User prompt
Both bulldozers and BulldoRocks move in the same way: they can move horizontally, then rotate a quarter turn, and proceed to move vertically. Add an adapted move function to those var please.
User prompt
Add this line to the BulldoRock var : var bulldozerGraphics = self.createAsset('bulldorock', 'Bulldorock asset', 0.5, 0.5);
User prompt
May you create a makeZonesVisible function in order to see the zones?
User prompt
Now the screen is totally white, would you please remove this white background so we can see the zones?
User prompt
Why am I only seeing a black screen, and what is missing?
User prompt
Please make the score zone green, the human zone blue, the computer zone red, the road zone black, and the options zone gray.
User prompt
Is it possible to make the zones visible to verify the correct progress of the coding, and how should I go about doing this?
User prompt
Please do verify that the rock classes are correctly defined and that the rocks can be placed within the RoadZone using the `placeRocksRandomly()` function.
User prompt
The next step is to implement the logic for bulldozer movement and interaction with the rocks. This should include how bulldozers approach rocks, initiate pushing, and how rocks move in response, considering their size and the number of bulldozers involved. In the implementation of the bulldozer movement logic, it should be noted that bulldozers only move in straight lines either horizontally or vertically. They must make a quarter turn to change direction before proceeding with their movement.
User prompt
"We need to implement event listeners for the rocks that will allow the player to interact with them by tapping or clicking. These event listeners should trigger the logic for commanding the nearest free bulldozer to push the selected rock.
User prompt
Small rocks are worth 1 point, medium rocks are worth 2 points, and large rocks are worth 3 points.
User prompt
Please ensure that the rocks are placed randomly within the RoadZone in such a way that they do not touch each other when moved horizontally.
User prompt
Add the Bulldozer var and the Bulldorock var.
User prompt
Please delete lines 113 to 135 from the source file.
User prompt
Que dois dire en anglais pour que les lignes de 113 à 135 soit effacées?
User prompt
Please move the comments from lines 87 to 112 to the beginning of the source file, starting at line 1.
User prompt
Move the last created var under the RoadZone var.
User prompt
Add the SmallRock var and the MediumRock var and the LargeRock var.
User prompt
Erase SmallRock var, MediumRock var and LargeRock var.
User prompt
Erase Bulldorock var.
User prompt
Erase Bulldozer var.
User prompt
✅ Clear all game logic to restart from the beginning.
User prompt
Clear all code to restart from the beginning.
User prompt
Bulldozers from both the human and computer-controlled sides move in a grid-based fashion, which means they can only move horizontally or vertically, not diagonally.
User prompt
Additionally, rocks and bulldozers are solid objects; they cannot pass through each other. This requires implementing collision detection to prevent bulldozers from moving into the same space as a rock or another bulldozer.
* Classes
// This change assumes the creation of a SpecialRock class
// This change assumes that a progress display function will be added globally
// Function to update game progress display
/**** // Create animations for bulldozers and rocks// Add time limits or special rocks
var timeLimit = 120; // Time limit in seconds // Time limit in seconds
var timerText = new Text2(timeLimit.toString(), { size: 150, fill: '#ffffff' });
timerText.anchor.set(.5, 0);;
var timerText = new Text2(timeLimit.toString(), { size: 150, fill: '#ffffff' });
timerText.anchor.set(.5, 0);;
var specialRocks = []; // Array to hold special rocks
function createSpecialRocks() {
// Code to create special rocks that require multiple hits
function animateBulldozerPushing(bulldozer) {
// Animation code for bulldozer pushing
function animateRockDestruction(rock) {
// Animation code for rock destruction
* Classes
var ScoreZone = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
self.width = game.width;
self.height = 200;
self.x = 0;
self.y = 0;
var Bulldozer = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
self.checkCollision = function (object, speed) {
var futurePosition = this.x - speed;
if (futurePosition < object.x + object.width && futurePosition + this.width > object.x && this.y < object.y + object.height && this.y + this.height > object.y) {
return true; // Collision detected
return false; // No collision
var bulldozerGraphics = self.createAsset('bulldozer', 'Bulldozer Graphics', .5, .5);
self.powerUp = null;
self.move = function () {
// Define computer bulldozer strategy to target nearest rock
var nearestRock = null;
var nearestDistance = Infinity;
rocks.forEach(function (rock) {
var distance = Math.abs(self.x - rock.x) + Math.abs(self.y - rock.y);
if (distance < nearestDistance) {
nearestDistance = distance;
nearestRock = rock;
if (nearestRock) {
// Move both bulldozer and rock to the left automatically
// Define base speed V
var baseSpeed = 5;
// Adjust speed based on rock size
var speed = baseSpeed;
if ( === 'SmallRock') {
speed = baseSpeed / 2;
} else if ( === 'MediumRock') {
speed = baseSpeed / 4;
} else if ( === 'LargeRock') {
speed = baseSpeed / 8;
// Double speed if two bulldozers are pushing
if (nearestRock.isBeingPushed) {
speed *= 2;
// Check if bulldozer is within bounds before moving
if (self.playerType === 'human' && self.x - speed >= HumanZone.x || self.playerType === 'computer' && self.x + speed <= ComputerZone.x + ComputerZone.width) {
if (!self.checkCollision(nearestRock, speed)) {
self.x -= speed;
nearestRock.x -= speed;
// Check if rock is completely inside the human zone
if (nearestRock.x >= HumanZone.x && nearestRock.x + nearestRock.width <= HumanZone.x + HumanZone.width && nearestRock.y >= HumanZone.y && nearestRock.y + nearestRock.height <= HumanZone.y + HumanZone.height) {
self.clearRock = function (rock) {
rocks.splice(rocks.indexOf(rock), 1);
LK.effects.flashObject(rock, 0xffff00, 500);
function updateScore(rock, player) {
var points = 0;
switch ( {
case 'SmallRock':
points = 1;
case 'MediumRock':
points = 2;
case 'LargeRock':
points = 3;
if (player === 'human') {
game.playerScore += points;
} else if (player === 'computer') {
game.computerScore += points;
// Update score display
var playerScoreText ='playerScoreText');
var computerScoreText ='computerScoreText');
if (player === 'human' && playerScoreText) {
playerScoreText.setText('Player Score: ' + game.playerScore);
} else if (player === 'computer' && computerScoreText) {
computerScoreText.setText('Computer Score: ' + game.computerScore);
var HumanZone = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
self.width = 400;
self.height = game.height - ScoreZone.height - OptionsZone.height;
self.x = 0;
self.y = ScoreZone.height;
var SmallRock = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var rockGraphics = self.createAsset('small_rock', 'Small Rock Graphics', .5, .5);
self.hitsToClear = 1;
rockGraphics.width = 50;
rockGraphics.height = 50;
self.interactive = true;
self.buttonMode = true;
self.on('down', function (obj) {
var nearestBulldozer = getNearestFreeBulldozer(self);
if (nearestBulldozer && !self.isBeingPushed) {
moveToRock(nearestBulldozer, self);
self.isBeingPushed = true;
} else if (nearestBulldozer && self.isBeingPushed) {
// Add logic to block or slow down the rock if pushed by opponent
if (nearestBulldozer && self.isBeingPushedByOpponent) {
// Implement logic to determine direction based on fewer bulldozers
var ComputerZone = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
self.width = 400;
self.height = HumanZone.height;
self.x = game.width - self.width;
self.y = ScoreZone.height;
var MediumRock = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var rockGraphics = self.createAsset('medium_rock', 'Medium Rock Graphics', .5, .5);
self.hitsToClear = 2;
rockGraphics.width = 100;
rockGraphics.height = 100;
self.interactive = true;
self.buttonMode = true;
self.on('down', function (obj) {
var nearestBulldozer = getNearestFreeBulldozer(self);
if (nearestBulldozer) {
moveToRock(nearestBulldozer, self);
var OptionsZone = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
self.width = game.width;
self.height = 200;
self.x = 0;
self.y = game.height - self.height;
var Bulldorock = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
self.selected = false;
var bulldorockGraphics = self.createAsset('bulldorock', 'Bulldorock Graphics', .5, .5);
self.move = function () {
if (!self.selected || !self.closestRock) {
// Determine direction based on player type
var direction = self.playerType === 'human' ? 1 : -1;
// Move both bulldozer and rock
self.x += 5 * direction;
self.closestRock.x += 5 * direction;
// Check if rock is completely inside the target zone
var targetZone = self.playerType === 'human' ? ComputerZone : HumanZone;
if (self.closestRock.x >= targetZone.x && self.closestRock.x + self.closestRock.width <= targetZone.x + targetZone.width && self.closestRock.y >= targetZone.y && self.closestRock.y + self.closestRock.height <= targetZone.y + targetZone.height) {
self.selected = false; // Deselect bulldozer after clearing rock
self.closestRock = null;
self.clearRock = function (rock) {
// Check if rock is completely inside the target zone before clearing
var targetZone = self.playerType === 'human' ? ComputerZone : HumanZone;
if (rock.x >= targetZone.x && rock.x + rock.width <= targetZone.x + targetZone.width && rock.y >= targetZone.y && rock.y + rock.height <= targetZone.y + targetZone.height) {
rocks.splice(rocks.indexOf(rock), 1);
// Visual cue for rock clearance
LK.effects.flashObject(rock, 0xffff00, 500);
// Update game state or score here if needed
self.on('down', function (obj) {
var event = obj.event;
var pos = event.getLocalPosition(game);
// Toggle bulldozer selection
self.selected = !self.selected;
if (self.selected) {
// Add visual indication for selection here
// For example, change the alpha or tint of the Bulldorock
LK.effects.flashObject(self, 0x00ff00, 500);
} else {
// Remove visual indication for selection
self.alpha = 1;
self.on('move', function (obj) {
if (!self.selected) {
var event = obj.event;
var pos = event.getLocalPosition(game);
// Move bulldozer based on touch position
self.x = pos.x - self.width / 2;
self.y = pos.y - self.height / 2;
var RoadZone = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
self.width = game.width - HumanZone.width - ComputerZone.width;
self.height = HumanZone.height;
self.x = HumanZone.width;
self.y = ScoreZone.height;
var LargeRock = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
var rockGraphics = self.createAsset('large_rock', 'Large Rock Graphics', .5, .5);
self.hitsToClear = 3;
rockGraphics.width = 150;
rockGraphics.height = 150;
self.interactive = true;
self.buttonMode = true;
self.on('down', function (obj) {
var nearestBulldozer = getNearestFreeBulldozer(self);
if (nearestBulldozer) {
moveToRock(nearestBulldozer, self);
* Initialize Game
Game Zones:
1. HumanZone: The starting area for the human player's bulldozers, located on the left side of the screen. It is 400 pixels wide and extends the full height of the screen, minus the score zone at the top and the options zone at the bottom.
2. ComputerZone: The starting area for the computer-controlled bulldozers, located on the right side of the screen. It has the same dimensions as the HumanZone.
3. RoadZone: The central area between the HumanZone and ComputerZone, where rocks are placed at the start of the game. It is 1248 pixels wide and also extends the full height of the screen between the two starting zones.
4. OptionsZone: Located at the bottom of the screen, this zone can contain game commands or options for the player. It is 2048 pixels wide (the full width of the screen) and 200 pixels high.
5. ScoreZone: Located at the top of the screen, used to display the players' scores. It has the same dimensions as the OptionsZone.
Game Rules:
- At the start of the game, 10 rocks of three different sizes are randomly placed in the RoadZone.
- Each player has two bulldozers to move the rocks.
- A bulldozer moving without pushing anything has a base speed V.
- When a bulldozer pushes a small rock, the combined speed is V/2.
- When a bulldozer pushes a medium rock, the combined speed is V/4.
- When a bulldozer pushes a large rock, the combined speed is V/8.
- When two bulldozers push a rock together, one behind the other, the pushing speeds are doubled compared to the speed of a single bulldozer.
- The human player clicks on a rock to command the nearest free bulldozer to push it towards the ComputerZone.
- The computer-controlled bulldozers randomly choose a rock and push it towards the HumanZone.
- If a human bulldozer is free, the player can click on a rock already being pushed to have the bulldozer move behind the first one and push the rock faster.
- It is possible to push a rock that is being pushed by the opponent to block or slow down its movement. If a second bulldozer is added in this situation, the rock will be pushed in the direction where there are fewer bulldozers.
- The game ends when all rocks have been moved out of the RoadZone. The winner is the one with the highest score, based on the number and size of rocks successfully moved to the opposing zone.
- The goal for the human player is to move all the rocks to the ComputerZone while preventing the computer from doing the same. Effective strategy and skillful bulldozer management are necessary to maximize the score.
There is no time limit in this game, and players must use their judgment to determine the best way to move rocks and use their bulldozers to win the game.
// Time limit in seconds
var game = new LK.Game({
backgroundColor: 0x000000
* Game Code
// This change assumes that a progress display function will be added globally
// Function to update game progress display
function moveToRock(bulldozer, rock) {
// Animate bulldozer moving towards the rock
var moveInterval = LK.setInterval(function () {
// Move bulldozer towards rock
// This is a placeholder for the actual animation code
bulldozer.x += (rock.x - bulldozer.x) * 0.1;
bulldozer.y += (rock.y - bulldozer.y) * 0.1;
// Check if bulldozer has reached the rock
if (Math.abs(bulldozer.x - rock.x) < 1 && Math.abs(bulldozer.y - rock.y) < 1) {
bulldozer.isPushing = true; // Set bulldozer state to pushing
// Trigger rock pushing logic here
}, 16); // 60FPS
function getNearestFreeBulldozer(rock) {
var bulldozers = [game.playerBulldozer1, game.playerBulldozer2, game.computerBulldozer1, game.computerBulldozer2];
var freeBulldozers = bulldozers.filter(function (bulldozer) {
return !bulldozer.isPushing;
var nearestBulldozer = null;
var nearestDistance = Infinity;
freeBulldozers.forEach(function (bulldozer) {
var distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(bulldozer.x - rock.x, 2) + Math.pow(bulldozer.y - rock.y, 2));
if (distance < nearestDistance) {
nearestDistance = distance;
nearestBulldozer = bulldozer;
return nearestBulldozer;
function updateProgressDisplay() {
var progressText ='progressText');
if (progressText) {
progressText.setText('Time left: ' + Math.max(timeLimit - Math.floor(game.elapsedTime), 0));
// This change assumes that visual feedback functions will be added globally
// Function to visually indicate rock pushing
function indicateRockPushing(rock) {
// Change the alpha or add an effect to the rock while it's being pushed
rock.alpha = 0.8;
// Function to visually indicate rock clearance
function indicateRockClearance(rock) {
// Add a visual effect, like flashing, when the rock is cleared
LK.effects.flashObject(rock, 0xffff00, 500);
var timeLimit = 120;
game.playerBulldozer1 = game.addChild(new Bulldorock());
game.playerBulldozer1.x = 200;
game.playerBulldozer1.y = 200 + 2332 / 2 - game.playerBulldozer1.height / 2;
game.playerBulldozer2 = game.addChild(new Bulldorock());
game.playerBulldozer2.x = 200;
game.playerBulldozer2.y = 200 + 2332 / 2 + game.playerBulldozer2.height / 2;
game.computerBulldozer1 = game.addChild(new Bulldozer());
game.computerBulldozer1.x = 1648;
game.computerBulldozer1.y = game.playerBulldozer1.y;
game.computerBulldozer2 = game.addChild(new Bulldozer());
game.computerBulldozer2.x = 1648;
game.computerBulldozer2.y = game.playerBulldozer2.y;
var rocks = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
var size = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1;
var rock;
switch (size) {
case 1:
rock = game.addChild(new SmallRock());
case 2:
rock = game.addChild(new MediumRock());
case 3:
rock = game.addChild(new LargeRock());
rock.x = 400 + i % 5 * 250;
var validPosition = false;
var attempts = 0;
while (!validPosition && attempts < 100) {
validPosition = true;
var potentialY = 200 + Math.random() * (2532 - 200);
for (var j = 0; j < rocks.length; j++) {
if (Math.abs(potentialY - rocks[j].y) < 150) {
validPosition = false;
if (validPosition) {
rock.y = potentialY;
if (!validPosition) {
console.error('Could not find a valid position for rock');
game.playerScore = 0;
game.computerScore = 0;
// Update score when rocks are cleared
function updateScore(playerType) {
var scoreIncrement = playerType === 'human' ? 1 : -1;
game.score += scoreIncrement;
// Update score display
var scoreText ='scoreText');
if (scoreText) {
scoreText.setText('Score: ' + game.score);
LK.on('tick', function () {
for (var i = rocks.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (game.playerBulldozer1.intersects(rocks[i])) {
} else if (game.playerBulldozer2.intersects(rocks[i])) {
} else if (game.computerBulldozer1.intersects(rocks[i])) {
} else if (game.computerBulldozer2.intersects(rocks[i])) {
if (rocks.length == 0 || timeLimit <= 0) {
// Determine winner based on score
if (game.score > 0) {
} else if (game.score < 0) {
var transitionToEndScreen = function transitionToEndScreen(result) {
if (result === 'victory') {
} else if (result === 'defeat') {
} else {
// Add any transition effects or cleanup here
// This change assumes the existence of a function to handle screen transitions
} else {
// Handle a tie situation
A small rock
a rock without any shadow and four time smaller than the original.
Blue color
a rock is being crunched so there is smoke and peaces of rocks viewed from top.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Un trophée de victoire sous forme d'une coupe d'où s'échappe un feu d'artifice.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Red bulldozer viewed strictly from top. Top view as if we are a drone.. Single Game Texture. In-Game asset. 2d. Blank background. High contrast. No shadows.
Remove yellow lines.