on('down', handleDragStart);
game.on('move', handleDragMove);
game.on('up', handleDragEnd);
//#endregion Event listeners
// Global function to handle building placement
var handleBuildingPlacement = function handleBuildingPlacement(building, cellX, cellY) {
//console.log("handle " + + " Placement at " + cellX + ',' + cellY);
if (!gameMap.cells[cellX] || !gameMap.cells[cellX][cellY]) {
//console.log('Invalid cell for building placement.');
var cell = gameMap.cells[cellX][cellY];
if (cell.building) {
//console.log('Cell is already occupied.');
// Place the building on the map
cell.building = building;
building.cellX = cellX;
building.cellY = cellY;
building.x = cellX * tileSize;
building.y = cellY * tileSize;
building.asset.tint = 0xFFFFFF;
// Call addBuilding for the player who owns the building
if (building.playerId === player1.playerId) {
} else if (building.playerId === player2.playerId) {
applyCellOccupation(cellX, cellY);
//console.log( + ' placed at ' + cellX + ',' + cellY);
if (building instanceof SpiceRefinery) {
spawnUnit('unitHarvester', cellX, cellY, building.playerId);
if (player1.playerId === building.playerId) {
currentUserActionState = UserActionState.NAVIGATING;
currentBuildingForPlacement = null;
if (cancelActionBtn) {
cancelActionBtn.visible = false;
// Screen <-> World Coordinates
var screenCoordToWorldCell = function screenCoordToWorldCell(x, y) {
var wCellX = Math.floor(x / tileSize) + viewPort.wCellX;
var wCellY = Math.floor(y / tileSize) + viewPort.wCellY;
return {
wCellX: wCellX,
wCellY: wCellY
var screenCoordToWorldCoord = function screenCoordToWorldCoord(x, y) {
var wX = x + viewPort.wX;
var wY = y + viewPort.wY;
return {
wX: wX,
wY: wY
var screenCellToWorldCell = function screenCellToWorldCell(cellX, cellY) {
var wCellX = cellX + viewPort.wCellX;
var wCellY = cellY + viewPort.wCellY;
return {
wCellX: wCellX,
wCellY: wCellY
var screenCellToWorldCoord = function screenCellToWorldCoord(cellX, cellY) {
var wX = cellX * tileSize + viewPort.wX;
var wY = cellY * tileSize + viewPort.wY;
return {
wX: wX,
wY: wY
// World <-> Screen Coordinates
var worldCoordToScreenCell = function worldCoordToScreenCell(wX, wY) {
var cellX = Math.floor(wX / tileSize) - viewPort.wCellX;
var cellY = Math.floor(wY / tileSize) - viewPort.wCellY;
return {
cellX: cellX,
cellY: cellY
var worldCoordToScreenCoord = function worldCoordToScreenCoord(wX, wY) {
var x = wX - viewPort.wX;
var y = wY - viewPort.wY;
return {
x: x,
y: y
var worldCellToScreenCell = function worldCellToScreenCell(wCellX, wCellY) {
var cellX = wCellX - viewPort.wCellX;
var cellY = wCellY - viewPort.wCellY;
return {
cellX: cellX,
cellY: cellY
var worldCellToScreenCoord = function worldCellToScreenCoord(wCellX, wCellY) {
var x = wCellX * tileSize - viewPort.wX;
var y = wCellY * tileSize - viewPort.wY;
return {
x: x,
y: y
var getScreenToWorldCell = function getScreenToWorldCell(x, y) {
var wCellX = Math.floor(x / tileSize) + viewPort.wX;
var wCellY = Math.floor(y / tileSize) + viewPort.wY;
return {
wCellX: wCellX,
wCellY: wCellY
var getScreenToWorldCoord = function getScreenToWorldCoord(x, y) {
var wX = x + viewPort.wX * tileSize;
var wY = y + viewPort.wY * tileSize;
return {
wX: wX,
wY: wY
var convertCoordsToCell = function convertCoordsToCell(x, y) {
return {
cellX: Math.floor(x / 100) + gameMap.currentViewCenter.x - Math.ceil(game.width / 2 / 100) - 3,
cellY: Math.floor(y / 100) + gameMap.currentViewCenter.y - Math.ceil(game.height / 2 / 100)
var getCellForUnit = function getCellForUnit(unit) {
var centerDeltaX = gameMap.currentViewCenter.x - Math.ceil(game.width / 2 / 100);
var centerDeltaY = gameMap.currentViewCenter.y - Math.ceil(game.height / 2 / 100);
var cX = Math.floor(unit.x / 100) + centerDeltaX + unit.cellW / 2 + Math.floor(unit.cellW / 2) - 5;
var cY = Math.floor(unit.y / 100) + centerDeltaY + Math.floor(unit.cellH / 2) + unit.cellH / 2 - 7;
return {
cellX: cX,
cellY: cY
// Global function to find the closest spice spot to a given position
var findClosestSpiceSpot = function findClosestSpiceSpot(x, y) {
var closestSpot = null;
var minDistance = Number.MAX_VALUE;
spiceSpots.forEach(function (spot) {
if (!gameMap.cells[spot.x][spot.y].unit) {
var dx = x - spot.x;
var dy = y - spot.y;
var distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
if (distance < minDistance) {
closestSpot = spot;
minDistance = distance;
return closestSpot;
// Global function to handle action board updates
var updateActionBoard = function updateActionBoard(resetProgress) {
//console.log('updateActionBoard...' + (currentSelection ? : 'No selection'));
if (!currentSelection || <= 0) {
currentSelection = null;
currentSelectionText.setText(currentSelection ? : '');
displayBuildableItems(resetProgress); // Call displayBuildableItems to show items that can be built
displayActionItems(); // Call displayActionItems to show action items
function clearIconBorders() {
var iconBorders = game.children.filter(function (child) {
return child instanceof IconBorder;
iconBorders.forEach(function (border) {
function displayBuildableItems(resetProgress) {
//console.log('displayBuildableItems...', currentSelection);
var buildableItemIcons = game.children.filter(function (child) {
return child instanceof BuildableItemIcon;
buildableItemIcons.forEach(function (icon) {
if (icon.progressDisplay) {
icon.progressDisplay.visible = !resetProgress && !!currentSelection;
icon.visible = false;
if (currentSelection && currentSelection.playerId === player1.playerId && currentSelection.buildable && currentSelection.buildable.length) {
var iconX = commandPanel.x + 200; // Starting X position for the first icon
var iconY = commandPanel.y + 220; // Y position for all icons
currentSelection.buildable.forEach(function (itemType) {
//console.log("Prepare icon for ", itemType);
var buildableInfo = buildableRepository.getBuildableInfo(itemType);
if (buildableInfo.requires) {
var requiredBuildingExists = player1.buildings.some(function (building) {
return building.type === buildableInfo.requires;
if (!requiredBuildingExists) {
var border = new IconBorder(iconX, iconY);
var icon = null;
// Search if icon already exists
var existingIcons = game.children.filter(function (child) {
return child instanceof BuildableItemIcon && child.type === itemType;
//console.log("Found existing icons", existingIcons);
if (existingIcons.length > 0) {
icon = existingIcons[0];
if (resetProgress) {
icon.visible = true;
} else {
icon = new BuildableItemIcon(itemType, iconX, iconY, currentSelection);
if (icon.progressDisplay) {
icon.progressDisplay.visible = true;
iconX += 300; // Increment X position for the next icon
// Global function to display action items
var displayActionItems = function displayActionItems() {
//console.log('displayActionItems...', currentSelection);
var actionItemIcons = game.children.filter(function (child) {
return child instanceof ActionItemIcon;
actionItemIcons.forEach(function (icon) {
if (currentSelection && currentSelection.playerId === player1.playerId && currentSelection.isUnit && > 0 && currentSelection.actions && currentSelection.actions.length) {
var iconX = commandPanel.x + 200; // Starting X position for the first icon
var iconY = commandPanel.y + 220; // Y position for all icons
currentSelection.actions.forEach(function (actionType) {
//console.log('Add action button for ', actionType);
var actionInfo = actionRepository.getActionInfo(actionType);
if (actionInfo) {
//console.log('ok Action found => display', actionInfo);
var border = new IconBorder(iconX, iconY);
var icon = new ActionItemIcon(actionInfo, iconX, iconY);
iconX += 300; // Increment X position for the next icon
} else {
//console.log('Action not found', actionType);
// Global function to update mouse coordinates text
var updateMouseCoords = function updateMouseCoords(x, y) {
var wCell = screenCoordToWorldCell(x, y);
if (game.mouseCoordsText) {
game.mouseCoordsText.setText("S:" + Math.floor(x) + ',' + Math.floor(y) + '\r\n' + Math.floor(x / tileSize) + ',' + Math.floor(y / tileSize) + '\r\nW:' + Math.floor(wCell.wCellX) + ',' + Math.floor(wCell.wCellY));
gameMap.viewCenterText.setText(viewPort.wCellX + ',' + viewPort.wCellY);
// Global function to update base info text
var updateBaseInfo = function updateBaseInfo() {
player1SpiceText.setText('| ' + Math.floor(player1.spice).toString());
// Animate the change of the energy value
if (previousEnergyLevel !== {
var energyDifference = - previousEnergyLevel;
var duration = 2000; // Duration of the animation in milliseconds
var steps = duration / (1000 / 60); // Number of steps based on 60FPS
var stepValue = energyDifference / steps;
var currentStep = 0;
var animateEnergyChange = function animateEnergyChange() {
var energyColor = getEnergyColor(previousEnergyLevel);
fill: energyColor
if (currentStep < steps) {
previousEnergyLevel += stepValue;
player1EnergyText.setText(previousEnergyLevel.toFixed(0).toString() + energyOffsetSufix);
LK.setTimeout(animateEnergyChange, 1000 / 60);
} else {
// Ensure the final value is set correctly
player1EnergyText.setText( + energyOffsetSufix);
previousEnergyLevel =; // Update the previous energy level
} else {
player1EnergyText.setText( + energyOffsetSufix);
var startFpsCounter = function startFpsCounter() {
var fpsInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
// Set the FPS value to the tick counter
fps = tickCounter;
// Reset the tick counter
tickCounter = 0;
// Update the FPS text on the screen
fpsText.setText('FPS: ' + fps);
}, 1000); // 1000 milliseconds = 1 second
function checkGameEnd() {
// Check if either player1 or player2 has no more buildings
if (gameIsRunning && (player1.buildings.length === 0 || player2.buildings.length === 0)) {
LK.setTimeout(function () {
gameIsRunning = false;
var gameOverPopup = LK.getAsset('popup', {
x: game.width / 2,
y: game.height / 2,
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
var gameOverLabel = player1.buildings.length === 0 ? "DEFEAT!" : "VICTORY!";
var gameOverText = new Text2(gameOverLabel, {
size: 100,
fill: "#ffffff",
font: "'GillSans-Bold',Impact,'Arial Black',Tahoma"
gameOverText.anchor.set(0.5, 6);;
}, 2000);
function initGame() {
// Create players
player1 = new Player(1, 0xFFFFFF);
player2 = new Player(2, 0xFF8888);
// Prepare the map
// Instantiate CommandPanel
commandPanel = game.addChild(new CommandPanel());
// Create a Text2 object for current selection
currentSelectionText = new Text2('', {
size: 50,
fill: '#000000',
font: "'GillSans-Bold',Impact,'Arial Black',Tahoma"
currentSelectionText.anchor.set(0.5, 6.8);
// Create a Text2 object to display mouse coordinates
if (!game.mouseCoordsText) {
game.mouseCoordsText = new Text2('', {
size: 50,
fill: '#ffffff',
font: "'GillSans-Bold',Impact,'Arial Black',Tahoma"
game.mouseCoordsText.anchor.set(0, 0);
// Create a Text2 object to display player1's spice level
player1SpiceText = new Text2('| ' + Math.floor(player1.spice).toString(), {
size: 50,
fill: '#FFFFFF',
font: "'GillSans-Bold',Impact,'Arial Black',Tahoma"
player1SpiceText.anchor.set(1.0, 0.25);
// Create a Text2 object to display player1's energy level
player1EnergyText = new Text2( + energyOffsetSufix, {
size: 50,
fill: '#FFFFFF',
font: "'GillSans-Bold',Impact,'Arial Black',Tahoma"
player1EnergyText.anchor.set(1.0, 0.25);
// Create a Text2 object to display the FPS in the bottom right corner
fpsText = new Text2('', {
size: 50,
fill: '#000000',
font: "'GillSans-Bold',Impact,'Arial Black',Tahoma"
fpsText.anchor.set(1.5, 1.0);
//gameIsRunning = true;
// Game tick
LK.on('tick', function () {
// Render the map and update unit movement each tick
if (gameIsRunning) {
player2.units.forEach(function (unit) {
unit.asset.visible = !gameMap.cells[unit.cellX][unit.cellY].fog;
var allUnits = player1.units.concat(player2.units);
allUnits.forEach(function (unit) {
if (unit.isDestroyed) {
//console.log("unit is already destroyed");
//unit.asset.visible = false;
unit.updateMovement(1 / 60); // Assuming tick operates at 60FPS
if (unit.update) {
if (unit.assetEffect) {
// Show popup before game starts
var popup = LK.getAsset('popup', {
x: game.width / 2,
y: game.height / 2,
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
var welcomeText = new Text2("Welcome on Dune", {
size: 90,
fill: "#ffffff",
font: "'GillSans-Bold',Impact,'Arial Black',Tahoma"
welcomeText.anchor.set(0.5, 6.6);;
var helpText = new Text2("This is the planet of Spice, the most valuable \nresource of the universe.\n\nYou have just been promoted as a commander of\nthe Atreides family army.\nYour mission is to HARVEST SPICE in this area\nand CLEAR ALL ENEMY presence.\n\nFrom your CONSTRUCTION YARD, build a\nSPICE REFINERY and use SPICE HARVESTERS to\ncollect the orange SPICE on the soil.\nBuild Wind Traps to produce energy. Monitor\nyour energy and Spice counters at the top right.\n\nEnemy Harkonnen troops have been reported\nin the area: build LIGHT FACTORY OR \nHEAVY FACTORY to train more troops.\n\nGood luck Commander!", {
size: 50,
fill: "#ffffff",
font: "'GillSans-Bold',Impact,'Arial Black',Tahoma"
helpText.anchor.set(0.5, 0.488);;
popup.on('down', function () {
// Start the game with Player 1 construction yard preselected
LK.setTimeout(function () {
gameIsRunning = true;
viewPort.wCellX = Math.max(0, Math.min(mapXSize - viewPort.cellW, rockIlot1Center.x - Math.floor(viewPort.cellW / 2)));
viewPort.wCellY = Math.max(0, Math.min(mapYSize - viewPort.cellH, rockIlot1Center.y - Math.floor(viewPort.cellH / 2)));
viewPort.wX = viewPort.wCellX * tileSize;
viewPort.wY = viewPort.wCellY * tileSize;
currentSelection = gameMap.cells[rockIlot1Center.x][rockIlot1Center.y].building;
}, 100);
a tileable sand terrain tile.
A square tileable rock terrain tile WITHOUT BBORDER. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. No shadows. No Border
Zenith view of Dune's Wind Trap power facility square fence. Ressembles a bit to Sydney's Opera. Zenith view Directly from above.
grey cancel icon. UI
thin white circle empty.
Zenith view of a white rectangular Harvester shape of a garbage truck with a triangular head. Harvesting on sand, with flowing spice in the back. inside a square fence. Zenith view. Directly overhead. Plumb view.
Minimal Ui icon of an right sign aside with an icon of a target. sand background
Minimal icon of a home with direction icon pointing to the home. sand background
3 white flat isometric concentric circles like a target.
Remove background
Gray background
Minimal Ui icon of target sign on a fire icon.. sand background
top view of an explosion effect.
Simple heavy army tank factory buiding a tank with a crane. Square fence... Zenith view Directly overhead. Plumb view.
an empty black popup UI. UI