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in resetButton.deactivate animate the button out to y=-300 āŖš” Consider importing and using the following plugins: @upit/tween.v1, @upit/storage.v1, @upit/tween.v1
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do the same for resetbutton.activate āŖš” Consider importing and using the following plugins: @upit/tween.v1, @upit/storage.v1, @upit/tween.v1
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in menubutton.activate() function animate entrance from y=-300 to y=130 āŖš” Consider importing and using the following plugins: @upit/tween.v1, @upit/storage.v1, @upit/tween.v1
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for levelText Animate scale to 10 and fade out; did not work, use w & h instead (store inital values before anim) āŖš” Consider importing and using the following plugins: @upit/tween.v1, @upit/storage.v1, @upit/tween.v1
User prompt
when tapping a level in the menu, animate if scale to 10 and fade out (then restore it no inital values) āŖš” Consider importing and using the following plugins: @upit/tween.v1, @upit/storage.v1, @upit/tween.v1
User prompt
use storage plugin to store maxReachedLevelNumber āŖš” Consider importing and using the following plugins: @upit/tween.v1, @upit/storage.v1
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add logs in updateMenuGrid
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Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'fill')' in or related to this line: ' = lvlColor;' Line Number: 471
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in updateMenuGrid Fore ach levelText in menuGrid, update the level color depending on puzzleManager.maxReachedLevelNumber
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fix ```levelText.down = function () { log("Tapped level number:", lvl); }; ```to take into account the scope
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in MenuBoard, add a down event handler on levelText elements and log the tapped level number
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in showWall() animate backgroundWall alpha from 0 to 1
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in cleanMenuState, animate menu exit to the left side
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in initMenuState, animate menuBoard entrance from the right side
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--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
* Plugins
var tween = LK.import("@upit/tween.v1");
+var storage = LK.import("@upit/storage.v1");
* Classes
@@ -354,11 +355,11 @@
- self.setText = function (text) {
+ self.setText = function (text, text2) {
- levelText2.setText(text);
+ levelText2.setText(text2 || text);
// Method to show the level number = function () {
levelText.visible = true;
@@ -410,14 +411,16 @@
var lvlColor = isDone ? 0x6ad100 : 0xF93827;
lvlColor = notReached ? 0x787878 : lvlColor;
var levelText = new Text2(lvl < 10 ? "0" + lvl : lvl, {
size: 160,
- fill: lvlColor,
+ fill: 0xFFFFFF,
+ //lvlColor,
weight: 1000,
dropShadow: true,
dropShadowAngle: Math.PI,
dropShadowDistance: 10
+ levelText.tint = lvlColor;
levelText.lvl = lvl;
levelText.alpha = lvl <= puzzleManager.maxReachedLevelNumber ? 1 : 0.6;
levelText.blendMode = 2;
levelText.x = col * cellSize * 1.0 + cellSize / 2 - 90;
@@ -427,8 +430,9 @@
log("Tapped level number:", level); //{3F.2}
if (level <= puzzleManager.maxReachedLevelNumber) {
+ levelNumberText.setText(level, level + 1);
}; //{3F.3}
}(lvl); //{3F.4}
@@ -450,11 +454,11 @@
var notReached = lvl > puzzleManager.maxReachedLevelNumber;
var lvlColor = isDone ? 0x6ad100 : 0xF93827;
lvlColor = notReached ? 0x787878 : lvlColor;
log("Level color set to:", lvlColor.toString(16)); // Log the color being set
- levelText.setStyle({
- fill: lvlColor
- });
+ // levelText.setStyle({
+ // fill: lvlColor
+ // });
levelText.tint = lvlColor;
levelText.alpha = lvl <= puzzleManager.maxReachedLevelNumber ? 1 : 0.6;
log("Level alpha set to:", levelText.alpha); // Log the alpha value being set
@@ -912,9 +916,9 @@
self.levelBoardOffsetX = 0; // Initialize levelBoardOffsetX
self.levelBoardOffsetY = 0; // Initialize levelBoardOffsetY
self.currentLevel = debug ? 1 : 1;
self.previousLevelNumber = 1;
- self.maxReachedLevelNumber = 1;
+ self.maxReachedLevelNumber = storage.maxReachedLevelNumber || 1; // Retrieve from storage or default to 1
self.board = [];
self.operations = [];
self.isAnimating = false;
self.selectedOperation = null;
@@ -1306,10 +1310,11 @@
LK.setTimeout(function () {
self.previousLevelNumber = self.currentLevel;
self.currentLevel++; // Advance to the next level
if (self.currentLevel > self.maxReachedLevelNumber) {
- self.maxReachedLevelNumber = self.currentLevel;
- }
+ self.maxReachedLevelNumber = self.currentLevel; //{b6.1}
+ storage.maxReachedLevelNumber = self.maxReachedLevelNumber; // Store in storage
+ } //{b6.2}
changeGameState(GAME_STATE.NEW_ROUND); // Change state to newRound
}, 2000);
return true;
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect
Sound effect