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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')' in or related to this line: 'monkeyAsset = self.attachAsset(newAssetId, {' Line Number: 95
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')' in or related to this line: 'monkeyAsset = self.attachAsset(newAssetId, {' Line Number: 95
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Please fix the bug: 'ReferenceError: ticksBeforeNextPosition is not defined' in or related to this line: 'scoreTest = "actualPIx: " + self.actualPositionIndex + " goalPIx: " + self.goalPositionIndex + " assetsToUse: " + self.assetsToUse + " seqIxToUse: " + self.sequenceIndexToUse + "\nticksBeforeNextPosition: " + ticksBeforeNextPosition;' Line Number: 114
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')' in or related to this line: 'monkeyAsset = self.attachAsset(newAssetId, {' Line Number: 96
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')' in or related to this line: 'monkeyAsset = self.attachAsset(newAssetId, {' Line Number: 96
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')' in or related to this line: 'monkeyAsset = self.attachAsset(newAssetId, {' Line Number: 96
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')' in or related to this line: 'monkeyAsset = self.attachAsset(newAssetId, {' Line Number: 96
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')' in or related to this line: 'monkeyAsset = self.attachAsset(newAssetId, {' Line Number: 94
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'trajectory')' in or related to this line: 'coconutChoosen.trajectory.isStarted = true;' Line Number: 138
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'anchorX')' in or related to this line: 'monkeyAsset = self.attachAsset(newAssetId, {' Line Number: 69
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'anchorX')' in or related to this line: 'monkey.monkeyAsset.anchorX = 0.91;' Line Number: 421
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Please fix the bug: 'ReferenceError: initialAsset is not defined' in or related to this line: 'self.removeChild(initialAsset);' Line Number: 66
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* Classes
// Class for the Coconut
var Coconut = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var coconutGraphics = self.attachAsset('coconut', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.isFalling = false;
self.isBouncing = false;
self.Xintercept = 0; //Abscisse d'interception du coconut avec le parasol
self.Yintercept = 0; //Ordonnée d'interception du coconut avec le parasol
self.trajectory = new Trajectory();
self.update = function () {
scoreTest = "trajectory.isFalling: " + self.trajectory.isFalling;
if (self.trajectory.typeTrajectory == -1) {
if (self.trajectory.typeTrajectory == 0) {
if (self.trajectory.typeTrajectory == 1) {
self.y = self.trajectory.y;
self.x = self.trajectory.x;
self.isFalling = self.trajectory.isFalling;
scoreTest += " / self.isFalling: " + self.isFalling;
if (self.y > 2732) {
}; //fin update
//<Assets used in the game will automatically appear here>
// Class for the Monkey
var Monkey = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var monkeyGraphics = self.attachAsset('monkey', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.update = function () {
// Monkey logic can be added here
// Class for the Parasol
var Parasol = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var parasolGraphics = self.attachAsset('parasol', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.update = function () {
// Parasol logic can be added here
//Class for the trajectory of the coconut
//Gestion d'une trajectoire parabolique de sommet ((X1 + X2)/2, Yh)
//et de point de départ (X1, Y0) et d'arrivée (X2, Y0) avec Y0 > Yh et X1 < X2 et Yh != Y0 != 0 et X1 != X2 != 0
//la fonction de mise à jour calcule la position du point suivant en fonction de speed .
//L'equation de la trajectoire est de la forme y = a(x - X1)(x - X2) + Y0 avec a = 4(Y0 - Yh)/((X1 - X2)(X1 - X2))
//Pour la trajectoire linéaire, le point de départ est (X1, Yh) et le point d'arrivée est (X1, Y0)
//Le temps de parcours est totalTicks que se soit pour la trajectoire linéaire ou parabolique
var Trajectory = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var trajectoryGraphics = self.attachAsset('trajectory', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0.5
self.typeTrajectory = 0; //-1: static, 0: linear, 1: parabolic
self.X1 = 0;
self.X2 = 0;
self.Y0 = 0;
self.Yh = 0;
self.a = 0;
self.x = 0;
self.y = 0;
self.totalTicks = 0; //Nombre total de ticks pour passer de X1 à X2
self.distPerTick = 0; //Distance parcourue par tick
self.isStarted = false; //Indique si la trajectoire a commencé
self.setParameters = function (typeTrajectory, X1, X2, Y0, Yh, totalTicks) {
//Initialisation des paramètres de la trajectoire
self.typeTrajectory = typeTrajectory;
self.X1 = X1;
self.X2 = X2;
self.Y0 = Y0;
self.Yh = Yh;
self.totalTicks = totalTicks;
self.isStarted = false;
if (self.typeTrajectory == -1) {
self.x = self.X1;
self.y = self.Y0;
if (self.typeTrajectory == 0) {
self.x = self.X1;
self.y = self.Yh;
distPerTick = (self.Y0 - self.Yh) / self.totalTicks;
if (self.typeTrajectory == 1) {
self.x = self.X1;
self.y = self.Y0;
self.a = 4 * (self.Y0 - self.Yh) / ((self.X1 - self.X2) * (self.X1 - self.X2));
self.distPerTick = (self.X2 - self.X1) / self.totalTicks;
//scoreTest = "typeTrajectory: " + typeTrajectory + " X1: " + self.X1 + " X2: " + self.X2 + " Y0: " + self.Y0 + " Yh: " + self.Yh + " totalTicks: " + self.totalTicks;
}; //fin setParameters
self.updateStatic = function () {
var lastY = self.y;
self.isFalling = lastY < self.y;
}; //fin updateStatic
self.updateLinear = function () {
// Trajectory logic can be added here
var lastY = self.y;
if (self.isStarted) {
if (self.y < self.Y0) {
self.y += distPerTick;
//scoreTest = "x= " + self.x + " y= " + self.y + " distPerTick= " + self.distPerTick;
self.isFalling = lastY < self.y;
}; //fin updateLinear
self.updateParabol = function () {
//scoreTest += 1;
// Trajectory logic can be added here
var lastY = self.y;
if (self.isStarted) {
self.x += self.distPerTick;
self.y = self.a * (self.x - self.X1) * (self.x - self.X2) + self.Y0;
//scoreTest = "x= " + self.x + " y= " + self.y + " a= " + self.a + " distPerTick= " + self.distPerTick;
self.isFalling = lastY < self.y;
}; //fin updateParabol
* Initialize Game
//fin class Trajectory
var game = new LK.Game({
backgroundColor: 0x87CEEB // Sky blue background
* Game Code
* Game zones and backgrounds
* Game Principle:
* NAME: COCO MONKEY V1.0 by Dalhem 2024
* -There is beach where people are enjoying the sun by the shadow of palm trees.
* -Above them, three palm trees are growing coconuts.
* -In the trees, a monkey is throwing coconuts from the top of the trees, thus three points of departure.
* -The player controls a guy who holding a parasol to protect everyone from the coconuts.
* -The coconuts are falling at a regular speed, falling in straight lines.
* -If a coconut touches the parasol, the player earns points.
* -If a coconut touches the ground, the player loses a life.
* -The game is over when the player has no more lives.
* Game Areas:
* The screen is divided into 3 main zones in the following descending order:
1. Score area: displays the player's score.
2. The main game area: where the game takes place, it is divided into 3 zones corresponding to the 3 points of departure of the coconuts :
* The left zone: the coconuts fall from the left tree.
* The center zone: the coconuts fall from the center tree.
* The right zone: the coconuts fall from the right tree.
3. Options area (or advertisement).
* Game Progression:
* At the beginning of the game, the player has 0 points.
* The player has 3 lives.
* The player can move the parasol by dragging it.
* The monkey throws coconuts at a regular interval randomly from the top of the trees.
* When a coconut touches the parasol, it bounces up following a parabolic trajectory.
* The parabolic trajectory depends on the angle of the parasol:
* The more the parasol is inclined, the more the coconut will bounce back :
* If the parasol is in the left zone, the coconut may bounce following a parabolic trajectory :
* to the left, thus outside the screen.
* to the right, thus towards the center zone.
* to the extrem right, thus towards the right zone.
* If the parasol is in the center zone, the coconut may bounce following a parabolic trajectory :
* to the left, thus towards the left zone.
* to the extrem left, thus outside the screen.
* to the right, thus towards the right zone.
* to the extrem right, thus outside the screen.
* If the parasol is in the right zone, the coconut may bounce following a parabolic trajectory :
* to the left, thus towards the center zone.
* to the extrem left, thus towards the left zone.
* to the right, thus outside the screen.
* the parasol has three zones of influence:
* The left zone: the coconut will bounce to the extrem left.
* The center zone: the coconut will randomly bounce to the left or to the right.
* The right zone: the coconut will bounce to the extrem right.
var ScoreZone = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: game.width,
height: 200 * game.height / 2732
var MainZone = {
x: 0,
y: ScoreZone.height,
width: game.width,
height: game.height - 2 * ScoreZone.height
var OptionsZone = {
x: 0,
y: game.height - ScoreZone.height,
width: game.width,
height: 200 * game.height / 2732
setBackGroundImage('backGroundBeach', 0, 0, game.width, game.height);
* Autres
var monkeyLevel = 200;
var monkey = game.addChild(new Monkey());
monkey.x = 2048 / 2;
monkey.y = monkeyLevel;
var parasol = game.addChild(new Parasol());
parasol.x = 2048 / 2;
parasol.y = OptionsZone.y - 400;
var coconutsInTree = []; //Tableau des coconuts dans les arbres
var coconuts = []; //Tableau des coconuts en mouvement
var nombreCoconuts = 15; //Nombre de coconuts en mouvement en même temps
var sommetParaboleHaute = ScoreZone.height + 200;
var sommetParaboleBasse = ScoreZone.height + 400;
var nbTicksToBounceHight = 500;
var nbTicksTobounceLow = 500;
var nbTicksBeforeThrow = 200;
var nbTicksLeftBeforeNextThrow = 0;
var score = 0;
var scoreTest = 0;
var startPoints = [XL = game.width / 4, XC = game.width / 2, XR = 3 * game.width / 4]; // Define the startPoints array
var parasolLevel = OptionsZone.y - 600;
var groundLevel = OptionsZone.y - 300;
* Init game
* ***/
* Score
var livesLeft = 3; //Nombre de vies restantes
var livesLeftGraphics = []; //Tableau des sprites 'life' représentant les vies restantes
var scoreTestText = new Text2('0', {
size: 30,
fill: "#FFFFFF",
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0
var scoreTxt = new Text2('0', {
size: 150,
fill: "#ff0000",
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0
game.down = function (x, y, obj) {
parasol.x = x;
parasol.y = parasolLevel;
game.move = function (x, y, obj) {
parasol.x = x;
parasol.y = parasolLevel;
* Functions
//Fonction setBackGroundImage : permet de définir l'image de fond du jeu
function setBackGroundImage(image, x, y, width, height) {
backGroundImage = LK.getAsset(image, {
x: x,
y: y,
width: width,
height: height
} //Fin de la fonction setBackGroundImage
function updateScoreTest(nouveauScore) {
} //fin updateScoreTest
function updateScore(nouveauScore) {
} //fin updateScore
function setLivesLeft() {
//Affiche le nombre de vies restantes (sprite 'life' ) dans le coin supérieur gauche
//Commence par effacer les vies restantes s'il y en a
if (livesLeft != livesLeftGraphics.length) {
for (var i = livesLeftGraphics.length - 1; i >= livesLeft; i--) {
if (livesLeftGraphics[i]) {
livesLeftGraphics.splice(i, 1);
//Crée des sprites 'life' si nécessaire (si livesLeft > livesLeftGraphics.length)
if (livesLeft > livesLeftGraphics.length) {
for (var i = livesLeftGraphics.length; i < livesLeft; i++) {
var lifeGraphics = LK.getAsset('life', {
anchorX: 0.5,
anchorY: 0,
scaleX: 1,
scaleY: 1,
x: ScoreZone.x + 100 + 100 * i,
y: ScoreZone.y + 100
//Affiche les sprites 'life' dans le coin supérieur gauche
for (var i = 0; i < livesLeft; i++) {
} //fin setLivesLeft
//Fonction setCocoInTree: crée un coconut dans un arbre
//Les coconuts sont créés au nombre de nombreCoconuts
//puis elles réparties aléatoirement mais équitablement dans les arbres autour des trois points de départ (XL, XC, XR) + ou - 50 pixels
//Elles sont stockées dans le tableau coconutsInTree
function setCocoInTree() {
for (var i = 0; i < nombreCoconuts; i++) {
var newCoconut = new Coconut();
// Choisir aléatoirement un point de départ
var randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * startPoints.length);
var randomDeltaX = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) - 50;
var randomDeltaY = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) - 50;
var typeTrajectory = -1; //Trajectoire statique
var X1 = startPoints[randomIndex] + randomDeltaX;
//var X1 = startPoints[1];
var X2 = X1;
var Y0 = monkeyLevel + randomDeltaY;
var Yh = Y0;
var totalTicks = 0;
newCoconut.trajectory.setParameters(typeTrajectory, X1, X2, Y0, Yh, totalTicks);
//Affiche les coconuts dans les arbres
for (var i = 0; i < coconutsInTree.length; i++) {
} //fin setCocoInTree
//Fonction chooseNextStartPoint: choisit aléatoirement un point de départ d'un coconut
//Renvoie un objet Coconut
function chooseNextStartPoint() {
var newCoconut = new Coconut();
// Choisir aléatoirement un point de départ
var randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * startPoints.length);
var typeTrajectory = 0;
newCoconut.isFalling = true;
var X1 = startPoints[randomIndex];
var X2 = X1;
var Y0 = groundLevel;
var Yh = monkeyLevel;
var totalTicks = 500;
newCoconut.trajectory.setParameters(typeTrajectory, X1, X2, Y0, Yh, totalTicks);
moveMonkeyToStartPoint(X1, monkeyLevel);
return newCoconut;
} //fin chooseNextStartPoint
//Fonction chooseNextCoconut: choisit aléatoirement un coconut dans les arbres
//Renvoie un objet Coconut
function chooseNextCoconut() {
var randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * coconutsInTree.length);
var newCoconut = coconutsInTree[randomIndex];
coconutsInTree.splice(randomIndex, 1);
var typeTrajectory = 0; //Trajectoire linéaire
newCoconut.isFalling = true;
var X1 = newCoconut.x;
var X2 = X1;
var Y0 = groundLevel;
var Yh = newCoconut.y;
var totalTicks = 500;
newCoconut.trajectory.setParameters(typeTrajectory, X1, X2, Y0, Yh, totalTicks);
moveMonkeyToStartPoint(X1, monkeyLevel);
return newCoconut;
} //fin chooseNextCoconut
//Fonction moveMonkeyToStartPoint: déplace le monkey au point de départ du coconut
function moveMonkeyToStartPoint(x, y) {
//Efface le monkey de l'écran
monkey.x = x;
monkey.y = y;
} //fin moveMonkeyToStartPoint
//Fonction checkPosition : donne la position XL, XC, ou XR la plus proche de la position x du parasol
function checkPosition(parasol) {
var deltaX = Math.abs(parasol.x - XL);
var deltaY = Math.abs(parasol.x - XC);
var deltaZ = Math.abs(parasol.x - XR);
var Xreturn = -1;
if (deltaX <= parasol.width / 2) {
Xreturn = XL;
if (deltaY <= parasol.width / 2) {
Xreturn = XC;
if (deltaZ <= parasol.width / 2) {
Xreturn = XR;
return Xreturn;
} //fin checkPosition
//Fonction zoneIntersectParasol: renvoie la zone du parasol qui intersecte le coconut (0 : zone de gauche, 1 : zone centrale de gauche, 2 : zone centrale de droite, 3 : zone de droite)
//Sachant que l'ancrage du parasol est en (0.5, 0.5) et que l'ancrage du coconut est en (0.5, 0.5)
//La zone 0 est la zone de gauche, la zone 1 est la zone centrale, la zone 2 est la zone de droite
function zoneIntersectParasol(coconut) {
var zone = -1;
var oneThirdParasol = parasol.width / 3;
var parasolCenter = parasol.x;
var coconutCenter = coconut.x;
var deltaXToCenter = parasolCenter - coconutCenter; //distance du centre du coconut par rapport au centre du parasol (positif si à gauche, négatif si à droite)
if (deltaXToCenter > oneThirdParasol / 2) {
//La coco se trouve dans la zone gauche au delà du tiers gauche
zone = 0;
if (deltaXToCenter <= oneThirdParasol / 2 && deltaXToCenter >= 0) {
//La coco se trouve dans la zone gauche entre le tiers gauche et le centre du parasol
zone = 1;
if (deltaXToCenter >= -oneThirdParasol / 2 && deltaXToCenter <= 0) {
//La coco se trouve dans la zone droite entre le centre du parasol et le tiers droit
zone = 2;
if (deltaXToCenter < -oneThirdParasol / 2) {
//La coco se trouve dans la zone droite au delà du tiers droit
zone = 3;
return zone;
} //fin zoneIntersectParasol
//Fonction changeTrajectory: change la trajectoire d'un coconut en fonction de la position du parasol en XL, XC ou XR (position de startPoints)
//Si la position du parasol est en XL le coconut rebondit aléatoirement :
// - vers la gauche, donc vers l'extérieur de l'écran
// - vers la droite, donc vers la zone centrale avec une parabole de somment sommetParaboleHaute
// - vers l'extrême droite, donc vers la zone de droite avec une parabole de somment sommetParaboleBasse
//Si la position du parasol est en XC le coconut rebondit aléatoirement :
// - vers la gauche, donc vers la zone de gauche avec une parabole de somment sommetParaboleHaute
// - vers l'extrême gauche, donc vers l'extérieur de l'écran
// - vers la droite, donc vers la zone de droite avec une parabole de somment sommetParaboleHaute
// - vers l'extrême droite, donc vers l'extérieur de l'écran
//Si la position du parasol est en XR le coconut rebondit aléatoirement :
// - vers la droite, donc vers l'extérieur de l'écran
// - vers la gauche, donc vers la zone centrale avec une parabole de somment sommetParaboleHaute
// - vers l'extrême gauche, donc vers la zone de gauche avec une parabole de somment sommetParaboleBasse
function changeTrajectory(coconut, randomIndex) {
if (randomIndex != 0 && randomIndex != 1 && randomIndex != 2 && randomIndex != 3) {
randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);
var Xposition = checkPosition(parasol);
var deltaX = Math.abs(coconut.x - Xposition);
if (Xposition == XL) {
if (randomIndex == 0) {
//vers la gauche, sortie de l'écran
coconut.trajectory.setParameters(1, coconut.x, -XL - deltaX, coconut.y, sommetParaboleBasse, nbTicksToBounceHight);
if (randomIndex == 1) {
//vers la gauche, sortie de l'écran
coconut.trajectory.setParameters(1, coconut.x, -XL - deltaX, coconut.y, sommetParaboleHaute, nbTicksToBounceHight);
if (randomIndex == 2) {
//vers le centre, parabole haute
coconut.trajectory.setParameters(1, coconut.x, XC - deltaX, coconut.y, sommetParaboleHaute, nbTicksToBounceHight);
if (randomIndex == 3) {
//vers l'extrême droite, parabole basse
coconut.trajectory.setParameters(1, coconut.x, XR - deltaX, coconut.y, sommetParaboleBasse, nbTicksTobounceLow);
} else if (Xposition == XC) {
if (randomIndex == 0) {
//vers la gauche, sortie d'ecran
coconut.trajectory.setParameters(1, coconut.x, -XL + deltaX, coconut.y, sommetParaboleBasse, nbTicksTobounceLow);
if (randomIndex == 1) {
//vers la gauche, parabole haute
coconut.trajectory.setParameters(1, coconut.x, XL + deltaX, coconut.y, sommetParaboleHaute, nbTicksToBounceHight);
if (randomIndex == 2) {
//Vers la droite, parabole haute
coconut.trajectory.setParameters(1, coconut.x, XR - deltaX, coconut.y, sommetParaboleHaute, nbTicksToBounceHight);
if (randomIndex == 3) {
//Vers la droite, sortie d'ecran
coconut.trajectory.setParameters(1, coconut.x, XR + 2 * XL - deltaX, coconut.y, sommetParaboleBasse, nbTicksTobounceLow);
} else if (Xposition == XR) {
if (randomIndex == 0) {
//vers l'extrême gauche, parabole basse
coconut.trajectory.setParameters(1, coconut.x, XL + deltaX, coconut.y, sommetParaboleBasse, nbTicksTobounceLow);
if (randomIndex == 1) {
//vers le centre, parabole haute
coconut.trajectory.setParameters(1, coconut.x, XC + deltaX, coconut.y, sommetParaboleHaute, nbTicksToBounceHight);
if (randomIndex == 2) {
//vers la droite, sortie de l'écran
coconut.trajectory.setParameters(1, coconut.x, XR + 2 * XL - deltaX, coconut.y, sommetParaboleHaute, nbTicksToBounceHight);
if (randomIndex == 3) {
//vers l'extrême gauche, parabole haute
coconut.trajectory.setParameters(1, coconut.x, XR + 2 * XL - deltaX, coconut.y, sommetParaboleBasse, nbTicksTobounceLow);
} //fin changeTrajectory
* Main loop
game.update = function () {
//Mise à jour score
//scoreTest = livesLeft;
//scoreTest = "Coconuts restantes: " + coconuts.length;
//Mise à jour des trajectoires des coconuts
for (var i = coconuts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
//Vérifier si un coco a touché le sol
for (var i = coconuts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (coconuts[i].y >= groundLevel / 2 && (coconuts[i].x < 0 || coconuts[i].x > game.width)) {
//Si le coco est sorti de l'écran sur les côtés
coconuts.splice(i, 1);
} else if (coconuts[i].y >= groundLevel) {
//Si le coco est tombé au sol
LK.effects.flashScreen(0xff0000, 1000);
coconuts.splice(i, 1);
livesLeft -= 1;
if (livesLeft == 0) {
//Check if a coconut has touched the parasol et changement de trajectoire
for (var i = coconuts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var deltaX = Math.abs(coconuts[i].x - parasol.x);
var deltaY = parasol.y - coconuts[i].y;
var isCloseEnough = deltaY > 0 && deltaY < 150;
if (coconuts[i].intersects(parasol) && coconuts[i].isFalling && deltaX < parasol.width / 2 && isCloseEnough) {
coconuts[i].Xintercept = parasol.x;
coconuts[i].Yintercept = coconuts[i].y;
score += 10;
coconuts[i].isFalling = false;
var bouncingSoundList = ['bouncing1', 'bouncing2', 'bouncing3'];
var bouncingSound = bouncingSoundList[Math.floor(Math.random() * bouncingSoundList.length)];
changeTrajectory(coconuts[i], zoneIntersectParasol(coconuts[i]));
coconuts[i].trajectory.isStarted = true;
coconuts[i].isBouncing = true;
//Autres actions à effectuer sans urgence
if (LK.ticks % 60 == 0) {
//Afficher les coeurs
// Récupérer un coconut dans les arbres et le faire tomber si l'heure est venue
if (coconutsInTree.length > 0 && nbTicksLeftBeforeNextThrow <= 0) {
var newCoconut = chooseNextCoconut();
newCoconut.trajectory.isStarted = true;
nbTicksLeftBeforeNextThrow = nbTicksBeforeThrow;
} else {
nbTicksLeftBeforeNextThrow -= 60;