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Please fix the bug: 'ReferenceError: currentPosture is not defined' in or related to this line: 'self.y = linesGroundLevels[self.lineIndex] + ( == ? 150 : 0);' Line Number: 398
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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Code edit (2 edits merged)
Please save this source code
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: obstacles[i][j] is undefined' in or related to this line: 'obstacles[i][j].destroy();' Line Number: 927
Code edit (5 edits merged)
Please save this source code
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Please fix the bug: 'ReferenceError: raceFinishTime is not defined' in or related to this line: 'if ( - raceFinishTime > 1000) {' Line Number: 726
Code edit (3 edits merged)
Please save this source code
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: self is undefined' in or related to this line: 'self._update_migrated = function () {' Line Number: 1155
User prompt
add an update function in StartingBlocks
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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Code edit (5 edits merged)
Please save this source code
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Migrate to the latest version of LK
Code edit (12 edits merged)
Please save this source code
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: t.setStageReference is not a function' in or related to this line: 'game.addChild(startingBlocks);' Line Number: 882
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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Code edit (1 edits merged)
Please save this source code
Code edit (18 edits merged)
Please save this source code
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: athlete.setposition is not a function' in or related to this line: 'athlete.setposition(startingBlockPosture);' Line Number: 874
Code edit (1 edits merged)
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Code edit (1 edits merged)
Please save this source code
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use startingBlocks class in initHurdlesStartingState
User prompt
create a class for startingBlocks
Code edit (3 edits merged)
Please save this source code
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Please fix the bug: 'ReferenceError: athletes is not defined' in or related to this line: 'var startingBlocks = LK.getAsset('startingBlocks', {' Line Number: 826
* Classes
/****************************************************************************************** */
/**************************************** CLASSES ***************************************** */
/****************************************************************************************** */
/****************************************************************************************** */
/************************************* ATHLETE CLASS ************************************** */
/****************************************************************************************** */
var Athlete = Container.expand(function (line) {
var self =;
self.speedX = -1 * globalSpeedPerLine[line];
self.nextHurdleSpeedX = 0;
self.jumpSpeed = -20; // -17;
self.lastJumpTime = 0;
self.interJumpDelayMs = 500;
self.gravity = 0.5;
self.lineIndex = line;
self.isAi = line > 0;
self.isOnGround = true;
self.isRunning = false;
self.isFalling = false; // Indicates if the athlete is currently falling
self.currentPosture = ""; // Store the name of the current posture
self.isChangingPosture = false; // 0 when idle or moving down, 1 when moving up
self.nextPosture = null;
self.tint = colorsArray[self.lineIndex % colorsArray.length];
self.previousX = 0;
self.trunk = self.attachAsset('bodyPart', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5,
scaleX: 1,
scaleY: 1,
rotation: 0.125,
tint: 0x000000 //self.tint // TEMP DEBUG
self.head = self.trunk.attachAsset('head', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 2,
scaleX: 1,
scaleY: 1,
tint: 0x000000 // self.tint
self.rightArm = self.trunk.attachAsset('bodyPart', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0,
scaleX: 1,
scaleY: 1,
tint: self.tint
// Right hand asset attachment removed
self.leftArm = self.trunk.attachAsset('bodyPart', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0,
scaleX: 1,
scaleY: 1,
tint: self.tint
// Left hand asset attachment removed
self.rightLeg = self.trunk.attachAsset('bodyPart', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0,
scaleX: 1,
scaleY: 1.0,
tint: self.tint
// Right foot asset attachment removed
self.leftLeg = self.trunk.attachAsset('bodyPart', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0,
scaleX: 1,
scaleY: 1.0,
tint: self.tint
// Left foot asset attachment removed
self.updatePosture = function () {
var speed = 0.2; // Speed of transition
if (!self.targetPosture) {
//log("no targetPosture.");
// Check if the target posture for hands and legs is reached
//log("self.targetPosture: " + + " : self.rightHand.x: " + self.rightHand.x, " self.targetPosture.rightHand.x: " + self.targetPosture.rightHand.x);
var handsAndLegsReached = Math.abs(self.rightLeg.x - self.targetPosture.rightLeg.x) < 1 && Math.abs(self.rightLeg.y - self.targetPosture.rightLeg.y) < 1 && Math.abs(self.leftLeg.x - self.targetPosture.leftLeg.x) < 1 && Math.abs(self.leftLeg.y - self.targetPosture.leftLeg.y) < 1 && Math.abs(self.head.x - self.targetPosture.head.x) < 1 && Math.abs(self.head.y - self.targetPosture.head.y) < 1;
if (handsAndLegsReached) {
log("handsAndLegsReached !");
// Update currentPosture to the name of the targetPosture when hands and legs posture is reached
self.currentPosture =;
self.targetPosture = null;
self.isChangingPosture = false;
if (self.nextPosture) {
} else {
self.isChangingPosture = true;
self.head.x += (self.targetPosture.head.x - self.head.x) * speed;
self.trunk.rotation += (self.targetPosture.trunk.r - self.trunk.rotation) * speed;
self.head.y += (self.targetPosture.head.y - self.head.y) * speed;
self.rightArm.x += (self.targetPosture.rightArm.x - self.rightArm.x) * speed;
self.rightArm.y += (self.targetPosture.rightArm.y - self.rightArm.y) * speed;
self.rightArm.rotation += (self.targetPosture.rightArm.r - self.rightArm.rotation) * speed;
//log("Posture rightArm.rotation=" + self.rightArm.rotation);
// Right hand updates removed due to hand assets being removed
self.leftArm.x += (self.targetPosture.leftArm.x - self.leftArm.x) * speed;
self.leftArm.y += (self.targetPosture.leftArm.y - self.leftArm.y) * speed;
self.leftArm.rotation += (self.targetPosture.leftArm.r - self.leftArm.rotation) * speed;
// Left hand updates removed due to hand assets being removed
self.trunk.x += (self.targetPosture.trunk.x - self.trunk.x) * speed;
self.trunk.y += (self.targetPosture.trunk.y - self.trunk.y) * speed;
self.rightLeg.x += (self.targetPosture.rightLeg.x - self.rightLeg.x) * speed;
self.rightLeg.y += (self.targetPosture.rightLeg.y - self.rightLeg.y) * speed;
self.rightLeg.rotation += (self.targetPosture.rightLeg.r - self.rightLeg.rotation) * speed;
// Right foot updates removed due to foot assets being removed
self.leftLeg.x += (self.targetPosture.leftLeg.x - self.leftLeg.x) * speed;
self.leftLeg.y += (self.targetPosture.leftLeg.y - self.leftLeg.y) * speed;
self.leftLeg.rotation += (self.targetPosture.leftLeg.r - self.leftLeg.rotation) * speed;
self.update = function () {
/* ********************************************************** AI ATHLETE **************************************************** */
if (self.isAi) {
// AI Athlete
var nextX = self.x;
self.previousX = self.x;
if (self.isRunning) {
var deltaSpeed = Math.abs(globalSpeedPerLine[self.lineIndex]) - Math.abs(globalSpeedPerLine[0]);
nextX += deltaSpeed;
if (!self.isFalling) {
// Normal running
if (self.isOnGround) {
// Running
self.leftLeg.height = 200;
self.leftArm.height = 200;
if (self.isRunning) {
self.trunk.rotation = 0.125;
// Auto jump first hurdle of the line
if (obstacles[self.lineIndex].length) {
var distance = obstacles[self.lineIndex][0].x - nextX;
if (self.lineIndex == 1) {
log((self.isOnGround ? 'On ground' : 'In air 1') + " / x=" + self.x + " / y=" + self.y + " / DeltaY=" + (obstacles[self.lineIndex][0].y - obstacles[self.lineIndex][0].centralRod.y - self.y) + " / distance=" + distance);
if (self.x > aiJumpLeftLimit && self.x < aiJumpRightLimit && distance > 0 && distance <= 300) {
} else {
// Reduce advance when out of screen
var normalize = self.nextHurdleSpeedX;
normalize = self.x < -200 ? Math.abs(normalize) : normalize;
normalize = self.x > 2100 ? -10 + Math.random() * 2 : normalize;
normalize = self.x > 3000 ? -20 : normalize;
nextX += normalize;
} else {
if (obstacles[self.lineIndex].length) {
var distance = obstacles[self.lineIndex][0].x - nextX;
if (self.lineIndex == 1) {
log((self.isOnGround ? 'On ground' : 'In air 2') + " / x=" + self.x + " / y=" + self.y + " / DeltaY=" + (obstacles[self.lineIndex][0].y - obstacles[self.lineIndex][0].centralRod.y - self.y) + " / distance=" + distance);
// Jumping - if not running, finish the jump
self.speedY += self.gravity * Math.abs(globalSpeedPerLine[self.lineIndex] / 10) + (!self.isRunning ? 0.5 : 0);
self.y += self.speedY * Math.abs(globalSpeedPerLine[self.lineIndex] / 10) + (!self.isRunning ? self.speedY : 0);
if (self.y >= linesGroundLevels[self.lineIndex]) {
// Reached the ground
self.isOnGround = true;
self.speedY = 0;
self.y = linesGroundLevels[self.lineIndex];
// Define speed for next hurdle
self.nextHurdleSpeedX = -1 + (-5 + 10 * Math.random()); //(1 - difficultyLevel) * 4 + difficultyLevel * 2 * Math.random();
if (obstacles[self.lineIndex].length <= 3 && self.x > athlete.x) {
self.nextHurdleSpeedX = -1 - 1 * Math.abs(self.nextHurdleSpeedX);
} else {
} else {
// Falling
self.y += 5;
if (self.y >= linesGroundLevels[self.lineIndex]) {
self.isOnGround = true;
self.speedY = 0;
self.y = linesGroundLevels[self.lineIndex];
} else {
} else {
if (self.lineIndex == 1) {
//log("WAITING / x=" + self.x + " / y=" + self.y + " / globalSpeedPerLine[0]=" + globalSpeedPerLine[0]);
if (self.finishPosition == 1) {
nextX += -1 * globalSpeedPerLine[0];
// Update athlete position
self.x = nextX;
self.previousX = self.x;
} else {
// Player Athlete
/* ********************************************************** PLAYER ATHLETE **************************************************** */
if (self.isRunning) {
if (!self.isFalling) {
// Normal running
if (self.isOnGround) {
// Running
self.leftLeg.height = 200;
self.leftArm.height = 200;
if (self.isRunning) {
self.trunk.rotation = 0.125;
} else {
// Jumping
self.speedY += self.gravity * Math.abs(globalSpeedPerLine[self.lineIndex] / 10);
self.y += self.speedY * Math.abs(globalSpeedPerLine[self.lineIndex] / 10);
if (self.y >= linesGroundLevels[self.lineIndex]) {
// Reached the ground
self.isOnGround = true;
self.speedY = 0;
self.y = linesGroundLevels[self.lineIndex];
} else {
} else {
// Falling
self.y += 5;
if (self.y >= linesGroundLevels[self.lineIndex] + 200) {
// 200 for horizontal trunk offset
self.isOnGround = true;
self.speedY = 0;
self.y = linesGroundLevels[self.lineIndex] + 200;
} else {
if (self.finishPosition == 1) {
self.jump = function () {
if (self.isAI || - self.lastJumpTime > self.interJumpDelayMs) {
if (self.isOnGround) {
self.isOnGround = false;
self.speedY = self.jumpSpeed;
self.lastJumpTime =;
//globalSpeedPerLine[self.lineIndex] = globalSpeedPerLine[self.lineIndex] * 1.1;
if (self.lineIndex == 1) {
log("--------------- JUMP -------------------- speedY :" + self.speedY);
self.runAnim = function () {
if (self.lineIndex == 1) {
log("Check finish for #3 at x=" + opponents[line - 1].x + " vs " + (finishLine.x + 512));
var ocsilDelay = 5;
var armsAmplitude = 0.5;
var legsAmplitude = 0.5;
// Simulate running by continuously balancing the arms and legs
var runningArmAngle = Math.sin(LK.ticks / ocsilDelay) * armsAmplitude; // Oscillate arm angle to simulate running faster
var runningLegAngle = Math.sin(LK.ticks / ocsilDelay) * legsAmplitude; // Oscillate leg angle to simulate running faster
var armSwitchProgress = (Math.sin(LK.ticks / 5) + 0) / 2; // Normalize between 0 and 1
self.rightArm.x = 10 * (1 - armSwitchProgress) - 5 * armSwitchProgress;
self.leftArm.x = -15 * (1 - armSwitchProgress) + 20 * armSwitchProgress;
self.rightLeg.x = 5 * (1 - armSwitchProgress) - 5 * armSwitchProgress;
self.leftLeg.x = -10 * (1 - armSwitchProgress) + 10 * armSwitchProgress;
//log("Run rightArm.rotation=" + runningArmAngle);
self.rightArm.rotation = runningArmAngle;
self.leftArm.rotation = -runningArmAngle;
self.rightLeg.rotation = -runningLegAngle;
self.leftLeg.rotation = runningLegAngle;
self.trunk.width = 30 - 10 * (runningArmAngle * Math.PI * 0.5);
self.head.width = 50 - 10 * (runningArmAngle * Math.PI * 0.5);
self.jumpAnim = function () {
if (self.lineIndex == 1) {
log("Check finish for #3 at x=" + opponents[line - 1].x + " vs " + (finishLine.x + 512));
var ocsilDelay = 50;
var armsAmplitude = 1;
// Simulate running by continuously balancing the arms and legs
var runningArmAngle = Math.sin(LK.ticks / ocsilDelay) * armsAmplitude; // Oscillate arm angle to simulate running faster
var armSwitchProgress = (Math.sin(LK.ticks / 5) + 0) / 2; // Normalize between 0 and 1
self.rightArm.x = 10 * (1 - armSwitchProgress) - 5 * armSwitchProgress;
self.leftArm.x = -15 * (1 - armSwitchProgress) + 20 * armSwitchProgress;
self.rightLeg.x = 5 * (1 - armSwitchProgress) - 5 * armSwitchProgress;
self.leftLeg.x = -10 * (1 - armSwitchProgress) + 10 * armSwitchProgress;
self.trunk.width = 30 - 10 * (runningArmAngle * Math.PI * 0.5); //armSwitchProgress; // + 10 * Math.abs(runningArmAngle);
self.trunk.rotation = 0.333; //armSwitchProgress; // + 10 * Math.abs(runningArmAngle);
var rotationSpeed = 0.05; // Speed of rotation change
if (self.speedY > 0) {
self.rightArm.rotation += (0 - self.rightArm.rotation) * rotationSpeed % (Math.PI * 2);
self.leftArm.rotation += (0 - self.leftArm.rotation) * rotationSpeed % (Math.PI * 2);
// Return legs to initial rotation when descending
self.rightLeg.rotation += (0 - self.rightLeg.rotation) * rotationSpeed;
self.leftLeg.rotation += (0 - self.leftLeg.rotation) * rotationSpeed;
self.leftLeg.height -= 30 * rotationSpeed;
self.leftArm.height -= 20 * rotationSpeed;
} else {
//log("self.rightArm.rotation=" + self.rightArm.rotation, " + " + -Math.PI * 3 * rotationSpeed % (Math.PI * 2));
self.rightArm.rotation += -Math.PI * 3 * rotationSpeed % (Math.PI * 2);
self.leftArm.rotation += Math.PI * 1.75 * rotationSpeed % (Math.PI * 2);
// Continue with jump animation adjustments
self.rightLeg.rotation += (-2.6 - self.rightLeg.rotation) * rotationSpeed;
self.leftLeg.rotation += (1 - self.leftLeg.rotation) * rotationSpeed;
self.leftLeg.height -= 0 * rotationSpeed;
self.leftArm.height -= 35 * rotationSpeed;
self.fallAnim = function () {
if (self.lineIndex == 1) {
log("Check finish for #3 at x=" + opponents[line - 1].x + " vs " + (finishLine.x + 512));
var fallSpeed = 0.1; // Speed of fall animation
// Adjust body parts to simulate falling
self.trunk.rotation += (Math.PI / 2 - self.trunk.rotation) * fallSpeed;
self.rightArm.rotation += (Math.PI / 2 - self.rightArm.rotation) * fallSpeed;
self.leftArm.rotation += (Math.PI / 2 - self.leftArm.rotation) * fallSpeed;
self.rightLeg.rotation += (Math.PI / 2 - self.rightLeg.rotation) * fallSpeed;
self.leftLeg.rotation += (Math.PI / 2 - self.leftLeg.rotation) * fallSpeed;
self.victoryAnim = function () {
if (self.lineIndex == 1) {
log("Victory #1");
var jumpHeight = 10;
var waveSpeed = 0.1;
var armWaveAmplitude = 0.5;
// Make the athlete do little jumps
if (self.isOnGround) {
self.speedY = -10; // Jump a little
self.isOnGround = false;
} else {
self.speedY += self.gravity;
self.y += self.speedY;
if (self.y >= linesGroundLevels[self.lineIndex]) {
self.y = linesGroundLevels[self.lineIndex];
self.isOnGround = true;
// Wave arms
self.rightArm.rotation = Math.max(-armWaveAmplitude, Math.min(armWaveAmplitude, Math.sin(LK.ticks * waveSpeed) * armWaveAmplitude)) + Math.PI;
self.leftArm.rotation = Math.max(-armWaveAmplitude, Math.min(armWaveAmplitude, -Math.sin(LK.ticks * waveSpeed) * armWaveAmplitude * 0.5));
self.setPosture = function (newPosture) {
log("Set posture: " +;
self.targetPosture = newPosture;
self.restore = function () {
self.hasFlashed = false;
self.hasFlashedGround = false;
self.isRunning = true;
self.stop = function () {
self.x = self.previousX || 400 + 100 * self.lineIndex;
self.y = linesGroundLevels[self.lineIndex];
self.speedY = 0;
self.trunk.rotation = 0;
self.rightArm.rotation = idlePosture.rightArm.r;
self.leftArm.rotation = 0;
self.rightLeg.rotation = 0;
self.leftLeg.rotation = 0;
self.isFalling = false;
self.isOnGround = true;
/****************************************************************************************** */
/************************************** FINISH LINE CLASS ************************************ */
/****************************************************************************************** */
var FinishLine = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
self.isCut = false;
self.rightRod = self.attachAsset('obstacle', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.0,
x: 355,
y: -1120
self.centralRodRight = self.attachAsset('finishLine', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 1,
y: -200,
rotation: Math.PI * 0.125,
tint: 0xFF0000
self.centralRodLeft = self.attachAsset('finishLine', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0,
x: 355,
y: -1060,
rotation: Math.PI * 2.125,
tint: 0xFF0000,
height: 450
self.leftRod = self.attachAsset('obstacle', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 1.0 // Anchor at the bottom for collision detection
self.flag = self.attachAsset('finishFlag', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.0,
x: 580,
y: -1540
self.speedX = globalSpeedPerLine[0];
self.update = function () {
self.speedX = globalSpeedPerLine[0];
self.x += self.speedX;
self.cut = function () {
var cutHeight = 50; // Amount to reduce the height each frame
var cutDuration = 5000; // Duration of the cut in milliseconds
var cutRate = cutDuration / (60 * (self.centralRodRight.height / cutHeight)); // Calculate how often to cut based on 60 FPS and total height
var cutCounter = 0;
var cutInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
if (cutCounter < cutRate) {
self.centralRodRight.height -= cutHeight;
self.centralRodLeft.height -= cutHeight;
} else {
}, 1500 / 60); // Execute at roughly 60 FPS
/****************************************************************************************** */
/************************************** OBSTACLE CLASS ************************************ */
/****************************************************************************************** */
// Obstacle class
var Obstacle = Container.expand(function (line) {
var self =;
self.lineIndex = line;
self.leftRod = self.attachAsset('obstacle', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 1.0 // Anchor at the bottom for collision detection
self.centralRod = self.attachAsset('obstacle', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 1,
y: -200,
rotation: Math.PI * 0.125,
tint: 0xffff00 // Apply a yellow tint for glow effect
self.rightRod = self.attachAsset('obstacle', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.0,
x: 95,
y: -460
self.speedX = globalSpeedPerLine[0];
self.update = function () {
self.speedX = globalSpeedPerLine[0];
self.x += self.speedX;
/****************************************************************************************** */
/************************************** TRACK CLASS ************************************ */
/****************************************************************************************** */
var Track = Container.expand(function (index) {
var self =;
self.speedX = globalSpeedPerLine[0]; // Use global speed for track movement
// Attach track asset
self.trackAsset = self.attachAsset(index % 2 ? 'track' : 'trackOdd', {
anchorX: 0.0,
anchorY: 0.0
// Method to update track position
self.update = function () {
self.speedX = globalSpeedPerLine[0];
self.x += self.speedX;
// Reset position to create a continuous track effect
if (self.x <= -2048 - self.speedX * 2) {
self.x = 2048 + self.speedX * 2;
* Initialize Game
var game = new LK.Game({
backgroundColor: 0x87CEEB // Light blue background to represent the sky
* Game Code
/****************************************************************************************** */
/************************************** GLOBAL VARIABLES ********************************** */
/****************************************************************************************** */
// Enumeration for game states
var GAME_STATE = {
var gameState = GAME_STATE.INIT;
var athlete;
var opponents = [];
var numberOfOpponents = 3; // Adjust based on the actual number of opponents in the game
var groundLevel = 2732 - 200; // Ground level set 200px from the bottom
var linesGroundLevels = []; // Ground level set 200px from the bottom
var numberOfLines = 1 + numberOfOpponents;
var numberOfObstacles = 10; //20; // Total number of hurdles
var obstacles = [[]];
var obstacleSpawnTicker = 0;
var obstacleSpawnDistanceRate = 1.5; // Ratio of screen width between obstacles
var obstacleJustPassed = false;
var aiJumpLeftLimit = -350;
var aiJumpRightLimit = 2048 + 512;
var finishLine;
var stadium;
var stadiumOdd;
var field;
var fieldOdd;
var farfield;
var farfieldOdd;
var track;
var track2;
var track3;
var track4;
var scoreTxt;
var currentFinishPosition = 1;
var globalBaseSpeed = -20;
var globalSpeedPerLine = []; // Global speed for tracks and obstacles default -10 / min = -4
var difficultyLevel = 1; // TODO : Move to global
var colorsArray = [0x1188FF, 0xFF0000, 0x00FF00, 0xFFFF00, 0xFF00FF, 0x00FFFF, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFF8811];
var isDebug = true;
var debugMarker;
// UI
var startText;
var startButton;
/****************************************************************************************** */
/************************************** POSTURES ****************************************** */
/****************************************************************************************** */
var idlePosture = {
name: "idlePosture",
trunk: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
r: 0
head: {
x: 0,
y: 0
rightArm: {
x: 20,
y: -80,
r: Math.PI * 2 * -0.025
leftArm: {
x: -20,
y: -80,
r: Math.PI * 2 * 0.025
rightLeg: {
x: 5,
y: 100,
r: Math.PI * 2 * -0.025
leftLeg: {
x: -5,
y: 100,
r: Math.PI * 2 * 0.025
var startingBlockPosture = {
name: "startingBlockPosture",
trunk: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
r: -0.1
head: {
x: 0,
y: -20
rightArm: {
x: 15,
y: -60,
r: Math.PI * 2 * -0.15
leftArm: {
x: -15,
y: -60,
r: Math.PI * 2 * 0.15
rightLeg: {
x: 10,
y: 80,
r: Math.PI * 2 * 0.05
leftLeg: {
x: -10,
y: 80,
r: Math.PI * 2 * -0.05
/****************************************************************************************** */
/*********************************** UTILITY FUNCTIONS ************************************ */
/****************************************************************************************** */
function log() {
if (isDebug) {
var _console;
(_console = console).log.apply(_console, arguments);
/****************************************************************************************** */
/************************************** INPUT HANDLERS ************************************ */
/****************************************************************************************** */
// Touch event to make the athlete jump
game.on('down', function () {
switch (gameState) {
// Handle menu logic here
// Handle game starting logic here
// Handle score display logic here
function gamePlayingDown() {
// Make the athlete jump
/****************************************************************************************** */
/************************************* AI FUNCTIONS *************************************** */
/****************************************************************************************** */
/****************************************************************************************** */
/************************************* GAME STATES **************************************** */
/****************************************************************************************** */
function gameInitialize() {
log("Game initialize...");
// Add background asset
scoreTxt = new Text2('0', {
size: 100,
fill: "#ffffff" // White color for better visibility
scoreTxt.anchor.set(1.1, 0.15); // Center the score text horizontally
LK.gui.topRight.addChild(scoreTxt); // Add the score text to the GUI overlay at the top center
var background = LK.getAsset('background', {
anchorX: 0.0,
anchorY: 0.0,
y: -256,
visible: true
field = LK.getAsset('field', {
anchorX: 0.0,
anchorY: 0.0,
y: 2732 - 1024 - 600
fieldOdd = LK.getAsset('fieldOdd', {
anchorX: 0.0,
anchorY: 0.0,
x: 2048,
y: 2732 - 1024 - 600
farField = LK.getAsset('farField', {
anchorX: 0.0,
anchorY: 0.0,
y: 2732 - 1024 - 600 - 512
farFieldOdd = LK.getAsset('farFieldOdd', {
anchorX: 0.0,
anchorY: 0.0,
x: 2048,
y: 2732 - 1024 - 600 - 512
stadium = LK.getAsset('stadium', {
anchorX: 0.0,
anchorY: 0.0,
x: 0,
y: 150
stadiumOdd = LK.getAsset('stadiumOdd', {
anchorX: 0.0,
anchorY: 0.0,
x: 2048,
y: 150
// Initialize track using Track class
track = game.addChild(new Track(0));
track.x = 0;
track.y = 2732 - 512;
// Second track instance for continuous effect
track2 = game.addChild(new Track(1));
track2.x = 2048; // Position the second track right after the first one
track2.y = 2732 - 512;
// Second line track 1
track3 = game.addChild(new Track(2));
track3.x = 0;
track3.y = 2732 - 1024;
// Second line track 2
track4 = game.addChild(new Track(3));
track4.x = 2048;
track4.y = 2732 - 1024;
// Initialize ground levels & speeds
for (var line = 0; line < numberOfLines; line++) {
linesGroundLevels[line] = groundLevel - 200 - 220 * line;
globalSpeedPerLine[line] = globalBaseSpeed;
// Add Button in the center of the screen
startButton = LK.getAsset('button', {
anchorX: 0.5,
// Center the button horizontally
anchorY: 0.5,
// Center the button vertically
x: 2048 / 2,
// Position horizontally in the center
y: 2732 / 2 // Position vertically above the start text
startButton.on('down', function () {
// Add Start Text in the center of the screen
startText = new Text2('START', {
size: 200,
fill: "#ffffff" // White color for better visibility
startText.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); // Center the text horizontally and vertically
startText.x = 2048 / 2; // Center horizontally
startText.y = 2732 / 2; // Center vertically
gameState = GAME_STATE.MENU;
if (isDebug) {
// Debug Marker
debugMarker = LK.getAsset('debugMarker', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
debugMarker.x = 0;
debugMarker.y = groundLevel;
function gamePlaying() {
//log("Game playing...");
// Update fields
// Update obstacles
// Update tracks
// Update Progress
// Update opponents
for (var i = numberOfOpponents - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// Update athlete
// Check for collisions
function hurdlesStarting() {
//self.setPosture(startingBlockPosture); // TEMP DEBUG
function cleanMenuState() {
function initHurdlesStartingState() {
// Add starting blocks to each athlete's starting position
for (var i = 0; i <= numberOfOpponents; i++) {
var athletes = [athlete].concat(opponents);
var startingBlocks = LK.getAsset('startingBlocks', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 1.0,
x: athletes[i].x - 100,
// Position slightly behind the athlete
y: linesGroundLevels[i] + 50 // Adjusted to align with the ground level of each line
// Spawn obstacles
// Initialize opponents
for (var i = numberOfOpponents - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
opponents[i] = game.addChild(new Athlete(i + 1));
// Initialize athlete
athlete = game.addChild(new Athlete(0));
function initPlayingState() {
// Spawn obstacles
// Initialize opponents
for (var i = numberOfOpponents - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
opponents[i] = game.addChild(new Athlete(i + 1));
// Initialize athlete
athlete = game.addChild(new Athlete(0));
/****************************************************************************************** */
/************************************** GAME FUNCTIONS ************************************ */
/****************************************************************************************** */
function updateFields() {
if (!(athlete.isFalling && athlete.isOnGround)) {
field.x += globalSpeedPerLine[0];
// Reset position to create a continuous effect
if (field.x <= -2048 - globalSpeedPerLine[0]) {
field.x = 2048 + globalSpeedPerLine[0];
fieldOdd.x += globalSpeedPerLine[0];
// Reset position to create a continuous effect
if (fieldOdd.x <= -2048 - globalSpeedPerLine[0]) {
fieldOdd.x = 2048 + globalSpeedPerLine[0];
// Far field
farField.x += globalSpeedPerLine[0] * 0.8;
// Reset position to create a continuous effect
if (farField.x <= -2048 - globalSpeedPerLine[0]) {
farField.x = 2048 + globalSpeedPerLine[0];
farFieldOdd.x += globalSpeedPerLine[0] * 0.8;
// Reset position to create a continuous effect
if (farFieldOdd.x <= -2048 - globalSpeedPerLine[0]) {
farFieldOdd.x = 2048 + globalSpeedPerLine[0];
stadium.x += globalSpeedPerLine[0] * 0.4;
// Reset position to create a continuous effect
if (stadium.x <= -2048 - globalSpeedPerLine[0]) {
stadium.x = 2048 + globalSpeedPerLine[0];
stadiumOdd.x += globalSpeedPerLine[0] * 0.4;
// Reset position to create a continuous effect
if (stadiumOdd.x <= -2048 - globalSpeedPerLine[0]) {
stadiumOdd.x = 2048 + globalSpeedPerLine[0];
function updateTracks() {
if (!(athlete.isFalling && athlete.isOnGround)) {
function spawnObstacles() {
// Set obstacles for line 0
obstacles[0] = [];
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfObstacles; i++) {
// 3 obstacles per line
var newObstacle = new Obstacle(0);
newObstacle.x = 2048 * obstacleSpawnDistanceRate * (i + 1); // Start from the right edge
//log("Obstacle "+ 0+","+i+" +> x="+ newObstacle.x);
newObstacle.y = groundLevel + 200;
// Set obstacles for other lines
for (var line = 1; line < numberOfLines; line++) {
obstacles[line] = [];
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfObstacles; i++) {
// 3 obstacles per line
var newObstacle = new Obstacle(line);
newObstacle.x = obstacles[0][i].x + 100 * line; // Start from the right edge
//log("Obstacle "+ line+","+i+" +> x="+ newObstacle.x);
newObstacle.y = groundLevel + 200 - 220 * line;
finishLine = new FinishLine();
finishLine.x = 2048 * obstacleSpawnDistanceRate * (numberOfObstacles + 1) + 1024; // Start from the right edge
finishLine.y = groundLevel + 200;
function updateObstacles() {
// Update obstacles
for (var line = 0; line < numberOfLines; line++) {
obstacles[line] = obstacles[line] || [];
for (var i = obstacles[line].length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// Remove obstacle if it moves off-screen and increase global speed
if (obstacles[line][i].x < -100) {
// Assuming obstacle width is less than 100px
obstacles[line].splice(i, 1);
if (line == 0) {
obstacleJustPassed = true;
function updateProgress() {
if (obstacleJustPassed && !finishLine.isCut) {
// Update Progress
obstacleJustPassed = false;
LK.setScore(LK.getScore() + 1); // Add 1 to score for each hurdle passed only if not falling
scoreTxt.setText(LK.getScore()); // Update score text with prefix
for (var line = 0; line < numberOfLines; line++) {
if (line == 0 && !athlete.finishPosition && athlete.x > finishLine.x) {
athlete.finishPosition = getFinishPosition();
log("Finish athlete => #" + athlete.finishPosition);
if (line > 0 && opponents[line - 1].x > finishLine.x) {
if (!opponents[line - 1].finishPosition) {
opponents[line - 1].finishPosition = getFinishPosition();
log("Finish opponent " + line + "=> #" + opponents[line - 1].finishPosition);
opponents[line - 1].finishStandingOffset = 512 * Math.random();
// Don't go to far after finish
var finishStandingPosition = finishLine.x + 2048 - 200 - (opponents[line - 1].finishStandingOffset || 0);
opponents[line - 1].x = Math.min(finishStandingPosition, opponents[line - 1].x);
if (opponents[line - 1].x >= finishStandingPosition) {
// Stop running when reach final position
opponents[line - 1].isRunning = false;
if (finishLine.isCut) {
for (var line = 0; line < numberOfLines; line++) {
if (line > 0 && opponents[line - 1].x < 0)
// let opponents finish
// Ensure a smooth transition to 0 speed
if (globalSpeedPerLine[line] < -0.4) {
globalSpeedPerLine[line] += 0.4; // Decrement speed gradually
} else if (globalSpeedPerLine[line] > 0.4) {
globalSpeedPerLine[line] -= 0.4; // Increment speed gradually if somehow above 0
} else {
globalSpeedPerLine[line] = 0; // Set to 0 if very close to it
if (line == 0 && athlete.isRunning) {
athlete.isRunning = false;
if (line > 0 && opponents[line - 1].isRunning) {
opponents[line - 1].isRunning = false;
opponents[line - 1].stop();
} else if (finishLine.x - athlete.x > 2048) {
for (var line = 1; line < numberOfLines; line++) {
if (line == 1) {
log("Check finish for #3 at x=" + opponents[line - 1].x + " vs " + (finishLine.x + 512));
if (opponents[line - 1].x > finishLine.x + 512 && opponents[line - 1].isRunning) {
if (line == 1) {
log("OK #3 Passed the line !");
// stop opponents at finish
log("Stoping #" + line + " at " + opponents[line - 1].x + " > " + finishLine.x);
opponents[line - 1].isRunning = false;
opponents[line - 1].stop();
//opponents[line - 1].x = finishLine.x + 512 * Math.random();
globalSpeedPerLine[line] = 0;
function checkForCollisions() {
if (finishLine.isCut) {
for (var line = 0; line < numberOfLines; line++) {
obstacles[line] = obstacles[line] || [];
if (obstacles[line].length) {
var obstacle = obstacles[line][0]; // Check only the first obstacle in the line
if (line === 0) {
if (athlete.intersects(obstacle.centralRod)) {
athlete.isFalling = true;
athlete.isOnGround = false;
} else {
if (opponents[line - 1].x > aiJumpLeftLimit && opponents[line - 1].x < aiJumpRightLimit && opponents[line - 1].intersects(obstacle.centralRod)) {
log("Line " + line + " : opponent " + opponents[line - 1].lineIndex + " collided with obstacle " + obstacle.lineIndex);
opponents[line - 1].isFalling = true;
opponents[line - 1].isOnGround = false;
if (!obstacles[0].length && !finishLine.isCut) {
var isReached = athlete.x > finishLine.x;
if (isReached) {
finishLine.isCut = true;
function handleFallEvent() {
if (athlete.isFalling && !athlete.hasFlashed) {
LK.effects.flashScreen(0xaaaaaa, 500); // Flash screen red for half a second
athlete.hasFlashed = true;
globalSpeedPerLine[0] /= 1.5;
globalSlowDownAfterJump = true;
if (athlete.hasFlashed && !athlete.hasFlashedGround && athlete.isFalling && athlete.isOnGround) {
LK.effects.flashScreen(0xff0000, 500); // Flash screen red for half a second
athlete.hasFlashedGround = true;
globalSpeedPerLine[0] = 0;
LK.setTimeout(function () {
globalSpeedPerLine[0] = globalBaseSpeed;
globalSlowDownAfterJump = false;
}, 1000); // Delay game over to allow fall animation to be seen
opponents.forEach(function (opponent, index) {
if (opponent.isFalling && !opponent.hasFlashed && !opponent.isOnGround) {
opponent.hasFlashed = true;
LK.setTimeout(function () {
globalSpeedPerLine[opponent.lineIndex] = globalBaseSpeed;
}, 2000);
function getFinishPosition() {
return currentFinishPosition++;
/****************************************************************************************** */
/************************************** MAIN GAME LOOP ************************************ */
/****************************************************************************************** */
LK.on('tick', function () {
switch (gameState) {
// Handle menu logic here
// Handle score display logic here
Elongated elipse with black top half and white bottom half.
full close and front view of empty stands. retro gaming style
Basquettes à ressort futuriste. vue de profile. Retro gaming style
a blue iron man style armor flying. Retro gaming style
a blue iron man style armor flying horizontally. Retro gaming style
round button with a big "up" arrow icon and a small line under it. UI
A big black horizontal arrow pointing left with centred text 'YOU' in capital letters, painted on an orange floor.. horizontal and pointing left
gold athletics medal with ribbon. retro gaming style
a black oval with a crying smiley face.