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allow diagonal movements for units
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Code edit (9 edits merged)
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Please fix the bug: 'ReferenceError: newCell is not defined' in or related to this line: 'self.cellX = Math.floor(newCell.cellX / tileSize);' Line Number: 805
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '8')' in or related to this line: 'if (self.harvestingMode == 1 && self.harvestedSpiceOnCellCounter < 200 && gameMap.cells[self.cellX][self.cellY].spice) {' Line Number: 833
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '7')' in or related to this line: 'if (self.harvestingMode == 1 && self.harvestedSpiceOnCellCounter < 200 && gameMap.cells[self.cellX][self.cellY].spice) {' Line Number: 833
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '6')' in or related to this line: 'if (self.harvestingMode == 1 && self.harvestedSpiceOnCellCounter < 200 && gameMap.cells[self.cellX][self.cellY].spice) {' Line Number: 833
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'spice')' in or related to this line: 'if (self.harvestingMode == 1 && self.harvestedSpiceOnCellCounter < 200 && gameMap.cells[self.cellX][self.cellY].spice) {' Line Number: 833
Code edit (2 edits merged)
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'spice')' in or related to this line: 'if (self.harvestingMode == 1 && self.harvestedSpiceOnCellCounter < 200 && gameMap.cells[self.cellX][self.cellY].spice) {' Line Number: 833
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'unit')' in or related to this line: 'gameMap.cells[self.cellX][self.cellY].unit = self;' Line Number: 747
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'spice')' in or related to this line: 'if (self.harvestingMode == 1 && self.harvestedSpiceOnCellCounter < 200 && gameMap.cells[self.cellX][self.cellY].spice) {' Line Number: 833
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'spice')' in or related to this line: 'if (self.harvestingMode == 1 && self.harvestedSpiceOnCellCounter < 200 && gameMap.cells[self.cellX][self.cellY].spice) {' Line Number: 833
Code edit (2 edits merged)
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '9.366666666666676')' in or related to this line: 'if (self.harvestingMode == 1 && self.harvestedSpiceOnCellCounter < 200 && gameMap.cells[self.cellX][self.cellY].spice) {' Line Number: 833
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'spice')' in or related to this line: 'if (self.harvestingMode == 1 && self.harvestedSpiceOnCellCounter < 200 && gameMap.cells[self.cellX][self.cellY].spice) {' Line Number: 833
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -16,9 +16,8 @@
if (self.action && typeof self.action.handler === 'function') {
currentSelection.selectedAction = self.action.code;
currentUserActionState = UserActionState.SET_ORDER_TARGET;
console.log('Wait target for action ' +;
- //self.action.handler();
if (!targetMoveCursor) {
targetMoveCursor = game.addChild(new TargetMoveCursor());
@@ -163,15 +162,12 @@
self.buildable = buildable || []; // New property to store what the building can build
self.asset = self.attachAsset(type, {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
- //tint: getPlayerTint(playerId), // Color building to player tint
self.asset.x = self.x;
self.asset.y = self.y;
self.buildingQueue = [];
- // Initialize building-specific properties here
- // ...
return self;
var WindTrap = Building.expand(function (x, y, playerId) {
var self =, x, y, 'windTrap', 'Wind Trap', playerId, 2, 2);
@@ -317,9 +313,9 @@
x: 15,
y: 20
// Create a Text2 object to display the currentViewCenter coordinates
- self.viewCenterText = new Text2(self.currentViewCenter.x + ', ' + self.currentViewCenter.y, {
+ self.viewCenterText = new Text2('Center', {
size: 50,
fill: '#ffffff',
align: 'center'
@@ -327,20 +323,13 @@;
self.render = function () {
// Move tiles instead of the view
- //console.log("viewPort ", viewPort);
for (var x = viewPort.wCellX; x < viewPort.wCellX + viewPort.cellW; x++) {
for (var y = viewPort.wCellY; y < viewPort.wCellY + viewPort.cellH; y++) {
if (x >= 0 && x < self.cells.length && y >= 0 && y < self.cells[x].length) {
var cell = self.cells[x][y];
var asset = cell.asset;
- /*
- var coord = worldCellToScreenCell(x, y);
- var screenX = coord.cellX * 100;
- var screenY = coord.cellY * 100;
- */
- //console.log("cell " + x, ',' + y + " =>" + screenX, screenY);
var screenCoord = worldCellToScreenCoord(x, y);
var screenX = screenCoord.x;
var screenY = screenCoord.y;
asset.x = screenX;
@@ -359,11 +348,10 @@
// Render buildings
var building = cell.building;
if (building) {
- //console.log("Building at ", x, y, " screen : ", screenX, screenY);
- building.asset.x = screenX - (building.cellW - 2) / 2 * tileSize; // Adjust for building size
- building.asset.y = screenY - (building.cellH - 2) / 2 * tileSize; // Adjust for building size
+ building.asset.x = screenX - (building.cellW - 2) / 2 * tileSize;
+ building.asset.y = screenY - (building.cellH - 2) / 2 * tileSize;
@@ -489,28 +477,14 @@
return neighbors;
self.lastInputPosition = null;
self.handleDrag = function (input) {
- // Clamp the view center to the map boundaries
- /*var targetX = Math.max(11, Math.min(self.currentViewCenter.x + input.x, mapXSize - 4));
- var targetY = Math.max(14, Math.min(self.currentViewCenter.y + input.y, mapYSize - 9));
- self.currentViewCenter.x = Math.round(self.currentViewCenter.x + (targetX - self.currentViewCenter.x) * dragSpeed);
- self.currentViewCenter.y = Math.round(self.currentViewCenter.y + (targetY - self.currentViewCenter.y) * dragSpeed);
- */
- /*
- viewPort.wX = Math.max(0, Math.min(mapXSize - viewPort.cellW, viewPort.wX + input.x));
- viewPort.wY = Math.max(0, Math.min(mapYSize - viewPort.cellH, viewPort.wY + input.y));
- viewPort.wCellX = Math.max(0, Math.min(mapXSize - viewPort.cellW, viewPort.wX + input.x));
- viewPort.wCellY = Math.max(0, Math.min(mapYSize - viewPort.cellH, viewPort.wY + input.y));
- */
viewPort.wCellX = Math.max(0, Math.min(mapXSize - viewPort.cellW, viewPort.wCellX + input.x));
viewPort.wCellY = Math.max(0, Math.min(mapYSize - viewPort.cellH, viewPort.wCellY + input.y));
viewPort.wX = viewPort.wCellX * tileSize;
viewPort.wY = viewPort.wCellY * tileSize;
- console.log("handling drag...", input, input.x, input.y);
// Update the Text2 object with the new coordinates
- self.viewCenterText.setText(self.currentViewCenter.x + ', ' + self.currentViewCenter.y + '\r\n' + viewPort.wCellX + ',' + viewPort.wCellY);
- //selectionMarker.setOnElement(currentSelection);
+ self.viewCenterText.setText(viewPort.wCellX + ',' + viewPort.wCellY);
self.checkCollisions = function () {
// Handle collisions between units and obstacles
@@ -609,23 +583,16 @@
self.selectionCross.alpha = 1;
self.selectionCircle.alpha = 0;
if (element.isUnit) {
- elementDeltaX = 0;
- elementDeltaY = 500;
+ elementDeltaX = 0; //tileSize/2;
+ elementDeltaY = 0; //tileSize/2;
self.selectionCross.alpha = 0;
self.selectionCircle.alpha = 0.9;
- var centerDeltaX = (gameMap.currentViewCenter.x - 15) * 100;
- var centerDeltaY = (gameMap.currentViewCenter.y - 15) * 100;
- //var cellElt = screenCoordToWorldCell(element.x, element.y);
- var cellElt = worldCoordToScreenCell(element.x, element.y);
- console.log("element at : " + element.x + ',' + element.y);
- //self.x = element.x - centerDeltaX + elementDeltaX;
- //self.y = element.y - centerDeltaY + elementDeltaY;
- self.x = cellElt.cellX * tileSize + elementDeltaX;
- self.y = cellElt.cellY * tileSize + elementDeltaY;
- console.log("SelectionMarker at : " + cellElt.wCellX + ',' + cellElt.wCellY + ' => ' + self.x + ',' + self.y);
+ var eltCoord = worldCoordToScreenCoord(element.x, element.y);
+ self.x = eltCoord.x + elementDeltaX;
+ self.y = eltCoord.y + elementDeltaY;
self.visible = true;
self.hide = function () {
console.log('SelectionMarker hidden');
@@ -639,9 +606,8 @@
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.updatePosition = function (position) {
- //console.log("moving at : " + position.x + ',' + position.y);
self.x = position.x;
self.y = position.y;
game.on('move', function (obj) {
@@ -656,11 +622,8 @@
self.visible = true;
- /*game.on('up', function () {
- self.destroy();
- });*/
return self;
var Unit = Container.expand(function (cellX, cellY, playerId, type) {
var self =;
@@ -671,11 +634,9 @@
self.isMoving = true;
self.onArrivedCallback = callback;
self.updateMovement = function (delta) {
- //console.log("updateMovement", delta);
if (!self.isMoving) {
- //console.log("updateMovement not moving ", self.path, self.pathIndex, self.onArrivedCallback);
if (!self.path || self.pathIndex >= self.path.length) {
console.log("updateMovement will stop ", self.path, self.pathIndex, self.onArrivedCallback);
@@ -691,29 +652,14 @@
var targetCell = {
cellX: self.cellX + targetPathStep.cellX,
cellY: self.cellY + targetPathStep.cellY
- var fixedX = Math.floor((self.x - (gameMap.currentViewCenter.x + viewSize) * 100) / 100);
- var fixedY = Math.floor((self.y - (gameMap.currentViewCenter.y + viewSize) * 100) / 100);
- var coords = getCoordsForUnit(self);
- //console.log("self.x/y", self.x, self.y);
- //console.log("asset.x/y", self.asset.x, self.asset.y);
- //console.log("parent.x/y", self.parent.x, self.parent.y);
- //console.log("coords", coords.x, coords.y);
- //console.log("moving...", {
- // x: self.cellX,
- // y: self.cellY
- //}, ' to ', targetCell, ' fixed :' + fixedX + ',' + fixedY);
- //var targetCoords = getCoordsForUnit(targetCell);
var targetCoords = worldCellToScreenCoord(targetCell.cellX, targetCell.cellY);
- //console.log("targetCoords", targetCoords.x, targetCoords.y);
var dx = targetCoords.x + tileSize / 2 - self.x;
var dy = targetCoords.y + tileSize / 2 - self.y;
var distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
- //console.log("distance", distance, ' / dx,dy=' + dx, ',', dy);
var step = self.speed * delta;
if (distance < step) {
- //console.log("reached step", distance);
self.x = targetCoords.x + tileSize / 2;
self.y = targetCoords.y + tileSize / 2;
// Update map
gameMap.cells[self.cellX][self.cellY].unit = null;
@@ -729,16 +675,14 @@
self.onArrivedCallback = null;
} else {
- //console.log("advance by ", dx / distance * step);
var angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
self.asset.rotation = angle - Math.PI / 2;
self.x += Math.cos(angle) * step;
self.y += Math.sin(angle) * step;
if (selectionMarker.currentElement == self) {
- //console.log("current selection moving...");
self.playerId = playerId;
@@ -758,13 +702,8 @@
self.x = cellX * tileSize;
self.y = cellY * tileSize;
self.cellW = 1;
self.cellH = 1;
- /*
- var targetCoords = getCoordsForUnit(self);
- self.x = targetCoords.x;
- self.y = targetCoords.y;
- */
console.log("New unit " + + ' at ', self.x, ',', self.y, ' [' + self.cellX + ',' + self.cellY + ']');
self.asset.on('down', function () {
console.log("Unit selected");
currentSelection = self;
@@ -774,24 +713,19 @@
self.onArrivedCallback = null;
self.handleDrag = function () {
var newCoord = worldCellToScreenCoord(self.cellX, self.cellY);
- self.x = newCoord.x;
- self.y = newCoord.y;
- self.cellX = Math.floor(self.x / tileSize);
- self.cellY = Math.floor(self.y / tileSize);
- /*var newCell= worldCellToScreenCell(self.cellX, self.cellY);
- self.cellX = newCell.cellX;
- self.cellY = newCell.cellY;*/
+ self.x = newCoord.x + tileSize / 2;
+ self.y = newCoord.y + tileSize / 2;
return self;
var UnitHarvester = Unit.expand(function (x, y, playerId) {
var self =, x, y, playerId, 'unitHarvester');
self.harvestedSpiceCapacity = 600;
self.harvestedSpiceOnTripCounter = 0;
self.harvestedSpiceOnCellCounter = 0;
- self.harvestingMode = 0; // 0 : Idle / 1 : harvesting / 2 : unload
+ self.harvestingMode = 0; // 0 : Idle / 1 : harvesting / 2 : returning / 3 : unload
self.harvestSpeed = 2; // TEMP DEBUG !!!TEMP DEBUG !!!TEMP DEBUG !!! 0.25; // Adjust this value to control the speed of harvesting
self.unloadSpeed = 1; // TEMP DEBUG !!!TEMP DEBUG !!!TEMP DEBUG !!! 0.25; // Adjust this value to control the speed of harvesting
self.startHarvesting = function () {
@@ -804,26 +738,25 @@
}, {
x: closestSpiceSpot.x,
y: closestSpiceSpot.y
- console.log("path :", path);
self.harvestingMode = 1;
self.startUnloading = function () {
- self.harvestingMode = 2;
+ self.harvestingMode = 3;
console.log("Unloading spice...");
self.update = function () {
if (self.harvestingMode == 1 && self.harvestedSpiceOnCellCounter < 200 && gameMap.cells[self.cellX][self.cellY].spice) {
self.harvestedSpiceOnTripCounter += self.harvestSpeed;
self.harvestedSpiceOnCellCounter += self.harvestSpeed;
- //console.log('Harvested Spice Counter:', self.harvestedSpiceOnCellCounter); //, ' cell ' + self.cellX + ',' + self.cellY, ' of map ', gameMap.cells[self.cellX][self.cellY]);
if (self.harvestedSpiceOnCellCounter >= 200) {
self.asset.tint = 0xFFFFFF;
gameMap.clearCellSpice(self.cellX, self.cellY);
if (self.harvestedSpiceOnTripCounter >= self.harvestedSpiceCapacity) {
+ self.harvestingMode = 2; // Returning
self.harvestedSpiceOnCellCounter = 0;
var closestRefinery = findClosestRefinery(self);
if (closestRefinery) {
var path = gameMap.findPath({
@@ -850,9 +783,9 @@
self.asset.tint = blinkPhase < 0.5 ? 0xFFA500 : 0xFFFFFF;
self.asset.rotation += 45 / 400 * (Math.PI / 180);
- if (self.harvestingMode == 2) {
+ if (self.harvestingMode == 3) {
self.harvestedSpiceOnTripCounter -= self.unloadSpeed;
// Add the unloaded spice to the player's spice counter
player1.spice += self.unloadSpeed; // TODO : update for Player 2
@@ -936,9 +869,9 @@
// Find the first available place around the refinery
var path = findAvailablePositionAroundRefinery(x, y);
if (path.length > 0) {
unit.moveAlongPath(path, function () {
- harvestActionLogic(unit);
+ harvestActionLogic(unit); // TEMP DEBUG !!!// TEMP DEBUG !!!// TEMP DEBUG !!!
// Add additional cases for other unit classes as needed
@@ -1143,15 +1076,15 @@
wX: 0,
wY: 0,
wCellX: 0,
wCellY: 0,
- cellW: Math.floor(game.width / tileSize),
+ cellW: Math.floor(game.width / tileSize) + 1,
// ~20
- cellH: Math.floor(mapHeight / tileSize) // ~21
+ cellH: Math.floor(mapHeight / tileSize) + 1 // ~21
// Init view port
-viewPort.wCellX = Math.max(0, Math.min(mapXSize - viewPort.cellW, viewPort.wCellX)); // + game.width/2));
-viewPort.wCellY = Math.max(0, Math.min(mapYSize - viewPort.cellH, viewPort.wCellY)); // + game.height/2));
+viewPort.wCellX = Math.max(0, Math.min(mapXSize - viewPort.cellW, viewPort.wCellX));
+viewPort.wCellY = Math.max(0, Math.min(mapYSize - viewPort.cellH, viewPort.wCellY));
viewPort.wX = viewPort.wCellX * tileSize;
viewPort.wY = viewPort.wCellY * tileSize;
var dragSpeed = 0.15;
var gameMap = new Map();
@@ -1218,9 +1151,8 @@
gameMap.cells[rockIlot1Center.x][rockIlot1Center.y].building = initialConstructionYard;
applyCellOccupation(rockIlot1Center.x, rockIlot1Center.y);
// Add a new harvester to player 1
- //spawnUnit('unitHarvester', rockIlot1Center.x, rockIlot1Center.y - 2, player1.playerId);
// Define a fixed rock ilot near the center right of the map
var rockIlot2Center = {
x: Math.floor(mapXSize * 0.85),
y: Math.floor(mapYSize * 0.5)
@@ -1287,82 +1219,29 @@
y: currentPos.y
updateMouseCoords(input.x, input.y);
if (currentUserActionState === UserActionState.PLACING_BUILDINGS) {
- //console.log("User is moving building..." + Math.floor(input.x) + ',' + Math.floor(input.y), currentBuildingForPlacement);
- var cellCoord = screenCoordToWorldCell(input.x, input.y); //getCellForPlacement(input.x, input.y, currentBuildingForPlacement);
+ var cellCoord = screenCoordToWorldCell(input.x, input.y);
var cellX = cellCoord.wCellX;
var cellY = cellCoord.wCellY;
var isValidPlacement = checkBuildingPlacement(currentBuildingForPlacement, cellX, cellY);
- //console.log("Verif coords : " + cellX + ',' + cellY);
if (currentBuildingForPlacement && currentBuildingForPlacement.asset) {
currentBuildingForPlacement.asset.tint = isValidPlacement ? 0x00FF00 : 0xFF0000;
currentBuildingForPlacement.visible = input.y + currentBuildingForPlacement.cellH * tileSize < mapHeight;
- //var cursorCellCoord = getCursorCellForMovement(input, currentBuildingForPlacement);
- currentBuildingForPlacement.x = (cellX + currentBuildingForPlacement.cellW / 2) * tileSize; //cursorCellCoord.cellX;
- currentBuildingForPlacement.y = (cellY + currentBuildingForPlacement.cellH / 2) * tileSize; //cursorCellCoord.cellY;
- //console.log("Follow coords : " + currentBuildingForPlacement.x + ',' + currentBuildingForPlacement.y);
+ currentBuildingForPlacement.x = (cellX + currentBuildingForPlacement.cellW / 2) * tileSize;
+ currentBuildingForPlacement.y = (cellY + currentBuildingForPlacement.cellH / 2) * tileSize;
} else if (dragStart) {
- //console.log("Drag move...");
var deltaX = currentPos.x - dragStart.x;
var deltaY = currentPos.y - dragStart.y;
var inputPosition = {
x: Math.round(-deltaX / tileSize),
y: Math.round(-deltaY / tileSize)
var allUnits = player1.units.concat(player2.units);
- var vpWX = viewPort.wX;
- var vpWY = viewPort.wY;
- console.log("vp before : " + viewPort.wX + ',' + viewPort.wY);
allUnits.forEach(function (unit) {
- console.log("unit coords : " + unit.x + ',' + unit.y);
- /*
- console.log("unit cells : " + unit.cellX + ',' + unit.cellY);
- console.log("delta coords : " + deltaX + ',' + deltaY);
- console.log("vp after : " + (viewPort.wX) + ',' + (viewPort.wY));
- console.log("vp Delta : " + (viewPort.wX-vpWX) + ',' + (viewPort.wY-vpWY));
- */
- //var newCoord = worldCoordToScreenCoord(unit.x, unit.y);
- //console.log("newCoord : " + newCoord.x + ',' + newCoord.y);
- /*unit.x = newCoord.x;
- unit.y = newCoord.y;
- unit.cellX = Math.floor(unit.x / tileSize);
- unit.cellY = Math.floor(unit.y / tileSize);
- */
- //unit.cellX = Math.max(0, Math.min(mapXSize - viewPort.cellW, unit.cellX + inputPosition.x));
- //unit.cellY = Math.max(0, Math.min(mapYSize - viewPort.cellH, unit.cellY + inputPosition.y));
- /*
- var worldOldPos = worldCoordToScreenCoord(unit.x, unit.y);
- var newWorldPos = screenCoordToWorldCoord(worldOldPos.x, worldOldPos.y);
- console.log("newWorldPos : " + newWorldPos.wX + ',' + newWorldPos.wY);
- unit.x = newWorldPos.wX;
- unit.y = newWorldPos.wY;
- unit.cellX = Math.floor(unit.x / tileSize);
- unit.cellX = Math.floor(unit.y * tileSize);
- */
- /*
- unit.cellX += deltaX;
- unit.cellY += deltaY;
- unit.x += deltaX * tileSize;
- unit.y += deltaY * tileSize;
- */
- /*
- var targetX = Math.max(11, Math.min(gameMap.currentViewCenter.x + inputPosition.x, mapXSize - 4));
- var targetY = Math.max(14, Math.min(gameMap.currentViewCenter.y + inputPosition.y, mapYSize - 9));
- var newCenterX = Math.round(gameMap.currentViewCenter.x + (targetX - gameMap.currentViewCenter.x) * dragSpeed);
- var newCenterY = Math.round(gameMap.currentViewCenter.y + (targetY - gameMap.currentViewCenter.y) * dragSpeed);
- var deltaX = gameMap.currentViewCenter.x - newCenterX;
- var deltaY = gameMap.currentViewCenter.y - newCenterY;
- //console.log("target coords : " + targetX + ',' + targetY);
- //console.log("center coords : " + gameMap.currentViewCenter.x + ',' + gameMap.currentViewCenter.y);
- //console.log("input coords : " + inputPosition.x + ',' + inputPosition.y);
- console.log("delta coords : " + deltaX + ',' + deltaY);
- unit.x += deltaX * tileSize;
- unit.y += deltaY * tileSize;
- */
dragDelta = Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY);
@@ -1380,16 +1259,11 @@
dragDelta = 0;
if (currentUserActionState === UserActionState.PLACING_BUILDINGS) {
- var cellCoord = screenCoordToWorldCell(input.x, input.y); //getCellForPlacement(input.x, input.y, currentBuildingForPlacement);
+ var cellCoord = screenCoordToWorldCell(input.x, input.y);
var cellX = cellCoord.wCellX;
var cellY = cellCoord.wCellY;
- /*
- var cellCoord = getCellForPlacement(input.x, input.y, currentBuildingForPlacement);
- var cellX = cellCoord.cellX;
- var cellY = cellCoord.cellY;
- */
var isValidPlacement = checkBuildingPlacement(currentBuildingForPlacement, cellX, cellY);
if (!isValidPlacement) {
@@ -1399,21 +1273,20 @@
dragStart = null;
dragDelta = 0;
} else if (currentUserActionState === UserActionState.SET_ORDER_TARGET) {
if (currentSelection && currentSelection.isUnit) {
- var cellCoord = convertCoordsToCell(input.x, input.y);
+ var cellCoord = screenCoordToWorldCell(input.x, input.y); //convertCoordsToCell(input.x, input.y);
currentSelection.destinationTarget = {
- x: cellCoord.cellX,
- y: cellCoord.cellY
+ x: cellCoord.wCellX,
+ y: cellCoord.wCellY
- console.log( + ' received new destination target: ' + cellCoord.cellX + ',' + cellCoord.cellY);
// Call the action handler with the target position
if (currentSelection.actions && currentSelection.selectedAction) {
console.log(currentSelection.selectedAction + ' received ');
var actionInfo = actionRepository.getActionInfo(currentSelection.selectedAction);
if (actionInfo && actionInfo.handler) {
console.log('Call action handler : ', actionInfo);
- actionInfo.handler(currentSelection, cellCoord.cellX, cellCoord.cellY);
+ actionInfo.handler(currentSelection, cellCoord.wCellX, cellCoord.wCellY);
if (targetMoveCursor) {
console.log('hiding move cursor ...');
@@ -1432,9 +1305,8 @@
console.log("Click at cell " + cellX + ',' + cellY);
var deltaToSelection = 99;
if (currentSelection && currentSelection.isUnit) {
var selCell = getCellForUnit(currentSelection);
- console.log("currentSelection = " + + " at " + selCell.cellX + ',' + selCell.cellY);
deltaToSelection = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.abs(selCell.cellX - cellX), 2) + Math.pow(Math.abs(selCell.cellY - cellY), 2));
if (cellX >= 0 && cellX < gameMap.cells.length && cellY >= 0 && cellY < gameMap.cells[cellX].length) {
var cell = gameMap.cells[cellX][cellY];
@@ -1593,23 +1465,8 @@
cellX: Math.floor(x / 100) + gameMap.currentViewCenter.x - Math.ceil(game.width / 2 / 100) - 3,
cellY: Math.floor(y / 100) + gameMap.currentViewCenter.y - Math.ceil(game.height / 2 / 100)
-var getCellForPlacement = function getCellForPlacement(x, y, building) {
- var cX = Math.floor(x / 100) + gameMap.currentViewCenter.x - Math.ceil(game.width / 2 / 100) - 4;
- var cY = Math.floor(y / 100) + gameMap.currentViewCenter.y - Math.ceil(game.height / 2 / 100) - 1;
- if (building && building.cellW && building.cellH) {
- return {
- cellX: cX + Math.floor(building.cellW / 2),
- cellY: cY + Math.floor(building.cellH / 2)
- };
- } else {
- return {
- cellX: cX,
- cellY: cY
- };
- }
var getCellForUnit = function getCellForUnit(unit) {
var centerDeltaX = gameMap.currentViewCenter.x - Math.ceil(game.width / 2 / 100);
var centerDeltaY = gameMap.currentViewCenter.y - Math.ceil(game.height / 2 / 100);
var cX = Math.floor(unit.x / 100) + centerDeltaX + unit.cellW / 2 + Math.floor(unit.cellW / 2) - 5;
@@ -1618,37 +1475,8 @@
cellX: cX,
cellY: cY
-var getCoordsForUnit = function getCoordsForCell(cell) {
- //console.log("getCoordsForUnit :", cell.cellX, ',', cell.cellY);
- //console.log("currentViewCenter :", gameMap.currentViewCenter.x, ',', gameMap.currentViewCenter.y);
- var centerDeltaX = -1;
- var centerDeltaY = -6;
- var x = (cell.cellX + centerDeltaX) * 100 + 50;
- var y = (cell.cellY + centerDeltaY) * 100 + 50;
- /*
- var centerDeltaX = gameMap.currentViewCenter.x - Math.ceil(game.width / 2 / 100) - 4;
- var centerDeltaY = gameMap.currentViewCenter.y - Math.ceil(game.height / 2 / 100) - 6;
- var x = (cell.cellX + centerDeltaX) * 100;
- var y = (cell.cellY + centerDeltaY) * 100;
- */
- //console.log("=> :", x, ',', y);
- return {
- x: x,
- y: y
- };
-var getCursorCellForMovement = function getCursorCellForMovement(input, building) {
- var centerDeltaX = gameMap.currentViewCenter.x - Math.ceil(game.width / 2 / 100);
- var centerDeltaY = gameMap.currentViewCenter.y - Math.ceil(game.height / 2 / 100);
- var cX = (Math.floor(input.x / 100) + centerDeltaX + building.cellW / 2 + Math.floor(building.cellW / 2) - 5) * 100;
- var cY = (Math.floor(input.y / 100) + centerDeltaY + Math.floor(building.cellH / 2) + building.cellH / 2 - 7) * 100;
- return {
- cellX: cX,
- cellY: cY
- };
// Global function to find the closest spice spot to a given position
var findClosestSpiceSpot = function findClosestSpiceSpot(x, y) {
var closestSpot = null;
var minDistance = Number.MAX_VALUE;
@@ -1684,16 +1512,14 @@
var buildableItemIcons = game.children.filter(function (child) {
return child instanceof BuildableItemIcon;
buildableItemIcons.forEach(function (icon) {
- //console.log('removing...', icon.type);
if (currentSelection && currentSelection.playerId === player1.playerId && currentSelection.buildable && currentSelection.buildable.length) {
var iconX = commandPanel.x + 200; // Starting X position for the first icon
var iconY = commandPanel.y + 220; // Y position for all icons
currentSelection.buildable.forEach(function (itemType) {
- //console.log('Add build button for ' + itemType);
var border = new IconBorder(iconX, iconY);
var icon = new BuildableItemIcon(itemType, iconX, iconY);
@@ -1731,25 +1557,13 @@
// Global function to update mouse coordinates text
var updateMouseCoords = function updateMouseCoords(x, y) {
- /*var cellCoord = convertCoordsToCell(x, y);
- if (game.mouseCoordsText) {
- game.mouseCoordsText.setText(Math.floor(x) + ',' + Math.floor(y) + '\r\n' + cellCoord.cellX + ',' + cellCoord.cellY);
- }*/
- /*
- var wCellCoords = getScreenToWorldCell(x, y);
- var wCoordCoords = getScreenToWorldCoord(x, y);
- if (game.mouseCoordsText) {
- game.mouseCoordsText.setText("S:" + Math.floor(x) + ',' + Math.floor(y)
- + '\r\n' + Math.floor(x / tileSize) + ',' + Math.floor(y / tileSize) + '\r\nW:' + Math.floor(wCellCoords.wCellX) + ',' + Math.floor(wCellCoords.wCellY) + '\r\n' + Math.floor(wCoordCoords.wX) + ',' + Math.floor(wCoordCoords.wY));
- }
- */
var wCell = screenCoordToWorldCell(x, y);
if (game.mouseCoordsText) {
game.mouseCoordsText.setText("S:" + Math.floor(x) + ',' + Math.floor(y) + '\r\n' + Math.floor(x / tileSize) + ',' + Math.floor(y / tileSize) + '\r\nW:' + Math.floor(wCell.wCellX) + ',' + Math.floor(wCell.wCellY));
- gameMap.viewCenterText.setText(gameMap.currentViewCenter.x + ', ' + gameMap.currentViewCenter.y + '\r\n' + viewPort.wCellX + ',' + viewPort.wCellY);
+ gameMap.viewCenterText.setText(viewPort.wCellX + ',' + viewPort.wCellY);
// Global function to update base info text
var updateBaseInfo = function updateBaseInfo() {
player1SpiceText.setText('| ' + player1.spice.toString());
@@ -1848,30 +1662,15 @@
LK.on('tick', function () {
// Render the map and update unit movement each tick
if (gameIsRunning) {
- /*if (currentSelection && currentSelection.isUnit) {
- currentSelection.updateMovement(1 / 60); // Assuming tick operates at 60FPS
- }*/
- //game.addChild(newHarvester.asset); // TEMP DEBUG
var allUnits = player1.units.concat(player2.units);
allUnits.forEach(function (unit) {
- //console.log("render unit " +, unit.x, unit.y);
- // Ensure the unit is added to the game container, not 'self' which is not defined in this context
- //console.log(" unit parent ", unit.asset.parent.parent.parent);
- /*if (!unit.asset.parent.parent.parent) {
- console.log("First add unit !", unit.asset.parent.parent.parent);
- game.addChild(unit.asset);
- } else { }*/
- //unit.updateMovement(1 / 60); // Assuming tick operates at 60FPS
+ unit.updateMovement(1 / 60); // Assuming tick operates at 60FPS
if (unit.update) {
- //unit.update();
+ unit.update();
- /*var screenX = (unit.cellX - 2 - gameMap.currentViewCenter.x + viewSize) * unit.asset.width;
- var screenY = (unit.cellY - 3 - gameMap.currentViewCenter.y + viewSize) * unit.asset.height;
- unit.x = screenX;
- unit.y = screenY;*/
a tileable sand terrain tile.
A square tileable rock terrain tile WITHOUT BBORDER. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. No shadows. No Border
Zenith view of Dune's Wind Trap power facility square fence. Ressembles a bit to Sydney's Opera. Zenith view Directly from above.
grey cancel icon. UI
thin white circle empty.
Zenith view of a white rectangular Harvester shape of a garbage truck with a triangular head. Harvesting on sand, with flowing spice in the back. inside a square fence. Zenith view. Directly overhead. Plumb view.
Minimal Ui icon of an right sign aside with an icon of a target. sand background
Minimal icon of a home with direction icon pointing to the home. sand background
3 white flat isometric concentric circles like a target.
Remove background
Gray background
Minimal Ui icon of target sign on a fire icon.. sand background
top view of an explosion effect.
Simple heavy army tank factory buiding a tank with a crane. Square fence... Zenith view Directly overhead. Plumb view.
an empty black popup UI. UI