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Please fix the bug: 'ReferenceError: unit is not defined' in or related to this line: 'switch (unit.type) {' Line Number: 2176
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Code edit (14 edits merged)
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Please fix the bug: 'ReferenceError: rockIlot2Center is not defined' in or related to this line: 'baseBuilding = {' Line Number: 1740
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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Code edit (5 edits merged)
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: LK.getTime is not a function' in or related to this line: 'self.lastHitTime = LK.getTime();' Line Number: 1099
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could you implement findFactoryForUnit
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add a new function findEmplacementForBuilding(building, cellX, cellY) that scans the map around the given cellX,cellY to find a free area of rocks that fits the given building size
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Please fix the bug: 'Timeout.tick error: buildable.placeBuilding is not a function' in or related to this line: 'buildable.placeBuilding(placeX, placeY);' Line Number: 2117
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in handleDragEnd, don't select buildings if they are under fog
User prompt
don't select ennemy units and building if they are under fog
User prompt
in updateFogOfWar remove the fog in a radius shape instead of a square
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in building growExplosion, remove building from player list of buildings
User prompt
in checkGameEnd, check if player1 of player2 have no more buildings game over if so
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Code edit (1 edits merged)
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--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -155,18 +155,20 @@
'name': 'Spice Refinery',
'cost': 600,
'energy': -50,
'health': 75,
- 'constructionTime': 15,
+ 'constructionTime': 2,
'className': 'SpiceRefinery',
'buildable': []
'lightFactory': {
'name': 'Light Factory',
'cost': 400,
'energy': -30,
'health': 60,
- 'constructionTime': 15,
+ 'constructionTime': 2,
'className': 'LightFactory',
'buildable': ['unitQuad'],
'requires': 'spiceRefinery'
@@ -174,9 +176,10 @@
'name': 'Heavy Factory',
'cost': 600,
'energy': -50,
'health': 80,
- 'constructionTime': 30,
+ 'constructionTime': 2,
'className': 'HeavyFactory',
'buildable': ['unitLightTank', 'unitHeavyTank', 'unitHarvester'],
'requires': 'lightFactory'
@@ -199,17 +202,19 @@
'unitHeavyTank': {
'name': 'Heavy Tank',
'cost': 600,
'energy': 0,
- 'constructionTime': 15,
+ 'constructionTime': 2,
'className': 'UnitHeavyTank',
'buildable': []
'unitHarvester': {
'name': 'Harvester',
'cost': 500,
'energy': 0,
- 'constructionTime': 12,
+ 'constructionTime': 2,
'className': 'UnitHarvester',
'buildable': []
// Add more buildables as needed
@@ -244,19 +249,22 @@
self.asset.y = self.y;
self.buildingQueue = [];
self.lastAttackTime = 0;
self.lastHitTime = 0;
+ self.lastAttaker = null;
self.defenders = [];
- self.damage = function (points) {
- console.log("Building " + + " hit! " + points);
- -= points;
+ self.damage = function (attacker) {
+ console.log("Building " + + " hit! " + attacker.attackDamage);
+ self.lastAttaker = attacker;
+ -= attacker.attackDamage;
self.lastHitTime =;
self.asset.tint = 0xff0000;
LK.setTimeout(function () {
self.asset.tint = 0xFFFFFF;
}, 500);
if ( <= 0) {
console.log("Building " + + " destroyed");
+ self.clean();
self.assetEffect = self.attachAsset('buildingExplosion', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
x: self.x + self.cellW / 2 * tileSize,
@@ -302,9 +310,23 @@
+ LK.setTimeout(function () {
+ if ( > 0 && - self.lastHitTime > aiUnderAttackDelayMs) {
+ // Not under attack anymore
+ self.lastAttaker = null;
+ self.defenders = [];
+ }
+ }, aiUnderAttackDelayMs * 1.1);
+ self.clean = function () {
+ self.buildingQueue = [];
+ self.lastAttackTime = 0;
+ self.lastHitTime = 0;
+ self.lastAttaker = null;
+ self.defenders = [];
+ };
return self;
var WindTrap = Building.expand(function (x, y, playerId) {
var self =, x, y, 'windTrap', 'Wind Trap', playerId, 2, 2);
@@ -725,9 +747,9 @@
var self =;
self.playerId = playerId;
self.resources = 0;
self.tint = tint;
- self.spice = 2000; // Initialize spice property with 1000
+ self.spice = 9999; //2000; // Initialize spice property with 1000 = 0; // Initialize spice property with 1000
// Initialize player-specific properties here
self.buildings = []; // Array to store all the player's buildings
self.units = []; // Array to store all the player's units
@@ -876,8 +898,9 @@
self.attackSpeed = unitInfo.attackSpeed; // Speed of attack (time between attacks)
self.attackMode = 0; // 0 = not attacking, 1 = attacking, 2 = moving to target
self.lastAttackTime = 0;
self.lastHitTime = 0;
+ self.lastAttaker = null;
self.defenders = [];
self.actions = unitInfo.actions;
self.asset = self.attachAsset(type, {
anchorX: 0.5,
@@ -898,13 +921,13 @@
self.asset.on('down', function () {
if (currentUserActionState === UserActionState.NAVIGATING || currentUserActionState === UserActionState.GIVING_ORDERS) {
console.log("Unit selected");
currentSelection = self;
+ // Update map to fix unselectable units
+ gameMap.cells[self.cellX][self.cellY].unit = self;
currentUserActionState = UserActionState.GIVING_ORDERS;
- // Update map to fix unselectable units
- gameMap.cells[self.cellX][self.cellY].unit = self;
} else {
console.log("Not Navigating don't select unit...", currentUserActionState);
@@ -1029,24 +1052,28 @@
self.lastAttackTime =;
// Check if target is in range
var distanceToTarget = calculateDistance(self, self.attackTarget);
if (distanceToTarget <= self.attackRange) {
+ console.log("Target at range => fire");
// Rotate towards the target
var angleToTarget = calculateAngle(self, self.attackTarget);
self.asset.rotation = angleToTarget;
// Fire at the target;
} else {
+ console.log("Target too far => move to target");
self.attackMode = 2;
// Move towards the target if it's out of range
var path = gameMap.findPath({
x: self.cellX,
y: self.cellY
}, {
x: self.attackTarget.cellX,
y: self.attackTarget.cellY
- });
+ }, self.attackRange);
+ console.log("Path to target:", path);
self.moveAlongPath(path, function () {
+ console.log("Reached to target !");
self.attackMode = 1;
} else if (!self.isMoving) {
@@ -1057,26 +1084,28 @@
// Code to perform firing action
console.log("Firing at target!", self.attackTarget);
if (self.attackTarget && > 0) {
// Reduce target's health
- self.attackTarget.damage(self.attackDamage);
+ self.attackTarget.damage(self);
if (!self.attackTarget || <= 0) {
self.attackMode = 0;
self.attackTarget = null;
- self.damage = function (points) {
- console.log("Unit " + + " hit! " + points);
+ self.damage = function (attacker) {
+ console.log("Unit " + + " hit! ", attacker);
self.asset.tint = 0xff0000;
+ self.lastAttaker = attacker;
self.lastHitTime =;
LK.setTimeout(function () {
self.asset.tint = getPlayerTint(self.playerId);
}, 300);
- -= points;
+ -= attacker.attackDamage;
if ( <= 0 && !self.isDestroying) {
self.isDestroying = true;
console.log("Unit " + + " destroyed");
+ self.clean();
self.assetEffect = self.attachAsset('buildingExplosion', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
x: self.x,
@@ -1119,8 +1148,15 @@
+ LK.setTimeout(function () {
+ if ( > 0 && - self.lastHitTime > aiUnderAttackDelayMs) {
+ // Not under attack anymore
+ self.lastAttaker = null;
+ self.defenders = [];
+ }
+ }, aiUnderAttackDelayMs * 1.1);
self.stopAttack = function () {
self.attackMode = false;
self.attackTarget = null;
@@ -1128,8 +1164,14 @@
self.stopOtherActions = function () {
console.log("Unit stopOtherActions :");
self.attackMode = false; // Stop attacking
+ self.clean = function () {
+ self.lastAttackTime = 0;
+ self.lastHitTime = 0;
+ self.lastAttaker = null;
+ self.defenders = [];
+ };
return self;
var UnitQuad = Unit.expand(function (x, y, playerId) {
var self =, x, y, playerId, 'unitQuad');
@@ -1178,9 +1220,9 @@
x: closestSpiceSpot.x,
y: closestSpiceSpot.y
if (!path || path.length == 0) {
- console.warn("No path to spot! retry later");
+ console.warn("No path to spot! ", closestSpiceSpot, ". Retry later");
LK.setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
@@ -1333,9 +1375,10 @@
'className': 'UnitHeavyTank',
'actions': ['move', 'attack', 'return'],
'health': 60,
'sightRange': 8,
- 'attackRange': 6,
+ 'attackRange': 2,
'attackSpeed': 5,
'attackDamage': 6
// Add more units as needed
@@ -1865,17 +1908,25 @@
var getNextId = function getNextId() {
return nextId++;
var getAllUnitsPerDistance = function getAllUnitsPerDistance(position, unitList) {
- var distanceList = {};
+ var orderedUnitList = [];
+ // Calculer la distance de chaque unité par rapport à la position donnée
unitList.forEach(function (unit) {
- distanceList[] = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(position.x - unit.x, 2) + Math.pow(position.y - unit.y, 2));
+ var distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(position.cellX - unit.cellX, 2) + Math.pow(position.cellY - unit.cellY, 2));
+ // Ajouter l'unité à la liste
+ orderedUnitList.push({
+ unit: unit,
+ distance: distance
+ });
+ console.log("unit",, " ", unit.type, " Pos:", unit.cellX, unit.cellY, " distance", distance);
- // Order by distance
- var orderedDistanceList = Object.keys(distanceList).sort(function (a, b) {
- return distanceList[a] - distanceList[b];
+ // Trier les unités en fonction de leurs distances
+ orderedUnitList.sort(function (a, b) {
+ return a.distance - b.distance;
- return orderedDistanceList;
+ console.log("orderedUnitList", orderedUnitList);
+ return orderedUnitList;
/* ******************************************** GLOBAL GAME VARIABLES ******************************************** */
/* ******************************************** GLOBAL GAME VARIABLES ******************************************** */
/* ******************************************** GLOBAL GAME VARIABLES ******************************************** */
@@ -1944,17 +1995,17 @@
/* ********************************************* AI FUNCTIONS ****************************************** */
/* ***************************************************************************************************** */
var AI_LEVEL = {
- acttingDelay: 500,
+ actingDelay: 500,
thinkingDelay: 500
- acttingDelay: 300,
+ actingDelay: 300,
thinkingDelay: 600
- acttingDelay: 100,
+ actingDelay: 100,
thinkingDelay: 200
var aiCurrentLevel = AI_LEVEL.EASY;
@@ -1974,8 +2025,10 @@
var aiCurrentBuildingConstruction = null;
var aiNeededBuildingList = null;
var aiNeededUnitsList = null;
var aiBuildingsUnderAttackList = null;
+var aiUnitsUnderAttackList = null;
+var aiUnderAttackDelayMs = aiCurrentLevel.thinkingDelay * 10;
// Think of what AI must do
function aiThinking() {
if (LK.ticks % aiCurrentLevel.thinkingDelay !== 0) {
@@ -1987,8 +2040,9 @@
aiNeededUnitsList = checkUnitRequirements();
// Check buildings defense needs
aiBuildingsUnderAttackList = checkBuildingUnderAttack();
// Check units defense needs
+ aiUnitsUnderAttackList = checkUnitsUnderAttack();
// Check attack opportunities
function checkBuildingRequirements() {
@@ -2018,15 +2072,27 @@
// Check delay since lastHitTime of all AI buildings
var tempUnderAttackBuildingArray = [];
player2.buildings.forEach(function (building) {
- if ( - building.lastHitTime < 10000) {
+ if ( - building.lastHitTime < aiUnderAttackDelayMs) {
// Building is under attack
return tempUnderAttackBuildingArray;
+function checkUnitsUnderAttack() {
+ console.log("checkUnitsUnderAttack...");
+ // Check delay since lastHitTime of all AI units
+ var tempUnderAttackUnitsArray = [];
+ player2.units.forEach(function (unit) {
+ if ( - unit.lastHitTime < aiUnderAttackDelayMs) {
+ // Unit is under attack
+ tempUnderAttackUnitsArray.push(unit);
+ }
+ });
+ return tempUnderAttackUnitsArray;
function checkUnitRequirements() {
console.log("player2 units:", player2.units);
// 1) Count currently owned units
@@ -2051,9 +2117,9 @@
return tempNeededUnitList;
// Do what AI thought about
function aiActing() {
- if (LK.ticks % aiCurrentLevel.acttingDelay !== 0) {
+ if (LK.ticks % aiCurrentLevel.actingDelay !== 0) {
// 1) Meet buildings requirements
@@ -2078,8 +2144,15 @@
aiBuildingsUnderAttackList.forEach(function (building) {
+ // 4) Meet unit defense needs
+ console.log("aiUnitsUnderAttackList:", aiUnitsUnderAttackList);
+ if (aiUnitsUnderAttackList.length > 0) {
+ aiUnitsUnderAttackList.forEach(function (unit) {
+ aiHandleUnitUnderAttack(unit);
+ });
+ }
function aiHandleBuildingConstruction(buildingToBuild) {
console.log("aiHandleBuildingConstruction...", buildingToBuild);
if (player2.isCurrentlyBuilding) {
@@ -2114,12 +2187,58 @@
if (buildingToDefend.defenders.length > 1) {
console.log("already have defenders...", buildingToDefend.defenders);
- // List all units per distance to building
+ // List all units per distance to building [] = { unit: unit, distance: distance }
var potentialDefenders = getAllUnitsPerDistance(buildingToDefend, player2.units);
+ // Browse potentialDefenders and add as defenders the ones that can attack & are idle
+ potentialDefenders.forEach(function (defenderEntry) {
+ var defender = defenderEntry.unit;
+ console.log("potential defender ",, " attackDamage:", defender.attackDamage, " / moving:", defender.isMoving, " / attackMode:", defender.attackMode);
+ if (buildingToDefend.defenders.length < 2 && defender.attackDamage && !defender.isMoving && defender.attackMode == 0) {
+ buildingToDefend.defenders.push(defender);
+ }
+ });
+ if (buildingToDefend.defenders.length > 0) {
+ console.log(buildingToDefend.defenders.length + " defenders found");
+ // Start attacking the first enemy spotted
+ buildingToDefend.defenders.forEach(function (defender) {
+ console.log("defender ",, " ", defender.type, " Will attack:", buildingToDefend.lastAttaker);
+ defender.startAttack(buildingToDefend.lastAttaker);
+ });
+ } else {
+ console.log("No defenders found");
+ }
console.warn("potentialDefenders:", potentialDefenders);
+function aiHandleUnitUnderAttack(unitToDefend) {
+ console.log("aiHandleUnitUnderAttack...", unitToDefend);
+ // Check if already have defenders
+ if (unitToDefend.defenders.length > 1) {
+ console.log("unit already have defenders...", unitToDefend.defenders);
+ return;
+ }
+ // List all units per distance to building [] = { unit: unit, distance: distance }
+ var potentialDefenders = getAllUnitsPerDistance(unitToDefend, player2.units);
+ // Browse potentialDefenders and add as defenders the ones that can attack & are idle
+ potentialDefenders.forEach(function (defenderEntry) {
+ var defender = defenderEntry.unit;
+ console.log("potential defender ",, " attackDamage:", defender.attackDamage, " / moving:", defender.isMoving, " / attackMode:", defender.attackMode);
+ if (unitToDefend.defenders.length < 2 && defender.attackDamage && !defender.isMoving && defender.attackMode == 0) {
+ unitToDefend.defenders.push(defender);
+ }
+ });
+ if (unitToDefend.defenders.length > 0) {
+ console.log(unitToDefend.defenders.length + " defenders found");
+ // Start attacking the first enemy spotted
+ unitToDefend.defenders.forEach(function (defender) {
+ console.log("defender ",, " ", defender.type, " Will attack:", unitToDefend.lastAttaker);
+ defender.startAttack(unitToDefend.lastAttaker);
+ });
+ } else {
+ console.log("No defenders found");
+ }
function aiHandleUnitConstruction(unitToBuild, sourceFactory) {
console.log("aiHandleUnitConstruction...", unitToBuild, sourceFactory);
if (player2.isCurrentlyBuildingUnit) {
console.log("Already building unit...");
@@ -2167,10 +2286,10 @@
// Player 2 base
// Define a fixed rock ilot near the center right of the map
var rockIlot2Center = {
- x: 30,
- y: 30
+ x: mapXSize - 8,
+ y: mapYSize - 10
var rockIlot2Radius = 4;
for (var x = rockIlot2Center.x - rockIlot2Radius; x <= rockIlot2Center.x + rockIlot2Radius; x++) {
for (var y = rockIlot2Center.y - rockIlot2Radius; y <= rockIlot2Center.y + rockIlot2Radius; y++) {
@@ -2423,13 +2542,17 @@
if (cellX >= 0 && cellX < gameMap.cells.length && cellY >= 0 && cellY < gameMap.cells[cellX].length) {
var cell = gameMap.cells[cellX][cellY];
if (!cell.building && !cell.unit && deltaToSelection > 1) {
if (dragDelta < tileSize * 0.25) {
- currentSelection = null;
- selectionMarker.setOnElement();
- selectionMarker.hide();
- //console.log("Nothing selected at " + cellX + ',' + cellY, " deltaToSelection=" + deltaToSelection, " dragDelta=", dragDelta);
- updateActionBoard();
+ if (currentSelection && currentSelection.isUnit && currentSelection.cellX == cellX && currentSelection.cellY == cellY) {
+ console.log("Already selected unit at " + cellX + ',' + cellY);
+ } else {
+ currentSelection = null;
+ selectionMarker.setOnElement();
+ selectionMarker.hide();
+ //console.log("Nothing selected at " + cellX + ',' + cellY, " deltaToSelection=" + deltaToSelection, " dragDelta=", dragDelta);
+ updateActionBoard();
+ }
} else if (cell.building && !cell.fog) {
//console.log("Selected building at " + cellX + ',' + cellY);
currentSelection = cell.building;
a tileable sand terrain tile.
A square tileable rock terrain tile WITHOUT BBORDER. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. No shadows. No Border
Zenith view of Dune's Wind Trap power facility square fence. Ressembles a bit to Sydney's Opera. Zenith view Directly from above.
grey cancel icon. UI
thin white circle empty.
Zenith view of a white rectangular Harvester shape of a garbage truck with a triangular head. Harvesting on sand, with flowing spice in the back. inside a square fence. Zenith view. Directly overhead. Plumb view.
Minimal Ui icon of an right sign aside with an icon of a target. sand background
Minimal icon of a home with direction icon pointing to the home. sand background
3 white flat isometric concentric circles like a target.
Remove background
Gray background
Minimal Ui icon of target sign on a fire icon.. sand background
top view of an explosion effect.
Simple heavy army tank factory buiding a tank with a crane. Square fence... Zenith view Directly overhead. Plumb view.
an empty black popup UI. UI