User prompt
make the max level 100
User prompt
make each level give u a 2 times multiplier on score
User prompt
Make the levels go up by 1 every 100 clicks
User prompt
make the max level 30
User prompt
make the max score 999999
User prompt
Make it so The max level is above 4
User prompt
increase the max points by 999999
User prompt
Make it so the point counter can go up to 999999
User prompt
Make it so every level Times's your click by 2
User prompt
make it so u level up every 300 clicks
User prompt
Make it so every 1000 click's u level up And add a level counter at the bottom right ranging from level 1-1000
User prompt
make the text a littler bigger
User prompt
Add tiny text in the top left that reads "dont click falling peanuts (:"
User prompt
Make it so the falling peanuts arent grouped together when they fall
User prompt
remove the text
User prompt
Make text that says "click peanuts"
User prompt
make it so the background peanuts dont overlap peanut1
User prompt
remove the text
User prompt
Add text that says "the falling peanuts are just for background" at the top right of the screen
User prompt
Move the peanut1 asset back to the center of the screen
User prompt
Please fix the bug: 'Uncaught ReferenceError: spawnPeanut is not defined' in or related to this line: 'spawnPeanut();' Line Number: 82
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -30,14 +30,14 @@
// Event handler for when a peanut is tapped
self.down = function (x, y, obj) {
// Increase score with level multiplier
- var currentLevel = Math.min(30, Math.floor(LK.getScore() / 100) + 1);
+ var currentLevel = Math.min(100, Math.floor(LK.getScore() / 100) + 1);
LK.setScore(LK.getScore() + 1 * currentLevel);
// Level up logic
if (LK.getScore() % 100 === 0) {
- var currentLevel = Math.min(30, Math.floor(LK.getScore() / 100) + 1);
+ var currentLevel = Math.min(100, Math.floor(LK.getScore() / 100) + 1);
levelTxt.setText('Level: ' + currentLevel);
// Do not destroy the peanut to prevent disappearance