Code edit (21 edits merged)
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User prompt
Fix Bug: 'TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'cellW')' in or related to this line: 'var cX = (Math.floor(input.x / 100) + centerDeltaX + building.cellW / 2 + Math.floor(building.cellW / 2) - 5) * 100;' Line Number: 1100
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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Code edit (1 edits merged)
Please save this source code
Code edit (15 edits merged)
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User prompt
Fix Bug: 'TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'addChild')' in or related to this line: 'self.addChild(unit.asset);' Line Number: 1241
Code edit (2 edits merged)
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User prompt
Fix Bug: 'Timeout.tick error: viewSize is not defined' in or related to this line: 'var screenX = (self.cellX - gameMap.currentViewCenter.x + viewSize) * self.asset.width;' Line Number: 452
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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Code edit (3 edits merged)
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User prompt
in render, concat player2 units to allUnits
User prompt
in render implement the loop that renders units
Code edit (4 edits merged)
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User prompt
I found the bug of unit not moving : unit is rendered in the render() function at the cell coordinates so the updateMovement changes are ignored. Fix the render function
Code edit (2 edits merged)
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User prompt
add the call updateMovement
Code edit (3 edits merged)
Please save this source code
User prompt
add the call to updateMovement
User prompt
rework moveUnit to use a delta and a continuous movement
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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Code edit (8 edits merged)
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User prompt
In moveActionLogic move the unit to the destination
User prompt
In handleDragEnd, when SET_ORDER_TARGET Use unit actions and handler instead of ‘actionHandler’
User prompt
In handleDragEnd, when SET_ORDER_TARGET call corresponding the action handler of the unit
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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* Classes
var TargetMoveCursor = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
self.asset = self.attachAsset('targetMoveCursor', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.updatePosition = function (position) {
//console.log("moving at : " + position.x + ',' + position.y);
self.x = position.x;
self.y = position.y;
game.on('move', function (obj) {
//console.log("moving cursor");
var pos = obj.event.getLocalPosition(game);
if (pos.y > game.height * 0.80) {
self.visible = false;
} else {
self.visible = true;
/*game.on('up', function () {
return self;
var BuildableItemIcon = Container.expand(function (type, x, y) {
var self =;
self.type = type;
self.asset = self.attachAsset(type, {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
x: x,
y: y,
width: 200,
height: 200
self.asset.on('down', function () {
if (!self.asset.interactive) {
if (currentBuildingForPlacement) {
currentUserActionState = UserActionState.PLACING_BUILDINGS;
console.log("User is placing ", currentBuildingForPlacement);
var progressDisplay = new BuildingProgressDisplay(self);
enqueueBuildable(self, progressDisplay);
game.children.forEach(function (child) {
if (child instanceof BuildableItemIcon) {
child.alpha = 0.75;
var buildableInfo = buildableRepository.getBuildableInfo(type);
self.label = new Text2(, {
size: 30,
fill: '#000000',
font: "'GillSans-Bold',Impact,'Arial Black',Tahoma"
self.label.x = self.asset.x - / 2 * 13;
self.label.y = self.asset.y + 120;
self.setLabelToPlace = function () {
self.label.x = self.asset.x - 38; // Recalculate x position for new text
self.restoreLabel = function () {
self.label.x = self.asset.x - / 2 * 13; // Recalculate x position for new text
return self;
var BuildingProgressDisplay = Container.expand(function (parentIcon) {
var self =;
self.parentIcon = parentIcon;
self.progressAsset = self.attachAsset('buildingProgress', {
anchorX: 0,
anchorY: .5,
alpha: 0.5,
width: 0,
x: parentIcon.asset.x - parentIcon.asset.width / 2,
y: parentIcon.asset.y
self.setProgress = function (progress) {
self.progressAsset.width = parentIcon.asset.width * progress;
self.hide = function () {
self.visible = false;
}; = function () {
self.visible = true;
return self;
// Initialize game elements
// Map class to represent the grid-based map system
var Map = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
self.cells = [];
self.init = function (width, height) {
for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
self.cells[x] = [];
for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) {
// Initialize each cell with default terrain, height, resources
self.cells[x][y] = {
height: 0,
resources: null,
terrain: null,
asset: null,
building: null
self.initTerrain = function (width, height) {
for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) {
// Initialize each cell with default terrain, height, resources
self.cells[x][y].terrain = globalTerrain[x][y] === 1 ? 'rock' : 'sand';
self.cells[x][y].asset = globalTerrain[x][y] === 1 ? new Rock(x, y) : new Sand(x, y);
self.currentViewCenter = {
x: 15,
y: 20
// Create a Text2 object to display the currentViewCenter coordinates
self.viewCenterText = new Text2(self.currentViewCenter.x + ', ' + self.currentViewCenter.y, {
size: 50,
fill: '#ffffff',
align: 'center'
// Position the text at the top center of the screen;
self.render = function () {
// Move tiles instead of the view
var viewSize = Math.ceil(Math.max(game.width, game.height) / 2 / 100); // Calculate viewSize based on game dimensions and tile size
for (var x = self.currentViewCenter.x - viewSize - 1; x <= self.currentViewCenter.x + viewSize; x++) {
for (var y = self.currentViewCenter.y - viewSize - 1; y <= self.currentViewCenter.y + viewSize; y++) {
if (x >= 0 && x < self.cells.length && y >= 0 && y < self.cells[x].length) {
var cell = self.cells[x][y];
var asset = cell.asset;
var screenX = (x - self.currentViewCenter.x + viewSize) * asset.width;
var screenY = (y - self.currentViewCenter.y + viewSize) * asset.height;
asset.x = screenX;
asset.y = screenY;
if (!asset.parent) {
// Render buildings
var building = cell.building;
if (building) {
//console.log('Render ' + + ' at ', screenX, screenY, " asset.width = " + asset.width);
building.asset.x = screenX - (building.cellW - 2) / 2 * 100;
building.asset.y = screenY - (building.cellH - 2) / 2 * 100;
// Render units
var unit = cell.unit;
if (unit) {
unit.asset.x = screenX;
unit.asset.y = screenY;
self.getNavigationMesh = function () {
// Create and return the navigation mesh for pathfinding
self.findPath = function (start, end) {
// Implement A* pathfinding algorithm
// Return the path from start to end
self.lastInputPosition = null;
self.handleInput = function (input) {
// Clamp the view center to the map boundaries
self.currentViewCenter.x = Math.max(14, Math.min(input.x, mapXSize - 7));
self.currentViewCenter.y = Math.max(14, Math.min(input.y, mapYSize - 9));
// Update the Text2 object with the new coordinates
self.viewCenterText.setText(self.currentViewCenter.x + ', ' + self.currentViewCenter.y);
self.checkCollisions = function () {
// Handle collisions between units and obstacles
self.serialize = function () {
// Serialize map data to a file
self.load = function (data) {
// Load map data from a file
var Sand = Container.expand(function (x, y) {
var self =;
self.asset = LK.getAsset('sand', {
x: x * 100,
y: y * 100
}); // Pre-create the asset for this cell
return self.asset;
var Rock = Container.expand(function (x, y) {
var self =;
self.asset = LK.getAsset('rock', {
x: x * 100,
y: y * 100
}); // Pre-create the asset for this cell
return self.asset;
var SelectionMarker = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
self.selectionCross = self.attachAsset('selectionCross', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
alpha: 1
self.selectionCircle = self.attachAsset('selectionCircle', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
alpha: 0
self.alpha = 0.5;
self.visible = false;
// Initially, we display the selectionCross
self.setOnElement = function (element) {
console.log('SelectionMarker setOnElement:', element);
if (!element) {
self.visible = false;
var elementDeltaX = 0;
var elementDeltaY = 0;
if (element.isBuilding) {
elementDeltaX = (element.cellW - 2) / 2 * 100;
elementDeltaY = (element.cellH - 2) / 2 * 100;
self.selectionCross.alpha = 1;
self.selectionCircle.alpha = 0;
if (element.isUnit) {
elementDeltaX = -100;
elementDeltaY = -100;
self.selectionCross.alpha = 0;
self.selectionCircle.alpha = 0.9;
var centerDeltaX = (gameMap.currentViewCenter.x - 15) * 100;
var centerDeltaY = (gameMap.currentViewCenter.y - 15) * 100;
self.x = element.x - centerDeltaX + elementDeltaX;
self.y = element.y - centerDeltaY + elementDeltaY;
self.visible = true;
self.hide = function () {
console.log('SelectionMarker hidden');
self.visible = false;
return self;
// Base Building class
var Building = Container.expand(function (x, y, type, name, playerId, cellW, cellH, buildable) {
var self =;
self.cellX = x;
self.cellY = y;
self.cellW = cellW || 1; // Default to 1x1 if not specified
self.cellH = cellH || 1; // Default to 1x1 if not specified
self.x = x * 100;
self.y = y * 100;
self.type = type;
self.isBuilding = true;
self.playerId = playerId; = name;
self.buildable = buildable || []; // New property to store what the building can build
self.asset = self.attachAsset(type, {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
//tint: getPlayerTint(playerId), // Color building to player tint
self.asset.x = self.x;
self.asset.y = self.y;
self.buildingQueue = [];
// Initialize building-specific properties here
// ...
return self;
var ConstructionYard = Building.expand(function (x, y, playerId) {
var self =, x, y, 'constructionYard', 'Construction Yard', playerId, 2, 2, buildableRepository.getBuildableInfo('constructionYard').buildable);
// Additional properties and methods for ConstructionYard can be added here
return self;
var WindTrap = Building.expand(function (x, y, playerId) {
var self =, x, y, 'windTrap', 'Wind Trap', playerId, 2, 2);
// Additional properties and methods for WindTrap can be added here
return self;
var SpiceRefinery = Building.expand(function (x, y, playerId) {
var self =, x, y, 'spiceRefinery', 'Spice Refinery', playerId, 3, 2);
// Additional properties and methods for SpiceRefinery can be added here
return self;
// BuildableRepository class to store reference information about all buildables
var BuildableRepository = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
self.buildables = {
'constructionYard': {
'name': 'Construction Yard',
'cost': 300,
'energy': 0,
'constructionTime': 10,
'className': 'ConstructionYard',
'buildable': ['windTrap', 'spiceRefinery']
'windTrap': {
'name': 'Wind Trap',
'cost': 300,
'energy': 100,
'constructionTime': 2,
'className': 'WindTrap',
'buildable': []
'spiceRefinery': {
'name': 'Spice Refinery',
'cost': 600,
'energy': -50,
'constructionTime': 4,
'className': 'SpiceRefinery',
'buildable': []
// Add more buildables as needed
self.getBuildableInfo = function (type) {
return self.buildables[type];
return self;
var Unit = Container.expand(function (x, y, playerId, type) {
var self =;
self.cellX = x;
self.cellY = y;
self.cellW = 1;
self.cellH = 1;
self.x = x * 100;
self.y = y * 100;
self.playerId = playerId;
var unitInfo = unitRepository.getUnitInfo(type); =;
self.type = type;
self.isUnit = true;
self.actions = unitInfo.actions;
self.asset = self.attachAsset(type, {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
tint: getPlayerTint(playerId)
self.asset.x = self.x;
self.asset.y = self.y;
self.asset.on('down', function () {
console.log("Unit selected");
currentSelection = self;
currentUserActionState = UserActionState.GIVING_ORDERS;
return self;
var UnitHarvester = Unit.expand(function (x, y, playerId) {
var self =, x, y, playerId, 'unitHarvester');
// Additional properties and methods for UnitHarvester can be added here
return self;
var ActionRepository = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
self.actions = {
'harvest': {
'name': 'Harvest',
'icon': 'harvestIcon',
'handler': function handler() {/* Harvest action logic */}
'move': {
'name': 'Move',
'icon': 'moveIcon',
'handler': moveActionLogic
'return': {
'name': 'Retreat',
'icon': 'returnIcon',
'handler': function handler() {/* Return action logic */}
self.getActionInfo = function (actionType) {
return self.actions[actionType];
return self;
var UnitRepository = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
self.units = {
'unitHarvester': {
'name': 'Spice Harvester',
'cost': 400,
'energy': 0,
'constructionTime': 5,
'className': 'UnitHarvester',
'actions': ['harvest', 'move', 'return']
// Add more units as needed
self.getUnitInfo = function (type) {
return self.units[type];
return self;
var Player = Container.expand(function (playerId, tint) {
var self =;
self.playerId = playerId;
self.resources = 0;
self.tint = 0xFFFFFF;
self.spice = 1000; // Initialize spice property with 1000 = 0; // Initialize spice property with 1000
// Initialize player-specific properties here
self.buildings = []; // Array to store all the player's buildings
self.units = []; // Array to store all the player's units
// ...
self.addUnit = function (unit) {
// Add the unit to the player's units array
// Update any unit-related properties or behaviors
// ...
self.addBuilding = function (building) {
// Add the building to the player's buildings array
// Update the energy production based on the new building
// If the building can produce or store resources, update those as well
// ... (additional resource management code can be added here)
self.updateEnergy = function () {
var counter = 0;
// Iterate through all buildings owned by the player
self.buildings.forEach(function (building) {
// Sum the energy provided by the building
var buildingInfo = buildableRepository.getBuildableInfo(building.type);
console.log("Count energy of " +;
var buildingInfo = buildableRepository.getBuildableInfo(building.type);
counter = Math.min(Math.max(counter +, 0), 100);
}); = counter;
console.log("Player " + self.playerId + " energy updated: " +;
return self;
// Command Panel class
var CommandPanel = Container.expand(function () {
var self =; = self.attachAsset('boardBackground', {
width: game.width,
height: game.height * 0.22,
color: 0x333333
// Set the center box position to the center of the screen
self.x = game.width / 2 - / 2;
self.y = game.height - self.height + game.height * 0.01;
var CancelActionButton = Container.expand(function (x, y) {
var self =;
self.asset = self.attachAsset('cancelAction', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
x: x,
y: y
// Add a label 'Cancel' below the cancel action button
self.label = new Text2('Cancel', {
size: 30,
fill: '#000000',
font: "'GillSans-Bold',Impact,'Arial Black',Tahoma"
self.label.x = self.asset.x - 40;
self.label.y = self.asset.y + 120;
self.asset.on('down', function () {
// Handle cancel action logic here
if (currentBuildingForPlacement) {
player1.spice += buildableRepository.getBuildableInfo(currentBuildingForPlacement.type).cost;
currentBuildingForPlacement = null;
currentUserActionState = UserActionState.NAVIGATING;
self.visible = false; // Hide the CancelActionButton
// Restore labels on all BuildableItemIcon instances
game.children.forEach(function (child) {
if (child instanceof BuildableItemIcon) {
console.log('Cancel action button pressed and building placement cancelled.');
return self;
var ActionItemIcon = Container.expand(function (action, x, y) {
var self =;
self.action = action;
self.asset = self.attachAsset(action.icon, {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
x: x,
y: y,
width: 200,
height: 200
self.asset.on('down', function () {
if (self.action && typeof self.action.handler === 'function') {
currentUserActionState = UserActionState.SET_ORDER_TARGET;
console.log('Wait target for action ' +;
self.label = new Text2(, {
size: 30,
fill: '#000000',
font: "'GillSans-Bold',Impact,'Arial Black',Tahoma"
self.label.x = self.asset.x - / 2 * 13;
self.label.y = self.asset.y + 120;
return self;
var IconBorder = Container.expand(function (x, y) {
var self =;
self.asset = self.attachAsset('iconBorder', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
x: x,
y: y
return self;
* Initialize Game
// Event listeners
// Instantiate and initialize the Map
var game = new LK.Game({
backgroundColor: 0x000000 // Init game with black background
* Game Code
function moveActionLogic() {
targetMoveCursor = game.addChild(new TargetMoveCursor());
function highlightBorder(borderX) {
var iconBorders = game.children.filter(function (child) {
return child instanceof IconBorder;
for (var i = 0; i < iconBorders.length; i++) {
var iconAsset = iconBorders[i].asset;
iconAsset.tint = iconAsset.x === borderX ? 0xffAAAA : 0xFFFFFF;
function getEnergyColor(energy) {
if (energy < 25) {
return '#ff1100'; // Red color for low energy
} else if (energy < 75) {
return '#d26600'; // Orange color for medium energy
} else {
return '#037d50'; // Original green color for high energy
function checkBuildingPlacement(newBuilding, cellX, cellY) {
if (newBuilding && 'cellW' in newBuilding) {
for (var w = 0; w < newBuilding.cellW; w++) {
for (var h = 0; h < newBuilding.cellH; h++) {
if (!gameMap.cells[cellX + w] || !gameMap.cells[cellX + w][cellY + h] || gameMap.cells[cellX + w][cellY + h].terrain !== 'rock' || gameMap.cells[cellX + w][cellY + h].building) {
return false;
return true;
function enqueueBuildable(selectedBuildable, progressDisplay) {
console.log("enqueueBuildable...", selectedBuildable);
if (!currentSelection || !currentSelection.buildable.includes(selectedBuildable.type)) {
console.log("Cannot build this item here.");
var buildableInfo = buildableRepository.getBuildableInfo(selectedBuildable.type);
if (player1.spice < buildableInfo.cost) {
console.log("Not enough resources to build.");
var constructionTime = buildableInfo.constructionTime;
var building;
switch (buildableInfo.className) {
case 'ConstructionYard':
building = new ConstructionYard(0, 0, player1.playerId);
case 'WindTrap':
building = new WindTrap(0, 0, player1.playerId);
case 'SpiceRefinery':
building = new SpiceRefinery(0, 0, player1.playerId);
// Add cases for other buildings as needed
building.constructionProgress = 0;
building.constructionTimer = LK.setInterval(function () {
building.constructionProgress += 0.1;
var progressFraction = building.constructionProgress / constructionTime;
// Deduct spice progressively based on construction progress
var costPerTick = buildableInfo.cost * 0.1 / constructionTime;
player1.spice -= costPerTick;
if (building.constructionProgress >= constructionTime) {
console.log(selectedBuildable.type + " construction completed.");
building.constructionTimer = null;
if (progressDisplay.parentIcon && typeof progressDisplay.parentIcon.setLabelToPlace === 'function') {
progressDisplay.parentIcon.setLabelToPlace(); // Change label text to 'Place'
console.log("Building Ready for placement ", building);
currentBuildingForPlacement = building;
game.children.forEach(function (child) {
if (child instanceof BuildableItemIcon) {
child.asset.interactive = true;
child.alpha = 1.0;
}, 100);
building.progressDisplay = progressDisplay;
game.children.forEach(function (child) {
if (child instanceof BuildableItemIcon) {
child.asset.interactive = false;
// Instantiate and display the CancelActionButton on the command panel
cancelActionBtn = new CancelActionButton(commandPanel.x + commandPanel.width - 200, commandPanel.y + 200);
var applyCellOccupation = function applyCellOccupation(cellX, cellY) {
var building = gameMap.cells[cellX][cellY].building;
if (building) {
for (var w = 0; w < building.cellW; w++) {
for (var h = 0; h < building.cellH; h++) {
if (cellX + w < gameMap.cells.length && cellY + h < gameMap.cells[0].length) {
gameMap.cells[cellX + w][cellY + h].building = building;
var getPlayerTint = function getPlayerTint(id) {
return player1.playerId === id ? player1.tint : player2.tint;
var gameIsRunning = false;
var mapXSize = 50;
var mapYSize = 30;
var gameMap = new Map();
var buildableRepository = new BuildableRepository();
var unitRepository = new UnitRepository();
var actionRepository = new ActionRepository();
// Define user action states
var UserActionState = {
NAVIGATING: 'navigating',
BUILDING: 'building',
PLACING_BUILDINGS: 'placing_buildings',
GIVING_ORDERS: 'giving_orders',
SET_ORDER_TARGET: 'set_order_target'
// Current state of user action
var currentUserActionState = UserActionState.NAVIGATING;
var globalTerrain = null;
var player1 = null;
var player2 = null;
// Global variable to keep track of the previous energy level
var previousEnergyLevel = 0;
var currentSelection = null;
var currentBuildingForPlacement = null;
var selectionMarker = null;
// Gui
var commandPanel = null;
var player1SpiceText = null;
var player1EnergyText = null;
var energyOffsetSufix = '% ';
var currentSelectionText = null;
var targetMoveCursor = null;
var cancelActionBtn = null;
var rockIlot1Center = {
x: 0,
y: 0
// Prepare the map
function prepareMap() {
globalTerrain = new Array(mapXSize).fill(0).map(function () {
return new Array(mapYSize).fill(0);
gameMap = new Map();
gameMap.init(mapXSize, mapYSize); // Initialize with a 20x20 grid
// Define a fixed rock ilot near the center left of the map
rockIlot1Center = {
x: Math.floor(mapXSize * 0.15),
y: Math.floor(mapYSize * 0.5)
console.log("rockIlot1Center : ", rockIlot1Center);
var rockIlot1Radius = 4;
for (var x = rockIlot1Center.x - rockIlot1Radius; x <= rockIlot1Center.x + rockIlot1Radius; x++) {
for (var y = rockIlot1Center.y - rockIlot1Radius; y <= rockIlot1Center.y + rockIlot1Radius; y++) {
if (x >= 0 && x < mapXSize && y >= 0 && y < mapYSize) {
globalTerrain[x][y] = 1;
console.log("rockIlot1Center at " + rockIlot1Center.x + ',' + rockIlot1Center.y);
var initialConstructionYard = new ConstructionYard(rockIlot1Center.x, rockIlot1Center.y, 1);
gameMap.cells[rockIlot1Center.x][rockIlot1Center.y].building = initialConstructionYard;
applyCellOccupation(rockIlot1Center.x, rockIlot1Center.y);
// Add a new harvester to player 1
var unitRepository = new UnitRepository();
var harvesterUnitInfo = unitRepository.getUnitInfo('unitHarvester');
var newHarvester = new UnitHarvester(rockIlot1Center.x, rockIlot1Center.y - 2, player1.playerId);
gameMap.cells[rockIlot1Center.x][rockIlot1Center.y - 2].unit = newHarvester;
// Define a fixed rock ilot near the center right of the map
var rockIlot2Center = {
x: Math.floor(mapXSize * 0.85),
y: Math.floor(mapYSize * 0.5)
var rockIlot2Radius = 4;
for (var x = rockIlot2Center.x - rockIlot2Radius; x <= rockIlot2Center.x + rockIlot2Radius; x++) {
for (var y = rockIlot2Center.y - rockIlot2Radius; y <= rockIlot2Center.y + rockIlot2Radius; y++) {
if (x >= 0 && x < mapXSize && y >= 0 && y < mapYSize) {
globalTerrain[x][y] = 1;
console.log("rockIlot2Center at " + rockIlot2Center.x + ',' + rockIlot2Center.y);
var initialConstructionYard2 = new ConstructionYard(rockIlot2Center.x, rockIlot2Center.y, 2);
gameMap.cells[rockIlot2Center.x][rockIlot2Center.y].building = initialConstructionYard2;
applyCellOccupation(rockIlot2Center.x, rockIlot2Center.y);
gameMap.initTerrain(mapXSize, mapYSize); // Initialize with a 20x20 grid
console.log('ConstructionYard1 cell :', gameMap.cells[rockIlot1Center.x][rockIlot1Center.y]);
selectionMarker = new SelectionMarker();
// Add the map to the game
//#region Event listeners
var dragStart = null;
function handleDragStart(obj) {
dragStart = obj.event.getLocalPosition(game);
function handleDragMove(obj) {
var currentPos = obj.event.getLocalPosition(game);
var input = {
x: currentPos.x,
y: currentPos.y
updateMouseCoords(input.x, input.y);
if (currentUserActionState === UserActionState.PLACING_BUILDINGS) {
console.log("User is moving building..." + Math.floor(input.x) + ',' + Math.floor(input.y), currentBuildingForPlacement);
var cellCoord = getCellForPlacement(input.x, input.y, currentBuildingForPlacement);
var cellX = cellCoord.cellX;
var cellY = cellCoord.cellY;
var isValidPlacement = checkBuildingPlacement(currentBuildingForPlacement, cellX, cellY);
console.log("Verif coords : " + cellX + ',' + cellY);
if (currentBuildingForPlacement && currentBuildingForPlacement.asset) {
currentBuildingForPlacement.asset.tint = isValidPlacement ? 0x00FF00 : 0xFF0000;
var cursorCellCoord = getCursorCellForMovement(input, currentBuildingForPlacement);
//currentBuildingForPlacement.x = (cellX - 1 + currentBuildingForPlacement.cellW / 2) * 100;
//currentBuildingForPlacement.y = (cellY - 1 - 5 + currentBuildingForPlacement.cellH / 2) * 100;
currentBuildingForPlacement.x = cursorCellCoord.cellX;
currentBuildingForPlacement.y = cursorCellCoord.cellY;
console.log("Follow coords : " + currentBuildingForPlacement.x + ',' + currentBuildingForPlacement.y);
} else if (dragStart) {
var deltaX = currentPos.x - dragStart.x;
var deltaY = currentPos.y - dragStart.y;
dragStart = currentPos; // Update dragStart to the current position
var inputPosition = {
x: gameMap.currentViewCenter.x - Math.round(deltaX / 100),
y: gameMap.currentViewCenter.y - Math.round(deltaY / 100)
function handleDragEnd(obj) {
var currentPos = obj.event.getLocalPosition(game);
var input = {
x: currentPos.x,
y: currentPos.y
console.log("Clicked at " + input.x + ',' + input.y);
if (input.y > game.height * 0.80) {
console.log("Clicked on board at " + input.x + ',' + input.y);
dragStart = null;
if (currentUserActionState === UserActionState.PLACING_BUILDINGS) {
var cellCoord = getCellForPlacement(input.x, input.y, currentBuildingForPlacement);
var cellX = cellCoord.cellX;
var cellY = cellCoord.cellY;
var isValidPlacement = checkBuildingPlacement(currentBuildingForPlacement, cellX, cellY);
if (!isValidPlacement) {
console.log("Placing building ", currentBuildingForPlacement, " at " + cellX + ',' + cellY);
handleBuildingPlacement(currentBuildingForPlacement, cellX, cellY);
currentUserActionState = UserActionState.NAVIGATING;
dragStart = null;
} else if (currentUserActionState === UserActionState.SET_ORDER_TARGET) {
if (currentSelection && currentSelection.isUnit) {
var cellCoord = convertCoordsToCell(input.x, input.y);
currentSelection.destinationTarget = {
x: cellCoord.cellX,
y: cellCoord.cellY
console.log( + ' received new destination target: ' + cellCoord.cellX + ',' + cellCoord.cellY);
if (targetMoveCursor) {
targetMoveCursor.visible = false;
currentUserActionState = UserActionState.NAVIGATING;
dragStart = null;
} else {
// Existing code for handling drag end without a building placement
var cellX = Math.floor(input.x / 100) + gameMap.currentViewCenter.x - Math.ceil(game.width / 2 / 100) - 3;
var cellY = Math.floor(input.y / 100) + gameMap.currentViewCenter.y - Math.ceil(game.height / 2 / 100);
var deltaToSelection = 99;
if (currentSelection && currentSelection.isUnit) {
var selCell = getCellForUnit(currentSelection);
console.log("currentSelection = " + + " at " + selCell.cellX + ',' + selCell.cellY);
deltaToSelection = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.abs(selCell.cellX - cellX), 2) + Math.pow(Math.abs(selCell.cellY - cellY), 2));
if (cellX >= 0 && cellX < gameMap.cells.length && cellY >= 0 && cellY < gameMap.cells[cellX].length) {
var cell = gameMap.cells[cellX][cellY];
if (!cell.building && !cell.unit && deltaToSelection > 1) {
currentSelection = null;
console.log("Nothing selected at " + cellX + ',' + cellY, " deltaToSelection=" + deltaToSelection);
} else if (cell.building) {
console.log("Selected building at " + cellX + ',' + cellY);
currentSelection = cell.building;
} else if (cell.unit) {
console.log("Selected cell with unit at " + cellX + ',' + cellY);
dragStart = null;
game.on('down', handleDragStart);
game.on('move', handleDragMove);
game.on('up', handleDragEnd);
//#endregion Event listeners
// Global function to handle building placement
var handleBuildingPlacement = function handleBuildingPlacement(building, cellX, cellY) {
console.log("handle " + + " Placement at " + cellX + ',' + cellY);
if (!gameMap.cells[cellX] || !gameMap.cells[cellX][cellY]) {
console.log('Invalid cell for building placement.');
var cell = gameMap.cells[cellX][cellY];
if (cell.building) {
console.log('Cell is already occupied.');
// Place the building on the map
cell.building = building;
building.x = cellX * 100;
building.y = cellY * 100;
building.asset.tint = 0xFFFFFF;
// Call addBuilding for the player who owns the building
if (building.playerId === player1.playerId) {
} else if (building.playerId === player2.playerId) {
applyCellOccupation(cellX, cellY);
console.log( + ' placed at ' + cellX + ',' + cellY);
if (player1.playerId === building.playerId) {
currentUserActionState = UserActionState.NAVIGATING;
currentBuildingForPlacement = null;
if (cancelActionBtn) {
cancelActionBtn.visible = false;
var convertCoordsToCell = function convertCoordsToCell(x, y) {
return {
cellX: Math.floor(x / 100) + gameMap.currentViewCenter.x - Math.ceil(game.width / 2 / 100) - 3,
cellY: Math.floor(y / 100) + gameMap.currentViewCenter.y - Math.ceil(game.height / 2 / 100)
var getCellForPlacement = function getCellForPlacement(x, y, building) {
var cX = Math.floor(x / 100) + gameMap.currentViewCenter.x - Math.ceil(game.width / 2 / 100) - 4;
var cY = Math.floor(y / 100) + gameMap.currentViewCenter.y - Math.ceil(game.height / 2 / 100) - 1;
if (building && building.cellW && building.cellH) {
return {
cellX: cX + Math.floor(building.cellW / 2),
cellY: cY + Math.floor(building.cellH / 2)
} else {
return {
cellX: cX,
cellY: cY
var getCellForUnit = function getCellForUnit(unit) {
var centerDeltaX = gameMap.currentViewCenter.x - Math.ceil(game.width / 2 / 100);
var centerDeltaY = gameMap.currentViewCenter.y - Math.ceil(game.height / 2 / 100);
var cX = Math.floor(unit.x / 100) + centerDeltaX + unit.cellW / 2 + Math.floor(unit.cellW / 2) - 5;
var cY = Math.floor(unit.y / 100) + centerDeltaY + Math.floor(unit.cellH / 2) + unit.cellH / 2 - 7;
return {
cellX: cX,
cellY: cY
var getCursorCellForMovement = function getCursorCellForMovement(input, building) {
var centerDeltaX = gameMap.currentViewCenter.x - Math.ceil(game.width / 2 / 100);
var centerDeltaY = gameMap.currentViewCenter.y - Math.ceil(game.height / 2 / 100);
var cX = (Math.floor(input.x / 100) + centerDeltaX + building.cellW / 2 + Math.floor(building.cellW / 2) - 5) * 100;
var cY = (Math.floor(input.y / 100) + centerDeltaY + Math.floor(building.cellH / 2) + building.cellH / 2 - 7) * 100;
return {
cellX: cX,
cellY: cY
// Global function to handle action board updates
var updateActionBoard = function updateActionBoard() {
console.log('updateActionBoard...' + (currentSelection ? : 'No selection'));
currentSelectionText.setText(currentSelection ? : '');
displayBuildableItems(); // Call displayBuildableItems to show items that can be built
displayActionItems(); // Call displayActionItems to show action items
function clearIconBorders() {
var iconBorders = game.children.filter(function (child) {
return child instanceof IconBorder;
iconBorders.forEach(function (border) {
function displayBuildableItems() {
console.log('updateActionBoard...', currentSelection);
var buildableItemIcons = game.children.filter(function (child) {
return child instanceof BuildableItemIcon;
buildableItemIcons.forEach(function (icon) {
console.log('removing...', icon.type);
if (currentSelection && currentSelection.playerId === player1.playerId && currentSelection.buildable && currentSelection.buildable.length) {
var iconX = commandPanel.x + 200; // Starting X position for the first icon
var iconY = commandPanel.y + 220; // Y position for all icons
currentSelection.buildable.forEach(function (itemType) {
console.log('Add build button for ' + itemType);
var border = new IconBorder(iconX, iconY);
var icon = new BuildableItemIcon(itemType, iconX, iconY);
iconX += 300; // Increment X position for the next icon
// Global function to display action items
var displayActionItems = function displayActionItems() {
console.log('displayActionItems...', currentSelection);
var actionItemIcons = game.children.filter(function (child) {
return child instanceof ActionItemIcon;
actionItemIcons.forEach(function (icon) {
if (currentSelection && currentSelection.isUnit && currentSelection.actions && currentSelection.actions.length) {
var iconX = commandPanel.x + 200; // Starting X position for the first icon
var iconY = commandPanel.y + 220; // Y position for all icons
currentSelection.actions.forEach(function (actionType) {
console.log('Add action button for ', actionType);
var actionInfo = actionRepository.getActionInfo(actionType);
if (actionInfo) {
console.log('ok Action found => display', actionInfo);
var border = new IconBorder(iconX, iconY);
var icon = new ActionItemIcon(actionInfo, iconX, iconY);
iconX += 300; // Increment X position for the next icon
} else {
console.log('Action not found', actionType);
// Global function to update mouse coordinates text
var updateMouseCoords = function updateMouseCoords(x, y) {
var cellCoord = convertCoordsToCell(x, y);
if (game.mouseCoordsText) {
game.mouseCoordsText.setText(Math.floor(x) + ',' + Math.floor(y) + '\r\n' + cellCoord.cellX + ',' + cellCoord.cellY);
// Global function to update base info text
var updateBaseInfo = function updateBaseInfo() {
player1SpiceText.setText('| ' + player1.spice.toString());
// Animate the change of the energy value
if (previousEnergyLevel !== {
var energyDifference = - previousEnergyLevel;
var duration = 2000; // Duration of the animation in milliseconds
var steps = duration / (1000 / 60); // Number of steps based on 60FPS
var stepValue = energyDifference / steps;
var currentStep = 0;
var animateEnergyChange = function animateEnergyChange() {
var energyColor = getEnergyColor(previousEnergyLevel);
fill: energyColor
if (currentStep < steps) {
previousEnergyLevel += stepValue;
player1EnergyText.setText(previousEnergyLevel.toFixed(0).toString() + energyOffsetSufix);
LK.setTimeout(animateEnergyChange, 1000 / 60);
} else {
// Ensure the final value is set correctly
player1EnergyText.setText( + energyOffsetSufix);
previousEnergyLevel =; // Update the previous energy level
} else {
player1EnergyText.setText( + energyOffsetSufix);
function initGame() {
// Create players
player1 = new Player(1, 0x5e86ff);
player2 = new Player(2, 0xffAAAA);
// Prepare the map
// Instantiate CommandPanel
commandPanel = game.addChild(new CommandPanel());
// Create a Text2 object for current selection
currentSelectionText = new Text2('', {
size: 50,
fill: '#000000',
font: "'GillSans-Bold',Impact,'Arial Black',Tahoma"
currentSelectionText.anchor.set(0.5, 6.8);
// Create a Text2 object to display mouse coordinates
if (!game.mouseCoordsText) {
game.mouseCoordsText = new Text2('0,0\r\n0,0', {
size: 50,
fill: '#ffffff',
font: "'GillSans-Bold',Impact,'Arial Black',Tahoma"
game.mouseCoordsText.anchor.set(0, 0);
// Create a Text2 object to display player1's spice level
player1SpiceText = new Text2('| ' + player1.spice.toString(), {
size: 50,
fill: '#000000',
font: "'GillSans-Bold',Impact,'Arial Black',Tahoma"
player1SpiceText.anchor.set(1.0, 0.25);
// Create a Text2 object to display player1's energy level
player1EnergyText = new Text2( + energyOffsetSufix, {
size: 50,
fill: '#000000',
font: "'GillSans-Bold',Impact,'Arial Black',Tahoma"
player1EnergyText.anchor.set(1.0, 0.25);
gameIsRunning = true;
// Game tick
LK.on('tick', function () {
// Render the map each tick
if (gameIsRunning) {
// Start the game with Player 1 construction yard preselected
LK.setTimeout(function () {
currentSelection = gameMap.cells[rockIlot1Center.x][rockIlot1Center.y].building;
}, 100);
a tileable sand terrain tile.
A square tileable rock terrain tile WITHOUT BBORDER. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. No shadows. No Border
Zenith view of Dune's Wind Trap power facility square fence. Ressembles a bit to Sydney's Opera. Zenith view Directly from above.
grey cancel icon. UI
thin white circle empty.
Zenith view of a white rectangular Harvester shape of a garbage truck with a triangular head. Harvesting on sand, with flowing spice in the back. inside a square fence. Zenith view. Directly overhead. Plumb view.
Minimal Ui icon of an right sign aside with an icon of a target. sand background
Minimal icon of a home with direction icon pointing to the home. sand background
3 white flat isometric concentric circles like a target.
Remove background
Gray background
Minimal Ui icon of target sign on a fire icon.. sand background
top view of an explosion effect.
Simple heavy army tank factory buiding a tank with a crane. Square fence... Zenith view Directly overhead. Plumb view.
an empty black popup UI. UI