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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'anchorX')' in or related to this line: 'monkeyAsset = self.attachAsset(newAssetId, {' Line Number: 69
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Please fix the bug: 'TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'anchorX')' in or related to this line: 'monkey.monkeyAsset.anchorX = 0.91;' Line Number: 421
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Please fix the bug: 'ReferenceError: oconutsInTree is not defined' in or related to this line: 'oconutsInTree.push(newCoconut);' Line Number: 338
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Please fix the bug: 'ReferenceError: coconut is not defined' in or related to this line: 'scoreTest = "Zone contact = " + zoneIntersectParasol(coconut[i]);' Line Number: 434
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--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -9,8 +9,10 @@
anchorY: 0.5
self.isFalling = false;
self.isBouncing = false;
+ self.Xintercept = 0; //Abscisse d'interception du coconut avec le parasol
+ self.Yintercept = 0; //Ordonnée d'interception du coconut avec le parasol
self.trajectory = new Trajectory();
self.update = function () {
if (self.trajectory.typeTrajectory == 0) {
@@ -131,11 +133,8 @@
* Game Code
-* Game zones and backgrounds
* Game Principle:
* NAME: COCO MONKEY V1.0 by Dalhem 2024
* -There is beach where people are enjoying the sun by the shadow of palm trees.
@@ -179,8 +178,11 @@
* The left zone: the coconut will bounce to the extrem left.
* The center zone: the coconut will randomly bounce to the left or to the right.
* The right zone: the coconut will bounce to the extrem right.
+* Game zones and backgrounds
var ScoreZone = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: game.width,
@@ -208,10 +210,11 @@
monkey.y = monkeyLevel;
var parasol = game.addChild(new Parasol());
parasol.x = 2048 / 2;
parasol.y = OptionsZone.y - 400;
-var coconuts = [];
-var nombreCoconuts = 1;
+var coconutsInTree = []; //Tableau des coconuts dans les arbres
+var coconuts = []; //Tableau des coconuts en mouvement
+var nombreCoconuts = 3; //Nombre de coconuts en mouvement en même temps
var sommetParaboleHaute = ScoreZone.height + 200;
var sommetParaboleBasse = ScoreZone.height + 400;
var nbTicksToBounceHight = 500;
var nbTicksTobounceLow = 500;
@@ -305,16 +308,16 @@
// Choisir aléatoirement un point de départ
var randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * startPoints.length);
var typeTrajectory = 0;
newCoconut.isFalling = true;
- var X1 = startPoints[randomIndex];
+ //var X1 = startPoints[randomIndex];
+ var X1 = startPoints[1];
var X2 = X1;
var Y0 = groundLevel;
var Yh = monkeyLevel;
var totalTicks = 500;
newCoconut.trajectory.setParameters(typeTrajectory, X1, X2, Y0, Yh, totalTicks);
- scoreTest = "New coconut: (" + monkey.x + ", " + monkey.y + ")";
moveMonkeyToStartPoint(X1, monkeyLevel);
return newCoconut;
} //fin chooseNextStartPoint
//Fonction moveMonkeyToStartPoint: déplace le monkey au point de départ du coconut
@@ -322,24 +325,24 @@
//Efface le monkey de l'écran
monkey.x = x;
monkey.y = y;
- scoreTest = "New monkey: (" + monkey.x + ", " + monkey.y + ")";
- //game.addChild(monkey);
+ game.addChild(monkey);
} //fin moveMonkeyToStartPoint
//Fonction checkPosition : donne la position XL, XC, ou XR la plus proche de la position x du parasol
-function checkPosition(x) {
- var deltaX = Math.abs(x - XL);
- var deltaY = Math.abs(x - XC);
- var deltaZ = Math.abs(x - XR);
+function checkPosition(parasol) {
+ var deltaX = Math.abs(parasol.x - XL);
+ var deltaY = Math.abs(parasol.x - XC);
+ var deltaZ = Math.abs(parasol.x - XR);
+ scoreTest = " deltaX = " + deltaX + " deltaY = " + deltaY + " deltaZ = " + deltaZ + " parasol.x = " + parasol.x + " parasol.width = " + parasol.width;
var Xreturn = -1;
- if (deltaX <= deltaY && deltaX <= deltaZ) {
+ if (deltaX <= parasol.width / 2) {
Xreturn = XL;
- if (deltaY <= deltaX && deltaY <= deltaZ) {
+ if (deltaY <= parasol.width / 2) {
Xreturn = XC;
- if (deltaZ <= deltaX && deltaZ <= deltaY) {
+ if (deltaZ <= parasol.width / 2) {
Xreturn = XR;
return Xreturn;
} //fin checkPosition
@@ -387,11 +390,13 @@
function changeTrajectory(coconut, randomIndex) {
if (randomIndex != 0 && randomIndex != 1 && randomIndex != 2 && randomIndex != 3) {
randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);
- var Xposition = checkPosition(parasol.x);
+ var Xposition = checkPosition(parasol);
var deltaX = Math.abs(coconut.x - Xposition);
+ //scoreTest = " Xposition = " + Xposition + " deltaX = " + deltaX;
if (Xposition == XL) {
+ //scoreTest = " Xposition = XL";
if (randomIndex == 0) {
//vers la gauche, sortie de l'écran
coconut.trajectory.setParameters(1, coconut.x, -XL - deltaX, coconut.y, sommetParaboleBasse, nbTicksToBounceHight);
@@ -406,10 +411,10 @@
if (randomIndex == 3) {
//vers l'extrême droite, parabole basse
coconut.trajectory.setParameters(1, coconut.x, XR - deltaX, coconut.y, sommetParaboleBasse, nbTicksTobounceLow);
- }
- if (Xposition == XC) {
+ } else if (Xposition == XC) {
+ //scoreTest = " Xposition = XC";
if (randomIndex == 0) {
//vers la gauche, sortie d'ecran
coconut.trajectory.setParameters(1, coconut.x, -XL + deltaX, coconut.y, sommetParaboleBasse, nbTicksTobounceLow);
@@ -424,10 +429,10 @@
if (randomIndex == 3) {
//Vers la droite, sortie d'ecran
coconut.trajectory.setParameters(1, coconut.x, XR + 2 * XL - deltaX, coconut.y, sommetParaboleBasse, nbTicksTobounceLow);
- }
- if (Xposition == XR) {
+ } else if (Xposition == XR) {
+ //scoreTest = " Xposition = XR";
if (randomIndex == 0) {
//vers l'extrême gauche, parabole basse
coconut.trajectory.setParameters(1, coconut.x, XL + deltaX, coconut.y, sommetParaboleBasse, nbTicksTobounceLow);
@@ -442,16 +447,19 @@
if (randomIndex == 3) {
//vers l'extrême gauche, parabole haute
coconut.trajectory.setParameters(1, coconut.x, XR + 2 * XL - deltaX, coconut.y, sommetParaboleBasse, nbTicksTobounceLow);
+ } else {
+ //scoreTest = " NO POSITION";
} //fin changeTrajectory
* Main loop
game.update = function () {
//Mise à jour score
//scoreTest = livesLeft;
+ //scoreTest = "Coconuts restantes: " + coconuts.length;
//Autres actions à effectuer sans urgence
if (LK.ticks % 60 == 0) {
@@ -465,11 +473,17 @@
//Check if a coconut has touched the parasol et changement de trajectoire
for (var i = coconuts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (coconuts[i].intersects(parasol) && coconuts[i].isFalling) {
+ coconuts[i].Xintercept = parasol.x;
+ coconuts[i].Yintercept = coconuts[i].y;
+ //scoreTest = "Xintercept = " + coconuts[i].Xintercept + " Yintercept = " + coconuts[i].Yintercept;
score += 10;
coconuts[i].isFalling = false;
var deltaX = Math.abs(coconuts[i].x - XL);
+ var bouncingSoundList = ['bouncing1', 'bouncing2', 'bouncing3'];
+ var bouncingSound = bouncingSoundList[Math.floor(Math.random() * bouncingSoundList.length)];
+ LK.getSound(bouncingSound).play();
changeTrajectory(coconuts[i], zoneIntersectParasol(coconuts[i]));
coconuts[i].isBouncing = true;