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in handleDragEnd, don't select buildings if they are under fog
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don't select ennemy units and building if they are under fog
User prompt
in updateFogOfWar remove the fog in a radius shape instead of a square
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in building growExplosion, remove building from player list of buildings
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in checkGameEnd, check if player1 of player2 have no more buildings game over if so
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call updateFogOfWar(); after every building placement
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in updateFogOfWar, itterate through all player1 units and buildings and set gameMap.cells[x][y].fog to false 5 cells around them
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force fogOfWar tint to 0x000000
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Code edit (3 edits merged)
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in harvester update, when self.harvestingMode == 3, add spice to the unit player not always to player1
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Code edit (20 edits merged)
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in unitharvester stopOtherActions, user unit player tint instead of 0xFFFFFF
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implent fog of war
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Code edit (1 edits merged)
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Update the findPath A* algorithm to take into account the range when openSet.length === 0
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Update the findPath A* algorithm to take into account the range
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--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -507,8 +507,16 @@
if (building.assetEffect) {
+ if (cell.fog) {
+ var fogAsset = cell.fogAsset;
+ fogAsset.x = screenX - 1;
+ fogAsset.y = screenY - 1;
+ if (!fogAsset.parent) {
+ self.addChild(fogAsset);
+ }
+ }
@@ -1111,47 +1119,47 @@
self.harvestingMode = 0; // 0 : Idle / 1 : harvesting / 2 : returning / 3 : unload
self.harvestSpeed = 2; // TEMP DEBUG !!!TEMP DEBUG !!!TEMP DEBUG !!! 0.25; // Adjust this value to control the speed of harvesting
self.unloadSpeed = 1; // TEMP DEBUG !!!TEMP DEBUG !!!TEMP DEBUG !!! 0.25; // Adjust this value to control the speed of harvesting
self.setHarvesting = function () {
- console.log("Ok at site setHarvesting...");
+ //console.log("Ok at site setHarvesting...");
self.harvestingMode = 1;
self.startHarvesting = function (alternate) {
- console.log("startHarvesting...");
+ //console.log("startHarvesting...");
self.harvestingMode = 0;
var deltaX = 0;
var deltaY = 0;
if (alternate) {
- console.log("search alternate spot...");
+ //console.log("search alternate spot...");
deltaX = -1 + Math.random() * 2;
deltaY = -1 + Math.random() * 2;
var closestSpiceSpot = findClosestSpiceSpot(self.cellX + deltaX, self.cellY + deltaY);
if (closestSpiceSpot) {
- console.log("closestSpiceSpot :", closestSpiceSpot);
+ //console.log("closestSpiceSpot :", closestSpiceSpot);
var path = gameMap.findPath({
x: self.cellX,
y: self.cellY
}, {
x: closestSpiceSpot.x,
y: closestSpiceSpot.y
self.moveAlongPath(path); //self.setHarvesting
- console.log("Ok at site setHarvesting...");
+ //console.log("Ok at site setHarvesting...");
self.harvestingMode = 1;
} else {
- console.log("No spice found!");
+ //console.log("No spice found!");
self.startUnloading = function () {
self.harvestingMode = 3;
- console.log("Unloading spice...");
+ //console.log("Unloading spice...");
self.update = function () {
if (self.harvestingMode == 1 && self.harvestedSpiceOnCellCounter < 200) {
if (!gameMap.cells[self.cellX][self.cellY].spice) {
if (!self.isMoving) {
- console.log("No spice here ");
+ //console.log("No spice here ");
@@ -1172,9 +1180,9 @@
x: closestRefinery.cellX,
y: closestRefinery.cellY
}, 0, closestRefinery);
if (path.length > 0) {
- console.log("Returning to Refiniery...");
+ //console.log("Returning to Refiniery...");
self.moveAlongPath(path, self.startUnloading);
} else {
console.warn("No path to Refinery !");
@@ -1202,18 +1210,18 @@
// Make the unit blink in green to indicate unloading
var blinkPhase = Math.sin( * 0.01) * 0.5 + 0.5;
self.asset.tint = blinkPhase < 0.5 ? 0x00FFA5 : 0xFFFFFF;
if (self.harvestedSpiceOnTripCounter <= 0) {
- console.log("Unloading finished...");
+ //console.log("Unloading finished...");
self.asset.tint = getPlayerTint(self.playerId);
self.harvestedSpiceOnTripCounter = 0;
self.harvestingMode = 0; // Reset harvesting mode
self.startHarvesting(); // Start a new harvesting cycle
self.stopOtherActions = function () {
- console.log("UnitHarvester stopOtherActions :");
+ //console.log("UnitHarvester stopOtherActions :");
self.harvestingMode = 0; // Reset harvesting mode
self.asset.tint = getPlayerTint(self.playerId);
// Additional properties and methods for UnitHarvester can be added here
@@ -1716,10 +1724,10 @@
console.log("getPlayerTint", id);
return player1.playerId === id ? player1.tint : player2.tint;
var gameIsRunning = false;
-var mapXSize = 30 * 2;
-var mapYSize = 31 * 2;
+var mapXSize = 20 * 2;
+var mapYSize = 21 * 2;
var tileSize = 100;
var mapHeight = game.height * 0.80;
var viewSize = Math.ceil(Math.max(game.width, game.height) / 2 / 100);
var viewPort = {
@@ -1754,8 +1762,9 @@
var globalTerrain = null;
var player1 = null;
var player2 = null;
var spiceSpots = [];
+var fogOfWar = [];
// Global variable to keep track of the previous energy level
var previousEnergyLevel = 0;
var currentSelection = null;
var currentBuildingForPlacement = null;
@@ -1819,11 +1828,11 @@
// Player 2 base
// Define a fixed rock ilot near the center right of the map
var rockIlot2Center = {
- x: 35,
+ x: 30,
//Math.floor(mapXSize * 0.85),// TEMP DEBUG !!!// TEMP DEBUG !!!// TEMP DEBUG !!!
- y: 35 //Math.floor(mapYSize * 0.5)// TEMP DEBUG !!!// TEMP DEBUG !!!// TEMP DEBUG !!!
+ y: 30 //Math.floor(mapYSize * 0.5)// TEMP DEBUG !!!// TEMP DEBUG !!!// TEMP DEBUG !!!
var rockIlot2Radius = 4;
for (var x = rockIlot2Center.x - rockIlot2Radius; x <= rockIlot2Center.x + rockIlot2Radius; x++) {
for (var y = rockIlot2Center.y - rockIlot2Radius; y <= rockIlot2Center.y + rockIlot2Radius; y++) {
@@ -1900,8 +1909,9 @@
// Add the map to the game
+ initFogOfWar();
function initSpiceSpots() {
var quarterWidth = Math.floor(mapXSize / 2);
var quarterHeight = Math.floor(mapYSize / 2);
@@ -1909,9 +1919,9 @@
var startX = i % 2 * quarterWidth;
var startY = Math.floor(i / 2) * quarterHeight;
var ilotCenterX = startX + Math.floor(Math.random() * quarterWidth);
var ilotCenterY = startY + Math.floor(Math.random() * quarterHeight);
- var ilotRadius = 2 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 3); // Radius between 2 and 4
+ var ilotRadius = 4 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
for (var x = ilotCenterX - ilotRadius; x <= ilotCenterX + ilotRadius; x++) {
for (var y = ilotCenterY - ilotRadius; y <= ilotCenterY + ilotRadius; y++) {
if (x >= 0 && x < mapXSize && y >= 0 && y < mapYSize && globalTerrain[x][y] === 0) {
globalTerrain[x][y] = 2; // Mark as spice
@@ -1928,8 +1938,27 @@
+function initFogOfWar() {
+ for (var x = 0; x < mapXSize; x++) {
+ for (var y = 0; y < mapYSize; y++) {
+ fogOfWar.push({
+ x: x,
+ y: y
+ });
+ gameMap.cells[x][y].fog = true;
+ gameMap.cells[x][y].fogAsset = LK.getAsset('fogOfWar', {
+ x: x * 100,
+ y: y * 100,
+ tint: 0x000000
+ });
+ }
+ }
+function updateFogOfWar() {
+ console.log("updateFogOfWar...");
//#region Event listeners
var dragStart = null;
var dragDelta = 0;
function handleDragStart(obj) {
a tileable sand terrain tile.
A square tileable rock terrain tile WITHOUT BBORDER. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. No shadows. No Border
Zenith view of Dune's Wind Trap power facility square fence. Ressembles a bit to Sydney's Opera. Zenith view Directly from above.
grey cancel icon. UI
thin white circle empty.
Zenith view of a white rectangular Harvester shape of a garbage truck with a triangular head. Harvesting on sand, with flowing spice in the back. inside a square fence. Zenith view. Directly overhead. Plumb view.
Minimal Ui icon of an right sign aside with an icon of a target. sand background
Minimal icon of a home with direction icon pointing to the home. sand background
3 white flat isometric concentric circles like a target.
Remove background
Gray background
Minimal Ui icon of target sign on a fire icon.. sand background
top view of an explosion effect.
Simple heavy army tank factory buiding a tank with a crane. Square fence... Zenith view Directly overhead. Plumb view.
an empty black popup UI. UI