User prompt
add obstacles at z index 0
User prompt
Add a 222a9a drop shadow to the highscore
User prompt
set dropShadowAngle to 0 and dropShadowDistance to 10
User prompt
set obstacleShadow.y to 15
User prompt
det stop shadow distance to 7
User prompt
Set highscore drop shadow distance to 7
User prompt
Increase the obstacle threshold to 300
User prompt
Increase the obstacle threshold to 280
User prompt
Add a second shadow to obstacles
User prompt
use a separate asset id for the second obstacle
User prompt
set obstacle 2 y to -3
User prompt
set obstacle 2 y to -5
User prompt
Set obstacleShadow2 y to -7
User prompt
Remove the code that sets the obstacle shadow y
User prompt
Don't set y on the first obstacle shadow
User prompt
Set the floor for obstacleSpawnRandomness to 20
User prompt
half obstacleSpawnRandomnessDecrease
User prompt
Add a second score label that renders below the current one. Make this one white
User prompt
Remove the drop shadow on score text 2
User prompt
Attach score text after score text 2
User prompt
Update both score text and score text 2 when updating scores
User prompt
set scoretext2 x to -3 and scoretext2 y to -5
User prompt
set scoreText2.x to -4
User prompt
Use the build in system to report scores to the system
User prompt
make obstacleSpawnRandomnessDecrease 2/3 as impactful
--- original.js
+++ change.js
@@ -1,25 +1,43 @@
+* Classes
var Obstacle = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
- var obstacleShadow = self.createAsset('obstacleShadow', 'Obstacle Shadow', .5, .5);
+ var obstacleShadow = self.attachAsset('obstacleShadow', {
+ anchorX: 0.5,
+ anchorY: 0.5
+ });
obstacleShadow.rotation = Math.PI / 4;
- var obstacleShadow2 = self.createAsset('obstacleShadow2', 'Obstacle Shadow 2', .5, .5);
+ var obstacleShadow2 = self.attachAsset('obstacleShadow2', {
+ anchorX: 0.5,
+ anchorY: 0.5
+ });
obstacleShadow2.rotation = Math.PI / 4;
obstacleShadow2.y = -7;
- var obstacleGraphics = self.createAsset('obstacle', 'Obstacle', .5, .5);
+ var obstacleGraphics = self.attachAsset('obstacle', {
+ anchorX: 0.5,
+ anchorY: 0.5
+ });
obstacleGraphics.rotation = Math.PI / 4;
self.speed = 5;
self.move = function (speed) {
self.y += speed;
var Wall = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
- var wallGraphics = self.createAsset('wall', 'Wall', .5, .5);
+ var wallGraphics = self.attachAsset('wall', {
+ anchorX: 0.5,
+ anchorY: 0.5
+ });
var Bird = Container.expand(function () {
var self =;
- var birdGraphics = self.createAsset('bird', 'Bird character', .5, .5);
+ var birdGraphics = self.attachAsset('bird', {
+ anchorX: 0.5,
+ anchorY: 0.5
+ });
birdGraphics.scale.x = 1;
self.xSpeed = 10.9375;
self.ySpeed = -20;
self.gravity = 1;
@@ -40,108 +58,120 @@
self.flip = function () {
self.scale.x *= -1;
-var Game = Container.expand(function () {
- var self =;
- self.score = 0;
- self.obstacleSpeed = 5;
- self.obstacleSpeedIncrease = 0.005;
- self.checkObstacleCollision = function (obstacles) {
- for (var i = 0; i < obstacles.length; i++) {
- obstacles[i].move();
- var dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(bird.x - obstacles[i].x, 2) + Math.pow(bird.y - obstacles[i].y, 2));
- if (dist < 280) {
- LK.showGameOver();
- }
- }
- };
- LK.stageContainer.setBackgroundColor(0xadd8e6);
- var scoreText = new Text2('0', {
- size: 150,
- fill: '#3a84f7',
- font: 'Impact',
- dropShadow: true,
- dropShadowColor: '#222a9a',
- dropShadowBlur: 5,
- dropShadowDistance: 7,
- dropShadowAngle: 0
- });
- scoreText.anchor.set(.5, 0);
- LK.gui.topCenter.addChild(scoreText);
- var scoreText2 = new Text2('0', {
- size: 150,
- fill: '#ffffff',
- font: 'Impact'
- });
- scoreText2.anchor.set(.5, 0);
- scoreText2.x = -4;
- scoreText2.y = -5;
- LK.gui.topCenter.addChild(scoreText2);
- LK.gui.topCenter.addChild(scoreText);
- var bird = self.addChild(new Bird());
- var leftWall = self.addChild(new Wall());
- leftWall.x = 0;
- leftWall.y = 1366;
- var rightWall = self.addChild(new Wall());
- rightWall.x = 2048;
- rightWall.y = 1366;
- var leftObstacles = [], rightObstacles = [];
- var obstacleSpawnRandomness = 120;
- var obstacleSpawnRandomnessDecrease = 0.025;
- var obstacleSpawnY = -500;
- var leftObstacleSpawnTime = Math.floor(Math.random() * obstacleSpawnRandomness) + obstacleSpawnRandomness;
- var rightObstacleSpawnTime = Math.floor(Math.random() * obstacleSpawnRandomness) + obstacleSpawnRandomness;
- bird.x = 1024;
- bird.y = 1366;
- stage.on('down', function (obj) {
- bird.flap();
- });
- LK.on('tick', function () {
- bird.update();
- scoreText.setText(self.score);
- scoreText2.setText(self.score);
- self.obstacleSpeed += self.obstacleSpeedIncrease;
- obstacleSpawnRandomness -= obstacleSpawnRandomnessDecrease;
- if (obstacleSpawnRandomness < 20) {
- obstacleSpawnRandomness = 20;
- }
- if (LK.ticks >= leftObstacleSpawnTime) {
- var newObstacle = self.addChildAt(new Obstacle(), 0);
- newObstacle.x = 0;
- newObstacle.y = obstacleSpawnY;
- leftObstacles.push(newObstacle);
- leftObstacleSpawnTime += Math.floor(Math.random() * obstacleSpawnRandomness) + obstacleSpawnRandomness;
- }
- if (LK.ticks >= rightObstacleSpawnTime) {
- var newObstacle = self.addChildAt(new Obstacle(), 0);
- newObstacle.x = 2048;
- newObstacle.y = -newObstacle.height;
- rightObstacles.push(newObstacle);
- rightObstacleSpawnTime += Math.floor(Math.random() * obstacleSpawnRandomness) + obstacleSpawnRandomness;
- }
- if (bird.intersects(leftWall) && bird.xSpeed < 0 || bird.intersects(rightWall) && bird.xSpeed > 0) {
- bird.xSpeed = -bird.xSpeed;
- bird.flip();
- self.score++;
- }
- for (var i = leftObstacles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- leftObstacles[i].move(self.obstacleSpeed);
- if (leftObstacles[i].y > 3232) {
- leftObstacles[i].destroy();
- leftObstacles.splice(i, 1);
- }
- }
- for (var i = rightObstacles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- rightObstacles[i].move(self.obstacleSpeed);
- if (rightObstacles[i].y > 3232) {
- rightObstacles[i].destroy();
- rightObstacles.splice(i, 1);
- }
- }
- self.checkObstacleCollision(leftObstacles);
- self.checkObstacleCollision(rightObstacles);
- if (bird.y < 0 || bird.y > 2732) {
+* Initialize Game
+var game = new LK.Game({
+ backgroundColor: 0x000000
+* Game Code
+game.score = 0;
+game.obstacleSpeed = 5;
+game.obstacleSpeedIncrease = 0.005;
+game.checkObstacleCollision = function (obstacles) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < obstacles.length; i++) {
+ obstacles[i].move();
+ var dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(bird.x - obstacles[i].x, 2) + Math.pow(bird.y - obstacles[i].y, 2));
+ if (dist < 280) {
+ LK.setScore(game.score);
- });
+ }
+var scoreText = new Text2('0', {
+ size: 150,
+ fill: '#3a84f7',
+ font: 'Impact',
+ dropShadow: true,
+ dropShadowColor: '#222a9a',
+ dropShadowBlur: 5,
+ dropShadowDistance: 7,
+ dropShadowAngle: 0
+scoreText.anchor.set(.5, 0);
+var scoreText2 = new Text2('0', {
+ size: 150,
+ fill: '#ffffff',
+ font: 'Impact'
+scoreText2.anchor.set(.5, 0);
+scoreText2.x = -4;
+scoreText2.y = -5;
+var bird = game.addChild(new Bird());
+var leftWall = game.addChild(new Wall());
+leftWall.x = 0;
+leftWall.y = 1366;
+var rightWall = game.addChild(new Wall());
+rightWall.x = 2048;
+rightWall.y = 1366;
+var leftObstacles = [],
+ rightObstacles = [];
+var obstacleSpawnRandomness = 120;
+var obstacleSpawnRandomnessDecrease = 0.025;
+var obstacleSpawnY = -500;
+var leftObstacleSpawnTime = Math.floor(Math.random() * obstacleSpawnRandomness) + obstacleSpawnRandomness;
+var rightObstacleSpawnTime = Math.floor(Math.random() * obstacleSpawnRandomness) + obstacleSpawnRandomness;
+bird.x = 1024;
+bird.y = 1366;
+game.on('down', function (obj) {
+ bird.flap();
+LK.on('tick', function () {
+ bird.update();
+ scoreText.setText(game.score);
+ scoreText2.setText(game.score);
+ game.obstacleSpeed += game.obstacleSpeedIncrease;
+ obstacleSpawnRandomness -= obstacleSpawnRandomnessDecrease;
+ if (obstacleSpawnRandomness < 20) {
+ obstacleSpawnRandomness = 20;
+ }
+ if (LK.ticks >= leftObstacleSpawnTime) {
+ var newObstacle = game.addChildAt(new Obstacle(), 0);
+ newObstacle.x = 0;
+ newObstacle.y = obstacleSpawnY;
+ leftObstacles.push(newObstacle);
+ leftObstacleSpawnTime += Math.floor(Math.random() * obstacleSpawnRandomness) + obstacleSpawnRandomness;
+ }
+ if (LK.ticks >= rightObstacleSpawnTime) {
+ var newObstacle = game.addChildAt(new Obstacle(), 0);
+ newObstacle.x = 2048;
+ newObstacle.y = -newObstacle.height;
+ rightObstacles.push(newObstacle);
+ rightObstacleSpawnTime += Math.floor(Math.random() * obstacleSpawnRandomness) + obstacleSpawnRandomness;
+ }
+ if (bird.intersects(leftWall) && bird.xSpeed < 0 || bird.intersects(rightWall) && bird.xSpeed > 0) {
+ bird.xSpeed = -bird.xSpeed;
+ bird.flip();
+ game.score++;
+ LK.setScore(game.score);
+ }
+ for (var i = leftObstacles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ leftObstacles[i].move(game.obstacleSpeed);
+ if (leftObstacles[i].y > 3232) {
+ leftObstacles[i].destroy();
+ leftObstacles.splice(i, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ for (var i = rightObstacles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ rightObstacles[i].move(game.obstacleSpeed);
+ if (rightObstacles[i].y > 3232) {
+ rightObstacles[i].destroy();
+ rightObstacles.splice(i, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ game.checkObstacleCollision(leftObstacles);
+ game.checkObstacleCollision(rightObstacles);
+ if (bird.y < 0 || bird.y > 2732) {
+ LK.setScore(game.score);
+ LK.showGameOver();
+ }
\ No newline at end of file